Power Children: The Midnight Sun

in Roleplaying

1,801 posts


cirrus • 30 September 2013 at 9:03 PM

First off, if you know where I got the name Midnight Sun, you rock!! 😋

You live in an alternate universe. The world is divided into groups, and they don't coexist peacefully. Everyone has their own powers, and they don't like those of a different power. The world has been at war for so long, nobody still alive can remember a time it wasn't. Some groups have made friends, and others enemies. Everyone has a symbol on their hands, that they've had since birth. The symbols represent what powers they have, and they glow when somebody uses them. But a new group of children have a different symbol from the others. They are more powerful than anybody else, and they have to save the world, before it destroys itself.

Discussion Thread: http://eggcave.com/forums/topic/44650/0#1042600

Deleted • 4 October 2013 at 8:28 PM

Once skittlejg posts, let the RPing begin. Until jupiter_hollow starts with her part, just RP your normal day. Once she does, have your character go to sleep and be sucked into the spirit world.

Any out of character posts on this thread will be deleted, or you will be banned.



1,801 posts


cirrus • 4 October 2013 at 9:04 PM

Chapter 1~ The Midnight Sun Begins

Aelos sat, a small breeze tickled his back, and rushed through his dark hair.

"Aelos, it is time to come inside," said an old man, with a bald head, and a long goatee.

"Yes Monk Hyarro," he said, heaving a sigh, turning away from the sunrise, and jumping of the wall, his clothes fluttering in the wind.

When Aelos got inside, he went to the kitchen. It was his turn to do the dishes. So he grabbed the water bucket, plunged a dish in, grabbed the rag, soap, and started scrubbing. After his hands were all pruned and sore from scrubbing, he walked out into the Mess Hall, quickly are his breakfast, and went out to the courtyard.

Which the other kids played monkey ball, Aelos sat, creating small funnels in his hands.

Kireno walked without a purpose, stomping the snow on the ground. He walked until he turned a corner, and saw a girl. Amelie, he had had his eye on her for a while.

"Hey," he said to her.

"Oh, hey Kireno," Amelie said, "I was taking a walk."

"Can I come with you?"

Amelie blushed, and so did Kireno, "Yea sure, you seem a little tense, what's wrong."

"My father, it doesn't matter."


He walked with Amelie until she had to go, and he went back to his home. He would undoubtedly have to see his father again, and beads of snow flew to his hands, encasing them in ice as he walked.

3,490 posts


skylark • 4 October 2013 at 9:40 PM

Ty went out to some of the flats, which were large areas of flat land with mountains visible in the distance. Some valuable rocks stand underneath the ground, but they are protected by the Earth Nation as part of the old land. He sat down somewhere in the centre and made himself comfortable. He breathed deeply, trying to focus.


Josiah groaned under his breath as he exited the Ice Kingdom's great halls, where the judges and jury sat. He has had a long day and was looking forward to going home and relaxing, after making some soup.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 4 October 2013 at 10:33 PM

Ethan poured out some hot tea into two small cups. He took a deep breath in as the smell of lemon rinds and mint leaves met his nose. He set the cups and the teapot on a tray that already had some pastries on it.

People could say all they wanted about him being powerless. He was great in the kitchen. Who cared if he couldn't throw fire around? His dumplings were to die for.

He walked to the courtyard, carefully balancing the tray. Autumn was practicing again. She went there to practice every chance she got. She was really good, but...

He set down the tray and opened the door. Propping the door open with his foot, he grabbed the tray and walked in.

Autumn was moving a ball of flame from one hand to the other, her eyes closed and balanced on one foot. Her face shone with sweat and it wasn't because of the fire...

"The doctor told you not to do that. You're making it worse."

She dissipated the fireball and put her other foot down.

"The doctor can go eat cattle feed." She growled. "I need to practice."

"You know better." He countered. "Your leg... If you keep this up, you'll be worse off than you already are."

She crossed her arms. "Whatever."

He handed her the tea and they drank it together in silence. He didn't want to push the matter. She wouldn't listen anyway.

@skylark @skittlejg @iang1

1,801 posts


cirrus • 5 October 2013 at 12:06 AM


Eventually, school came, and then, he went down to the Mess Hall. He ate again, and went to the courtyard, bathing in the sweet sunset.

"Hey, Aelos, I bet you couldn't be me to the top of the highest tower," said one of his friends, smiling. This was the time of day when nobody was playing monkey ball outside, this was time for lessons on controlling air.

