Welp! New scammer?

in General

184 posts


iluvdougbug • 12 July 2011 at 6:17 AM


71 posts


evil_chihuahua • 12 July 2011 at 8:43 AM

I didn't't steal it I took it to take care of it while izzy was on holiday and plus I don't believe izzy wrote that comment it could only be Alyssa I have proof when school starts I will ask izzy if she did write the post or not.

Deleted • 12 July 2011 at 8:45 AM

@evil_chihuahua if you ask they will say no. -_- thats commen scence. If you ask a question someone could get in trouble for they say "NO!" so please think about what I just said.

71 posts


evil_chihuahua • 12 July 2011 at 8:54 AM

Ok everyone listen to this. Izzy (her account is iluvdougbug) is going to go on holidays and so she can't feed her eggs for a while. She told me and Alyssa her password so that we could help her feed her eggs. I went on daily feeding the eggs but one day when I put in the password I couldn't get in, Alyssa had blocked me on izzy's account and changed the password without izzy's permission. I know that izzy wood never block me becoz at school I'm like her 3rd BFF. What I am thinking is just coz aly can't stand me and isn't my friend then, why can't i be izzy's friend.

*calmly* @Alyssa report me all u like Alyssa becoz I am doing these things for izzy's goods and u will get caught in the end anyway. Not trying to be mean but I can just talk with Ian about the tricks u have played on not just me, but everyone and sort everything out. I tried to be nice to u but all u said back was have a nice day! U have just been repotted three times.

Deleted • 12 July 2011 at 8:57 AM

@evil_chihuahua I was just saying I have a degree in phycology. People ALWAYS say no. (Pssst. Especially when people ask "Did you eat my___?" LOL! xD)

71 posts


evil_chihuahua • 12 July 2011 at 9:04 AM

I will talk to izzy in person. She is a trustworthy girl and so I can trust her.

@Alyssa u r no longer my friend and I am no longer ur friend so it's best if we stop fighting. It will only make matters worst. U have UR friends to hang out with and so do I. I am sick of the competition u think we have going on. It is rude to write in capitals and aha! U were the one who had full moon as the second creature u got u even told me! But then u gave her o izzy and iluvdougbug had a different creature as her second one. I hate to be rude but u were the one lying all along and blaming me. Don't try to hide it Alyssa it is time u start telling the truth. Ok if u don't wanna then I will calmly talk to Ian about this. I am not hurt becoz of being slapped or kicked but hurt from deep within.

@Alyssa LOL Alyssa, why did u go on izzy's account and write hack on my profile? ROLF 😊 she told us her password Alyssa I didn't hack in. Please stop making excuses to make everyone think I'm a bad person and hate me becoz EVERYTHING u said before was FAKE.

6,833 posts


whitefall • 12 July 2011 at 9:34 AM

Instead of discussing all of this, why don't you guys report each other? That's what reporting's for. I'm sick of the discussions, it angers everyone. >.< Just PM your friends your suspicions and then report the user, for heaven's sake! 😋

71 posts


evil_chihuahua • 12 July 2011 at 8:32 PM

@whitefall I....I just can't it just doesn't feel right. The friendship we once had is still buried somewhere in us, we just have to find it.

6,833 posts


whitefall • 12 July 2011 at 8:32 PM

Ah, friends having a fight. ^^

Deleted • 12 July 2011 at 8:33 PM

ah,just block each other.😋

Deleted • 12 July 2011 at 8:34 PM


Please stop it.... i don't wan more drama here...

21 posts


ohyeahlily • 12 July 2011 at 9:03 PM

@_icarlyrocks_55- THANK YOU SOO MUCH!
hi i just saw this fourm HAHAHA! anywho, so um evil chiwhatever, i dont think its fair that youre just blaming her for hacking that izzy person? Dude just chill this is a frickin website! So what if a friend of yours is spazzing at you online. Unlike you, aly tried to get out of this. I get it because you are the only one here who is spazing out at her about jacking eggs and hacking people. Stop fighting this is the frickin internet.

