Egg Cave RPG?

in General

1,247 posts


Zac • 25 July 2011 at 11:12 PM

Hey guys!

I've been pretty busy working on Egg Cavern ( <plug></plug> ) but as I've been chipping away at the features, I've been looking for more projects to work on, and I have already achieved my dream cove so that's out. 😋

I had the idea to create an Egg Cave RPG somewhat in the style of Neoquest. (for those who have played it) Players could start out with one egg to level up and add up to 3 more eggs to their party (like pokemon). Eggs would have different attacks/moves/stats and would hatch and evolve as well. There could even be a fancy storyline and stuff..

Anyways, this is pure speculation as I've never attempted something like this, but is this something you all would be interested in playing? I'm not sure there would be prizes but maybe I could add in a creature prize for those who beat the final boss. Why or why not?

Any suggestions for things to add/cool features as well? Let me know... I'm bored. 😋

4,377 posts


carnatate • 25 July 2011 at 11:13 PM

awsome 😊

4,530 posts


balletninja • 25 July 2011 at 11:17 PM


2,773 posts


thepells4 • 25 July 2011 at 11:20 PM

@Zac NEOQUEST ROCKS!!!!! ❤️ I would SOOO look forward to you making something like that. 😃

4,530 posts


balletninja • 25 July 2011 at 11:21 PM

I love Neoquest 😉 It is a bit challenging. But if we could do something maybe even better than that it would be amazing!

Deleted • 25 July 2011 at 11:22 PM

Sounds fun! I used to like poke'mon, I'm just too old now😋

1,247 posts


Meteoroid • 25 July 2011 at 11:23 PM

I believe this would be an absolutely fantastic idea to pursue, or at least dabble in. A mix between Neoquest and Pokemon sounds like a very interesting mash-up that could potentially work out great.

I am behind you 100% in whatever comes out of this speculation.

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 25 July 2011 at 11:23 PM

I ❤️ neoquest ^^ this is a great idea 😃 somehow you always come up with those... >_> if you made this I would totally play

249 posts


chibiloki88 • 25 July 2011 at 11:24 PM

i think eggcavern is mind-blowingly amazing as is, so if you want to add more, thats great. i mean, you cant go further than already having blown my mind 😋 😃

887 posts


peppermintcowboy • 25 July 2011 at 11:29 PM

I'm sure this will be a popular idea... but honestly, I left neopets because it was just way too involved. I like Egg Cave's simplicity. No complicated stats. No big storyline.

But since I drifted away from neopets, and have never gotten into pokemon, maybe I just don't understand the idea fully. 😊

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 25 July 2011 at 11:30 PM

😃 I approve this idea. 😊

1,247 posts


Zac • 25 July 2011 at 11:33 PM

@peppermintcowboy I understand you 100% Simplicity is why I love V2 so much and why I decided to redesign Egg Cavern.

Are you saying you wouldn't be interested in this at all? Or would just not appreciate a super-complicated version? What features would you (not) like included? 😋 I'd really like to know to help out development because KISS is like my life's motto. hehe.

There's also the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing so its going to be insanely simple no matter what. >.<

Thanks to everyone for their support. If people like it, its definitely something I'll give greater consideration to.

377 posts


hvernon • 25 July 2011 at 11:34 PM

Holy cow do it it sounds awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!

887 posts


peppermintcowboy • 26 July 2011 at 12:25 AM

@zac - Well, seems like everyone else loves the idea. 😊 But yeah, I'd probably skip it. The standard Egg Cave activities (feeding, feedbacks, checking the TC and TA, interacting on the forum, and talking with my friends) consumes enough of my time - and I mean that in a very pleasant way. 😊

But I absolutely don't mean to sound discouraging at all. (I thank you LOADS for the Click Exchange and Creature Viewer!) Seems like other members would go crazy over this new feature!

1,247 posts


Zac • 26 July 2011 at 12:31 AM

@peppermintcowboy Haha, its not a problem at all! 😸 I enjoy hearing about it. But what you are saying makes sense, thanks for your opinion. 😊

Deleted • 26 July 2011 at 1:53 AM


I would love this. As a fan of Neoquest I would love an Eggcave versionish. ^^ I give all my support. ;]

1,247 posts


Zac • 11 June 2012 at 5:23 PM

Anyone remember this topic? XD I have a little free time this summer so I've finally started working on this. I spent the day mapping out the general "storyboard." I'd love to be able to release this so wish me luck. It's definitely more difficult than I originally though. :/

Oh and I also made this:

+1 for original names. If anyone thinks they've got a better name, please share! 😊

5,641 posts


april__ • 12 June 2012 at 2:05 AM

I wasn't here when this started.

But looking at it now, I think it would be awesome.

I wish you the best of luck with it!

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 12 June 2012 at 2:15 AM

Neoquest + Pokemon + Egg Cave -> *mindblown*

3,621 posts


asi • 12 June 2012 at 2:31 AM

@Zac This sound amazing....!!! Never played Neoquest, but love Pokemon ^w^

3,225 posts


pipkitten • 12 June 2012 at 2:38 AM

Egg Cave + Pokemon + NeoQuest?
Definition. Of. AWESOME. 😃

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 12 June 2012 at 2:42 AM

It should be called the "Eggcelent Adventure". 😉
Jk. X3

I truly can't think of a better name though. ._.
But I did like the title art. ^^

10,213 posts


hay7199 • 12 June 2012 at 4:00 AM

I love this idea! I would soooo play this!

1,339 posts


kalateevolk • 12 June 2012 at 9:07 AM

This would be so interesting. If you would like people to also help I'm sure there are alot of eggcaver interested 😃

1,247 posts


Zac • 12 June 2012 at 10:45 AM

Glad you all are interested. 😊

Right now I'm just focusing on getting the main game mechanics down (ie. exploring a 2D map). I haven't even looked at which creatures to use, the various attacks they'll have, any battle formulas (gaining exp, damage calculators), or any storyline/dialogue.

So, in other words, still a ways to go. 😋 I'm actually thinking about holding an application process or something for staff because there is way too much to be done. Particularly in the art department. We'll see though; most likely I'll just end up asking some users that seem interested to help out.

5,411 posts


Orderedchaos • 12 June 2012 at 11:00 AM

@zac Holy Hypnos, I want this. I'd play the heck out of it. I would also be interested in helping if you'd want me. 😊

7,220 posts


whispers • 12 June 2012 at 11:19 AM

I would so want to play! "I choose you! TINE!" xD

Deleted • 12 June 2012 at 11:33 AM



7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 12 June 2012 at 11:34 AM

Awesome idea!

1,247 posts


Zac • 12 June 2012 at 11:41 AM

@blackdeathktty This topic was started back in July of last year. 😉

@orderedchaos Definitely!

@whispers Haha, I'm not sure if I'll include Tines in the game or not. 😋 I'm thinking of giving some love to the under appreciated creatures.
