Welcome to Camp Half-Blood

in Roleplaying

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hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 6:48 PM

@22fireboy accepted

@carter @graceseggs hasn't gotten on so let's go on without her and forgot that Danny is leading them not Alex.

Danny walked out of the workshop to look for Carter. "CARTER!" he yelled.

3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 7:14 PM


Carter ran from the forest breathign hard "What!?" she said "You scared me half to death!" she said holding the bow and a qwill with 5 arrows was slung on her back

1,208 posts


22fireboy • 3 March 2012 at 7:16 PM

Jason opened the barn door. Everybody stairs at him. He falls to the ground and passes out.

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 7:17 PM

"Oops sorry if I scared you but it is time to show you some basic fighting moves."


3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 7:20 PM

@hedwig68 @22fireboy

Carter looked over and saw Jason then facepalmed "Is he realy a demigod?" she asked then when he looked over Carter shot a arrow right over his head amost hitting him.

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 7:25 PM

"Who knows he could just be a lost pizza man we have had those before. Now hold out your sword and try to disarm me." Danny instructed.


Alex walked outside and saw a guy laying face down on the ground. "Are you OK?" She asked trying not to laugh and hoping he wasn't a pizza man her campers had beaten down for his pizza.

3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 7:28 PM

"Alright" she said to Danny and moved quickly getting behind him and put her sword to his neck forcing him to his knees by pushing down on his sholders she took away her sword and kicked his back makeing him land on his face. Carter laughed alittle then tryed to help him up.


1,208 posts


22fireboy • 3 March 2012 at 7:29 PM

Jason gets up and says what the crap is a demigod and watch it with the stinking arrow.
@carter @hedwig68

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 7:30 PM

Danny pretended to be hurt then quickly back flipped and with a single fluid motion knocked the sword out out her hand and put his sword point to her neck.


3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 7:32 PM

Carter sighed "Fine you got me" she said then sliped away picking up her bow and held it to his neck. she kicked the sword out of his and and made him back up agenst a tree. she then kneed him in the stomic to make sure he would not reach for the sword agian then she picked it up. after afew seconds she relised she hurt him when she kicked him in the stomic and droped the bow and the sword rushing over to him "Oh my god im so sorry!"

Carter rolled her eyes looking over at Jason "He cant realy be a demigod can he? i mean if he knows nothing about the greeks he probly dint pay any attention in histary class" she said and helf up her bow pointing an arrow at him "You might want to watch your mouth around Athena's doughter and weponds" she sperked
@22fireboy @hedwig68

1,208 posts


22fireboy • 3 March 2012 at 7:33 PM

Jason lifts up his big stick ive got this and im not afraid to use it!!!!!

3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 7:35 PM

Carter berst out laughing "You have a stick, a pice of wood and im standing around the whole camps weopnds who do you think has a better shot at this?"


1,208 posts


22fireboy • 3 March 2012 at 7:35 PM

Jason lifts up his big stick ive got this and im not afraid to use it!!!!!

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 7:35 PM

Danny stared at the two confused.

Alex got between them, "Please don't maim each other yet."
(key word yet)

3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 7:38 PM

Carter sighed "Fine" tehn looked back at Danny siting down infount of him "are you ok?" she asked "i dont mean to knee you in the stomic it jsut kind of happend" she said still not letting go of the bow but turned the sword into a dagger by pressing a bution then she put it on her waist in one of her dagger holders

@headwig68 @22fireboy

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 7:41 PM

"I am fine are you Ok? My sword didn't cut you did it?" He asked not wanting to hurt her since she was new.


1,208 posts


22fireboy • 3 March 2012 at 7:42 PM

Jason syays "Ok i wont go on a riot if some one tells me WHERE AM I"

3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 7:44 PM

"No, you just cut a whole in my shirt" she said the sleve had a small slice in it Then carter turned to Jason "Your In The Half-blood camp you idiot cant you read Greek!?" the said and shot and arrow in the sign on the entrence that crealy said in greek 'Half-Blood Camp'

@22fireboy @hedwig68

1,208 posts


22fireboy • 3 March 2012 at 7:44 PM

"Oh um ok" says Jason

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 7:49 PM

Alex sighed are all demigods this thick-headed nowadays. "Come on lets get you a real weapon." She told him then walked away.

1,208 posts


22fireboy • 3 March 2012 at 7:49 PM

"WAIT UP" jason ran after her

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 7:51 PM

Danny looked at Carter, "OK lets continue. Here try slicing this in two."He told her taking out a practice dummy.


3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 7:52 PM

Carter stood up and sighed "Im sorry" she said to Danny then just walked off icnoreing him when he talked about the dummy. after she was alittle ways away she climbed up a tree still holding the bow and arrow she rested them on a highter tree limb and started to sing (Safe and sound by taylor swift and the civil wars if you want to knwo what shes singing) after she sand that song she took out her dagger and threw it at the target far away on the ground geting a bulls-eye. this did not entertain her so she put her back on the tree trunk and started humming
@hedwig68 @22fireboy

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 7:55 PM

Danny watched her confused, "What is wrong?" He yelled.


Alex walked into the workshop and gave Jason a sword, "Here try this."

1,208 posts


22fireboy • 3 March 2012 at 7:57 PM

Jason swings the sword and it almost beheads Alex." Swords arent my strong spot." Says Jason


3,331 posts


carter • 3 March 2012 at 7:59 PM

Carter looked down at him and sighed then picked up her bow and arrows droping down from the tree "Ive never realy used a Sword before, or any other wepon for that matter, jut thin what i could do if i had training i dint even mean to knee you in the stomic it jsut happend next thing you kwno i coudl take comeones head off and not mean to" she said then looked to where the camp sign was "Im done...." she said and walked out into the forest she was only a few yards away but she wanted to stay so bad it hurt. "finaly something i want to do and i cant for the safty of others" she mumbled puting her hadns in her pockits walking along with the bow and qwill full of arrows sling on her back with her dagger on her belt and her sword that also turned into a dagger in dagger form on the other side of the belt.

@hedwig68 @22fireboy

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 7:59 PM

"OK try a mace." She told him and then gave it to him. Then took several steps back.

1,208 posts


22fireboy • 3 March 2012 at 7:59 PM

Jason swings the sword and it almost beheads Alex." Swords arent my strong spot." Says Jason


14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 3 March 2012 at 8:01 PM

Danny sighed,"That is your ADHD acting up. You just need to control it and then you will fight well."


1,208 posts


22fireboy • 3 March 2012 at 8:02 PM

Jason picks up the mace and swings it above his head and yells" IH IH IH IH."It knocks down ten swords.