Deleted • 13 July 2011 at 2:47 AM

@ohyeahlily ur right. @evil_chihuahua i say stop, they are just a bunch of pixels for crying out load. no need to go cry over it, or try to get back at someone who didn't do anything. u can't trust random people on the internet, like we met online, big deal! it's not like we have a HUGE FRIENDSHIP! cause we don't. It's not like we have know each other since birth! So just stop. U don't know any thing about me, neither do i, so u can't go around saying what i like, and who i talk to. I say we should forget about this. and u know if we both block eachother, how are we EVER gonna sort this out? Well we can't! So just grow up, blocking is NOT the answer.
I don't know why in the world u say u KNOW me. I have no idea who u are? I don't know u. Ur just a person behind a pixel. So stop saying that ill see u, cause i won't. We are on the internet! I don't talk to u, or care. Cause i really don't know u. Just give up with the "i know u and all" please.

LOOK! there! i unblocked ur 6 accounts and ur sisters. So we can FINALLY figure this stupid Arugument out!

71 posts


evil_chihuahua • 13 July 2011 at 5:43 AM

@alyssa Yeah well all I am upset about is u changing izzy's password and blocking me on her account without permission. Change back now or there will be big trouble. Plus u blocked me first so y can't I block u? and once school starts I already promised u to return full moon back and so I will.

@ohyeahlily ok none of us hacked izzy. Izzy told us her password becoz she needed Sum one to look after her account while she was away. I am angry and upset becoz aly changed the password with out izzy's permission. And u chill too.

Deleted • 13 July 2011 at 5:44 AM

@evil_Chihuahua who in the sane world is izzy?

21 posts


ohyeahlily • 13 July 2011 at 3:27 PM

@evil_chihuahua- how would you know aly changed it. Maybe the Izzy person did.

377 posts


hvernon • 13 July 2011 at 3:32 PM

Is Izzy still away? Because she gave me a Blu for free today and iff it's not her, UMM!

71 posts


evil_chihuahua • 14 July 2011 at 12:17 AM

no it is not izzy her name is izzy BUT her account is iluvdougbug did i make my self clear enough?

Deleted • 14 July 2011 at 5:04 AM

i think. but i hardly talk to iluvdougbug, im not even her friend 0_o

1,764 posts


james-bond • 16 July 2011 at 10:11 PM

@alyssa but she would no say she knows you in real life for no reason. There has to be a reason. And the most obvious is that it's true.

Deleted • 17 July 2011 at 1:14 AM

we chat online all the time, and it's really none of ur buisness. me and chihuahua has already sorted it out. this topic should be closed, if u don't believe me @james-bond just ask ur best friend, @evil_chihuahua

1,764 posts


james-bond • 17 July 2011 at 3:59 AM

So now you're angry at me? It's none of my business? Sure, you could say that, but I am part of the egg cave community, and my friends are quitting because 'dramas' like this are happening. If the people who start these things don't sort it out themselves, and start roumours about each other, it does not make egg cave a positive place. I'm not taking sides, it's just that one of you are lying to me.

Deleted • 17 July 2011 at 4:04 AM

im not saying it like that, i mean it's between me and her. we don't want any other fights okay? and i dunno. u may be taking sides, or u may not. it seems like it though 😋

Deleted • 17 July 2011 at 7:40 PM

You know,I don't think it's right you all are teaming up against @evil_chihuahua .And I agree with @james-bond.

Deleted • 17 July 2011 at 7:42 PM

@everybody im gonna say this ONCE! have u seen yet? we are FRIENDS we sorted it out! we forgive each other. u can ask her urself. because this is really no use talking about it when we are friends. @evil_chihuahua are we friends?😃

1,764 posts


james-bond • 17 July 2011 at 9:18 PM

Thank you! If you guys were friends, why did you start posting mean stuff about each other on a PUBLIC FORUM if you didn't want anyone else getting involved?

71 posts


evil_chihuahua • 18 July 2011 at 8:00 AM

QUIT IT! guys it would really help if we all just stop this drama. Alyssa and i r back to our normals lives now and so i say this stupid forum should now be junk. there is no need to cause more sadness or pain. and i really appriciate it how everyone tried to help and i thank you all very much but if we do not stop fighting egg cave will no longer be a fun community.

Deleted • 18 July 2011 at 9:57 AM

whatt!!!? @crooton1 are you saying that someone hacked their account or that they are just like a real life scammer???

254 posts


swymr_krys • 18 July 2011 at 10:11 AM

I hate to say this, but scammers make me laugh...a lot. 😋

1,801 posts


cirrus • 18 July 2011 at 10:27 AM

I think you shouldnt give him the egg!! >80
