A Bunny floats up behind you...

in General

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 10 June 2012 at 11:32 PM


Well, your day was going pretty normal...Up till the point you got hit with a cupcake.
It was at the moment you turned around, and saw a giant bunny, floating and inch away from your face, holding a plate full of froasted cupcakes.
"Hey!" the bunny shouts as you dodge another cupcake that was aimed for your face. "Are you going to sign anyone up or not?"
"Lucen! Don't waste all the cupcakes, I wanted to put bombs in some of those!" a loud voice complains. You glance over and see a table set up on a corner of Ark Square, with a small first-stage Tine barking at the bunny-which you now realize is merely a Lulvei in a bunny outfit.
Beside her, there is a Foo absentmindedly stacking up card houses, only for them to be destoryed by the Tine's lashing tail. (After this happened many more times, it appeared the Tine was doing it purposely.)
"Uhh...What's going on here?" you question, lifting an eyebrow.
"Hmm?" the Tine turns to you, just now noticing your presense. "Oh, it's this promotional-contest-thing I kinda got dragged into..." she lowers her voice to a quiet, rade-filled whisper as if speaking to herself, "Because they wouldn't let me, Lufanda, enter this contest! Said I was "too evil"...I'll show them!" This quiet statement was then followed by evil laughter.
Evil laughter that lasted ten minutes.

--Post so i can cont.? X3

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 10 June 2012 at 11:36 PM

During this time, you decided to quit trying to get though to the Tine and walked over to the table to see what this "Promtional-Contest-Thing" was about.
"Uhh, hello?" You wave your hand an inch in front of the Foo's face, trying to get his attention.
The Foo simply ignores you, and continues to stare off into space, with a rather dumb look on his face.
After a few good minutes of this, you start to feel a BIT creeped out, and turn to walk away-When you see a plate of enchiladas sitting on the table.
"Cheesy Mexican food?" you mutter to yourself.
You reach out a hand to grab the plate, but a fork slams right between the space between your middle and index finger, imbedding itself into the table.
Shocked, you fall backwards onto your bum, the air grows ten times colder as the Foo hops onto the table and towers over you, growling in a menacing tone-
"DON'T TOUCH MY ENCHILADAS. Kol kol kol kol kol."
Suddenly, the mood changes, and the Foo is back in his seat, where he then says in a peppy, enthusiastic voice, "Now, hello there! I'm Bailnor, how may I help you on this fine day?"
Followed by an overly-friendly goofy smile.
The shock of it all then sends your brain into "Super-Confused-And-Kinda-Scared-Also-State", which makes your brain pull the "Emergency-Shut-Down" lever.
In simpler terms, you pass out cold on the sidewalk.

3,621 posts


asi • 11 June 2012 at 12:03 AM

Subscription ^w^ @Taffy789

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 11 June 2012 at 12:03 AM

When you awaken, it is to an cold bucket of water to the face.
...Minus the water.
"OW!" you screech, sitting up, rubbing your now bruised head, and staring at the creatures that were gathered around at your side.
"See, Lufanda! I TOLD you we were supossed to put LIQUID in the bucket!" complained Lucen, who was no longer in his bunny costume.
"Mmm. You DID mention that. But this was more fun." giggled the Tine, who examined the dented bucket before throwing it off to the side.
"I voted that we should've put enchiladas in the bucket." Bailnor pouted and crossed his arms.
"So, what...what was this all about?" you manage to squeak out while still rubbing your tender head.
"Oh!" Lufanda snapped her paws, suddenly remembering. "The contest! You see, Lucen, Bailnor, a special guest judge, and-" she motioned to herself, batting her eyelashes- "myself- are judges for a contest ment to promote Lucen's Owner's story-thingys-That all kinda stink, except for that one I was in...-Oh, anyway, the rules are-Oh, it's all too complicated, here's the form. Nobody's signed up yet-The only thing we've gotten today is restraining orders."
The small Tine hands you the sign-up form, which you quickly read over.
You can't help but think ANYTHING with THESE creatures involed would turn out terribly, and only an owner that would want to humilate their creature would sign one up...
Then you remembered that one creature who'd played that prank on you this morning...
"How do I sign someone up?"

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 11 June 2012 at 2:44 PM

Real Info:
Yes and hello.
I'm Taffy, AKA: Self Proclaimed Queen of Awesomeness.
So don't go around trying to steal my title! D:<
Eherm. X3
Anywho, yes, this IS a contest. In greater detail, a sleezy, promotional contest!
The best kind.
...Okay, more to the point.
This is a contest involing your creatures. ^^
This contest's theme is simple...
To find the:
The prize of this contest?
Bragging rights. 8D
(For my creatures do not appreciate the giving of their own kinda as "prizes". ._. )
Also, your creature gets to gueststar in one of my stories! If you aren't familar with them yet, read them at
Now, I am going to explain how this contest is set up.
First, you will fill out the form that questions you about the creature you are entering, and it's personality. I DEEPLY suggest you describe in good detail of it's presonality, for it will help it your creature...
1. Get chosen.
2. Stay in the contest longer.
3. Help me most accurately portray your creature.

