
in Roleplaying

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 13 July 2012 at 8:01 PM

@hay7199 i edited it. ^^

3,014 posts


spiritwolf3 • 13 July 2012 at 8:01 PM

Brendon didnt reply just looked in the other direction as if he had no idea what was going on at all. His silent breathing was the only noise coming from him now. His eyes looked hazed and lost. His silver snake bites seemed to suit his crazed look even better.


10,213 posts


hay7199 • 13 July 2012 at 8:04 PM

Samantha stared at him with cold eyes, "What do you expect me to do? Watch him die?" She said. She had still been holding the dagger, he had grabed the hand it had been in.


10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 13 July 2012 at 8:13 PM


Batu showed no interest in glaring back at,the girl and quickly threw away the cloth from Brendon's neck. He looked at Samantha scoldingly.
"What you did could infect the wound and only worsen the bleeding, not stop it." he explained simply, taking the dagger from her hand and placing it to the side. He then helped Brendon lean on one tree, so his neck didn't have any contact with the muddy ground. The dagger found its way back in his hand and he used it to rip his own robe into one long, but thick bandage. Glancing to the right, he realised that they were next to a small pond. This had been tbe source of water rumbling.
"Would you care to fetch some water?" he offered, reasoning with the girl.

3,014 posts


spiritwolf3 • 13 July 2012 at 8:16 PM

Brendon calmly allowed the other boy to help him. Brendon's eyes shifted around to figure out who the two were. He opened his mouth to say something but be quickly closed of again. Biting his lip he felt his jet black hair fall onto his face again.


10,213 posts


hay7199 • 13 July 2012 at 8:17 PM

"Only if I get my dagger back" She said looking at him and she stood up and crossed her arms. She was tall for her age, but shorter then Batu.


10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 13 July 2012 at 8:23 PM


Nodding silently, Batu flicked the dagger next to her feet and then returned to work. The boy truly seemed troubled and in pain, so he tried his best in keeping him conscious for as long as possible. In the mean time, he could question him about the strange happenings and find out if he knew anything more than him.
"What's your name?"

3,014 posts


spiritwolf3 • 13 July 2012 at 8:26 PM

Brendon glanced up at the sky as his large bright eyes scanned the entire area. He sighed looking down at the swaying grass. He had no record how he got into this mysterious place and no clue who the DreamMaster was by he remained calm even with all these questions in his head.
"...Brendon.." he answered after a long silence.


10,213 posts


hay7199 • 13 July 2012 at 8:33 PM

Samantha leaned down and picked it up. She walked to the tree she had been siting in the whole time before this hecktick time, she moved a large leaf and reviled a wicker basket and she walked around for a few minutes then found a stream with clear clean water and a few fish swiming. She put few leaves near the bottom to plug up any holes that the water might escape through.

She diped it down and heard something from across the stream. She looked up and there was a looming wolf like creature black as night staring at her with orange eyes. She stood completely still and didnt move.


16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 14 July 2012 at 12:22 AM

Name: Sylvia Ceste
Age: 16
Looks: Sylvia has long, wavy, elbow length black hair. Her eyes are a mesmerizing deep green color, with a few dark blue speckles. She has pale skin, but not so much as she looks sickly, and is thin, but not scrawny.
Personality: She has a rather short temper, but usually keeps it to herself. If you do anything that was meant to make her mad, or annoy her, she will never forget. Normally she looks calm, cool and collected, but when provoked, she WILL strike. Cruel to those he decide they want to be on her dark side.
Weapon: Sylvia has an black spear with a silver blade at the edge. It has light green-gold engravings trailing from the bottom of the spear to where the silver blade begins. The markings tell a story of death, sadness, and insanity.
Crush: Any Takers? x)
Remembered History: She has occasional flashbacks or nightmares, and Sylvia only remembers the death of her mother, and how her father left and went missing.
Other: All she needs is some love. ❤️ And she's afraid of spiders.

