I'm not getting a notification when somebody pings me.

in Problems & Bugs

312 posts


snowkitties • 11 March 2020 at 9:40 AM

As the tittle I'M NOT GETTING A NOTIFICATION WHEN SOMEBODY PINGS ME. It's really got on my nerves because when I realized somebody pinged me in a giveaway for example. I DON'T GET A NOTIFICATION, and I don't think that's right. And for anyone who is wondering it's NOT BECAUSE THEY'RE SPELLING IT WRONG. And it links to my profile. Could I have some help? @Ian @Orderedchaos. My browser is Chrome. Edit: I'm also not getting a notification when I have a Site Trivia answer right and things like that. Please somebody help. @mastergemma

2,892 posts


skymoare • 11 March 2020 at 10:26 AM


Yeah that sometimes happens to me too! I use Chrome too, but once in a while a notification doesn't show up (like yesterday).

2,235 posts


beta • 11 March 2020 at 10:54 AM

@snowkitties the problem may be they could possibly be editing the ping in and the ping won’t come through, or correcting spelling in edit..
