Creature Suggestion- The Royline

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

Yay or Nay?

221 posts


lucywithdiamonds • 18 November 2014 at 12:47 AM

This creature is inspired by the Ermine, an animal in real life that was often use for its furs to clothe those of nobility….but on egg cave, these creatures ARE the nobility! 😊

About the Royline:

Inhabitants of Ark worship the Royline as a symbol of nobility. They can often be seen depicted as the subjects of portraiture in the Ark City Art Museum.

Royline are master craftsmen. Specializing in weaving and metal work, these are one of the few creatures that have evolved skills necessary to clothe themselves. However unlike the Vattone who create clothing through environmental necessity, Royline dress themselves to assert social status. In fact, scientists have observed this creature taking part in popular trends of clothing making them the first species to practice "fashion". Only the most skilled Royline can create the most intricate fashions to declare themselves as pack leader. They are also excellent scavengers, selecting only the purest of gems for use in their jewelry making. Often found digging for precious metals, they are willing to work hard for their craft. To add to their splendor these creatures practice thorough hygiene. Daily grooming can be tedious in order to maintain a healthy and clean white coat.

I hope you enjoy, although I appreciate all opinions

Thanks Egg Cavers!

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2,534 posts


ida92 • 18 November 2014 at 3:13 AM

@lucywithdiamonds How beautiful! I need a couple of them in my cove! 😊

Deleted • 18 November 2014 at 4:05 AM

i love ittttt!!! *o* ❤️

221 posts


lucywithdiamonds • 18 November 2014 at 11:05 AM

@ida92 thank you so much ^^


haha I was just about to ping you! I'm so happy you like it 😸

1,070 posts


kiryko • 18 November 2014 at 12:55 PM

@lucywithdiamonds Cute and really nice idea BUT IMHO eyes in first stage seem to be too far one from other☹️

221 posts


lucywithdiamonds • 18 November 2014 at 2:43 PM

@kiryko thank you! well it is in a different perspective. But at least artistic details aren't my concern here lol I don't really do cartoon work, it's difficult xP haha