4,818 posts


ninjagirl • 14 July 2012 at 6:04 AM

@spiritwolf3 is it a joint RP?
GOSHDARNIT I'm always asleep when you RP XD

Katia arose, looking around. Ground, dirt, mud... She spaced out. Where was this lonely place. She put her hand in her satchel and her hand hit off paper. She blinked, taking out the paper. She opened it up to read. Shuddering, she put the note back in again and stood up, proceeding to the nearest tree and climbing it, she found two daggers along the way. She tilted her head, keeping her eyes open for other people.

2,006 posts


cat • 14 July 2012 at 7:08 AM

Name: Shaula
Age: 16
Looks: Long curly red hair, pale skin with lots of freckles.
Personalty: Defiant, rebellious, bold, headstrong, and very stubborn. A natural leader, too
Weapon?(Optional): Small gun
Crush: --
Other: --
Any History you remember?: Nothing. She remembers how to use a gun and how to hunt, though-

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 14 July 2012 at 7:41 AM

@sporitwolf3 Am i accepted?

3,014 posts


spiritwolf3 • 14 July 2012 at 9:19 AM

Brendon growled stepping away. ''You foolish boy..this is the stuff of Nightmares..if you choose to help others it could end in terrible consequences..'' came a deep voice for only Batu to hear.

@ninjagirl Yeah
@bunnyshadow Yeah accepted.
@cat accepted.

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 14 July 2012 at 11:37 AM

@jupiter_hollow Subutai is so Anti-Social xD Sylvia will come and annoy him x3
Sylvia awoke to find herself at a base of a tree. Looking around, she found that she was in the middle of an forest, and as she stood up and brushed herself off, she realized she was standing near an over-grown trail. Sylvia stood still for a few moments of confused silence, then saw the tip of a paper sticking out of her belt. She slowly pulled it out, and read the note. When she finished, she crumpled the note in her hand, then tossed it over her shoulder.

5,902 posts


seaangel • 14 July 2012 at 11:45 AM

Alana lowered her lethal weapon. "I'm just paranoid, that stupid poem is getting to my head." She continued her search for others. "Hello, is anyone else there??" She tried to keep her feet steady and keep her balance, but it wasn't easy when there was so much sticks that could trip her.

Deleted • 14 July 2012 at 12:20 PM


Wow! This looks exciting! Next time you're on, ping me and I'll join! I need help deciding who to use!

5,902 posts


seaangel • 14 July 2012 at 12:56 PM



617 posts


buubles1688 • 14 July 2012 at 1:09 PM





Personalty:shy and quiet. She's sneaky and very smart. But if she knows someone very well, she'll be outgoing and less shy.

Weapon?(Optional) : Nah, but maybe after

Crush: no


Any History you remember?:Was abandoned by her parents so she is scared and doesn't know who to trust. That's why she's very quiet and shy.

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 14 July 2012 at 6:01 PM


Batu's head snapped to the side, eyes dilated and surprised. A moment later, his gaze steadily returned on the boy and he brushed the voice off. His mind still echoed with the song and now, the voice too, but, deciding that it wasn't anything serious, he resumed his work with the boy. Rinsing his wound, he wrapped the makeshift bandage around his neck and tied it securely.
"Press" he ordered, taking Brendon's hand and placing it on the wound. "It'll stop the bleeding soon." he reassured.

@bunnyshadow xDDD

Still wandering around the deep forest, Subutai crouched down under the shadow of a grand millenium oak, to hide from the scorching sun. Wiping the sweat off his brow, he plopped down onto the ground. He must've looked funny, he guessed. A long-haired boy with a cloak, sitting under a tree, cross-legged. On top of that, his face was tomato red from the heat and he had his 'I-will-kill-you-and-eat-your-babies' look on. Glaring bloody death at the oak did no good, so he stood up and dragged himself further into the forest.

