Randomness to the MAX!!!!!

in Forum Games

317 posts


whimsical • 8 July 2011 at 5:32 PM

@rosey77 Yeah, they are supposed to be ultra lucky!

Well, gotta go now. See ya'll! Bye!

3,224 posts


pipkitten • 8 July 2011 at 5:33 PM

@Whimsical Bye!! *waves* 😊

317 posts


whimsical • 8 July 2011 at 5:33 PM

@rosey77 Yeah, they are supposed to be ultra lucky!

Well, gotta go now. See ya'll! Bye!

2,425 posts


blackrose_chan • 8 July 2011 at 5:34 PM

I got this somewhere so don't yell at me DX

"I have an anime character and his name is Sephoroth Goku The Stampede and he is a angel but turned in to a demon after becoming a vampire from some stranger on the street. He falls in love with this small girly anime girl who is like jack of all trades and she has like long hair but she is stolen by these future vampire robots mafia people who kill her and I try to do revenge. while on the way I meet a future robot cool anime guy and he helps me go to the future where the vampire robotic future mafia people are and I got to there dungeon that's part city and part old gothy place with robots everywhere... and dinosaurs and then my robot friend anime guy helps me destroy THOSE people and I'm all emo on it and sad my robot dies and THE END" 😱

I started to do random stuff after the beginning but original funny!

3,224 posts


pipkitten • 8 July 2011 at 5:41 PM

@Blackrose_Chan That. Was. Hilarious. *dies laughing*

2,425 posts


blackrose_chan • 8 July 2011 at 5:43 PM

@pipkitten thanks true fully I did the writing before re watching to check I got everything wrong XD

3,224 posts


pipkitten • 8 July 2011 at 5:56 PM

@Blackrose_Chan LOL! 😸

796 posts


juliettbrown • 8 July 2011 at 6:20 PM

Random monkies from outer space come and attack miss markalot and steal her senses which they use to make lala bye kitties who hate humans and bite their toes off and make a necklace out of them.

317 posts


whimsical • 10 July 2011 at 2:35 PM

@pipkitten Roberts eyes slowly grew accustomed to the light as he approached the entrance of the tunnel. His body quivered with fear and anticipation as he wondered what would lay before him. Maybe it was a trap? Could this be a strange dream? His mind raced back to the time when he say the Cow's in the field. He laughed bitterly at the memory. Who would of thought a few innocent Cows could spark off a adventure of such a massive adventure? A sharp light awoke Robert from his wonderings, and he looked up expectanly. Robert gasped. For there, right in front of him, lay the damaged body of Plasticah, huge gashes adorning his body like long, crimson ribbons.

3,224 posts


pipkitten • 10 July 2011 at 2:45 PM

@Whimsical Omg, violence and blood! This is totally my kind of story. 😉

Momentarily stunned, Robert just stared. After a few seconds, he slowly crept over to Plasticah, his knife clenched tightly in his hand. "...Plasticah? Plasticah, can you hear me?" Robert hesitantly prodded the man's arm. "...What happened to you...?"

3,809 posts


sparklefox • 10 July 2011 at 2:49 PM

That tree move- wait it was just my imagination. OR WAAAAS IT?

317 posts


whimsical • 10 July 2011 at 2:53 PM


Plasticah's eyes fluttered open, but Robert soon got over the joy of him being alive by the dull, stony quality of them. Plasticah's mouth opened, and the smallest whisper emitted 'Too late... Mr.Smith.... angry.... did this... to... me' Robert felt numb with grief. He understood: Mr. Smith had did this to Plasticah, because he was so angry. He thought Plasticah had let him escape, feeling sorry. Robert felt suddenly guilty. He had killed Plasticah! If he hadn't escaped, none of this would have happened. Plasticah didn't enjoy working here, he realised, but he needed the money. Plasticah's eyes started drooping, and Robert started to panic! 'Come on,' said Robert hurriedly, 'You're coming with me!'

