Get your Ghost Stories....Spooky

in Entertainment

Do you love ghost stories? (Multiple answers allowed.)

3,057 posts


jirachiwishmaker • 27 September 2020 at 7:01 PM

Okay so everyone loves a good ghost story, or creepy pasta as they call it. And here I will share some scary stories from youtube links that will definitely entertain you. So, if you have a few mins it won't take too long to listen to a quick short story while you're doing something else on your computer, or you could also listen to this on your cell phone during walks. And you can also listen to these while your doing feeds for the fair. Share your stories here with us, and make sure that the link works cause sometimes if you don't copy all of it then it would be a broken link, but yeah just saying. I know it's not halloween yet, but it won't be long before it's next month so I'm just starting this one early.

The Girl with the red umbrella

Spooky Weight Loss

The Ghost Wedding

4 Horror Stories

5 Scary Stories

22 True Horror Stories

4 ghost stories

11 horror stories

12horror stories

The Pizza Delivery

We're watching you

Slumber reads

\The Dew Drop Cafe

Fairy Lantern Stories

House Fairy Horror Stories

Seven Scary Fairies you never want to meet

Fairy Royalty Horror Stories

29 posts


blackpink • 1 October 2020 at 4:10 PM


4 ghost stories

11 horror stories

12horror stories

Gender Nonconforming
1,249 posts


frankenstein • 9 October 2020 at 3:02 PM

Slumber Reads:

He does long compilation narrations of spooky stories c:

3,057 posts


jirachiwishmaker • 9 October 2020 at 5:52 PM


Thanks for sharing I definitely need something to listen to while doing lots of feeds.

29 posts


blackpink • 13 October 2020 at 2:01 AM

The Pizza Delivery

We're watching you

4,623 posts


mastergemma • 13 October 2020 at 5:20 AM

This is from a show I watched.

There was an orphanage in a church and the children loved playing hide and seek. There was a bunch of children including one who was deaf and unable to speak, Harry.

It was a normal winter day and the children wished to play outside. They ran and played all day and decided to play hide and seek. The children ran to hide, including Harry, and eventually the seeker found all of the children excluding one.


The children searched and searched but couldn't find him. He wasn't in the playground, he wasn't behind the trees, where was he? Dinner time soon past, the daylight grew dim. The adults joined the hunt but noone was successful. When night fell the search was called off, a snowstorm blowing in. All footprints now covered, not that any of the prints would have helped them find Harry.

Harry was never found alive. The search party continued for a few days and stretched to nearby towns but noone was able to find a single clue. There was never a sighting of him. The church was never the same afterwards, the children never played any form of hide and seek ever again and rumours started floating of the church being haunted. The church became underfunded, the orphanage barely surviving with the few children left there. The next winter some travellers past through the church, asking if they could help fix anything up. The travellers were asked to help clean the church's bell tower, as the old priest could not handle such physical work. They climbed the tower and stopped at one of the window ledges as wedged in the corner was a set of small bones.


2,235 posts


beta • 13 October 2020 at 6:37 AM

@mastergemma, that’s a good one, and also sensible! Since he was deaf, he couldn’t hear them call, and he had a good hiding spot. :0

Deleted • 13 October 2020 at 7:12 AM

This isn't spooky anymore, just sad.. ;(
Do you guys feel like ghosts with faces are more creepy than ones without faces?

3,057 posts


jirachiwishmaker • 13 October 2020 at 4:02 PM


Thanks for sharing the story, I loved it!😊

In scary stories the ones with wide grins like clowns were always the scariest to me, ugh!

Gender Nonconforming
1,249 posts


frankenstein • 13 October 2020 at 7:39 PM


I think ghost with human-like features are creepiest. Faces that belong in the uncanny valley, like, strangely shaped eyes and mouths with no nose for example. Like "there's a little girl over there, but something's... something's not right."

Deleted • 14 October 2020 at 4:02 AM

@lokisonoflaufey I do agree, like if you talk about a headless skeleton, or even a headless zombie. It gives doesn't bring the same shivers if you describe it without the head. The headless skeleton frankly sounds like a pretty cool story to me. Like Jack Skellington, yeah? Or dolls with malevolent souls in them. They have faces too, which freaks the crap outta me.

@jirachiwishmaker Clowns hmm, but what do they look like without makeup? Just a plain old pasty face.

3,057 posts


jirachiwishmaker • 14 October 2020 at 1:46 PM


For a few years people used to dress up like clowns and do crazy things to where the public won't stand for it and want to get back at them. I mean I would think anyone who's in a clown suit outside of halloween can be quite crazy if they're also doing weird things by themself, or in the forest.


I had a crazy dream where people's souls were being put into dolls by witches and so the dolls were alive and acted like humans because they were humans once. I don't care for scary dolls either, and I never ever gave my lil sis a doll for a present cause she don't like them like that either, LOL Dolls can also be very scary if they move around by themself without batteries. Going Momma...LOL

29 posts


blackpink • 16 October 2020 at 2:59 PM

The Dew Drop Cafe

Fairy Lantern Stories

House Fairy Horror Stories

Seven Scary Fairies you never want to meet

Fairy Royalty Horror Stories

Gender Nonconforming
1,249 posts


frankenstein • 16 October 2020 at 10:43 PM

I've never owned dolls because I really don't like them. To combine fears, one of my grandmothers collects clown dolls. I can't think of a creepier, though innocent collection - aside from Precious Moments' paraphernalia.

3,057 posts


jirachiwishmaker • 16 October 2020 at 10:57 PM


I've never had a problem with collectors of Precious Moments cause I used to see them often in the Hallmark store, so I always thought that they were cute, and they really don't bother me at all. It's the dolls that can blink, and the arms and legs that can move freely. I just saw a video that a guy had a haunted doll and it was blinking and moving on it's own without any batteries, it wasn't a doll that needed batteries cause it wasn't a moving kind of doll, but it was haunted, so it's moving from some ghost, or demon, or something, it was definitely possessed, I told the guy that he should just burn it, LOL

Gender Nonconforming
1,249 posts


frankenstein • 16 October 2020 at 11:00 PM


I know this is counterintuitive, but I've been known to search for sales on allegedly haunted dolls, paintings, and boxes, lmao! I want so badly to believe that I'm willing to get myself haunted XD

3,057 posts


jirachiwishmaker • 16 October 2020 at 11:04 PM


Well, you're so brave cause like I could never bring a haunted object home, I make sure all the stuff I get if it's used are not haunted, LOL And if I did have an object that was unusual then I'd most likely cleanse it to get rid of any attachments. I want to bring a plush doll home with no spookies in it ya know, LOL You could find alot of haunted objects on ebay they say you can find all kinds of things there.
