
in Roleplaying

3,014 posts


spiritwolf3 • 15 July 2012 at 10:18 AM

@ninjagirl Yeah I think Jay is coming and I just had a shower so -squeaky clean ness-
@midnightw182 Sure ;3
@swimforlife Accepted 😃

Brendon sighed and placed his hand where he was ordered to do so. He glanced around the strange forest as the sounds of distant animals reached his ears. He wondered who had brought them here. And how were they supposed to get out of this maze of a forest?

410 posts


midnightw182 • 15 July 2012 at 10:22 AM

Layla woke up and saw that she is in a strange place. Then she read note in her pocket.
-Strange thing.- she whispered.
She got up and started to explore forest. She was looking for others. She didnt find them, but in front of her was standing white wolf...

Deleted • 15 July 2012 at 10:24 AM


The boy's slate grey eye peered though the evening air, frantically searching. Whatever plane of reality the boy had entered was unfamiliar and unnerving. Lines from the poem resounded in his head, causing his fear to escalate. Pushing all that aside, he walked with confidence, forcing a smile. Glancing down at his hands, Vex frowned. The webbing between his fingers was still there; he had prayed his deforimity had been left behind. Picking at the skin, he found it wasn't an illusion, the skin was real. He sighed, deeply, and contiued his stroll. A shadowy figure was perched in the tree. It was too large for a bird, perhaps it was a child or a large cat. 'Hello?' he called up to the being, knowing if it anwered he might get a few answers for himself.

Gotta go, sorry that I could't stay longer. See you later! Love you all 😃

410 posts


midnightw182 • 15 July 2012 at 10:30 AM

@swimforlife bye ☚ī¸
She tried to touch the wolf, but he growled at her. She took one step forward and gently stretched her arm so he can snif it. He relaxed his head and she gently pat him.
-There you go. We are friends now.- she whispered to him. He just look at her with his big blue eyes...

4,818 posts


ninjagirl • 15 July 2012 at 10:36 AM

@swimforlife byebye 😃

Katia froze, her hands became clammy and her arm muscles spasmed. Calming herself, she replied. 'Hi.' She cocked her head,slipping down the tree a little. She wasnt sure she was ready for contact with who-ever (or what-ever) was in this land yet.

410 posts


midnightw182 • 15 July 2012 at 10:41 AM


Layla sitted down. Wolf just looked at her. Then she saw a girl. That girl was recumbent on a tree. She watched her for few minuts and then she quietly asked wolf:
-Is she good?-
She getted closer to the girl and continued watching her.

Deleted • 15 July 2012 at 3:32 PM


Shifting his gaze skyward, Vex could see the outline of a female. The figure was petite; he assumed she was 12 or 13. Smiling, with his most dazzling smile, Vex looked up at the girl. 'Up a tree? I am too; do you know where we are or why we are here? I believe I'm lost.' The timbre of his voice was calm and cool. Tinges of sorrow and longing filled the empty cracks of his vocals.

410 posts


midnightw182 • 15 July 2012 at 3:38 PM

Layla pated white wolf agien. She didnt stop looking at the girl. Now one boy came to her. Layla tried to hear what they are saying.

4,818 posts


ninjagirl • 15 July 2012 at 3:38 PM


... Trustworthy? Possibly. She decided so and smiled back. It was human, a boy of around 16 grinning up at her. 'to tell you the truth I'm the exact same.' she admitted, relaxing in her tree. 'i have no idea where this is or why, but I found this note in my pocket.' Katia nodded, producing the note which she thought was one of a kind. Immediately her brain started working. 'then again, I'm assuming you have one?' she guessed, cocking her head.

410 posts


midnightw182 • 15 July 2012 at 3:40 PM

She heard something about note. She heard whole note when girl read it to a boy. Layla was scared, she had the same note...

Deleted • 15 July 2012 at 3:45 PM


Extending his webbed hand, Vex showed the girl the piece of yellowing paper. 'This one? With the eeire poem?' He nodded along, as he spoke. 'Can I trust you?' he questioned, voice welling with honesty. 'Were both lost and alone. We could be lost and alone together. I might not be so frightening that way, you know.' Sheilding his eyes from the sun, Vex could see the girl's dazzling violet eyes. The luminous pools of purple shimmered in the setting sun. An animal growl, similar to that of a dog, casued the weebed handed boy to snap his head back. Another girl along with a large white wolf stood a distance away.

410 posts


midnightw182 • 15 July 2012 at 3:49 PM

Layla noticed that they saw her so she tries to hide behind the tree. Wolf stands next to her.
-They didnt saw us. They didnt saw us. Am I right? - she peeped. They were still looking at her.

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 15 July 2012 at 4:11 PM

Name: Fear Deces
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Looks: Fear has shaggy black hair, and bangs that cover his left eye., and a few strands of his hair cover a portion of his left eye. One of his eyes are black and the other is a blood-red. The tips of the bangs that cover his left eye are crimson, and the strands that cover his right are tipped dark purple. His eyes are hollow and lonely. His ears are pierced.
Personality: He is straight out mean, and heartless. Maybe there will be a few people that could open him up.
Weapon: A black switchblade, with dark red splotches on it and a snake. Some other knives he has hidden all over his body. On his belt, up his sleeve, in his boots.
Other: He's crazy.
History: He only remembers killing people.

4,818 posts


ninjagirl • 15 July 2012 at 4:48 PM

@bunnyshadow welcome 😊

Katia nodded, then nodded again. 'you have a point,' she agreed, 'of course you can tru-' she cut her sentance short and whipped her view to a tree where she saw half of a girl peeping out, joined by a large white wolf.

Deleted • 15 July 2012 at 4:51 PM


Vex continued to chat with the girl, she was easy to trust. Who couldn't resist? She was reminicent of Vex's cousin...or sister. He could not recall his past, but a faded memory of a younger girl clung to his neurons. Rustlins sounded from the bushes, putting the brunette on alert. 'Its okay,' he cooed to the girl, 'Stay up there.' He turned to see a boy around his age. A messy mop of black hair, tipped with crimson and blue assentuated the boy's black eye, as the other eye was covered by his bangs. Vex braced himself for the worse, his lips curled back, showing his white smile. 'What are you doing here?,' his vioce flat; stipped of emotion.

3,014 posts


spiritwolf3 • 15 July 2012 at 4:54 PM

Brendon pushed out of the guys way "Thanks for the help.." he muttered kicking a stone across the ground. Bredon looked at his hands. They had blood stains splattered all over them. His eyes glistend with anger "Of course.." he muttered clenching his fists. He remembered everything but he decided to keep his past secret..others would look at him differently.


16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 15 July 2012 at 4:55 PM

Fear scoffed. "Can't I ask the same to you?" he responded coldly as he pulled out the switchblade from the sleeve of his shirt.

Deleted • 15 July 2012 at 5:00 PM


'You could,' Vex spat, 'But I asked you first. Its common courtesy. But since you're threating me at knife point, I assume you disreaguard courtesy.' The boy's back was arched; his feet firmly planted on the soft earth. Mud seeped onto the canvas of his shoes. The cold, wet sensation caused his eyes to flick down momentarily. Splaying his webbed hands, Vex grinned ever so slightly. 'I may not have a blade, but I do have fists, you know.'

3,014 posts


spiritwolf3 • 15 July 2012 at 5:07 PM

Brendon glanced over to at other people. He scoffed and looked up at the treetops. As the branches swayed back and fourth his bright blue eyes sparkled as sudden sunlight burst through brightening the dark forest area.


4,818 posts


ninjagirl • 15 July 2012 at 5:09 PM


Katia sat and stared as the boys exchanged harsh words. She blinked a few times, quite scared by the newcomer. So hostile... Even has a blade.

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 15 July 2012 at 5:14 PM


Name: Justin Wreelex
Age: 17
Looks: Average height (maybe a little short) and a good figure. Sligthly tanned skin that brings out her sea-blue eyes. Wavy blonde hair cascades down her shoulders to the middle of her back.
Personalty: Like a typical 'Mean Girl', Justin always seeks to bring the embarassing truth out of people. She is selfish and arrgoant, insulting to most people and has a neverending love for secrets and mystery. She always acts unnervingly calm and collected, even in the worst situations.
Weapon?(Optional) : Seemingly, she has no weapons, but probably has a trick up her sleeve.
Crush: None yet
Other: X
Any History you remember?: She remembers all of her life, but wouldn't be caght dead, sharing.

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 15 July 2012 at 5:15 PM

"You wanna go, Fishy?" he said as he pulled another knife from his other sleeve.

410 posts


midnightw182 • 16 July 2012 at 2:26 AM

Layla decided to came closer. She walked slowly as she could. Now girl was stared at some boys. She wanted to touch her, to feel is she real, but she couldn't do that. Not yet. She was to afraid. She just open her mouth like she wanted to say something, but she couldn't find right words. She sit on dirty ground and patted the wolf.

Deleted • 16 July 2012 at 8:38 AM


Acknowleging the boy's offer for a fight, Vex plated his feet. Balancing on the ball of his foot, he was prepared to strike. Glimmering light from the setting sun danced off the blade of the knife. 'Violence is not the answer,' Vex said, after a few momnets, 'I'll be the one to swollow my pride and step down.' He stepped back, shifting his weight to his heels. A crowd a had gathered by this point. Another boy, a girl with a wolf; all stood in a semi-circle like formation.

410 posts


midnightw182 • 16 July 2012 at 8:41 AM

Layla came closer to boys which other girl was looking. She wanted to see whats happening.

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 16 July 2012 at 9:49 AM


"Aww, too bad." a melodicious female voice came from the crowd. The timber of it gave out arrogance and sarcasm. A blonde girl emerged from the gathered people and approached the two boys. A smirk was plastered to her face, her arms were firmly crossed and her posture was proud and flirtatious. She smiled maliciously and twirled one curly lock of blonde hair with her finger. Heer gaze fell on Fear and then Vex, giving them both a challaneging look.
"I wanted to see a fight." she purred.

"Or did I accidentally enter the arena of cowards?" her tone changed to an arrogant scold. "I thought you were going to deal with it like men... Oh well..." she sighed dramatically, rolling her bright blue eyes.

410 posts


midnightw182 • 16 July 2012 at 9:53 AM

Layla looked at that girl. She was strange. Layla could feel something in her voice. Like she wanted trouble. Layla bent her head and get back to her shelter in a bushes. She didnt wanted to see someone fighting.

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 16 July 2012 at 9:58 AM

@jupiter_hollow You still haven't responded to Sylvia

Agh. I'm still half asleep >_>
Fear scoffed as Vex stepped back. He put the switchblade back in his sleeve, and seemed about to put the knife away when he snapped his wrist out and threw it at Vex.

729 posts


vanilla • 16 July 2012 at 10:02 AM

@spiritwolf3 - Can I still join? c:

410 posts


midnightw182 • 16 July 2012 at 10:04 AM

Layla sited and started to pat white wolf. He closed his blue eyes and enjoyed. She was thinking should she help someone in fight which is incoming.