He grabbed his glider from the rack, and stood at the edge of the cliff. Suddenly, a girl Aelos knew as Violet walked up, and opened her glider too, wanting to join.

Aelos kicked off, feeling the wind rush through his hair, his clothes flapping in the wind. He controlled the air, he made it swirl and blow, up and down. He could see the highest tower know, count the shingles on its roof, when Violet swooped in front of him. His other friend was still trailing just a little behind.

He flew up, and sent a gust of air, knocking Violet off course, but she swerved back, sent him spinning.

He saw her, almost on the roof. He sped forward, close to the roof. He blew more air, blowing Violet back, nearly to the roof. He went straight up, and landed on the roof, jumping up and down.

All of a sudden, his teacher flew onto the roof.

"Aelos, you know that is not allowed," he said, but by the smile on his face, Aelos could tell he was impressed. This was Monk Dyreti, his favorite of all his teachers. When he got back down, he saw Monk Yusani was there too, and she was his least favorite. She was tall, thin, and had a sharp, pointy face. She reminded Aelos of a dragonfly.

"Aelos, I expect that will not happen again."

"But what about Violet, and Michael, they were racing too," he stammered.

"Aelos, I do not want to hear your complaints," she said, slightly less calmly, yet still smooth and cold.

"This isn't FAIR!" Aelos screamed, a gust of wind blowing in Monk Yusani's face, her hair blowing askew, and her expression souring.

"Aelos, I will not..."

"But you hate me, you always blame me!"

"Go to your ROOM Aelos, control yourself, or have I not taught you well enough."

Monk Yusani was his spirit teacher, she taught them about the spirits, and showed them to meditate. Monk Dyreti was the air teacher, who taught them to use the wind to protect themselves.

Aelos stormed off to bed, angry at Monk Yusani.

Kireno went home, at which point a fight ensued with his father, who wanted his to become a scholar, but Kireno wanted to be a hunter.

"Going off and killing deer shrews, or bears? You think that will take you far in life?"

"Father, I do not want a dull job, being a hunter is exciting, and I can help hunt food to sustain our village."

"Kireno, I did not realize that I have taught you so wrong, we do not need more hunters, it is a waste of a human being."

"Well who else will, there's only two right now, and quite frankly, our village is starving. We are the poorest village in the Ice Kingdom, let me help the people. Reading books all day will do nothing."

"Yes, you could get into healing, or... or anything, you could get a job in the government, forget this village, yo...."

"You do not tell to forget my home, Father! I will not let you tell me what to be. I am four months away from being of age, and then you cannot tell me what I can or cannot be," Kireno shouted, as two mountains of jagged ice slowly rose from the ground.

Kireno waved his hand, the ice shattered, it punctured the walls of their overlarge igloo.

"See what I can do, Father..." Kireno shouted, mumbling as he ran up the narrow stairway make completely of ice.

He ran to his room, and lay down in bed, feeling he could explode any minute.

1,984 posts


tralala22 • 5 October 2013 at 3:43 AM


Leafa drifted off, into the darkness. This was the only place in the whole City Of Light to actually be dark. And it only was from the hours 8-11 PM. Then it became bright again because of the light gems.

She admired the darkness, since it was pretty... Well... Rare for her. Today was New Year's and it was one of the only days Leafa was allowed to stay up this late and go explore. That, she liked.

Drifting deeper and deeper into the area as she held onto her light gem, she saw a beautiful piece of fruit that seemed very... Beautiful.

She reached to pick it up, and bam! The gem faded and she was blinded.

Deleted • 5 October 2013 at 9:31 PM

Mala sat by a river, gazing into the water that rushed swiftly down. She sighed. Why couldn't she get this dumb old move right? It wasn't herself to get mad at herself, but she had been trying it for, forever!
Mala placed her right hand into the river, while she sat there, annoyed. She let her hand feel the wetness, as Mala thought of how she could do this move. She would not give up.
Mala looked at her reflection in the stream, her gray eyes glinted with annoyance. She had to calm down to do this move. The move was the Water Bullet, but Mala couldn't seem to do it. Maybe it was the motion of her hands that made her fail? Whatever it was, Mala was going to keep on trying, just like herself.
Mala pushed herself up, she then closed her eyes and concentrated.