@ninjagirl KATIAAA!!! =D

@spiritwolf3 Can I make five more charries? o.o Just a question... xD

@swimforlife Err, dunno. Use Vivka for a change. It's your choice, though. ^^ I'm trying out a whole set of new charries.

4,818 posts


ninjagirl • 14 July 2012 at 6:03 PM

@jupiter_hollow I'm sorry but me and Amy don't feel like roleplaying tonight. Just drawing and stuff. Im sleeping over at her house. Can we still talk though? :/

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 14 July 2012 at 6:11 PM

@ninjagirl Oh, it's not a problem for me. ^^ Sure, I'll post on your wall. =)

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 14 July 2012 at 6:39 PM

@spiritwolf3 It would be an interesting twist if they gained powers xD
@juptier_hollow xD I can imagine Sylvia laughing at his face and then Subutai chasing her around with his stick weapon O_O
Fed your balrog. Could you feed Plorevy and Breakup? Their dieing.. O.o //bad owner
@swimforlife Create a new charrie 8D
Sylvia stepped on the crumbled note and used her heel to bury it in the dirt so that only a tiny corner was seen poking out of the ground. She saw a small black and gold flash out of the corner of her eyes, and walked over to find a spear. "Great." she said to herself with an mischievous smile. After picking up the weapon, she started walking through the close grown trees, muttering under her breath about how idiotic this situation was when she saw a boy in a robe kneeling at the base of a tree. '[yeep]...' she thought when she saw the expression on his face. It was much similar to hers, except her expression was 'I-will-find-you-and-then-I-will-beat-you-with-a-stick-until-you-die.'
LOL. I think they both need an anger management doctor xD

Deleted • 15 July 2012 at 9:46 AM


Anyone up for Role Playing?

4,818 posts


ninjagirl • 15 July 2012 at 9:54 AM

@swimforlife sure!
@jupiter_hollow wanna? 😊

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 15 July 2012 at 9:56 AM

@swimforlife Err, did you make your charrie yet? o.o
@ninjagirl Sure! =D

Deleted • 15 July 2012 at 10:06 AM

Name: Vex
Built with muscle and an athletic finesse, Vex stands at 5'5''. His closley cropped light brown hair is accentuated by his slate grey eyes. A think layer of webbing resides between his fingers/
Personalty: A natural born leader, Vex assumes the role even if it means life and death. Confident, not cocky, Vex is a likable young man. He tries his best to put on a smile even when times are tough. The boy approaches life with a calm and laid back personality. His tolenrence level is extremely high for a teen. It takes quite alot for his temer to turn him angry. Vex is assertive and protective. He takes the reins, even if it means putting his own life on the line. His friends and family are his priority.
Weapon?(Optional) :
Crush: None at the moment
Other: Webbed hands!
Any History you remember?: Waking up to the smell of saline; confined in a tight space.

3,014 posts


spiritwolf3 • 15 July 2012 at 10:08 AM

I may not be on much but I'll try my best to post as much as I can okay?
It's just my summer can be busy (no-one is chilling at my house yet but there is a possibility my friends could arrive)
So okay?
@bunnyshadow Erm.. you see they can't get powers cause they need to figure out their own strengths and weaknesses inside this world. Having powers would make it a piece of cake cause roleplayers could easily discard of obstacles but thanks for suggesting it 😸

410 posts


midnightw182 • 15 July 2012 at 10:15 AM

Can I join in?

Name: Layla Sparrow
Age: 16
Looks: Red hair (very long), dark eyes, lost look, Short jeans, red t-shirt
Personalty: shy
Weapon?(Optional) : dagger
Crush: none
Other: she likes wolves
Any History you remember?: White wolf

4,818 posts


ninjagirl • 15 July 2012 at 10:15 AM

@spiritwolf3 i could possibly come and chill too. jay is coming over today, right? XD

Katia perched in the tree nervously, fidgeting and looking around. She spotted figures not that far away. Good or bad, though? She decided to stay there and watch them for a while.
