The Unwritten Rules of Egg Cave

in Forum Games

1,309 posts


daisycat • 14 October 2023 at 5:30 PM

ᴛ   ʜ   ᴇ      𝐔     𝐍     𝐖     𝐑     𝐈     𝐓     𝐓     𝐄     𝐍
 𝐑  𝐔  𝐋  𝐄  𝐒    ᴏ  ғ    𝐄  𝐆  𝐆    𝐂  𝐀  𝐕  𝐄


Welcome Egg Cavers!

This forum is not serious and is meant to be funny and light-hearted.❗
❗These are not real rules and all are said tongue-in-cheek.

Please post Egg Cave "rules" that you've noticed, created, or follow yourself.

Here are a few to start...

• If you see an auction you like, and your friend has already placed a bid, you do not bid and you move along.
• You may only buy an item from a player's shop if you need that item for a quest right now. You should never just buy a bunch of things from their shop, thinking you're helping them out and giving them EC. It takes a while for them to restock and they want to sell to those that may really need it.
• When a creature becomes low in stock in the VEND machine, you must comment on the blog post with "oh no the _______". You must fill in the blank with whatever the species is (Example: Unchaga - Fish; Tawny - Red Panda). The text must be all lowercase and have no punctuation. This rule (trend) was started by @/sapphire12.
• You must complain about a missing feature from the website at least once a month.
• If you are gifted a creature, you are not allowed to sell or trade that creature. However, there is one exception: If you allow a waiting period of six months to one year, you may consider trading, selling, or re-gifting said creature.
• If you give someone a gift (item or creature) via the Trades Center, you do not keep the item they offer and you are required to send it back.

This forum is not serious and is meant to be funny and light-hearted.❗
❗These are not real rules and all are said tongue-in-cheek.

95 posts


matcha • 14 October 2023 at 10:08 PM

Here's a rule I follow:

If Daisy posts a topic in the forums, I respond 😊😉

1,733 posts


lexicon • 14 October 2023 at 10:22 PM


If you accidentally feed something on a "do not feed list," you must immediately go sit in the corner for a time out 😔

I'm sorry I don't make the rules

666 posts


mightyeglantine • 14 October 2023 at 11:28 PM

A silly rule I made up for myself a few years ago,
Always deposit all EC except for 1 coin. Let the the imaginary poverty fuel your grind!

932 posts


shirothekittehlover • 14 October 2023 at 11:39 PM

I have one very personal rule and it goes like, "only deposit your EC when it reaches 100k"

That way the interest rises up drastically >u>

2,555 posts


dragrawr • 14 October 2023 at 11:54 PM

My rules:

1. 5k ec increments in the bank. 9k? No, deposit 5k. 1,001,000 ec? Only 1,000,000 goes in.

2. Forget to check cave all day, wonder why I have no monthlies, realize I didnt approach the cave that day

3. Regularly check creature suggestions to support others and see what contenders I have X3

4. Never keep CC in strongroom (weird i know) because Im too scared of something happening to it

5. bid on random lots that are underpriced even tho you dont actually want it so the owner gets more ec when someone outbids me 😸

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 15 October 2023 at 12:10 AM

Shamelessly stolen from my profile:

I pledge that I shall always put one item in for every item I take from the Donation Center. I am loyal and true and want there to be something there for you too.

(Not that I donate nearly as often as I used to since Dailies came about... but when i do snag something I still abide by it ^^.)

2,936 posts


heatherm19 • 15 October 2023 at 12:13 AM

Great thread! I've actually been looking for a good place to post this one:
-When an NPC gives you something for free, thank them! (Specifically, I always thank Nebby outloud every time I get seeds from them during October...)

Also, in general talking to the NPCs when you are hoping for a specific item on restock.

Check my 'youngest' creatures multiple times a day to double-check they are getting stats and I haven't forgotten anything (not putting them in my quick-feed, forgetting to rename something, etc).

A rule I try to follow but don't always: Only use the freeze potion on creatures I've actually put on one of my freeze lists! ie, no random freezing because I suddenly think something looks cute.

95 posts


matcha • 15 October 2023 at 12:20 AM

@heatherm19 Nebby is my favorite! He just seems so content with life. I haven't being saying thank you out loud lol but I'm gonna start now!

Cis Woman
163 posts


smartie2742 • 15 October 2023 at 1:12 AM

For me, I never keep anything in my inventory in case something happens to it. It's a fear leftover from my days on Neopets, where you could actually lose items in your inventory at random. Only stuff in the strongroom is truly safe.

7 posts


trixzel • 15 October 2023 at 2:21 AM

@smartie2742 Same everything use to go in the safety deposit box and I too follow this rule of putting everything in the strongroom because if it XD !

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 15 October 2023 at 12:33 PM

@smartie2742 , @trixzel I do have exceptions to putting stuff in my strongroom (e.g. when I'm waiting to put something in my Shop, about to gift someone, need to remember to send a Thank You for a gift.) but I too had the carry over fear from Neopets here for the longest time >.<
It's chilled out a bit, but there are certain events when you can lose items. (Usually there's enough heads up on the Blog.) ...but I like staying in the habit for when those events do come around.

(During those events I end up having to make lists of what I put in my Strongroom, or I'll forget what went in there >.< )

- - - - -

just read @dragrawr's post
>.< I am the same about depositing EC. I aim for 10k, but will go in increments of 5,000 to squeeze in that tiny bit more of interest. (Sometimes I give myself a buffer if I'm shopping near rollover. ...but now that the rollover timer has been fixed I usually deposit as much as I can. I've tried depositing all I have for maximum interest, then pulling out the odd amount after rollover, but it drove me nuts.)

422 posts


suzanab • 15 October 2023 at 12:47 PM

Here's one rule I wish people will go by: when someone makes a post in help section, it means "do not ignore me, I am not on invisible mode and I REALLY need help" and answer, even when they're not sure of an answer, just say "something"!

2,555 posts


dragrawr • 15 October 2023 at 5:10 PM

@snowywinter YESS

2,721 posts


jlya • 15 October 2023 at 6:22 PM

Aw, that's so wholesome! Nebby's the best ❤️ Once in a while I do say thank you aloud but not often.

I love this thread!

1. I always try to deposit every cent of my EC by the end of the day to get maximum interest (I think this started because I was afraid of the Dragold's den stealing my precious coins xD)

2. If someone puts the same item in their shop after me (or I put an item in after them) always make the price AT LEAST 50EC cheaper, but usually 100-200EC cheaper out of courtesy to the shopowner and other players who use user shops. It drives me crazy when someone prices the same item 1EC cheaper than me. I feel personally attacked xD

1,309 posts


daisycat • 21 October 2023 at 7:32 PM

Love the responses! ^^

One of my rules:

If you see an orange, yellow, or beige cat-like creature, you must obtain it to add to your "My Mildreds" cove list.

I don't always follow this though, since I've been trying to be more specific in what I'm looking for. Some of what I've collected has pushed it, and now I'm trying to really focus on the "orange" and "cat" part of it. x)

464 posts


cageheart • 10 February 2024 at 6:39 PM

My personal big rule is when setting my shop prices, I ALWAYS check the restock price and base it off of that and the item rarity