10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 5 October 2013 at 10:02 PM

@skittlejg @dada_Dragon @skylark @ems @ashfire @tralala22
Sorry I was late guys :/ I had internet trouble and I still do xD But anyways, I won't be involving an intro for Isak, since I think it's a bit of a waste. SKITTLEJG DECIDED EVERYONE IS NOW ASLEEP SO IT GOES! XD
Nostromo stood silently, placed in the middle of the room, and also in the middle of a drawn circle. The dimly lit windows of his room were further veiled by thick curtains, allowing only a single string of moonlight to filter through, illuminating the place on the floor where his feet rested. Every free spot in the room was filled with candles, all overused and none lit.
Drawing a deep inhale and then sighing, he let his eyes fall shut, irises darkening to pitch black behind his resting eyelids. Concentrating, he opened his mind, letting the tendrils of his consciousness wander off across countries.
Temporarily detahced from his body, he searched restlessly, reaching out for the familiar feel of the power link and seeking for a connection to the other children.
Drawn to the land of fire by the most intense link, he found himself connected to the spirit of a boy. His mind was not practiced, unlike most of the others, who had to undergo the obligatory element control training, forging a durable consciousness. Evidently, the boy's mind was easy to breach and tug at.
Following his link to another source of power, he shortly found another Power Child, resting right next to this one. Her mind was much harder to reach into, to the point where the process almost hurt, but eventually he connected to her as well. What with the similar features (and the vague memory he had of meeting them in a dream once), he immediatelly recognized the two as brother and sister, and, furthermore, as Autumn and Ethan.
Both connections brought on a power wave that washed over him in bursts, intense and heavy like a burden, which nearly forced him to his knees. But with a deep breath, he continued.
The next tendril of power sent him to the Ice Kingdom, where he hovered over a boy he hadn't seen enough to remember, but felt the Power link strong enough to know he was a power child as well, although he looked nothing like a child (Josiah). The connection was outwardly painful, his knees buckling from under him from the sheer force of the young man's power surging through him. Face twisting in pain, Nostromo straightened his back, remaining in a kneeling position but fighting to keep his balance.
He picked up another Power child from the Ice Kingdom as well, Kireno, who he had briefly seen before. The boy's powers washed over him lightly, thankfully not as intense as the other elementals before him.
He picked up a single girl from the Water Tribe, a light-eyed girl, whose power effectively knocked the air out of his lungs. He had surely seen her before, for her dark hair and tanned skin seemed very familiar.
In the terrotiry of the Air Nomads, he stumbled upon a powerful elemental. A boy, young and still not in full control of his power, but powerful enough to ultimately resist the link. His spirit was strong, mind trained to the sharpness of a razor's edge and with sorrow, Nostromo realized he couldn't breach his mind, even if he put his entire effort into it.
Soon he was drawn deep into the City of Light by another girl with golden hair and sky blue eyes. The boundaries of the city hindered him briefly, made to keep creatures of the night like him away, but eventually he reached the girl. Her mind, easy to breach as well, provided him with an easy link and less pressure than any of the others.
The Earth Kingdom reeled him in quickly, an intense power link tugging him. It was perhaps one of the weakest minds of any of the elementals, but while clad in a powerful body, the strenght of the mind did not matter. Ground firmly to his element, an unomovable weight, Ty was definitelly one of the strongest Earth elementals. He required the most solid link, one that Nostromo's weak mind could barely produce, but at the end managed to do so, albeit being ready to split at the seams.
In the lands of the Lightning Nation he found two children, a girl and a boy. Neither had he seen Leviathan, nor had he even laid eyes upon Isak, but the crackling power that surged through them both felt ever so familiar, that he immediately recognized them. The energy they both possessed, untamed, rebelling electricity, surged through him, making him cry out and clutch his head. His entire being, body and mind alike, burned in agony, the weight of the many souls he was connected to pressuring him greatly. His spine bent at an impossible angle, shoulders creaking from the burden he carried, and at one moment he felt himself ready to crumble.
The sting of tears at the corners of his eyes brought him back to reality and despite the painful connections, he went on, utterly determined to make every second of pain worth it. He needed them, each and every one of them, the nations needed them as well and he refused to give up. Not unless over his dead body.
So it was like this, curled up in a pathetic heap on the floor of his room, that he forced his mind to stretch further, expand past the confines of the previous connections.
He had one more.
Her... She was perhaps the one power child he was most intensely linked to, and the one he was most familiar with. And while the proximity between them wasn't enough to stretch his mind to its limits, what with living close, her power was intense.
Retracting his mind back into the boundaries of the Fortress of Darkness, he felt the connections stretch painfully as he tugged at them. Reaching one last time, making a final effort, he made the eleventh link and crumpled altogether...
The surge of dark energy hit him with mind-shattering intensity and he coiled in on himself, screaming in agony.