3,224 posts


pipkitten • 10 July 2011 at 3:01 PM


Robert carefully lifted Plasticah into a standing position, keeping a firm hold on one of the shorter man's arms. "Can you walk?" Robert asked, casting his gaze around the room nervously. There was no reply. "Ack, that's a stupid question, isn't it?" Robert growled to himself as he slung the injured Plasticah over his shoulder. Plasticah gave a weak and pained groan, causing Robert to feel even worse. "I'm sorry..." Robert whispered, creeping out of the room.

2,171 posts


rosey77 • 10 July 2011 at 3:08 PM

Is this Randomness or Storyness? 😊

317 posts


whimsical • 10 July 2011 at 3:08 PM

***A few hours later***

Robert slumped in his chair. Leaving Plasticah behind was the worst decision of his life, and Robert was at a all time low. Why did he have to do this? Plasticah was the one and only thing that filled him with regret. Robert trudged over to the window, and looked up at the horizon. There seemed to be a tiny person walking up the hills... Could it be? Was it really? 'Plasticah!' yelled Robert, relieved.

3,224 posts


pipkitten • 10 July 2011 at 3:15 PM

@Rosey77 It's epic storyness that started out as randomness! 😸


The person looked up at the sound of Robert's voice. Robert thought he was imagining things -or at least dreaming- and pinched himself. "Ow! Okay... I'm not imagining things, but how..?" He wondered aloud, not quite believing what his eyes were telling him...

1,050 posts


meg • 10 July 2011 at 3:33 PM

My rotten capri-sun was very yumm and the fan choked my strawberry flavoured ham even though the Soccer team beat them.

317 posts


whimsical • 10 July 2011 at 4:09 PM

@pipkitten Plasticah smiled, somewhat lopsided, but a smile nonetheless. 'How did you get back here?' asked Robert, stunned. 'I, uh, made my way back... through the tunnel!'. His voice had a strange rasping quality, as if it had been badly damaged, but, apart from that, he was fine. 'Oh, well, maybe you should have a bath...' he gestured to the dust on Plasticah's trousers. 'Sure. That would be great!'

3,224 posts


pipkitten • 10 July 2011 at 4:21 PM

@Whimsical Quick question: Where is this currently taking place..? Lol, I feel so dumb for having to ask. XD

317 posts


whimsical • 10 July 2011 at 4:33 PM

@pipkitten Just outside Robert's house XD

3,224 posts


pipkitten • 10 July 2011 at 4:46 PM

@Whimsical All-righty 😉 Thanks!

Robert ushered Plasticah into the house, smiling. He pointed down the hall to the left. "The bathroom's just down there," Robert said. Plasticah chuckled as he disappeared down the hall and into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Robert was once again all alone; but this time, he wasn't wallowing in sadness or regret. "What a welcome change," he quietly murmured to nobody in particular.

2,250 posts


nogardragon • 10 July 2011 at 5:23 PM

A girl once went to the shop and bought a banana. When she came out of the shop a squirrel attacked her the end 😊

796 posts


juliettbrown • 10 July 2011 at 6:38 PM

After the squirell attacked her, he went to cupcake land where he sunbathed in the lemon sun and ate a persons hand with orange on it. He then went to the park and ate a man whole. The end... or is it?

317 posts


whimsical • 11 July 2011 at 11:41 AM

@pipkitten It was a few days later that Plasticah first mentioned getting a job. His wounds had healed, and he needed a way to make money. After all, he couldn't stay at Roberts forever! However, Robert couldn't stand the fact that he might leave. Over the past few days, they had really got to know each other. It turns out Plasticah was orphaned as a child, and Mr. Smith took him in. Robert couldn't imagine him taking in a child, but people change, he supposed.

*** 2 Days later ***

Robert stood at the door, waving frantically and wiping the tears from his eyes. Plasticah was finally leaving. He had his bag packed, and he was off to make his fortune. Robert felt like he was about to lose a friend, someone who, it seemed, had been with him through thick and thin. He knew it wasn't true, but he still felt it. Suddenly, as Plasticah turned to leave, Robert had a sudden thought. 'Wait!' yelled Robert hurriedly. Plasticah spun round, his face stunned with the shock of the yell. 'Here, I wan't you to have this' Robert held out his hand, and in his outstreched palm lay the battered CD of 'The Sugarplum Fairy'. It was the thing that had started his whole adventure off, and was now going to end it.

