Welp! New scammer?

in General

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 18 July 2011 at 12:21 PM

Stop posting here.

71 posts


evil_chihuahua • 18 July 2011 at 6:39 PM

@crooton1 just wanna say thanks and sorry for asking. guess i was a bit desperate for a shamrue at that time. don't worry i won't be rude or stupid to u anymore. 😊😊😊

Deleted • 19 July 2011 at 2:08 AM

@crooton1 u are the best. this forum is now closed. i really don't think any other people should be getting anymore involved. *looks at a certain person* lol😊

Deleted • 19 July 2011 at 2:21 AM

Hehe😸 This made me laugh. No offense. It made my day x3

Deleted • 19 July 2011 at 2:22 AM

@chloekins im glad ur happy xD

Deleted • 19 July 2011 at 2:24 AM


Lol xD

Deleted • 19 July 2011 at 2:24 AM

@chloekins while some people are freacking out big time xD

4,377 posts


carnatate • 19 July 2011 at 2:50 AM

same person wants my terron egg WHEREVER YOU ARE NO!! (now that i know who it is)

Deleted • 19 July 2011 at 2:52 AM

who? im lost xD

1,764 posts


james-bond • 20 July 2011 at 1:51 AM

are you saying that the egg cave community will be destroyed just because a couple of people had a fight?

71 posts


evil_chihuahua • 22 July 2011 at 5:32 AM

God! i thought crooton1 said to stop posting where ever he wrote 'stop posting!' i only wrote back to thank him for his kindness not to continue this stupid fight can't we just all chill?

1,764 posts


james-bond • 28 July 2011 at 8:29 PM

Crooton can actually delete this forum for good. The person who makes the forum can delete it I think.. :?
And @alyssa stop being mean to me. It's not nice, and it makes me wonder why your @aly got deleted.

Ps. I am still on your friend list! πŸ˜ƒ

2,307 posts


lizardfeather • 28 July 2011 at 9:11 PM

@james-bond no sadly you can't delete the forum >.<

1,764 posts


james-bond • 28 July 2011 at 9:13 PM

Oh! That's weird, I thought you could! I wonder why?

Deleted • 28 July 2011 at 9:42 PM

@james-bond please understand that @aly did not get deleted, i deleted it myself. to replace it with @alyssa-storage @james-bond. as u can see, all aly's non junk eggs are there, prooving that i just made a new storage.

understand now? @james-bond

4,377 posts


carnatate • 28 July 2011 at 9:44 PM

got the same thing with my terron ☹️

Deleted • 28 July 2011 at 9:54 PM

@carnatate what u mean?😊

4,377 posts


carnatate • 28 July 2011 at 9:57 PM

the same person gave me the same note wanting my terron im like "whut"O_O @alyssa nothing against you youre awsome 😊

Deleted • 28 July 2011 at 10:07 PM

thanks. 😊

71 posts


evil_chihuahua • 28 July 2011 at 10:39 PM

@carnatate yeah my terron ingra

1,764 posts


james-bond • 29 July 2011 at 11:39 PM

@alyssa but what about how you said you didn't know Chhuahua in real life? And now you admit that you do, so you lied to us, which made people not live Chuhaua? And how you wrote to me on PM to go away for no particular reason? And how you apparently 'lied' not that it's true, so Canine_America got deleted? And how you say some not very nice things about evil_Chihuahua on this forum Eg. calling her a scammer? Ya know, it just makes me wonder.
That's all I'm going to say or read on this forum. Or to the 2 people most involved in it. I don't want to get mixed up in this mess too much. 😊 Bye guys!

Deleted • 31 July 2011 at 2:40 AM

@james-bond unblocked for nowπŸ˜‹

71 posts


evil_chihuahua • 14 August 2011 at 3:38 AM

*shakes head sadly* C'MON, LET'S CHILL, 😸

312 posts


feathershaft • 14 August 2011 at 7:30 AM

No disrespect to crooton1, but I really need to post here. Sorry for being nosy. 😊;;; Don't report me.

@carnatate Was Ingra originally yours? It is just that I used to have one named Ingra. Not accusing you of hacking or anything, just being curious about the name. It's a pretty one.

And although I haven't posted on this discussion, I've been following it (evil_chihuahua is my sister.) It has been going on for...what, two months? I know it is annoying when people ask for your creatures that are NFT, but she did say that she would give it back. If you didn't trust her-well, then, just simply reject. "Scammer" is a negative word and it can really hurt some people. Some of the posts on this discussion have been really mean-it was surprising how mean some people can be, not only the accused but the accusers. That's why people tell you to think again before you post. Maybe you just misunderstood that person. Maybe their purposes were only good.

Sorry again for posting, but I had to intervene. This is directed to all members who believe that Evil_chihuahua is a scammer.
