πŸ“ŠRe-release guide [data collection]

in Chit-Chat

Have you bought a rereleased creature from the CSP?

349 posts


cho • 14 May 2022 at 5:32 PM

Last updated: 21/04/2024

I'm not sure if anyone has done it already, but I'm just interested in having a list of what has been released so far ~ If anyone wants to help me out to get the data, will credit you 😊 If I somehow missed the month(s), please just feel free to make a post and I will add it back later!
Which creature(s) was your favourite to be rereleased?
What other creatures would you want to see re-released?

Thank you @pwuffy ❀️ for her help to finish the list~
Thank you @newlife ❀️ for her help to finish the list~

November: Corlinn (2000 cc), Scarrow (1800 CC), & Squinton (1500 CC)
December: Adarna (1000 cc), Bellato (1400 CC), & Kringus (2000 CC)

January: Biwo (2000 CC), Kirin (1000 CC), and Goldur (1000 CC)
February: Corphex (1000 CC), Crystar (1000 CC), & Yuki (1800 CC)
March: Clocat (1500 cc), Frion (1000 cc), & Ranfil (1000 cc)
April: Abrillion (1500 cc), Flufur (1800 cc), and Rie (1000 cc)
May: Eurog (1400 cc), Flickle (1200 cc), and Flofbite (1000 cc)
June: Flintar, Gadfly, & Iccilah (1000 cc each)
July: Brios (1500 cc), Paroxy (1300 cc), & Slysal (1000 cc)
August: Cetopia (1000 CC), Pandai (1500 CC), & Unipeg (1200 CC)
September: Flyen, Othgog, & Tokk (1000 CC each)
October: Encalop (1000 CC), Oscoa(1300 CC), & Rencup(1000 CC)
November: Autuwl & Ambrok (1000 CC each)
December: Bomnom & Crishorse (1000 CC each)

January: Canic and Khione (1000CC each)
February: Purita anbd Leffer (1000CC each)
March: Duckbeak and Parlock (1000CC each)
April: Onny and Squearth (1000CC each)
May: Macbot and Doovoo (1500 CC each)
June: Revii and Keekee (1000CC each)
July: Foglin and Trisk (1000CC each)
August: Hulae and Onabi (1000CC each)
September: Buttersloff and Vattone (1000CC each)
October: Mimic and Reep (1000CC each)
November: Electrock and Xiang (1000CC each)
December: Koleda and Roknatun (1000CC each)

January: Roarnt and Sharken (1000CC each)
February: Vleermus and Strawbearry (1000CC each)
* voting was available since this Feburary
March: Shamrue and Raicorn (1000CC each)
April: Blu and Greem (1000CC each)
May: Eurog and Aguaille (1000 CC each)
June: Rhinedorf and Felindle (1000CC each)
July: Balrogipuwet and Turtux (1000CC each) Balrog sold out, 50% Turtux
August: Nym and Raskoon (1000CC each) Nym sold out
September: Seiren and Ignis (1000CC each) Both sold out
October: Diment and Spookcat (1000CC each) Spookcat sold out
November: Gobbler and Knitten (1500CC & 1000CC ) Gobbler sold out
December: Guinstar and Elkikorn (1000CC each) Guinstar sold out, Elkikorn 86%

January: Pixgog and Clous (1000CC each) Both sold out
February: Valgrun And Luvlei (1000CC each)
March: Clocat and Lal (1000CC each)
April: Leroon and Serpede (1000CC each)
May: XXX (1000CC each)
June: XXX (1000CC each)
July: XXX (1000CC each)
August: XXX (1000CC each)
September: XXX (1000CC each)
October: XXX (1000CC each)
November: XXX (1000CC each)
December: XXX (1000CC each)

January: XXX (1000CC each)
Febuary: XXX (1000CC each)
March: XXX (1000CC each)
April: XXX (1000CC each)
May: XXX (1000CC each)
June: XXX (1000CC each)
July: XXX (1000CC each)
August: XXX (1000CC each)
September: XXX (1000CC each)
October: XXX (1000CC each)
November: XXX (1000CC each)
December: XXX (1000CC each)

Vend Machine rereleases:
Started: March 16, 2023
Goldox Ended: April 29 2023
Unchaga Ended: April 29 2023
Ragon Ended: June 10 2023
Flowerflur Ended: July 27 2023
Baistay Ended?
Olimpt Ended?

