idol • 7 Jul 2018, 2:44 PM

I like them okay =) Enough I would take one of each. Though honestly I am okay with any creature that isn't a bug one anymore XD

idol • 7 Jul 2018, 11:58 AM

Good morning! ^^ Have you gotten both July creatures yet from the cave?
I have an extra Volcondor if you want it? =)

flakes • 7 Jul 2018, 11:29 AM

omg wow congratulations!!! so you're out of college? wow I feel so much pressure when I haven't even graduated highschool yet, very soon as well tho but i'm so lost with what I want in the future :')

anniee • 7 Jul 2018, 10:07 AM

Was going around the stores, saw a slice of pumpkin pie, and thought of you and your love for pumpkins! Hope you like it! (:

mithmel • 5 Jul 2018, 9:43 PM

Hi. I fed 20 of your creatures.
Have a good game.

yts • 5 Jul 2018, 10:46 AM

nuoo XD it was a way to thank you!!
Now there is nothing else I can say but thank you so much again ❤️

yts • 5 Jul 2018, 10:41 AM

I know it's a very little gift but I'm happy you like it! ❤️

yts • 5 Jul 2018, 10:38 AM

I've just sent one of my my favourite travel, I hope you like it too ❤️

flakes • 4 Jul 2018, 5:53 AM

Omg heyy, yea it's been a while I only come on to put whole cove with tims. Been doing great except school has been quite hectic with exams and all that, what about you? Seems like you quitting ☹️ I'm also participating in ur action heh, wishing you all the best irl~

idol • 3 Jul 2018, 10:27 PM

What UC are you aiming for?
I am mostly just aiming for at least one of a few of my UC dreamies XD or to own more than one UC so I could have a chance at getting some would be cool. ha ha but that won't ever happen ^^. So I just am trading the one UC right now =)

idol • 3 Jul 2018, 7:37 PM

Oh yea? I was playing Neopets way before I was playing on eggcave ^^. Oh really? Why were you going to quit?

luv • 3 Jul 2018, 11:08 AM


idol • 2 Jul 2018, 10:08 PM

Oh hey!! What a wonderful surprise!! Would you like me to change the username? 😊 how are you?

dreamie • 2 Jul 2018, 8:52 PM

Didn't I gift you that Buttersloff?

skyfall4 • 2 Jul 2018, 6:01 PM

Of course he does! 😸 ❤️ He deserves it vewy much 😸 ❤️

wigglytuff • 2 Jul 2018, 1:51 AM

I've decided just to let people offer freely on the Paroxy and I'll probably just accept the best one on the Fourth of July. Here's the lot: Trade #903403

luv • 2 Jul 2018, 1:26 AM

jokes aside though seriously I've MISSED YOU it's been ages. want me to pm you so it doesn't get lost in your wall chaos?

luv • 2 Jul 2018, 1:18 AM

ohmygosh what'd you do i think eggcave is exploding

musical_slytherclaw • 1 Jul 2018, 10:11 PM

Alright. Thanks for letting me know!

wigglytuff • 1 Jul 2018, 8:34 PM

Ok... I'll accept best offer on the 4th ^^ I'll take another look, I definitely like the Hallowolf xD

wigglytuff • 1 Jul 2018, 8:25 PM

Hmm... would you rather get the paroxy? I kinda wanna trade her for cc so I can bid on your auctions xD

skyfall4 • 1 Jul 2018, 3:05 PM

You. Are. The. BEST ❤️

Ooh @status idk why but it triggers memories O.o

skyfall4 • 1 Jul 2018, 2:52 PM

*huggles* Oh wow~ that's a pretty name! 😃 😃 😃 ❤️

I can't thank you enough rn ❤️ ;-;

skyfall4 • 1 Jul 2018, 2:37 PM

SUrpIse MeEe- I'll always have a name available for both genders xD Yesh I definitely won't wanna make you sad ;-; ❤️

skyfall4 • 1 Jul 2018, 1:58 PM


skyfall4 • 1 Jul 2018, 1:58 PM

I love making friends happy, so if this makes you happy, I suppose I can postpone the yelling scolding stage I normally do when people suddenly give me something xD ❤️

skyfall4 • 1 Jul 2018, 1:51 PM

WHoaAAAa o.o I want that super power xD

Dx I like how you're still asking for my opinion despite the fact you have the power to give me one and I can't say no xD You have transfers and the ability to buy 50 without going broke xD There's pretty much no comeback for that xD

skyfall4 • 1 Jul 2018, 1:01 PM


wigglytuff • 1 Jul 2018, 12:47 AM

Ok ^^

skyfall4 • 1 Jul 2018, 12:46 AM

*gasp* The auctions have begun .o.