Wolves of the Mist (Role Play form!)

in Roleplaying

52 posts


0xid3li • 15 July 2017 at 11:43 PM

(@keesa, spelled my user wrong lol. Checked in and saw anyway haha.)


Being knocked out of her trance, she was about to turn her head swiftly when she stopped, hearing this voice. "Oh, look who it is ~ ", she though to herself. She smirked and looked at him. "Greetings, Beta Row- eh *corrects throat* MountainAsh". She was so used to saying his intimate name in her thoughts that it smoothly just came off. "Yes, a little cub approached the fox, but before I could step in and help, MoltenSky, a male hunter, had protected her and nipped the wolf to scare it off. I was about to go and see if both were okay, but you have called me Beta. Seeing as they are okay, I am in no hurry. Although, I ask for your permission to make sure the fox has strayed away and not lingered", she held her gaze down the whole time, not making eye contact unless she was let so otherwise. Her body was erect towards the little pup and MoltenSky. Her ears shot up.

Deleted • 16 July 2017 at 3:22 AM


Sidyana was walking to the camp while holding Venus carefully in her mouth. She heard the pup asking her where they were going, but she couldn't answer at that moment.

Sidyana quickened her pace and finally reached the camp. Following Hera's advice, Sidyana looked for an elder to help her. She walked to one of the elders' den and saw Brink lying down, in a deep slumber, with pups behind him. Sidyana slowly nudged him with her paw, trying to wake him up. @little_moose

36 posts


little_moose • 16 July 2017 at 6:49 AM

He felt something nudging him. As much as he wanted to sleep for a bit more he opened his eyes. "Yes?.." He said, grudgingly. Brink looked up to see Sidyana (@darkmirage04) looking down at him expectantly. Suddenly, he remembered the pups. He looked to his side. He saw Blossom (@keesa) but not Salamander.

Deleted • 16 July 2017 at 8:23 AM


Sidyana put Venus down and said: "I'm sorry for waking you up, elder Brink. Could you, please, help me take care of this pup? I promised her mother"

52 posts


0xid3li • 16 July 2017 at 6:12 PM

(@darkmirage04, Venus and Hera aren't blood related. They just like to think of one another as fam)


Since the journey was pretty long to Venus and she was just a pup, she couldn't help but fall asleep after not receiving an answer from Sidyana. "I wonder if she's mad at mama or me", Venus thought to herself as she frowned a little and then she doze off.

*THUD* Venus flopped on the ground as Sidyana leaned her head near the ground and let her go. Although experiencing a small movement, Venus ceased to awake. Her body was positioned on the ground with her head and paws sticking out. She stirred and rolled over, her soft light cream colored belly stretched out.

266 posts


starlight123 • 16 July 2017 at 7:58 PM

Moondust dashed towards the forest, hoping to find her siblings.
"I can't howl,"she thought, "if I do, Rowan might think that the loners want to return or something."
She continued her way. Stopping once in a while to listen. She hear the crackling of branches nearby, and quickly sniffed the air. It was the smell of a wolf, or two. She quickly dashed in that direction.

36 posts


little_moose • 16 July 2017 at 8:17 PM


"It'd be my pleasure, Sidyana." Brink said. He looked down at Venus. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep. He pulled Blossom (@keesa) and Venus (@oxid3li) closer to his grey fur. Brink wondered where Salamander was but decided Bud and Venus should be his first priority.

105 posts


keesa • 16 July 2017 at 8:26 PM

His tail wagged slowing back in forth as she spoke and he took in the news, feeling immensely relieved someone had gotten to the pup in time. The pack still seemed relatively peaceful at the moment, he hoped it would stay that way, though sooner or later someone was going to have to warn the queens of a fox bold enough to come into camp. It was a bad sign if the other animals were becoming desperate enough to surpass their natural fear of wolves. "Thank you for keeping watch Hunter Hera." He said with sincere gratitude, hunters were technically under no obligations to obey the commands of a beta unless the alpha directly gave the beta authority or the packs were at war. The beta's tended to try and tell the hunters to do things anyways, he'd been ignored when requesting help on multiple occasions, particularly by dawn wolves. With a problem as serous as a fox, it was a relief to know at least one of them had the sense to listen to him. Though MountainAsh knew he could be bossy at times, but not without good reason. "I'll come with you, after the fox. That is, if you wouldn't mind." He said, it would be good to have the sharp sense of a hunter with him on the patrol.
(@0xid3li whoops, sorry! )