Also, I am searching for real judges for the competetion, to help me pick out the creatures with the best personality. After this, I will write a small stories, to help us, follow along with the progress of the competitors. ^^
After we get to the final 5 creatures, the elimination voting will turn public.

...I know I didn't explain it that well, but I'll try to answer any questions you have. ^^

4,232 posts


meixiaotian • 11 June 2012 at 3:20 PM


7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 11 June 2012 at 3:38 PM

post the form!

2,350 posts


takaedakumi • 11 June 2012 at 3:50 PM

@taffy789 A million squees! *squee*

4,232 posts


meixiaotian • 11 June 2012 at 4:05 PM

Wait a sec-*snaps fingers and runs home*
*thundering noises*
*arrives with full army and generals* heheh 😈 *points at Lucen and Lufanda* DIE.
*army thunders at them*
Oh yeah... One last thing... *whistles* *Chiye and Drakomo lands on right*

2,849 posts


luv • 11 June 2012 at 5:19 PM

Can you put my creature Prison in as a judge (aka, I'll be a judge)? 😊 I can fill out a form so you know his personality, if you need it to write about him.

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 11 June 2012 at 5:20 PM


Right now, I'm taking in 15 contestants. ^^
Maybe more, maybe less, IDK. ._.

Also, like I said before, I need one more person who doesn't want to enter to be a judge. ^^

Also, before you enter you must:
1. Be familar with
2. Spread the word about this contest. ^^
3. Filll out the form.
4. Be awesome.
5. Watch this:

I'll post the form next post, any questions yet? 😊

4,232 posts


meixiaotian • 11 June 2012 at 5:21 PM

@luv Why'd you ping me?

2,849 posts


luv • 11 June 2012 at 5:23 PM

I copied the wrong name and pasted it. xD
See my post above.

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 11 June 2012 at 5:25 PM


Ah! D:
Sorry, I already have all the creature judges picked out (They were all creatures I had in my stories before. >.> )
You can still try to be a judge though. ^^ Unless you want to enter the competition...

2,849 posts


luv • 11 June 2012 at 5:26 PM

Either or. What do you need more?

4,232 posts


meixiaotian • 11 June 2012 at 5:33 PM

@luv It's okay.

2,849 posts


luv • 11 June 2012 at 5:34 PM

😊 Sorry. xD

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 11 June 2012 at 5:37 PM

Hmm. Whatever you want. ^^ Maybe if your creature doesn't get picked, you can be a judge? 😱

Creature's name:
Frozen or not?:
How do they handle situtations?:
How do they solve their problems?:
What is their favorite color?:
How do they handle competition?:
How do they act around others?:
Do they enjoy other's company?:
How do you try to win things?:
If they could have anything in the world, what would it be?:

Fill out and post to this forum. 😃

(Feel free to answer this creative-like. ^^ And that doesn't exactly mean what some people think it is. ^^ Some things will get you noticed more than others! XD )

If you get picked, some follow-up questions will be sent to you via PM. 😊

Enter Dealine is the... 16th. ^^

Because I have a B-Day party to go to on the 15th. XD
Also, I might have a vaction, and there might be a slight delay in the future, but hopefully i'll have the contesants picked out by then, so I can write the story while i'm on vacation. 😉

2,849 posts


luv • 11 June 2012 at 6:13 PM



Username: Haku

Creature's name: Prison

Species: Nym

Stage: 2

Frozen or not?: Yes

Personality: Prison is a secretive creature, quite haughty. He was a warden before, and he is now very quiet. He ignores most creatures when they try to converse with him. Many ladies find him extremely attractive, and have tried to flirt with him. None have ever succeeded in stealing his heart, even though it's quite large and kind.

How do they handle situations?: He is very great at handling situations, as being a warden has helped him deal with situations quite well. He can handle creatures fighting, screaming, clawing, murdering, scheming, stealing, being rude... He can handle practically anything mean.

How do they solve their problems?: Prison solves his problem by observing them quietly, and then swooping in to fix them when they get out of hand. His behavior mimics an owl, noticing small things like a change in mood, and then swooping in to fix them when they escalate. He is so utterly calm, and good with words, that a few well-spoken sentences and his calm aura can get people to quiet down.

What is their favorite color?: He likes a soft blue, like a sky early in the morning when the birds are chirping.

DO NOT POST. Will post breaker from side so I can put in the rest!

56 posts


haku • 11 June 2012 at 6:15 PM

Please note, this is the account where prison resides.

2,849 posts


luv • 11 June 2012 at 6:16 PM

How do they handle competition?: As always, even throughout competition, Prison is remarkably calm. He always holds his calm, and would prefer as well in a competition as in anything he does.

