Los Angeles - Home of the Lost Angels

in Roleplaying

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 7 October 2011 at 10:59 PM

@randomkitty17 Accepted! 😃

@angel_star Yes, but only one Good max unless it's a mortal, unlimited Evil. GTG guys! Bye! I will make an OoC thread one sec and post the link!


Posted the OoC thread on first post!

533 posts


dewpaw • 7 October 2011 at 11:12 PM


Name: Mara and Rama

Age: 14 and 14

Gender: Female and Male

Race: Demon

Physical Description: Mara wears an ill-fitting black tunic*much like a dementor*. She appears like a human with short pale pink hair cut raggedly. Has a pale face with little to no smile.
Rama wears the same clothes as Mara *they share a body* the only difference in their appearance is that Mara's eyes are Blue, and Rama's eyes are Gray, and Rama is Male.

Personality: Mara is quiet to and submissive. And a bit mentally unstable, she will spout random facts when under pressure. When Rama takes over Mara she becomes extremely violent and will have no empathy. Mara has blue blood, caused by Rama sharing a body with her.
Rama is the opposite of Mara and will take over when needed. She is bossy and stubborn.

Other: Mara and Rama are constantly arguing with each other, but if Mara is controlling her body people can only hear her, not Rama when they argue, and vice versa.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 8 October 2011 at 9:56 AM

Mind posting that on the OoC thread? Thanks! And accepted. We are starting NOW!

Rianee tried to open the doors to the school. She had finally found her Elemental, after years of searching, she had finally found the Wolf. The doors were locked, but Rianee easily kicked them down. She followed her bond and tried to find the Wolf of Strength

Deleted • 8 October 2011 at 11:49 AM

@pegasasu 😊 Lovely, if this roleplay is active, I must die and find another person to take my spot XP

Sorry, I'm still adjusting to Spanish one and Algebra all together, there is SO much more homework than just in sixth grade and it's totally annoying. Still, I've got to come up with an evil plan if eighth grade that I'll pull off on the last day of school, I just don't know what I'll do yet.... XP
Name: Circe Elspeth

Age [13+]: 15 1/2

Gender: Female

Race: Elemental

Physical Description: Long and lean, a wonderful cross country runner and martial artist. Coming from a Greek family she showed remarkable endurance from the start, and that's were she got her name. Circe, for a wonderful Greek sorceress. She can run long distances without tiring and has remarkable speed. She's not that flexible from all her running, but she is still good at martial arts.

Personality: She's not mean, but she's not exactly nice, never belonging to a single social groups. Occasionally sitting with her friends in cross country, but sometimes sitting with friends that are from different circles. She's a go-getter and is a wonderful "people person"

Other: Shark of Endurance (Elemental)

2,485 posts


yogurt • 8 October 2011 at 12:21 PM

Today was the day everyone had to to take a pretest. In the back of the classroom slept Minton. Since he failed every test that was given in all of his classes he decided not to even try. Mrs. Reid walked toward his desk and hit the table with a ruler. Minton instantly woke up from his nap. "What are you doing?!" asked Mrs. Reid, "Don't you see we are about to start a very important test." "Bu...but....."said Minton then he dashed out the door and into the boy's restroom. He always hated talking to teachers and he hated school too.

Are we able to take control of characters that aren't going to be in the story for long? Like how I just did with Mrs. Reid?

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 8 October 2011 at 12:44 PM

@fluffy OMGOMGOMG YAYYYY!!!!! You joined 😃 You don't need to be active, if you want I can control your character when you're busy if that'd help 😊 And acepted.
@yogurt Mrs. Reid would be a CPU/NPC so anybody can control her because it's nobody's single character, so that's not God-Modding 😊

Rianee, hearing somebody running down the hall, ducked into a nearby corner. She felt her bond screaming at her, and it was telling her that her Elemental was getting closer. Rianee soon saw a boy with blue hair dash by, and she realized that he must be the Wolf of Strength. She sprinted after him silently, and then tackled him to the ground.

"What are you doing? Don't you know that this place isn't safe for you? These people could all be Demons! They could kill you."

Rianee seethed at him quietly, and then took on a happier, lighter tone and spoke again.

"But I am so glad to finally have found you! The Wolf has been lost for so many years-"

Rianee began saying

2,485 posts


yogurt • 8 October 2011 at 12:55 PM

"What are you talking about?" Minton asked trying to catch his breath, "What demons? What wolf? " Minton pushed her off him as soft as he could knowing that his strength wasn't normal and got up and started to walk away. "She must be crazy", though Minton to himself.

3,556 posts


pegasasu • 8 October 2011 at 1:02 PM

"What am I talking about? Where is your strength, Wolf? You were so much more powerful last generation. What do you mean, what am I- Oh, right. You don't have your memories."

Rianee sighed, and then caught up to the Wolf.

"What is your name, human boy?"

She asked, grabbing him by his arm and keeping a firm grip on him so that he cuoldn't run away. She would have to explain everything to him eventually, and decided she needed time to do that.

2,485 posts


yogurt • 8 October 2011 at 1:18 PM

Minton tried to break free using 50% of his strength.

"That's weird... normally no one should be able to hold to me for this long... Eh, I probably just need to work out some more..." Thought Minton.

"You tell me your name first, and my memories are just fine. I think you need to get your brain checked, maybe you hit your head too hard while you were tackling me like an animal?"

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 8 October 2011 at 1:29 PM

While searching for this generation's Shark of Endurance, Finn noticed Rianee arguing with - that boy must surely be the new Wolf. She flew over to help.

I changed my charrie's name to Finn.

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 8 October 2011 at 1:33 PM

Max stood on top of the roof of the school. His bond had lead him here. "Where are you, Horse?" he muttered to himself. Max started to descend the staircase. The search might take him a long time.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 8 October 2011 at 1:40 PM

"Your memories are not fine. You remember this life, but no other," Finn told the Wolf. "Hopefully, you will regain your memory. Oh, and Rianee does not need her brain checked. She, like I, remembers back to when our kind and yours were first formed. Thousands of years ago, she was your Angel, your guide and friend. She will be so again. I had my own Elemental partner, who I have yet to find in this life."

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 8 October 2011 at 1:43 PM

As Max hurried through the halls, he sensed a new source of power: other Angels. He turned to them and stood silently for a second. "Uh, hi." he said and walked away.

2,485 posts


yogurt • 8 October 2011 at 1:49 PM

"Elemental, is that even a word?..." asked Minton. "Anyways I'm leaving." Just as Minton began walking the bell rang, it was time for his next class.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 8 October 2011 at 1:51 PM

"You are an Elemental."
With that, Finn flew away - she could sense the Shark. Not here, not in this school; but nearby, in this town.

2,485 posts


yogurt • 8 October 2011 at 1:57 PM

Instead of going to his next class Minton left the school and into a near by taco-bell. This morning was full of surprises it made made him quite hungry.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 8 October 2011 at 2:01 PM

Finn found what she was looking for in a Taco Bell - but then she realized it was the Wolf again. She had sensed him, instead of the Shark. She slapped her forehead in frustration, and then flew in to ask the Wolf if he knew the Shark.

I'm a little surprised that Minton didn't react to the wings xD
And the fins.
And the bluish complexion.

2,485 posts


yogurt • 8 October 2011 at 2:06 PM

Aren't angels supposed to be in disguise so they look like humans? O-O and I left before You flew away...

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 8 October 2011 at 2:10 PM

oh. I didn't know they could do that. 😋
And, I know that. Finn was calling out to you as she left.

Outside, Finn shimmered her appearance until she looked human, then entered the building and walked over to the Wolf. "Hello again."

2,485 posts


yogurt • 8 October 2011 at 2:18 PM

Minton continued eating his 4 tacos, Ignoring the voice that was obviously talking to him and bit into his 2nd taco.

Ps: Someone's going to have to kidnap him or show him proof that angels really exist. I don't know how I'm going to make him suddenly believe all of this. XD

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 8 October 2011 at 2:21 PM


Annoyed with the Wolf, who was ignoring her, Finn picked him up and carried him outside. When she was sure nobody was around aside from the two of them, she dropped the illusion and showed the Wolf her true form.

2,485 posts


yogurt • 8 October 2011 at 2:29 PM

"Oh, nice, Is that your Halloween costume? Awesome wings they look so real. Though aren't you a little too old for trick or treating?"

Lol I'm going to make this hard XD

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 8 October 2011 at 2:32 PM


"Did you see me change? And could a Halloween costume do this?" She flew into the air. "And don't say I have a jetpack or whatever, because THERE WAS NO SMOKE."

Deleted • 8 October 2011 at 2:33 PM

@pegasasu 😊 Ok I give you full permission to control my character

Actually I'll leave a note if I'm going to be busy and then any of you can control my character. Except that will actually throw me out of wack a little but that's fine XP

So if I leave a note all of you can control me but if I don't only @pegasasu has full control over my limbs...

😋 😋 😋 LOL sorry 😋 😋 😋

2,485 posts


yogurt • 8 October 2011 at 2:35 PM

Minton stared at the flying fish in the air. This was no joke. Suddenly everything went black. Minton collapsed to the floor.

I have some chores to do so I'll just be gone for a little bit.
You can do what ever with me until I get back 😉
(like take me to a hideout or something lol)

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 8 October 2011 at 2:37 PM

Pegasasu is offline. Can I control your charrie for now?

533 posts


dewpaw • 8 October 2011 at 3:17 PM

Maya walked to her next class silently. Science with Mr.Greenbar, room 47. She sat down next to a boy with spiky white hair and red eyes. "I'm Maya." She looked over at him waiting for a reply.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 8 October 2011 at 3:23 PM

Finn took the Wolf to a cave in the forest - his favorite place in all his incarnations, as far as she knew. She then contacted his angel, told her about him, and left. She had her own Elemental to find.

17 posts


johanna • 8 October 2011 at 3:39 PM

Evan looked over at the Girl with red hair that had just addressed him. "I'm Evan." He smiled at her just as the bell rang.
"Welcome to Biology 101, I am Mr.Greenbar." A balding man with small eyes stood in front of the class. "Today we will be going over class room expectations. If you had me last year this will be a review for you." The entire class groaned, everyone had Mr.Greenbar last year.
"Don't we have to take attendance first?" A girl in the front fow waved her hand wildly.
"Yes, you're right Cari." He walked over to his desk and picked up a clipboard. "Adam?"
There was no answer.
Still no answer.
Evan leaned over to Maya, "This is going to be a long day."

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 8 October 2011 at 3:45 PM

Finn searched the area, but could not find a single trace of the Shark. Giving up, she located and went to the Horse. He was in a biology class. Listening to the teacher's roll call, she assumed the form of an absent student and acted as if she was coming in late. "Sorry, Mr. Greenbar!" She sat down in the seat next to the Horse's.