She had been staring at the wall of fur that was Brink angerly, wishing she had longer legs that would let her leave the boringness of the den. Her ears pricked up as another pup was plopped down besides her. She ran over to them, tail wagging. "Hey, Heey!" She yipped at Venus, poking the other puppy with her snout, "Did you see the fox?" she asked them excitedly and snuggling into Brinks soft fur.
(@little_moose @0xid3li )

He looked across the cool lake, all the way to the other side. It might as well be another world he mused, looking at the packs territory. At least the lake was neutral land, owned by neither. The loner slowly lowered himself into the water and began to swim out into the still water.


36 posts


little_moose • 16 July 2017 at 8:36 PM

"I didn't see the fox but I don't think you should either. Foxes are dangerous. They don't like pups. They...eat pups!" at the last sentence Brink started to tickle the pups(@oxid3li and @keesa). He laughed.

52 posts


0xid3li • 16 July 2017 at 9:20 PM

(@keesa & @little_moose)


Venus had felt a paw the size of her head be placed by her rib cage and get moved next to something large and furry. She opened her eyes to be met with a large wolf with light gray fur. She couldn't see this wolf's face as it was too large for her!

She heard something from behind her, but didn't hear what it was. Seconds later, she felt something wet poke against her body,"did you see the fox?". A loud and playful tone had made its way to Venus' ears. She was about to turn and question the wolf behind her in what she meant by fox when the large wolf next to her spoke. "I didn't see the fox but I don't think you should either. Foxes are dangerous. They don't like pups. They...eat pups!", being startled by this, Venus begun to lift her small and chubby paws to run away and stand next to the voice she heard from before when one of two paws of the large wolf reached out to her.

Suddenly being tickled, Venus couldn't help but start to laugh quietly. She snickered and wanted the wolf to stop so she attempted to take it away with her four tiny paws. "Hahaha, stawp, hahahaha pls! Hahaha"

Seeing as this didn't work, she opened her mouth and started to bite at it jokingly ♡

As she had warmed up a little to the elders den, Venus' sweet body aroma had spread throughout the room, reaching the senses of those near her. "Who was this wolf tickling her without her mama's consent?!", Venus thought, not knowing she was having such fun.


Seeing Rowna wag his tail back and forth, she wondered what this meant. "I'll come with you, after the fox. That is, if you wouldn't mind", suddenly being asked this, she did not expect it and stood there for a second. "Of course not, Beta MountainAsh", although Hera's thoughts were mildly full of him, she always made sure not to commit her mistakes twice. This time, she made sure to call her Beta by his proper name.

"I will lead you towards the path in which the fox has gone. If you will..", Hera made contact with him for a second and discovered the intense and cold gaze he had on him. It was the same look he gave everything and everyone he dealt with. All except his close siblings, close siblings like Alpha ScarletHart. She knew now and always knew he hadn't taken an interest in anyone. She didn't know the kind of wolfen he liked, it wasn't her business, but she couldn't help it. She wanted to know everything concerning him. She felt nosy and guilt toward this, thus, she always kicked these thoughts in the trash. Hmph. I shouldn't be thinking about this.

She felt cold and looked down once again. Was she scared of him, no. She had encountered countless ruthless and cruel wolves throughout her life out in the wild. Yet, her interest for him had his gaze contain dominance over her. She knew his gaze would one day grow sharper, stronger and gain the ability to put other packs in fear. She disliked thinking this of him, but his abilities would have to be next to Alpha ScarletHart of course. Hmph.

"...pls follow me and let us remain close in case of any ambush." She turned around, ready to take action and run on his permission with him on her lead. Goosebumps were sent down her spine, being aware of his presence and gaze being her.

Deleted • 17 July 2017 at 1:19 AM

(@0xid3li: I know)

Sidyana was glad to see Venus feeling better after she had a nightmare. Brink was really good with pups.

She jumped on the top of Brink's den and looked down at him.

"I'll be right here if you or the pups need anything. Oh, and thank you, Brink." (@little_moose)

52 posts


0xid3li • 17 July 2017 at 2:40 AM

(@darkmirage04, wah! Just wanted to mention it <})

8 posts


startail • 18 July 2017 at 11:13 AM

Molten Sky | Male | dusk | camp | Tags: Salamander
Sky set down the pup. He pounced on the fox, successively landing on top of her. The fox squirmed under him and then gave up lying still. He sighed and said ''Salamander foxes are dangerous. They are hungry and will maybe take you as a snack.'' He managed to pick the fox up in his jaws. Not hurting the fox of course. ''Here touch the fox now but never ever do this alone.''

AutumnRuby | Female | dusk | camp | Tags: Rook, Moondust
Ruby admired Rook. His fur was so dark and pretty, but his eyes were more captivating. She had felt warmed by it. Though her daydreaming was shattered when she heard her name. Looking around she spotted Moondust. She looked quite unhappy. She felt bad for Moondust. she didn't exit her den though.
After a wait seeing the loners leave she saw Moondust leave also. Seeing this she decided to follow Moondust, not think that she was going to do something sneaky, but just out of sheer curiosity.

LarenSpirit | Female | camp | Tags: Rowan, Violet and Maroon
Laren felt torn in the matter. Feeling both of the sides and their problems. She nodded to Rowan saying ''I'll try my best.'' She lead the loners out side of the territories boundaries. ''we're here. She smiled at them and then said ''it nice meeting you... Maroon and is it, Violet.''
after the encounter, she started her way back to the camp grounds thinking all was well.

(sorry for not posting, it was fair and I do rabbits. The fair lasts 6 days and I'm there every day all day so yup. my posts kinda short this time.

52 posts


0xid3li • 19 July 2017 at 12:25 AM

(@startail, did u kill the fox? We were taking a part of our rp in in :})

36 posts


little_moose • 19 July 2017 at 8:06 AM

Moltensky (@startail) held the fox to her. ''Here touch the fox now but never ever do this alone.'' he said to her,''Salamander foxes are dangerous. They are hungry and will maybe take you as a snack.'' . Sally grinned and started petting the fox's tail. The fox twitched and looked very uncomfortable with it. "It's okie Mr. Foxy. We won't hurt you!" she said.

"It's my pleasure, Sidyana (@darkmirage04). He felt Venus softly biting him. Brink stopped tickling the pups (@keesa and @Oxid3li). Suddenly, a strangely good aroma filled his nose. He decided to ignore it.

105 posts


keesa • 22 July 2017 at 11:13 AM

Blossom screeched in mock terror as the elder tickled her, squirming around in his grip in an attempt to escape before her calls devolved into a fit of giggles. She panted for breath when brink stopped, a bit disappointed the game was over so soon and tumbled over so she was looking at the stone roof of the den. "I wanna play out siiide." She whined, "I never seen a fox!" She grumbled. (@little_moose )

He nodded, pausing for a second as he caught wind of Hera's unusual scent. This wasn't the first time he had noticed it but hadn't put a face to the smell until now. Rowan studied the she wolf with new interest as though seeing her for the first time, this wasn't the first time her scent had caught his attention. Back before the pack merged, he had scented her a number of times near the boarders of the dawn packs hunting grounds were it met up with the edge of the dusk territory. Its was a place wolves from both packs were often seen so it wasn't anything out of normal but he had always wondered who it was. Now, between dealing with disputed of the merging packs and trying to legitimize ScarletHart's rank of alpha from those who seek to challenge him, Rowan hadn't even realized she was right under his nose. That alluring scent and who it belonged to had always been a mystery until now. MountainAsh felt a bit foolish, how many other things had escaped his notice these past few weeks? He looked around the pack one more time before realizing Hera was waiting on him and felt that once again his mind was not were it should be. The poor hunter was probably uncomfortable that he had stared so long with not explanation like some sort of creeper. SparrowSong had teased that Rooks cold glare was rubbing of on him, Rowan knew how unnerving his brother's gaze could be when he was lost in thought. Both of them had grown up so much in the past year, from bright eyed and playful to the serous wolves they were now. Even their closest friends seemed to regard the two with detached respect. He sighed, "By all means, lead the way." He said, walking over to stand next to her back flank. "I'll look out for any... surprises."
(@0xid3li )