However, this time, along with the pain, came release.

With a last burst of power, he tugged at the connections, pulling eleven spirits along with his own and sending them into the Spirit World. His eyes snapped open, yellow irises glowing, along with the marks on both his hands. The moon and sun carved into his left palm shone with blinding intensity and he felt the pressure leave his body at last.
do mention if i have any mistakes Dx

1,801 posts


cirrus • 5 October 2013 at 10:20 PM


Kireno woke startled from his sleep, and found himself lying in a muddy swamp. An orange sun shone overhead, and his clothes were wet and covered in the mud. The bog seemed to flow slowly, ominously. He couldn't use his bending, not matter how hard he tried.

Mosquito's flew around him, and he hated bugs, which was part of why he loved living up north. It was so cold they couldn't survive.

He trudged through the bog, the sun beating down on him, and he was used to the cold.

He heard a noise, and turned. His spirits lifted, he smiled, he wasn't alone. Running as fast as he could through the water, and the muddy bottom that seemed to suck in his foot with every step, and the cattails and reeds and long grass that seemed to bother him especially bad as they whacked his face, he came upon some other people. They looked like him, covered in mud, and confused. But they were all of different nations. They all had the sun and moon symbol scarred into their hand, they were one of him.

"You're all, were all Power Children," he said, partially to the others, but mostly to himself.

"Where are we," he said, as he noticed the sky had the orange color of a sunset, but the sun was still high in the sky.


Aelos woke, a searing pain in his hand, where his scar was. It marked him as a Power Child, and he hated it. Most called it a blessing but not him.

The scar had a faint glow to it, and left a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach that kept him from still sleeping.

He saw the other kids had all gone to bed, and sat down in a chair, staring outside at the moon and stars, twinkling softly, but he still couldn't sleep.

3,490 posts


skylark • 5 October 2013 at 10:49 PM


Ty grunted, and opened his eyes. He was on his back, looking up at a rather bright orange sky. He knew instantly that he was in a bog... but there was something else wrong...
He couldn't bend. Aw, mudcakes.
If he couldn't bend, how is he expected to protect himself?
Ty felt something move under him. It definitely wasn't the mud. He sat up and a really exasperated groan came from the ground.... it was an Ice bender!

Josiah was almost completely buried in the mud. He turned his face to blessed air and inhaled a lungful. "Melting icecones, I thought I was buried." He blinked and realized an Earth dude was still sitting on his legs. "Do you mind?!?"

Ty blinked slowly, trying to compensate what the Ice man was saying. "I mind... the... um... darkness. Yes!" He gave his biggest smile as if he was proud of his answer.

Josiah's eye twitched. "GET OFF OF ME!" He yelled, frustrated for not being able to eat his now surely cold soup and being completely covered in mud. "Gosh, I hate mud.."

Ty stood up and quickly tried to help the mud-covered Ice man up. This failed horribly as Ty managed to splash even more mud all over the place and knock Ice man back onto his bum.

Josiah growled at the dumb Earth inferior and scooted away from him, easily standing up on his own. He glared at the dummy and tried, without any progress, to wipe down his once-white robes. "Now... how did I get here?" He knew as soon as he knew he couldn't breathe that he couldn't bend. "Okay, so that means I'm either in a very realistic dream(an awful one at that) or in the spiritworld. Oh, just two fantastic opinions..."
A man came up to them. He noticed all of their sun and moon prints on their hands and said something about 'Powerchildren'. Josiah looked sharply at him. "What? Powerchildren?"

Ty looked lost. He silently observed the land around him.

6,875 posts


ems • 5 October 2013 at 11:34 PM

@skylark @skittlejg @jupiter_hollow @ashfire @tralala22
Sorry for being late... XD

Leviathan HAD been taking a nap, when suddenly she felt another presence touch her mid ever so slightly, and a ripping sensation cracked through her. Then, feeling like she was missing something, Leviathan opened her eyes to see a bright orange sky... In a swamp. Definitely not in the Lightning Kingdom. Standing up, she suddenly realized she was missing more than one thing. Something wasn't right.

Levi tried to channel her bending... But nothing happened. Panic hit suddenly, and Levi bit her lip quietly. She didn't like his very much. Was there anyone else around? Leviathan cast her gaze about, looking for an even remotely friendly face.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 5 October 2013 at 11:34 PM


"Well, were all Power Children, aren't we, we all have the symbol on our hand. That must have something to do with the reason we're here," Kireno said.

