Wall: icedragon1

momokie • 2 Apr 2017, 4:17 PM

Hello 😸 Might your Serpede be uft??

cosmia • 1 Apr 2017, 10:19 PM

Sorry, but I wasn't on to take em off before they were bid on.

alice_meri_fox • 1 Apr 2017, 8:39 PM

I have three left.

stagfire • 21 Mar 2017, 10:22 AM

Lol, it's fine x3 I'm pretty good, not as tired as yesterday, thank god, lol. Cool. Um, don't feed DonQuixxote, it says in my Don'tFeed 😋

stagfire • 11 Mar 2017, 1:47 PM

Hello! How are you? Long time no see!

hydradrakon • 6 Feb 2017, 5:30 PM

What for serpede

stefrawr • 3 Feb 2017, 4:17 PM

sorry someone made an offer with an immortal kinka egg and I accepted it for the lot so I don't need one any longer.

alice_meri_fox • 1 Feb 2017, 8:23 PM

If the Mournstroms are not sold you may. Unfortunately I only have 4 Whirlz that I'm trying to get rid of.

common_hoard • 1 Feb 2017, 7:54 PM

U back? 😱

lucie1677 • 31 Jan 2017, 1:08 AM

sorry, i someone else offered before you ❤️ sorry if you were really after any of those >.<"

common_hoard • 30 Jan 2017, 8:04 AM

Mmk just poke me when ur back on!

common_hoard • 30 Jan 2017, 7:59 AM

Stuff @hydradrakon? 😸

common_hoard • 30 Jan 2017, 7:42 AM

What for serpede ;A;

khadgar • 22 Jan 2017, 1:31 PM

Hi! I am sorry, but i have to reject your offer. I know, i am collecting Whirlz. But i dont want to trade him for January monthlies ❤️

angel_side • 8 Jan 2017, 11:02 AM

Might one of your Whirlz be uft? ❤️ ^-^

senkou • 6 Jan 2017, 7:19 AM

Hello ❤️ How are you? 😱 ❤️ /hugs/

prairie • 1 Jan 2017, 10:00 AM

I'm interested in it as it is from Jan 1st, and I just like creatures with unique b-days such as that. x3 But if not, I totally understand

prairie • 1 Jan 2017, 12:13 AM

Is Lumisagedec31 UFT?? 😱

blub • 25 Dec 2016, 5:40 PM

tab, both or okay 😊 I got a link in my profile about feeding if you want to know more 😋 And merry christmas!

blub • 25 Dec 2016, 5:39 PM

That's really nice of you! You don't have to feed back (if you want to you can, just don't feel obligated 😸). You can feed all or the feed~

degong • 15 Dec 2016, 8:40 PM

Fed all. 😊

judith_666 • 13 Dec 2016, 12:18 PM

Sorry For this but it turns out that the egg I got from the tree is a Meriton. Sorry.

judith_666 • 12 Dec 2016, 12:45 AM

Hi. I got another one. I can reserve it for you.

plodding_pawn • 10 Dec 2016, 9:23 PM

Fed CRW Creatures list, heh what does that stand for? << 😸

senkou • 4 Dec 2016, 4:19 PM

Would your serpede be UFT by any chance?

puzzlerunlimited • 4 Dec 2016, 3:22 AM

By any chance is your male or female Qamarat UFT?

silverserpent • 3 Dec 2016, 5:04 PM

Sorry, no deal on those. 😊

shi-shi • 3 Dec 2016, 4:32 PM

Hi, last stage is 2mil. Lower stage is frozen so 4mil.

silverserpent • 3 Dec 2016, 4:11 PM

Depends on what you want. Everything except the things in the Feed/NFT tab is UFT in my cove.

silverserpent • 3 Dec 2016, 3:00 PM

My mistake. I would give 1 old LE creature and/or EC for a Luminese. Only interested in an egg or 2nd stage though.