She growled through the loners fur as she felt something claw at her exposed stomach and she chomped down harder on the scruff of his neck. The hunter shifted her weight backwards and pulled, trying to unbalance him to gain the upper hand. This was not the ways she usually chose to fight, since it was clear he was the stronger of the two, wrestling was something she chose to leave to leave to the betas. The hunters ears were pricked forwards, disadvantage or not this was better than what ever mind games he had been trying to pull and besides, solving problems with violence was how things usually went with her. Chestnut laughed, "Your out numbered and out skilled loner!" she laughed through his fur, feeling confident despite the pain in her underbelly. With her alpha by her side she wouldn't let some dumb loner get the best of her. "Do you give up yet?" (@panda9983)

(uugg Sorry guys for disapeering! Bleh, buisynesss and not feeling good its not a fun combination. Thank you guys for being so patient! )

1,924 posts


reality • 22 July 2017 at 1:02 PM


"Fine, I give, only for my freedom." Brook compromised.


Snow walked toward the Elder's den since she wanted to listen to some stories.

105 posts


keesa • 25 July 2017 at 4:36 PM

Blossom screeched in mock terror as the elder tickled her, squirming around in his grip in an attempt to escape before her calls devolved into a fit of giggles. She panted for breath when brink stopped, a bit disappointed the game was over so soon and tumbled over so she was looking at the stone roof of the den. "I wanna play out siiide." She whined, "I never seen a fox!" She grumbled. (@little_moose )

His head shot up at the sound a howl for assistance, just one loner wasn't much of a treat, but Rowans news about the increase of rouge scents made him warry. The alpha was already feeling restless and out of sorts today, might as well go see what was going on and get some energy out. Looking around he noticed MountainAsh about to head for the howl but he stopped him and told him to finish whatever business he was going to do with the dawn hunter who was by his side. He barked to call some of the beta to him and, catching sight of AutumnRuby (@startail ) in her den, called out, "AutumnRuby!" motioning with his muzzle for her to follow him and the others out on the patrol.

He nodded, pausing for a second as he caught wind of Hera's unusual scent. This wasn't the first time he had noticed it but hadn't put a face to the smell until now. Rowan studied the she wolf with new interest as though seeing her for the first time, this wasn't the first time her scent had caught his attention. Back before the pack merged, he had scented her a number of times near the boarders of the dawn packs hunting grounds were it met up with the edge of the dusk territory. Its was a place wolves from both packs were often seen so it wasn't anything out of normal but he had always wondered who it was. Now, between dealing with disputed of the merging packs and trying to legitimize ScarletHart's rank of alpha from those who seek to challenge him, Rowan hadn't even realized she was right under his nose. That alluring scent and who it belonged to had always been a mystery until now. MountainAsh felt a bit foolish, how many other things had escaped his notice these past few weeks? He looked around the pack one more time before realizing Hera was waiting on him and felt that once again his mind was not were it should be. The poor hunter was probably uncomfortable that he had stared so long with not explanation like some sort of creeper. SparrowSong had teased that Rooks cold glare was rubbing of on him, Rowan knew how unnerving his brother's gaze could be when he was lost in thought. Both of them had grown up so much in the past year, from bright eyed and playful to the serous wolves they were now. Even their closest friends seemed to regard the two with detached respect. He sighed, "By all means, lead the way." He said, walking over to stand next to her back flank. "I'll look out for any... surprises."
An howl made his fur stand on end and he swung his head in the direction the call had come from, a loner? Well that was nothing new but if someone felt the need to call for help... MountainAsh was about to move away when Rook intersepted him, "Its alright Rowan, I got this." The alpha said, letting out an answering call and barking at some of the other betas to follow his as he lest camp. Rowan was about to protest but ScarletHart was already gone. He sighed, "Lets go then." He growled to Hera.
(@0xid3li )

The hunter relented, tearing herself off his throat and moving back a bit, still in a hostile pose in case he got any ideas. "Pitty, If you valued your freedom so much then why didn't you run when you had the chance?" With that she let out a long howl to the betas, telling them of the intruder. When that was done she smiled at Brook, "If you want to keep your freedom, I suggest you run." Chestnut growled, almost in a playful tone. (@panda9983 )

1,924 posts


reality • 25 July 2017 at 5:15 PM


"Oh, I don't value freedom, I value my life." Brook smirked. With that, he ran away.