"But where are we?" he asked, still puzzled by his strange surroundings and inability to bend.

Then, out of nowhere, in the group of people surrounding them, Kireno noticed someone who seemed like he understood the situation. He didn't know it, but it was Nostromos, a boy who would lead him and the others to save the world.

6,875 posts


ems • 5 October 2013 at 11:41 PM

@skittlejg @skylark @jupiter_hollow @ashfire @tralala22

Levi heard voices and ran towards them, her hopes lifting a bit. Maybe she could find out where she was and find a way home. When she found the others, however, they looked just about as lost as she did. But they all had a Sun and Moon on their hand... As well as their Kingdom symbol.

"Uh... Hi. Does anyone know where we are, exactly?" She asked hesitantly, stepping out so the others could see her.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 5 October 2013 at 11:55 PM

@jupiter_hollow Let's try to get out of the Spirit World as soon as possible so we don't have to wait for people to be on. Try to get Nostromos to explain himself and dissappear in your next post. 😃

Kireno got distracted from Nostromo when someone came running up.

A girl came slipping through the mud. Kireno craned his neck to see what nation she was from, but couldn't see her mark clearly. On her other hand, however, he could clearly tell there was the sun and moon symbol.

"I don't know, but I think somebody does," Kireno said softly, turning to Nostromo.

"Where are we, why are we here?" he asked, almost accusingly.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 6 October 2013 at 2:01 AM

@skittlejg @ems @skylark @jupiter_hollow

Ethan looked around, amazed. One moment, he was dozing off in the courtyard watching Autumn, who had fallen asleep while drinking tea. The next, he was in a muddy swamp full of mosquitoes and kids from other countries.

Apparently Autumn had noticed this as well.

"Where the heck are we? The Earth Kingdom? Certainly is filthy enough..." she said loudly.

Ethan put his hand over his face. She wasn't exactly known for her charm or tact, that was for sure. She was incredibly prejudiced against all other nations and she wasn't at all subtle about it.

"The spirit world..." he said, totally baffled. But why were they here?"

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 6 October 2013 at 9:27 AM

@dada_dragon @skittlejg Dude, I know you're eager to start the roleplay but I'm sort of on the other side of the world and I'm having internet problems so be patient with me, okay? Also, it's Nostromo, not Nostromos. @ems @skylark @ashfire @tralala22
Unlike most, Isak came to a slow and comfortable awakening. His slumber had been deep and neither the tug of a foreign presence, nor the feel of pointy rocks and mud under his back had rose him.
Immediately after he had woken up and looked around, he knew that he wasn't in the land of the Lightning Nation anymore. His plush bed had been replaced by a swamp and the ceiling he usually woke up to - by a bright orange sky.
He rose to his feet with a frown, looking around and attempting (but failing) to deduct where he was. Not long after, following the sound of shouting and chatter, he found a group of people, which seemed as confused as he was, if not more.
Immediately, he noticed the connecting detail they all wore on their left hand, all eleven seals glowing lightly.
And one seal that shone bright and intense like a sun.
In contrast to all the other children, the black-haired boy with the bright seal was hunched over near a tree, holding on to the low-hanging branches and visibly trying to keep his balance. His skin was painted a light gray color, face shining with sweat, and his entire body shook feverishly. He looked pallid and sickly, watching all the others with half-lidded glowing yellow eyes, that shone with timid admiration. He was smiling, faintly, albeit his heavily heaving chest and ragged gasps.
Despite everything, he looked happy.

And he was.

Overflowing with pride, Nostromo looked on to the Power children. He barely had any power left, feeling his legs ready to buckle from beneath him as the process of connecting had drained him completely. Everthing was currently chaotic, everybody was arguing and confused and it had taken so much pain and agony to get them all here, but they were together now and, by god, it was magnificent!
Licking the blood that was threatening to trickle off the side of his mouth, Nostromo stepped forward on account of Kireno's call.

He straightened in his full height, keeping a waggly balance and clutching his shoulder, but nevertheless wore an expression of pure determination. He was hellbent on lasting long enough to tell them about their task.

"What Kireno said is true." he told them, voice loud enough to echo throughout the swamp. "You-" he glanced around, gaze lingering on each and every one of them. "-are the Power Children. Your heritage and your purpose is sealed into your hands and it binds you stronger than blood ever could."

