Sorting the Archives by Month/Year

in Site Feedback & Ideas

2,892 posts


skymoare • 1 February 2023 at 9:32 AM

Recently I popped back onto EggCave to check up on my creatures and I noticed this yellow box that asked the question: Vote: What species should be unvaulted and rereleased in March?

Since I haven't been on Eggcave in a while, I had long forgotten the past creatures that were released in March in the previous years. I tried looking through Archives but found that there wasn't an option to sort by Month/Year. I was just thinking that having a sort option by Month/Year in the Archives might be helpful to users who aren't familiar with past creatures.

Just throwing this suggestion out there, not sure if there's already a way/easier way.

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 1 February 2023 at 12:26 PM

Please, please, PLEASE Eggcave team, make this a reality!
Sorting by month/year is something I've tried looking for since my earliest days here. Every now and then i forget that's not an option and still go looking for it.

Sorry skymoare, not aware of any easier method at the moment (other than wading through old blog posts.)

suzanab did suggest this in another thread, but I really don't find it to be a suitable replacement for a visual guide.
and then insert the desired month into search. (Wow, that was hard to find since last time i visited wiki! yikes. near the upper right-hand corner, just under the sign in / register buttons.)

2,553 posts


dragrawr • 1 February 2023 at 12:50 PM

@skymoare @snowywinter

This is an absolute MUST in my eyes. Especially since the re-released poll is just an open box, i have no idea what creatures were released in March and quite frankly I don’t have the eye power to check over 700 creatures at the moment,,

It would be a lifesaver ! This would also help me with my creature suggestions as i don’t want to accidentally create a similar idea to a previous month/theme. 🌷

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 1 February 2023 at 12:58 PM

@dragrawr right?!

especially when the team is asking for suggestions for 'next year's' Creature Release Week theme.

59 posts


mars • 1 February 2023 at 1:01 PM

@lbowe_elbow I was wondering actually. In lieu of the eggcave team implementing it, would it be possible to build it into eggcavity? I don't mind putting in the gruntwork of finding the months and years for each of the creatures and putting it into an excel sheet or whatever is best for you to code it in.

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 1 February 2023 at 1:19 PM

I'm still waiting to hear back on my idea for at least doing the same with CRWs, but that (sorted by year, and then month) is DEFINITELY a feature I'd use on Eggcavity if it weren't implemented here. (Or even if they organized it better over there ; ) )

1,186 posts


lbowe_elbow • 2 February 2023 at 12:32 PM

@mars definetly an option. (: Let me see what I can do

59 posts


mars • 2 February 2023 at 12:33 PM

@lbowe_elbow amazing. You can find me on @sapphire12 too. Let me know what you need me to do 🤍

1,186 posts


lbowe_elbow • 2 February 2023 at 12:51 PM

@mars @sapphire12 If you want to help me flush out dates for creatures and make sure they're accurate I would be grateful. DM me if you have a little free time (:
