‘Newest to your cove’ filtering option!

in Site Feedback & Ideas

Good idea or bad? (Multiple answers allowed.)

391 posts


redflipflap • 16 November 2022 at 4:20 PM

Hello Eggcave users and team! I was wondering if it would be possible to include ‘Newest to your cove’ and ‘oldest to your cove’ filtering options. Often times, when I find myself trading with other users, my pea-brain lowkey doesn’t remember what I was trading *for*, so it’d be nice to see the newly added bbs to my cove!

Additional benefit: with the ‘oldest’ filter, we can see creatures that we’ve personally owned for-freaking-ever!

Okay that’s all I got, love you bye!

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1,285 posts


daisycat • 16 November 2022 at 4:29 PM

I support this! Great idea, could be very useful. 😸

1,498 posts


wonder404exe • 16 November 2022 at 4:29 PM

Yussasasssssasaaa YESSSSSSSSSS
I always click the Newest for some reason this would be da best eva for my crappy lil brain

2,909 posts


heatherm19 • 16 November 2022 at 5:16 PM


*ahem* Yes. yes yes yes please. I use the 'youngest' filter a lot, but that doesn't really help when I've traded for something. It's new to my cove, but could be months or even years old, so it's difficult to track down.

(Also totally get you on forgetting what you traded for, I often keep a tab open of my trade offers for days at a time just so I don't go "what wait" when I get the notification my offer was accepted... Uh, okay, what'd I get again? Lol)

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 16 November 2022 at 7:22 PM

It confused me for the longest time why creatures i just traded for wouldn't show up when i was filtering for youngest. I knew they were older, but it never occurred to me that people would want to filter by the age of the creature itself >.< I eventually figured out what the site meant, but it's still disappointing not having a 'filter by date obtained' option.
(I think it's been mentioned that there's not really an easy way to code for that. ...But I'm like "How much of a bonus do y'all need? I'm pretty sure some of us wouldn't mind funding this operation.")

(On that note, it also took me a while in our Strongroom to figure out Qty means Quantity and not Quality. - I used to think it meant we could filter on how many uses an item had left - given that some are one use, some are multi use, and others are infinite.)

2,909 posts


heatherm19 • 16 November 2022 at 10:27 PM

@snowywinter "I think it's been mentioned that there's not really an easy way to code for that"

I'm not a coder so maybe it's a lot more complicated than I think, but... ? From what I do know of website-coding (very little), there should be a way to simply put a number-marker on each creature as it enters your cove. So, if I have 200 creatures already in my cove, the next creature to be added to my cove would be marked as 201, regardless of it's actual 'stolen' date. The marker would be tied to your cove, so if the creature was traded/etc and went to another cove it would 'lose' that marker and 'gain' the appropriate marker for the new cove. Of course that's not considering retroactive numbering, or moving between your own accounts, or whatever...

And now that I type that all out I'm honestly very curious what the simplest way to code something like this would be.

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 16 November 2022 at 10:33 PM

I think simply that it could be tracked by when each enters the cove by date. (Granted, it would mess it up each time you move something between coves, but for the purpose of "What did I just win/trade for?!" it would certainly help.)

1,726 posts


minnie298a • 16 November 2022 at 11:14 PM

Hmmm, interesting.

Would I use this? Yes, yes, I would. Particularly when I impulse buy a bulk lot in an auction for one creature and need to figure out the others I didn't want so I can trade them away.

Would I use it often? Not really.

So while this would be helpful, I can also think of other things I'd prefer the coders to look at first (sorting the strongroom by shop immediately comes to mind).

When I remember to do so, I write down my trades that aren't already recorded on a board or walls. It's not foolproof though.

2,909 posts


heatherm19 • 16 November 2022 at 11:25 PM

@minnie298a Okay maybe I'm just overtired, but I had this mental image of you writing down your trades on a wall in your room or something. 😊

The bulk-lot thing is a very good example of why this would be helpful. Personally, I got some bulk-transfers from a player who was quitting awhile back, and after accepting the transfers I had a heck of a time remembering what exactly was in them. Even when going through my cove and looking through all my creatures, if I have a handful of a certain species it's not always obvious which one was a part of that lot I just got.

1,726 posts


minnie298a • 16 November 2022 at 11:33 PM

I actually use an exercise book. It's really the only form of writing I do now a days. Somewhere, in the depths of my room, I have my old ones from a couple of years back, as I used the same book for different sites and games. Mainly I use it to write down trades to check to see it they are even, or to note what discounted price I've told someone they can have. But when I remember, it's also handy to note the names and/or species of auction and trade lots.

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 17 November 2022 at 12:11 AM

Not to get too off-topic here, but it's amusing enough I had to mention it... "they" do make whiteboard/dry-erase paint specifically FOR the writing on walls (and other surfaces.)

So it's not that crazy of a thought. lol.