6,875 posts


ems • 6 October 2013 at 10:13 AM

@jupiter_hollow @dada_dragon @skittlejg @skylark @tralala22

Leviathan's head snapped to the left as she heard Nosotromo's voice ring out. Power Children... Sounded shady. Her eyes narrowed. The black-haired boy who had spoken looked so sickly... His skin was sallow and shining with an obviously cold sweat, and his eyes were clearly an unhealthy yellow color. He looked like he was in pain. Levi's eyes let go of the accusing look, her face settling into a small pout. As his gaze fell on her, her eyes vigilantly seemed to lock with his, hoping she could find any clues in his eyes.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 6 October 2013 at 10:57 AM

@jupiter_hollow I know, I was just thinking that the faster we do this beginning part, the sooner it won't matter if you have internet problem. 😊


Kireno felt annoyed, how did this person know his name, and why did he bring them here.

Narrowing his eyes, and setting his mouth in a scowl, he spoke, "But why did you bring us here?"

He saw a green bird, with a golden beak, red spots, and long plumage that twirled behind it as it flew gracefully through the orange sky. Kireno had seen this bird before, and suddenly knew where he was, the Spirit World.

"We're in the Spirit World," he muttered, then said more loudly, "Why, and how did you take us to the Spirit World?"

6,875 posts


ems • 6 October 2013 at 11:15 AM

@skittlejg @jupiter_hollow @dada_dragon @skylark @tralala22

"Is an interrogation really necessary?" Leviathan called out, glancing at the one called Kireno. He acted so odd about this. Levi rolled her eyes. "Just let the poor guy speak, he looks awful." Her arms crossed and she gave an indescrete shrug. The black-haired boy would probably just tell them willingly anyways, so Levi didn't really get the whole interrogation set-up. It was starting to irk her ever so slightly. A lot of things irked her. Her eyes flickered around at the various faces, her mind quickly analyzing them based on attire and emotions worn on their faces.

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 6 October 2013 at 12:28 PM

@ems It's Nostromo. x'D You guys amuse me. @dada_dragon @skittlejg You mean the sooner you guys can stop waiting for me and go ahead with the roleplay. I'm trying to hurry up xD @skylark @tralala22
Nostromo's expression fell, admiration falling short as he was met with distrustful gazes and accusing voices. They did not believe him and, although it was expected, it felt worse than he'd thought.

"I... I'm sorry. Forgive me for rushing you but it was vital that I brought you here as soon as possible." his voice softened greatly and he flashed an apologetic look at Kireno, lightly shrinking under the boy's gaze.
As Kireno was interrupted by an irked girl, Nostromo looked her way, the connection between them helping him recognize her immediatelly. She was from the Lightning Nation and he lightly smiled at her antics - like her element, she was rebellious and self-driven. And also strong, if he judged from the painful power wave he had received from her.

"We are connected, all of us, united under the same mark and linked by a tight net of power. I brought you here, using that link and brought you to the Spirit world so you could finally unite. And... although not all of you are here, you will still be powerful enough to complete your purpose." he stepped back, taking a balancing hold of another branch and lifted his left hand, presenting the glowing mark to them. "Separated, you are opposing forces of different nations, but together your strength is increased tenfold. It is exactly that kind of power that is needed right now." he took a deep breath, bracing himself for the next .

"I know that you have no reason to, but please, I'm begging you, believe me when I tell you this. The Emperor of Darkness is steadily rising. His power is expanding by the day, consuming more souls and increasing his strength. He's almost completely regenerated and once he's done getting the needed energy, the light won't confine him anymore. It would be terrible enough fr history to repeat itself, but furthermore, now he'll be hellbent on not only enslaving the other nations, but also destroying them. The world needs you, /we/ need you." he stepped forth, motioning pleadingly towards them. The movement made him cringe, his focus wavering and his body turned transparent. Pain crossed his face and he sunk to his knees, hissing at the pressure on his chest.

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 6 October 2013 at 12:44 PM

Ethan listened to every word, the crushing reality of it making him speechless. Power children? But he was powerless! What business did he have here among such powerful individuals...

Unfortunately, Aykay didn't seem to take it so seriously.

"The Emperor of Darkness?" She asked, laughing. "He's a story told to children to make them behave. He's not coming back and even if he did, there's no way the fire nation would fall to him."