52 posts


0xid3li • 26 July 2017 at 12:53 AM



Looking at Rowan's hesitant expression she said,"Yes, Beta", as she started running towards the Fox's path. The tall green trees with dark brown bodies. All around Hera was the scent of nature. As she was running she slightly closed her eyes and letting the air embrace her lungs, making her feel fresh and alive. She let out a small sound of pleasure. This feeling felt so good, she even wanted to live here alone, knowing she wouldn't feel alone so long as her ancestor's spirits were with her.

105 posts


keesa • 27 July 2017 at 7:08 PM

She watched the loner turn tail and run with an unimpressed expression, "Loners." She scoffed, "Cowards the lot of them." Then walked over to Spring, ignoring the pain in her chest from were Brook had clawed at her. Chestnut bowed her head respectfully to her former alpha, "Nice to see somebody noticed my absence, thank you for coming." She was about to say more when a howl came to them over the wind and moments later the alpha and a couple other wolves were there. "A bit late to the party, alpha." She said to Rook in a tone of quiet venom, the hunters nose tipped upwards defiantly. Even though the packs had merged she still considered the dusk wolves as an enemy. Chess moved closer to Spring protectively.

He arrived to see the loner had apparently left and walked over to the former alpha, ignoring the quiet warning growl from the hunter at her side. "What happened here?" He asked her.
(@panda9983 )

The beta did his best to concentrate on the task ahead, occasionally tripping over some fallen branches as the went, his mind wondering on what was going on without him and if it was actually a serous problem. ScarletHart could handle himself, Rowan knew that, but it didn't stop the beta from fearing for the worst. Ahead of him, he could see Hera seemed to be having a good time, her lovely white pelt almost invisible against the snow. He tried to relax, it was very nice out and this was normally the type of thing he enjoyed. An leasherly patrol out were the soft quiet of the woods seemed to quiver in the stillness. Certainly this was more pleasant than camp, all the sights smells, and problems often made it hard to think. He pushed ahead, pulling up to the hunters shoulders and letting her lead a head lengths ahead of him, letting the rhythm of his paws against the ground drown out his worried thoughts and began to relax. The scent of fox was growing closer and he could scent other trails both old and new floating in the air, Hera must feel it even more, he thought, hunters had the best senses in the pack, a trait he quietly envied.

157 posts


avsilly • 27 July 2017 at 9:30 PM

A large female wolf, suddenly steps over the claimed border. It was one who had been rumored of cannibalism, though this wolf looked healthy.... Strong even. One tooth was exposed due to a cut on her upperlip. She made her way towards the center of the territory in hopes of encountering wolves.... She walked oddly.... Her back left leg seemed to be in bad condition. She could definitely take on any wolf despite this. Her ribs were very clearly visible, suggesting she hasn't eaten in days. The wound must be making it hard for her to hunt. The only name anyone would know this wolf by is the "Black Mist".... Rumors of their horrible deeds were whispers through the pack.... Most never knew this wolf actually existed, simply a story to scare pups into behaving.... But there she was.

1,924 posts


reality • 28 July 2017 at 1:54 AM



"A skirmish with a loner," Spring said respectfully, but curtly. She suppressed a growl in her throat.

157 posts


avsilly • 28 July 2017 at 2:07 AM

The wolf stops and looks directly at Spring. Her eyes were sharp and intimidating. "What was that....?" Her voice was deep, oddly hypnotic.


1,924 posts


reality • 28 July 2017 at 11:31 AM



She looked defiantly into the strange wolf's eyes. "Who are you," she responded, her voice sharp and clear.