Voting available for rerelease: (needs to be updated yearly for new creatures)
For January Creatures:
Pixgog, Arnmnae, Clous, Ahjoon, Draqua, Flar, Biwo, Kirin, Goldur, Canic, Khione, Fife, Lunantis, Veema, Rayun, Celehiro, Janot, Sirena, Teason, Waurolrus, Bearealis, Festivecker, Volpe, Faunan, Trask, Lonto, Freezent, Lui, Vodda, Vatrome, Ulme, Zamaja

For February Creatures:

For March Creatures:

For April Creatures:
Onny, Squearth, Ecorth, Sheap, Abrillion, Flufur, Rie, Bushay, Koalyptus, Narlock, Dabbit, Feep, Ryby, Alarune, Terpox, Ornisment, Ara, Burdrah, Spunny, Lem, Pixiee, Mishquen, Marnire, Medis, Pipared, Erthona, Floodeer, Aries, Wakalama, Biocycle, Wolfern, Rackalily, Kolibri, Kooka, Moovovi, Galith, Aureia, Bemiee

For May Creatures:
For June Creatures:
For July Creatures:
For August Creatures:
For September Creatures:
For October Creatures:
For November Creatures:
For December Creatures:


559 posts


pwuffy • 14 May 2022 at 10:34 PM

@cho thanks for making this list!! 😊
november 2020 was corlinn, scarrow, squinton (i believe this was the first month they took place)
december 2020 was adarna, bellato, kringus
january 2021 was biwo, kirin, goldur
february 2021 was corphex, crystar, yuki
march 2021 was clocat, frion, ranfil

my favorite rereleases... probably the big 3 (onny macbot doovoo)... not because they are my favorite creatures by any means but because their value was just way too high and they were too rare. they almost never went UFT (esp macbots/doovoos) but even when they did, barely anyone on the site would have even had a *chance* at making an offer for them! definitely feels a lot more fair to have more in circulation, even with the mishaps that happened with the site lag and extra creatures and such 😊

as for creatures i'd like to see rereleased in the future... def want to see a greem rerelease, cause i'd like to get my hands on a second one to freeze it and its one of my favorite creatures, more people deserve to get their hands on this fluffy green lemur XD would also love to see a diment rerelease, it's another creature i love and once had but traded away :'( it feels very rare to me, i feel like i rarely see them in peoples coves at all...

376 posts


megamisama90 • 15 May 2022 at 4:34 AM

@cho I'm been just keeping a list for myself along how many I've. @pwuffy layed it out already so well.

My favorite re-release was Encalop ❀️ of course! πŸ˜ƒ I'd like to see anything from my WL re-released, Faymanita the most!

349 posts


cho • 15 May 2022 at 3:20 PM

@pwuffy thank you so much for the list ❀️ I'm glad that people got a chance at it as well, even if it meant the mishaps too! 😊 I understood why people were upset, but I'm also really thankful that there was transparency at the end of the day~ greems are so adorable (not me thinking it was a green fox the entire time) !!! I hear you! if I know anyone trading one, I will be sure to pass along the information. Have a wonderful day x

@megamisama90 πŸ˜ƒ thank you Misa ❀️ encalops are too cute. I hear you! It's really hard to get creatures if you were not playing during those times. Have a wonderful day x

734 posts


nut • 31 January 2023 at 10:27 PM

just stumbled upon this, thank you @cho for making this resource! hard to keep track after a while. my favorite so far was definitely macbot/doovoo, what a rush lol.

I would love to see the arnmnae, clous, and pixgog rereleased!

349 posts


cho • 1 February 2023 at 10:10 AM

@nut you're very welcome 😊 It's really tough to keep track so I thought it'd be useful if they continued to do re-releases. My favourite is the Macbot as well! they are so cute!!! lots of anxiety to get them haha

!!!! it seems like we have similar preferences about aesthetic of the artwork 😊 I'd love to see all of those as well~

4,845 posts


newlife • 1 February 2023 at 10:17 AM


Hi Cho! I did a bit of digging and these are the prices you're missing:

July: Brios (1500), Paroxy (1300), & Slysal (1000)
August: Cetopia (1000), Pandai (1500), & Unipeg (1200)
September: Flyen, Othgog, & Tokk (1000 for all 3)
October: Encalop (1000), Oscoa(1300), & Rencup(1000)
November: Autuwl & Ambrok (1000 for both)
December: Bomnom & Crishorse (1000 for both)

349 posts


cho • 1 February 2023 at 10:22 AM

@newlife Thank you so much for your help ❀️ 😊 have a good one!

4,845 posts


newlife • 1 February 2023 at 10:24 AM


I just realized I missed the Canic and Khione! They were also 1k each 😊

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 1 February 2023 at 12:16 PM

Corphex is my favorite of already re-releaseds. Sadly it was Rrd the month* I joined and I had no plans on ever shelling out any money on the site other than for a LoV. I had no idea how much I'd want one or how difficult they'd be to get my hands on later. -_-

('month' being generous, as I joined in the last couple days. I didn't even know if I liked the site yet or would even stick around, before it was over.)

Also love the Osca and Biwo
Revii coming in 3rd. So colorful ^^

p.s. Thank you for making this list! ^^

349 posts


cho • 1 March 2023 at 1:41 AM

@newlife Thank youuuu!!! ❀️ ❀️ ❀️


Oh no, I hear you. It's really hard for new users to get cc other than buying with real money and I get your frustration >_> Ping me so that I can see your post! I didn't even see this until I had to edit the list, don't mean to ignore anyone; I like all the wolf/dog like creatures too!
No problem 😊

5,409 posts


Orderedchaos • 1 week ago

Topic unlocked by request.