@jupiter_hollow @ems @skittlejg

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 6 October 2013 at 2:10 PM

@dada_dragon @skittlejg @ems @skylark @inkstep hun, where u @?
Sighing in exasperation, Nostromo shook his head slightly, running a hand through his sweat-slicked locks and glanced up at the fire elemental.
"Don't." he warned, gaze hardened. "Don't, Autumn. You know /nothing/ about the Emperor of Darkness!" he regarded her with a thick voice, heavy with accusations. "Nobody knows because the fortress of darkness was isolated for as long as I could remember. Not a soul dared enter the Fortress of Darkness, nobody contacted the keepers, for they preferred to ignore the sleeping threat and pretend that nothing could go wrong! But Emperor of Darkness has woken up and he's strong. The presumably limiting confines of the darkness are failing to keep him in. He's expanding, slowly but surely and yes, the fire nation managed to defeat him before, sealing him in an 'indesructable' prison that he easily breached, but he was alone in his thirst for power back then. Now his darkness consumes everything that so much as dares cross the boundaries of his kingdom and gives him more power. He's breeding man-eating monsters, capturing elementals, corrupting them and training them to the ferocity of a wild beast... and then sending them to bring him more pure souls for him the plant the seed of sin into. And us... the keepers. For years on end, we were isolated! Alike him, we were limited to the darkness even though our souls used to be good. We were branded like cattle! Forced to bow under his reign out of fear that his heavy hand would come crashing, and it has! He wants to enslave you like he did us, force you to your knees and destroy you!" he yelled out, his anger intensifying by the second.
"And you don't know a thing because... how would you?" his voice acquired a sad note andhe leaned back on his knees, sighing. "You're limited by your arrogance, your prejudice and all those games of superiors and inferiors that you play. You fight amongst each other without noticing the enemy rising."

For a moment his form flickered, turning transparent for a few brief seconds and he frowned.
"No time." he turned to them, handing out the instructions he had come to deliver. "You'll be transported shortly to the Air Temple. From then on, you must continue your journey north, towards the Ice Kingdom and Water Tribe. While you're incredibly strong together, your power is not enough to defeat the Emperor and his troops. For that task you'll need to unite the nations and you must do it fast. Tell them about yourselves, show them who you are and you will earn their respect. you are the Midnight Sun - the power children. And you are an indestructible force. Your minds are connected, but your spirits are not. You can build a powerful link between each other. Search for it, initiate it, /be strong/!" Looking up at them with renewed admiration, he smiled. "Stay together."

With those final words, he descipitated, leaving a thn veil of darkness behind himself - a shadow of his fervent words.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 6 October 2013 at 2:14 PM

@jupiter_hollow Yes, that's another way to put it... XD

Kireno listened to Nostromo. The Emperor of Darkness, what was he talking about. His head was spinning, he didn't want to believe a word he heard, but what other explanation was there. Why would Nostromo take the trouble to bring them to the spirit world if it wasn't true.

"Wait, the..." Kireno said, as Nostromo's hand started to glow, he heard a scream, but who it belonged to, he wasn't sure.

The light was so bright Kireno couldn't watch, then, it faded, leaving a blanket of darkness.

"What, Nostromo," he said, running forward. But Nostromo was gone, and then Kireno felt his own hand burning, he too, was leaving the spirit world.

3,490 posts


skylark • 6 October 2013 at 2:52 PM


Josiah quickly aborbed all of the information that Nostormo had given. He wasn't one to doubt the very tall, sickly man. Nostormo knew what he was talking about, for he was extremely passionate about it. How else would he be so angry about such a once cliche topic? Josiah knew that children's stories often were not myths. And he knew how dangerous the dark nation is. It really was not surprising that their most evil man is on the rise again. With a cry, Josiah's hand burned with the force of a thousand suns, and he disappeared from the Spirit World.


Ty growled at the Fire Nation girl for making a comment about the swamp being Earth Nation. The Earth people would never make an ecosystem so dark and sinster!
He had a headache from all the talking and he really had no clue what was going on. Except for the fact that they were all Power Children. He remembered all of their faces, for he had a photographic memory of people. And unite the nations. Obviously this point was very important if it made it through to Ty's rather small brain.
His sun and moon felt like they were being branded onto his bones, but Ty gave no indication they hurt as he dissolved away.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 6 October 2013 at 3:33 PM



Kireno screamed as he felt his soul ripped from the spirit world. It was like a huge ball of lead had settled in his stomach, and it was so heavy that it brought him down through the Spirit World, and heading straight for the physical one. Meanwhile, he felt a thousand flames erupting in his hand, making his blood boil, searing his flesh and bone.

When he landed, Kireno looked around. High temple walls rose around them. He knew where he was, the Western Air Temple, he knew it to be the most spiritual of the three temples, some said the most spiritual place in the world. A strange noise, sounding of a mix of a pig and a dolphin, sounded behind him.