How do they act around others?: Prison acts kind and good-natured around others, if somewhat quiet, even if he doesn't particularly care for him. He doesn't really have any friends, but he doesn't have enemies either. He more has acquaintances, as everyone he meets he charms. They may be dully flattered, but he never takes it to the next level of friendship.

Do they enjoy other's company?: Prison likes select creatures, even if he treats them all fairly. He has a soft spot for nyms, like his own kind, and another soft spot for tines, which might be interesting. He does enjoy having company, but only so they may do the talking for him.

How do you try to win things?: He tries to be fair in all ways, and he considers himself physically fit and mentally strong enough that he thinks he does not need to try less conventional methods (such as cheating) to try and win things.

If they could have anything in the world, what would it be?: He would have world peace, because he never liked seeing all those creatures fighting in his prison. He wears his name like a burden, hoping someday he can free the world of the fighting that dominates us, because peace is his ultimate passion.

4,232 posts


meixiaotian • 11 June 2012 at 7:12 PM

Username: meixiaotian
Creature's name: Avan
Species: Nym
Stage: Last
Frozen or not: No
Personality: He is a thoughtful, fair, and quiet nym. He often thinks about everything and how it would affect stuff, to a mild degree. He also tries to get things done, and keep going. He accepts that different minds have different ideas and philosophies. However mature he is, he does act somewhat weird sometimes. He can go crazy around pudding (don't ask), and by that get a longing expression. He also has a slight spazz around the mention of "time travel" because it is "the worst thing ever to be thought of."
How do they handle situations: He is somewhat friendly, but prefers more to take control of situations than make friends. (Doesn't mean he wants to lead, more like get something done.) Often he can go along with what others suggest, if they're reasonable.
How do they solve their problems: He often thinks about the solution for a while, and toughs it out. However, if it drives him nuts, well, it's driving him crazy.
What is their favorite color: 6d24ff (google)
How do they handle competition: He's decent to be around, but often focuses more on the competition and rarely stands out a lot in them.
How do they act around others: He is mostly quiet and thoughtful, but he gives his opinion on things. He tries to be fair, and with people he knows well, *points to cove* he can be somewhat... Immature.

43 posts


midnightmoon • 11 June 2012 at 7:13 PM

Do they enjoy other's company: If they aren't idiots or annoying, yeah. If they're rude, he doesn't like them, and tries to stay out of their way.
How do you try to win things: Fairly, using his skills. However, he can "overlook" some cheating, traps, etc. for some unfair/rude person.
If they could have anything in the world, what would it be: He doesn't really want anything specifically. Maybe some fascinating book about the history of... Everything. Second, maybe some vanilla rice pudding.
Other: He got entered because he ate and ruined my pudding.

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 11 June 2012 at 8:48 PM


Wow, thank you! 😊

Also, help try to spread the word about this contest? 😊

Deleted • 12 June 2012 at 4:04 PM

Balinor ans Lucen should make enchilada flavored cupcakes. Then they can both throw things. >8)

2,849 posts


luv • 12 June 2012 at 4:13 PM

😊 I'll try.
Sorry mine is long, but can I PM you with some more questions? (I already did.. so 😋 )

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 12 June 2012 at 4:47 PM

Ping invites:


(Pinging people at the top of my head. X3 )

1,867 posts


brookie • 12 June 2012 at 4:53 PM

I like it 😃

Deleted • 12 June 2012 at 5:27 PM

Username: @blackdeathkitty

Creature's name: Clair

Species: Clocat

Stage: 2nd

Frozen or not?: Will be frozen

Personalty: She is very evil. She loves to scare other people by eating their pets and then throwing them up. She stalks people and then scares them off her territory. She hates most everyone except for me and @shagu-chan. She loves Suckerlop pan-fried with a hint of lemon and basil, but I refuse to make it for her. She thinks that she is an assassin, but... You shouldn't tell her that she isn't. She'll rip you to shreds.

How do they handle situations?: She sits on the sidelines and laughs. If she's involved, she will growl and act scary so everyone leaves her alone.

How do they solve their problems?: If the problem is alive, she scares them until they stop. If the problem is an item, she breaks it. If the problem is an idea, she growls and the idea is never mentioned again. Unless @shagu-chan or I told her the idea.

Deleted • 12 June 2012 at 5:28 PM

What is their favorite color?: Black.

How do they handle competition?: She loves it. She is very competitive, and she will fight as hard as she can to win.

How do they act around others?: She acts scary and mean, because she tries to seem like an assassin.

Do they enjoy other's company?: NOOO! She hates almost everybody. She has lots of fun watching idiots wonder about the stupidest things.

How do you try to win things?: She scares the opponents until they quit, and automatically, Clair is the winner.

If they could have anything in the world, what would it be?: Super long claws and the sharpest teeth in existence, because she's an assassin.
