Travel/names not updating

in Problems & Bugs

738 posts


dafni • 30 January 2023 at 7:49 AM

Hi there,
I changed some travels and names on creatures on my main account and after around two days the images aren't updated yet... Not expecting to get them sorted in few minutes, but aren't supposed to take no more than a day usually?
Tried to recache but I see no differences.

1,508 posts


wonder404exe • 30 January 2023 at 8:15 AM

@dafni still happening to me most of the time its fast like REALLY fast but sometimes… it takes TOO LONG shows up

I have to wait a few weeks top for it to update
I’ve tried clearing too it dont work for me
Other times updating stars (just basically creature image) can take a while

738 posts


dafni • 30 January 2023 at 8:35 AM

@wonder404exe that's mental, never being like this in past!
It's kinda upsetting to be fair, cause your cove will look messy for days...

5,409 posts


Orderedchaos • 30 January 2023 at 11:18 AM

Exactly which creatures have had updated names/travels? What should the names and travels be?

738 posts


dafni • 30 January 2023 at 1:09 PM

@Orderedchaos the names are sorted now, but 15 creatures on my profile that seems without a travel actually they are equipped with one:

001 = Icy Grass (Quarina Stage 2)
002 = Wooden Beyond (Yastara Stage 4)
003 = The Obelisk
004 = Orange Leaves
005 = Yellow Begonias (Pandai Stage 2)
006 = Lavender Fields (Whalerarium Stage 2)
007 = Wings of Majesty (Zalaeth Stage 4)
008 = Magical Rainbow Sunset
009 = Fireflies (Flintar Stage 1)
010 = Heavy Snowfall
011 = Incubator (Coreoli Stage 3)
012 = Pink Sand Beach
013 = Wet Leaves (Janot Stage 1)
014 = Christmas Star
015 = Incubator (Coreoli Stage 3)

2,936 posts


heatherm19 • 30 January 2023 at 1:23 PM

@dafni I'm seeing the appropriate travels on all of those. Have you tried clearing your cache, cookies, *and* doing a hard-refresh?

5,409 posts


Orderedchaos • 30 January 2023 at 1:50 PM

I can see travels equipped on all those creatures. It appears the problem is with your browser's image cache not updating properly. Here are a couple things you can do to fix that.

If you press ctrl+F5 on a creature's profile it will force your browser to update and fix all images on that page. This one is a quick fix if you have one or two creatures that aren't displaying a new name/travel correctly.

If you clear your browser's cache it will fix all the creature images at once. If you are not sure how to do that you can google "your browser (firefox, chrome, ect) + clear cache" and you will find instructions on how to clear your browser's cache.

738 posts


dafni • 30 January 2023 at 3:49 PM

@Orderedchaos soooo I had to change 3 different browsers cause I'm on a tablet and couldn't find a way to clean the cache, but now it worked!
Thanks for the help ❤️

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 1 February 2023 at 1:42 PM


Edit: I really need to go get some more sleep. It finally registered in my brain that Orderedchaos did give you instructions. (I swear i read the post three times!)

*embarrassed* I'd just delete all this, but it drives me nuts wondering what someone posted when I get a notice and then it's not there when i finally look.

- - - -

For future reference if you're on Android.

Settings > Apps > tap on app name of browser > Storage > Clear Cache button
(Do NOT tap Clear Data!)

It's actually good to go through the list periodically and to do this with most of them.

- - - -

(I've hated Android updates with a fiery passion. Each major one seems more convoluted than the next. And How to clear cache is one of the major revamps I've never gotten over. And it's been the way it is now for quite a while.)

I've also been (almost)exclusively using Private/Secret/Incognito mode for a few years now and it's really helped avoid most performance issues. (Only downside has been when devices with lower memory crash, there's no recovering tabs.)
Saves a lot of trouble-shooting steps and time.

Like in this instance I can skip right to F5 (on desktop) or restart the browser on tablet (since temp cache is cleared when it shuts down. There *is* a small cache, but that's there so websites can function - like keeping a user logged in.)

Glad you got it all sorted out though! ^^ Very frustrating when creature customization doesn't update here.
(I really do miss how it used to be instant gratification.)