He turned to see gigantic bats moving around a giant pile of food. They startled screeching even louder as they saw him, and starting stumbling forward, their noise unbearable, making him clamp down on his ears.


Aelos looked down from his tower, it was right above the bat cages and he could always hear them at night. The six other boys that slept in his same room started to stir. Aelos saw a large group of people, and the cow-bats screeching angrily at them.

He sprinted out his room, and to the courtyard, blasting air behind him to propel him forward. His staff was there, and he grabbed it, instantly taking flight, and zipping around to the bat cages.

He flew between the bats and the people, landed, and blasted air in the face of a large, fat, brown bat, accented with black.

"Ipah, get back, stop that," he heaved, Ipah was his favorite bat, "Sorry, he isn't used to different people."

4,327 posts


dada_dragon • 6 October 2013 at 7:31 PM

Autumn rubbed the back of her hand gingerly. It had burned as they left the Spirit world. Now, seeing where they were, she growled in frustration. She'd been sent to the wrong place... This was certainly not the Fire Nation...

"Hey!" She yelled at the sky, not knowing how else to address the guy who'd gone and left them here. Besides, there was a lot of sky up here to yell at. Must be an air temple... "Take me back home! I'm not your little puppet and I'm not going on some field trip to unite the nations or whatever."

Ethan punched her in the arm. To the others, it may have seemed rude, but it was the only thing that ever got her attention.

"Be a little respectful. This is the Western Air..."

"Yeah, yeah..." She retorted. "I've seen paintings of it. Why are we here any..."

It was then that she noticed the cow bats. She may not have had any kind of likable character around humans, but she did like animals. She went up to one and stuck out her hand so that it could smell her. Her general look of utter distaste remained, but her posture was a little more relaxed.

Ethan turned as the boy spoke. An air nomad...

"Um... Sorry for the intrusion..." He said apologetically. "I'm not sure how we got here, but if we're trespassing at all, we can leave."

1,801 posts


cirrus • 6 October 2013 at 7:51 PM

Would somebody end this chapter within the next few posts?

Aelos frowned as he noticed the hand she was petting the giant cow-bat with. It had the same mark as his, the mark he had always hated, the symbol of a Power Child.

His breath had been taken away from him.

"You, your a Power Child," he said to the girl, holding out his own hand.

"Yea, we're all power children," Aelos turned to see Kireno.

"You'r'r yu, you're a-all Power Children?" Aelos stammered, surprised by the fact, "So-o-so am I."

"Great, now how do we get out of here, we have to get to the North Pole," said Kireno, who had seemed to have taken what Nostromo said to heart.

"Oh, well, I'm a Power Child, can I come, if I can come, I'll let you borrow Ipah over here," Aelos said, he felt so excited that he would get to go somewhere. He had no doubts, he had wanted to leave the Western Air Temple his whole life, and he knew this was his chance.

Deleted • 6 October 2013 at 8:43 PM

Mala's eyes shot open, and she lay in something damp. She gasped and got up. Swamp water absorbed into her robe as she stood up. This defiantly was not the Northern Water Tribe Kingdom.
'Great...' Mala muttered.
Where was she? How did she get here? Questions popped up in her mind, but she was way too tired to decide any answers. She forced a yawn and looked around. Mala thought she could hear voices in the distance and started walking towards them. She peered through a bush and saw other people, perhaps benders too. Mala heard the word 'Power Children' many times.
She stepped out to where the other people were and curiously looked around.
"Would someone explain what you guys are talking about?" Mala asked.
Mala then felt like she had been teleporting, when she woke up, she noticed she was at the Western Air Temple.
~Skipping a bit... I'm lost. xD ~
Mala then saw the giant cow-bat and blinked. They were going to escape with this?

@Skittlejg I won't be able to get on weekdays, due to school. I'll try my best to get on to post.

6,875 posts


ems • 6 October 2013 at 8:58 PM

@jupiter_hollow 😋 She glanced at Kerino who was interrogating Nosotromo. I know who is who. XD@skylark @skittlejg Nuuuuuu everyone left without me.... XD

Levi was suddenly somewhere else, rubbing her aching head. The Emporer of Darkness? Her thoughts reeled a bit as she stood. Her surroundings appeared to be light and airy, and whne she channeled her energy correctly, sparks crackled in her hands. A soft smile curled on her lips. At least her wasn't weak anymore. She had her bending. Looking around, she saw the other kids with an air nomad. She walked over. Late again, wasn't she?

"Did I miss anything important?" She asked.
