how much is a SoB (star of bethlehem) travel worth?

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1,696 posts


cookiemonster • 17 June 2019 at 1:38 PM

question in the topic, if anyone has any idea pls lmk!


265 posts


ajinkura • 17 June 2019 at 2:15 PM

I have no idea, sorry ^^'

1,629 posts


icecloud101 • 19 June 2019 at 6:16 AM

the SoB?
tbh, im not really sure of its worth
i suppose it depends on the user, but ive personally seen it sell for 1mil+??
but i guess you can ask someone more experienced than me to make sure

1,696 posts


cookiemonster • 19 June 2019 at 2:18 PM

ok, thanks for taking the time to respond!! 😊

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 19 June 2019 at 11:33 PM

Gotten em as low as 5oCC since they're in the watchamacallit [don't remember, sorry] The victory day thing [I think maybe it's called] Been in there every year since it started.
If they come back again this year then they'll probably still remain around that. I mean yes they can go more, but I'm cheap and always wait until the event pops up again and I think some others probably do the same. Well I know some others do the same lol.
When it's been awhile since the event I see people ask from 1oo to 5ooCC. The 5ooCC I think are kinda a joke to be honest, but to each their own. Everyone can value something different since values are pretty much opinions. I haven't seen them go that high [5oo] since I very first started back in 2012. The most I've ever done or would do is 2ooCC for one [To be honest on that also, I probably wouldn't do that much for one since I have like 2o + of em and now the travel remover thing is here and I have even more if I took some off. Maybe would do that much again if they were retired from the event though, but never more than 2oo.]
Albeit I've seen like 2 actually traded for 5ooCC, but the people who bought em didn't know they were re-released so many times and such and one told me they felt stupid for doing that so yeah >.>

1,696 posts


cookiemonster • 20 June 2019 at 2:55 AM

hey!! I've missed ya, hope you're doing well 😊
but dang haha, I knew they had been rereleased once but not that many times xD
thank you so much for the help ❤️ i really appreciate it 😸

2,822 posts


lunacharm1037 • 20 June 2019 at 6:45 AM

@cookiemonster. I paid 50cc for mine. I wouldn’t pay anymore than that

1,696 posts


cookiemonster • 20 June 2019 at 12:57 PM

ok, thanks 😊