3,224 posts


pipkitten • 11 July 2011 at 12:00 PM

@Whimsical Plasticah's expression went from one of surprise to a small grin as he saw the CD. "You actually dug that out of the trash...for me?" Plasticah asked, a faint hint of sadness in his voice. He took the CD into his hands and looked at it as if he were trying to make a very difficult decision. A slight frown crossed his features as he thought...

317 posts


whimsical • 11 July 2011 at 12:09 PM

@pipkitten You made it so hard for me T_T

Plasticah finally looked up 'I think I should go back to Mr. Smith...' Robert's once happy face had now fallen into a look of horror 'B-b-b-ut.... Why?' he stuttered, afraid the answer was what he ferared it would be. 'Because.... I know this is hard for you, but Mr. Smith was the only master I ever knew. He may of hurt me, and he wan't kind.... But I feel so strange here, on this planet. And everyone is being so kind. I'm not used to it.... All the family I ever had was...' Plasticah gulped back the approching tears and continued sadly '...Mr. Smith!'

3,224 posts


pipkitten • 11 July 2011 at 12:16 PM

@Whimsical Sorry! 😱

Robert's mind was whirling with more thoughts than he could count, and he felt like he was going to burst into tears at any moment. "No! You can't go back there, Plasticah!!" Robert pleaded. "H-he might... He might kill you!" A single tear managed to escape one of Robert's eyes, and it slowly rolled down his cheek as he gave Plasticah a look of absolute worry and sadness.

317 posts


whimsical • 11 July 2011 at 12:33 PM

@pipkitten Sorry if you find any spelling mistakes XD

'Maybe I can be of assistance!' Plasticah and Robert spun round and exchanged their looks of surprise. The man in front of them was wearing a dull grey suit, much like the one of Mr. Smith's. In fact, he looked just like Mr. Smith, except... They couldn't quite put their finger on it. Maybe it was his expression, for it was much kinder than Mr. Smith's, but somehow... It seemed his aura was more glowing, more happy, more... well... more peaceful. Robert had never felt such a vibrant vibe. His bold voice interrupted their thoughts 'You're probably wondering who I am right? I bet you thought I was Mr. Smith! Well, you are right, but you are also wrong! I am in fact....' the strange man paused for added effect before continuing 'Mr. Smith's twin brother, Mr. Smith! Of course, you can call me by my first name, which, is, um....' Mr. Smith mumbled something, blushing wildly. 'What?' said Plasticah and Robert in unison. Mr. Smith sighed before saying 'Galaxy. Mr. Smith's real name is Cosmo, so i'm not the only one. Now, onto buisness!'

3,224 posts


pipkitten • 11 July 2011 at 12:43 PM

@Whimsical Lol, I only found 1 mistake 😊 'Tis quite okay! My browser spellchecks for me.. XD

Plasticah and Robert were utterly confused by this strange man. He was so happy and upbeat that it made them wonder how -if at all- he got along with his brother. "Uhm... How exactly are you going to be of any help?" Robert questioned hesitantly, hoping Galaxy wouldn't get offended. Upon hearing the question, Galaxy turned to Robert. Robert cringed, expecting something bad to happen. Instead, Galaxy smiled and let loose a booming chuckle.

317 posts


whimsical • 11 July 2011 at 12:51 PM

@pipkitten 'Well, I just got here to check on Plasticah. I heard about how he wanted to go back home, and so, I have a proposal to make: a buisness proposition, if you like. I am willing to let Plasticah come and work for me, but I will make a compromise for you, Robert. He will be allowed to visit you every month, and, if asks, he can visit you for a extra 10 days, as he get's 10 days unpaid leave. Plasticah will come and work in my toy shop, and, I assure you Robert, she will be treaated very well. I know how terrible Cosmo treated you back home.' Galaxy shook his head in disgust, before asking Plasticah 'Are you ready to go now?'
