~:~ Birds Of A Feather Club ~:~

in Forum Games

What is your favorite bird creature here on Egg Cave? (Multiple answers allowed.)

3,153 posts


sanibel_18 • 28 September 2012 at 7:08 AM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

1,194 posts


puppymaks • 28 September 2012 at 7:25 AM

@tikimaki aww, thanks 😸 I trying to be MOTM 😸 I mean, i will save money for Hallowen or for March CSP creatures if i win 😊

3,446 posts


chowchow2012 • 28 September 2012 at 10:08 AM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

1,194 posts


puppymaks • 28 September 2012 at 11:10 AM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

@chowchow2012 how are you dearly? 😊
And... @tikimaki @byfelisa arent this contest whit Floicol and poem of best day of school need be over? o_o

1,016 posts


funeralforthesun • 28 September 2012 at 11:29 AM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

Hope everyone's having a fantastic Friday !! (:

Deleted • 28 September 2012 at 6:41 PM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

I won't consider the Floicol Update Your Status as a contest, but merely just a fun activity. 😊

I'm going to post my school contest entry in a second. c:

3,317 posts


tikimaki • 28 September 2012 at 8:30 PM


I believe you are right about the contest. I will check with @byfelisa

Np. 😃
Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

School term is over (next 2 weeks) for me so I'll be on a lot more now. 😃

10,213 posts


hay7199 • 28 September 2012 at 8:38 PM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"
Im gonna enter the contest... lol..

In school there's work,
Freinds who seem like family,
Teacher's who dont help you,
People who may turn there backs,
Gossip that just wont stop,
But you know what keeps me going?
Something no one else has,
Freinds who love me,
Just as I am,
People who help me with my math homework a class before,
Freinds who have hearts like no one else.
This is why I go to school,
Not just to learn,
Not just to meet new people,
Not just to have fun,
But to be somewhere safe,
To feel secure,

*Fail XD*

Deleted • 28 September 2012 at 9:31 PM


Starting from when I was a little kid, I have hidden many secrets. I wouldn't tell anybody about the bad times in my life. The horrible moments would hit me in the back. Except one.

Now, it may sound silly that one of my most treasured moments is when somebody told me some insults and lies. I remember a lot of things. They get crammed into my brain, and when somebody lies I can detect it. Sure, I don't remember everything. But when somebody tells me something that isn't truthful, I have proof they are lying.

Like cold, rough pebbles, these words hit me hard. "It's not fair," a girl told me. "That you three exclude everybody. You are forming a clique." That was false. And I could remember times when she had excluded me and when she was rude to me [for example, saying my clothes looks like pajamas or saying I looked completely ugly with short hair.]

"If you had the part- it would be unfair. You already have 3 jobs, 1 computer job, anyway," I replied. By the way, our class had jobs. She wanted the website updater job that me and my friends had. Our teacher had said he won't let anybody else help, but she was begging to.

Our childish conversation turned into her insulting me. When I couldn't take it anymore, I broke into tears. I had to wipe them away so my mother wouldn't see. My mom's sympathy makes me feel guilty.

Why was this great? This was the day I proved that the girl- who was a big show-off and kiss-up- was just a big joke.

1,194 posts


puppymaks • 29 September 2012 at 2:23 AM

@colette what? Floicol contest isn't worth? o_o

2,910 posts


duchess • 29 September 2012 at 3:47 AM

@puppymaks How are you?😊

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

1,194 posts


puppymaks • 29 September 2012 at 5:25 AM

@duchess i'm good, well... not so realy good but, i'm ok 😉

Deleted • 29 September 2012 at 11:14 AM

I think it just exists for fun. It's worth it for the fun and prizes aren't everything. c:

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

1,194 posts


puppymaks • 29 September 2012 at 11:16 AM

@coleatte you have right 😊 But anyway, there anr much more (4-5) open contest, i was seen some on the site of club contest what don't write here 😸

1,146 posts


iulianna1 • 29 September 2012 at 12:44 PM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

YAY! Weekend! And almost October! 😃 I'm sooo excited! 😃 What do you guys think we'll get this Halloween?

1,194 posts


puppymaks • 29 September 2012 at 12:48 PM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

@iulianna1 i hope to we will get my creature suggestion #lomhery 😋 Anyway... I GOT 2 PANDAI'S!!! 😃 😃 😃

1,146 posts


iulianna1 • 29 September 2012 at 12:52 PM

Yes! I LOVE your idea! It seems very realistic too 😸 I hope it's made 😸

CONGRATS! How did you get them? ;O

1,194 posts


puppymaks • 29 September 2012 at 12:53 PM

@iulianna1 i got them for my Ranfil, well... I was get Pandai+Tokk+200kEC and then i trade Tokk for one more Pandai 😊 Whee 😊

1,146 posts


iulianna1 • 29 September 2012 at 1:56 PM

Nice! You've had some good trading! 😃 Right now I'm trying to get a Mummar... it's hard though. Do you have any tips for trading?

2,043 posts


lynncrow • 29 September 2012 at 2:13 PM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

2,061 posts


cubexline • 29 September 2012 at 11:02 PM

Long time no see BOAF members 😱 Sorry I haven't been active, been busy with school. I probably am not back, just came by to say hi 😊

1,166 posts


eggs • 30 September 2012 at 12:28 AM


hey there! 😸 it's a long time since you posted 😊

2,061 posts


cubexline • 30 September 2012 at 1:17 AM

@eggs: Yup, indeed ☚ī¸ Sadly school/life comes first, then whenever I have time its eggcave/other sites. I do miss being active on this site a lot D:

3,317 posts


tikimaki • 30 September 2012 at 3:06 AM


No worries. Here at the BOAF club we understand that members have other priorities. I couldn't be on that much either due to school but the term is over so I have a 2 week break. 😸
Thank you for your loyalty to the club cubexline.

October yay! Hope you have a great Halloween. 😃

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

2,910 posts


duchess • 30 September 2012 at 3:33 AM

Yay! It's October tomorrow 😃 Can't wait for the new monthlies 😊

@puppymaks, That's good to hear 😃

@colette Your memory is quite sad, that girl sound so mean! But at least it ended up being a good experience for you 😊

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

1,194 posts


puppymaks • 30 September 2012 at 5:51 AM

@iulianna1 i love 1st stage Mummar ❤ī¸ And thanks to everyone! 😃

3,446 posts


chowchow2012 • 30 September 2012 at 9:47 AM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"

1,194 posts


puppymaks • 30 September 2012 at 9:48 AM

Within every bird, there is a heart, which gives us new
egg cavers a fun new start!

All of the birds in my cove raise their left wings and say the anthem, "WE WILL WITH ALL OUR MIGHT, SHOW LOVE TO EVERY BIRD IN SIGHT!"


@chowchow2012 happy reeeealy early birth-day 😊

3,446 posts


chowchow2012 • 30 September 2012 at 9:56 AM

lol It's 14 days now! ❤ī¸ and thanks I really want to see the october monthlys!

1,194 posts


puppymaks • 30 September 2012 at 9:57 AM

@chowchow2012 hah. lol and I ❤ī¸ 😊 Because I have creature suggestion for hallowen and original (non-hallowen) all here:
