Welcome to Camp Half-Blood

in Roleplaying

3,331 posts


carter • 2 March 2012 at 7:38 PM

Carter looked down "Well, i guess that would help. . ." she said then mumbled "but what i realy want is to be claimbed" she looked back up at him "You've been claimed havent you?" she asked


14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 2 March 2012 at 7:58 PM

"Yep and don't worry you will be claimed soon. OK let's start."


3,331 posts


carter • 2 March 2012 at 8:01 PM


"Yeah, i'll be claimed as soon as the sky will fall or pigs will fly" she mumbled and rolled her eyes then said "Where do we start, this place is so big."

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 2 March 2012 at 8:51 PM

Danny laughed at her joke, "How about the cabins?" He asked.


3,331 posts


carter • 2 March 2012 at 8:53 PM


"Umm, sure i guess sence i know nothing right now." she laughed slightly and pused back a pice of her hair witch she had baings years ago and they were almost long enough to put in her braid but not quiate so they just fell behind her ears.

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 2 March 2012 at 9:01 PM

BRB in and hour or two

3,331 posts


carter • 2 March 2012 at 9:15 PM

@hedwig68 okay, i can be up all night sence its Friday 😃 unless i get realy tierd lol


Carter glanced over seeing other people "Oh, could you give me a minute?" she asked then walked over to where Grace was "Hey, who are you. I think i know you" The 13 year old said trying to remeber

1,494 posts


graceseggs • 2 March 2012 at 10:22 PM


Grace nodded and changed the subject. "I wish I could be claimed soon. I mean, I just got here, but I'd love to be recognized by my other parent." Then she complained,"Is it really so much to ask? No, of course not.." Before she could say more, a few dark looking clouds appeared above. "Sorry!" she apologized to the sky. The clouds moved away.

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 2 March 2012 at 11:44 PM


Danny walked behind Carter toward two kids,"Hey you need a tour too because I am about to take Carter on one?" He asked nicely.

3,331 posts


carter • 2 March 2012 at 11:50 PM

@hedwig68 @graceseggs

Carter was still trying to figure out who the girl was "i sware i know you from somewhere" she told Grace then sighed "ugh i give up all i know is i think ive seen you before, what was your name....umm Grace was it?"

1,494 posts


graceseggs • 2 March 2012 at 11:55 PM

When asked if she would like a tour, Grace replied with a simple,"Sure." Just then, a girl walked over. She said she had seen Grace before. Grace nodded as curiosity filled her eyes. "Yeah, Grace. Grace Valen. What's your name?" she asked her.


3,331 posts


carter • 2 March 2012 at 11:58 PM

Carter looked at her and smiled "Carter, Carter Stormwood. Dint you go to my middle school?" she 13 year old asked not expecting anyone she atleest sort of knew to be at teh Half-blood camp

@graceseggs @hedwig68

1,494 posts


graceseggs • 3 March 2012 at 12:01 AM

"(Insert name of school here)? Did you go there?" Grace asked Carter. "Oh, and it's nice to meet you, Carter. Unless we've already met." She grinned.


3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 12:03 AM

"Yeah, i think we had the same computers class" she said then smiled "Nice to sort of meet you agian"

@graceseggs LOL Insert name of school here

1,494 posts


graceseggs • 3 March 2012 at 12:08 AM

Grace nodded, a smile still on her face. "What's the chance of two students at the same school getting dragged off to here?" she asked and looked around. "At least it's a great place."


14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 12:54 AM

"OK let us start with the training arena where we will show you a few basic fightings moves and choose your weapons, OK." Alex told them.


3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 6:17 AM

"I guess, but guessing just by looks this will be 10x better than that stupid school." Carter said to grace then turned to Alex "Sure" she smiled then thought silently 'aleest that might get us claimed faster. . .'

@hedwig68 @graceseggs

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 10:11 AM

"Follow me," Alex told them leading them to a workshop. She walked over to a basket an dug out a knife then handed it to Carter. "How does this feel? If it don't feel right hand it to Grace and let her try."


3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 10:14 AM

"Umm, it feals like any other knife by home..." she said "i mean i could thow it if you wanted" she shruged looking around with a confused look on her face as if she could hear something the others could not


14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 10:17 AM

"OK here trying fighting with it."She said pulling out her pen and then turned it into a sword.


3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 10:19 AM

"Fight you?!" she said looking at the large sword takeing a half step backword. her heart powneded and she was terrifyed all her life she had ben protected form danger and now here She was standing face to face with someone who could kill her with barly a thought.


14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 10:22 AM

"Yes and I will go easy. I am not known as a good fighter just cause I fight hard. I got those titles because I can also fight soft." Alex stated.


3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 10:26 AM

"o-Okay" Carter said but put the knife down and grabed a sword quickly she hd never fought with anything in her life but thought she could have better chances with a sword to protect her "Could i use this?" she asked


14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 10:29 AM

"Sure,"she got in a fighting stance. "Ready set GO." She launched herself toward him sword pointed towar him.


3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 10:40 AM

Carter Kicked her in the somic getting her off. she quickly lashed out with her sword makeing a cut in Alex's shirt She said nothing trying to consintrate. Then she Twisted around with one of her legs out kicking her knees makeing her fall to the gound Carter quickly got ontop of her puting her foot on her neck then hifted the sword but insted of stabing her Carter stabed the ground next to her head and smiled then got off Alex "How was I?" she asked breathing hard


14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 10:44 AM

"You dig gently got skills and I think we found your weapon." She said impressed. "Now it's Grace's turn."


3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 10:45 AM

"Okay," she said then saw a bow and arrow in the back and smiled walking over to it "I'll be back" she said and took the bow and arrows walking off into the woods


14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 10:52 AM

@carter If she don't respond soon we will continue without her

3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 11:02 AM

@hedwig68 KK

Carter sighed "Great, im in the forest with a bow and arrow. .. and i have no idea what im doing" she mumbed then turned around "Whos there!" she siad hearing someoone talking, but no one was there. Her godly mother was talking to her "Who are you. . . " she mumbled still looking around wondering of it realy was her godly mother/feather

1,208 posts


22fireboy • 3 March 2012 at 6:42 PM

Name: Jason Hunter
Parent: Hades
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearence: Wears black jacket and a red t-shirt also jeans and converse
Always has his staff on his back and has his daggers and bow always with him
Weapon: Bow and Arrow has two huge Daggers and has a staff
Do you have ADHD, dyslexia, both or niether: Both
Personality: Humorous like's to kid around serios when he wants too

Jason was running down the road from these huge wolf like thing. He sees a hill and think's to himself "safety".Then the wolf like thing caught up to him.He grabs this big stick and whack the wolf thing in the snout and runs up to the hill and he sees a barn.The Wolf thing comes up for another attack and Jason stab the thing in between th eyes
it cowars back. Then Jason runs into the barn.