105 posts


keesa • 28 July 2017 at 8:09 PM

He looked down at Spring, noting the former alphas unease with a raised eyebrow and a flick of his tail. So far she had been complacent enough that her former pack members stayed in line but he wondered for a second just how long that would last. He knew he could never give up being alpha and it had been a relief that the dawn rulers had stepped down without to much of a fight, it made sense, he ran the bigger pack, but still. His large black head shot up at an unfamiliar voice. The alpha stared at the loner, his cold blue eyes revealing nothing as he looked into Ruza's face, a deep growl rising in his throat warning. "This is pack territory, you are not welcome here loner." He said in an even commanding voice. "If you don't leave we'll have to use force." The poor loner look beaten up enough by the looks of her. Rooks body stayed in a fairly relaxed position, as far as he was concerned there was nothing to fear in a single loner. Behind him some of the wolves he had brought whispered among themselves, something about a black mist but he ignored them. It seemed every day their was a new mist conspiracy floating around the pack, non of which he had found to have a lick of truth.

The beta did his best to concentrate on the task ahead, occasionally tripping over some fallen branches as the went, his mind wondering on what was going on without him and if it was actually a serous problem. ScarletHart could handle himself, Rowan knew that, but it didn't stop the beta from fearing for the worst. Ahead of him, he could see Hera seemed to be having a good time, her lovely white pelt almost invisible against the snow. He tried to relax, it was very nice out and this was normally the type of thing he enjoyed. An leasherly patrol out were the soft quiet of the woods seemed to quiver in the stillness. Certainly this was more pleasant than camp, all the sights smells, and problems often made it hard to think. He pushed ahead, pulling up to the hunters shoulders and letting her lead a head lengths ahead of him, letting the rhythm of his paws against the ground drown out his worried thoughts and began to relax. The scent of fox was growing closer and he could scent other trails both old and new floating in the air, Hera must feel it even more, he thought, hunters had the best senses in the pack, a trait he quietly envied.

266 posts


starlight123 • 28 July 2017 at 8:30 PM

Moondust ran, the paused. She could hear someone following her. "Whoever is following me, show yourself. I can hear you. I know you are there." Her eyes scanned the landscape, looking for any sign of movement. @startail

157 posts


avsilly • 30 July 2017 at 6:08 PM

"I come seeking help.... " *Her eyes flicked between the two wolves.* Of which I would be willing to make up for.... I believe the pack to be strong and one of the few goods in this world.... I ask no one for help, but this time I'm smart enough to know.... I'll surely die if I don't...." *She awkwardly lowers herself to the ground, bowing her head in a submissive manner*

52 posts


0xid3li • 30 July 2017 at 9:19 PM


She moved ahead of Rowan by a little bit. She was a little hesitant on actually being the one to lead, but since she knew the way, she was the one needed to do so. Hera hadn't really minded this as she was content at the thought of having one other advantage besides liking the feeling of having to lead. It was to protect her Beta from any danger that was fated their way.

Enjoying the quiet breeze, Hera had begun to sense the smell of a male fox in which she later discovered paw prints on the ground. She wanted to alert her Beta quickly when she knew that he would soon catch up and there wouldn't be any danger in her not doing so. Knowing that after she had enjoyed herself within the scent of nature and its surroundings, she turned to look at Rowan, in hope of seeing his face. "Did he also enjoy the comfort our goddess brings to us through nature?", she wondered. She had always hoped to find the like of nature within a partner.

*Some time later*

Knowing that by now, Rowan had taken notice of the paw prints and the scent of a fox she proceeded to immediately inform Rowan of her recent discoveries not long after knowing of the paw prints, "Beta, I sense several foxes near us to the left, shall we proceed ahead towards them and hunt?", when she had said this, a sudden idea came to her, she went on to discuss this idea with her Beta, a glint of amusement and longing appeared in her light eyes, she smiled as she was about to talk, but due to her long thoughts, she was too slow to take action and Rowan spoke.



266 posts


starlight123 • 1 August 2017 at 8:49 PM

(@startail I'm just going to act like Ruby decided to stay hidden.)

Moondust shrugged and continued running. Looking for the scent of wolf. She ran to the lake and howled. If Maroon and Violet could hear her, they would come. She knew they would. Maybe she could find some other wolf who saw them.
Her thoughts immediately went to the loner wolf. She shook her head gently and howled again.
