that moment when there's an egg in the thief shop

in General

16 posts


shawnasse • 9 November 2018 at 5:30 PM

but you just started so you don't have the EC to buy it xD lol
Does anyone know how long the eggs stay in the shop for?
It costs 543,723 EC and I have 60,568 EC lol
If I like SPAAMM clicked a buncha pets do you think i'd be able t o get it before it goes away?

edit: Apparently it wasn't in there for long lol darnit..

1,553 posts


rabbitwanter • 9 November 2018 at 7:19 PM

yeah i think you have to get them right away ☹️ the chances of it actually being a creature are low though

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 9 November 2018 at 7:42 PM

A lot of people stalk the thief shop so they are usually bought right away. Sometimes I don't even have time to go to my strongroom to grab EC from my bank. So trying to feed for the right amount of EC if probably a .0001% of it still being there unfortunately ☹️
But as rabbitwanter said chances it was an actual critter is super low.

16 posts


shawnasse • 9 November 2018 at 7:45 PM

Really?? D; so even if I buy the egg it might not even be an egg? :c
Is it just a nothing then like when you attempt at the asteriod? Or does it like give you an item or something at least? :/
Is it really worth it to attempt buying them if you do have the EC on you?

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 9 November 2018 at 8:00 PM


Sometimes you get a little EC back [not the full amount], but most the time ya don't get anything if it's fake :c

Well some of the actual critters are worth a decent bit more than you buy it for so you could resell that. Though they do decrease in value. Like when the Tidnab just came out they went around 7ooCC. Now it's hard to even get 1ooCC value for em. Tidnabs are the only ones that are quite that low at the moment. The rest run from 3oo to 25ooCC depending on which ones x3

16 posts


shawnasse • 9 November 2018 at 8:03 PM

hmm- I think that sounds like a lot because currency bought with RLC is always worth more than the currency you earn in game but im not sure *how* much more lol
Do you know the general CC to EC ratio by any chance?

And thats so lame that it doesn't give you anything D; I guess it does make the creatures that much more rarer though so it makes sense

Did the prices deflate because more were released er?

4,845 posts


newlife • 9 November 2018 at 8:42 PM


The EC:CC ratio is
1 million EC = 100 CC

Although some people sell for a little lower from time to time, but that's the rate that is most widely accepted right now.

Prices deflated as creatures stayed in the Thief Shop for longer. New creatures became more wanted because they are significantly rarer than their older counterparts.
It's simply because of how long they've been on the shop, also demand too.

4,575 posts


wigglytuff • 9 November 2018 at 9:04 PM

Omg once I stared at an egg for like 10 minutes and then hesitantly bought it... it was fake ☹️

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 9 November 2018 at 9:18 PM

What newlife said, though I have found that it is harder to get that ratio nowadays. EC seems to have risen in demand and I see more people selling for discounts than I see asking the 1CC to 1o,oooEC ratio [5oCC - 5oo,oooEC; 1ooCC - 1 Mil EC; and so on].

Seasonals, commons, asteroid critters, and endangered critters are like the thief shop critters also in that they lose value as time goes on because they become less rare as more people get them.

16 posts


shawnasse • 9 November 2018 at 9:33 PM


There's an egg in the shop for 521,740 EC rn if any of you are feelin lucky lol

(will respond to your messages in a sec i just wanted to get that out there lol)

62 posts


tehuti88 • 9 November 2018 at 9:40 PM

"The egg 'hatches,' only to discover it was a plastic egg covered in black ink. It wasn't a real egg! The shopkeeper doesn't offer an apology after you get really upset with him."


172 posts


anabanana • 10 November 2018 at 5:15 AM


I actually got a Dilloton back when it was the rarest creature on EggCave, and I only sold it for 2k CC. I probably spent way more than that buying eggs only to discover there's nothing in them, or get a creature that's worth like 200-300 CC. IMHO it's better to save up a little bit and just buy the creatures from someone else.

1,836 posts


minnie298a • 10 November 2018 at 10:35 PM

I keep a running tally of how much each of my Thief shop eggs have cost me. My Artemiane cost just over 1 mil, my Meerna was 570k (one try), my Gamaeso was 1.7 mil, and I've currently gambled another 4.78 mil on 12 eggs trying for my next. The cheapest egg I've bought was 25k, and the most expensive over 600k.
