A Summer Nightmare (Literate RP)

in Roleplaying

Deleted • 5 May 2013 at 3:31 PM


Discussion topic! All non roleplay discussion goes here!: http://eggcave.com/forums/topic/40616

It's the day you've been waiting for. You wake up, get ready and go pick up your friends. You're all going to go camping today! you're gonna camp in this forest by a lake for three days. Little did you know, it wasn't going to go well.

You wake up in what used to be your tent. It was now a pile of smoldered cloth. Your clothes and hair are scorched. You don't remember anything. You don't remember where you are, what you were doing, how you got there or what happened. All remember is your friends.

Although you don't know it, A huge forest fire had broken out. The smoke had made you go unconcious and given you amnesia. It's your job to pick up the pieces and figure out what happened, how and fix it all.


Age(11-19) :
Appearance(no pictures please) :


Absolutley no swearing, even with stars.

Nothing too violent or gory.

A max of 3 characters.

At least 4 sentences per post.

Please be literate. I mean, capitals where they're nessecary, punctuation and no "meet me at teh shop. k?" or "See u 2 morrow."

Please don't make a page or two of one on one roleplaying.

Don't post OOC unless it's in the disuccsion topic, or you'r keeping the roleplay topic alive.

Put Flames in the other section if you read the rules.

Most importantly, have fun!

Post your forms!


1. Hannah ( @dramatic )
2. Violet ( @dramatic )
3. Esytha ( @blueclaw )
4. Clive Heraldi ( @marinalily )
5 .Mariel Heraldi ( @marinalily )
6. Eva E. Emrys ( @blackfawn )
7.Dmitri Vincenatti ( @whispers )
8. Conner Jenkins ( @rojoqueen )
9. Nile Ire ( @rojoqueen )
10. Jim Morrison "Reid" ( @jupiter_hollow )

1,326 posts


blueclaw • 5 May 2013 at 9:08 PM


Name: Esytha
Age(11-19) : 14
Gender: Female
Appearance(no pictures please) : Dark brown hair with blue eyes, a ripped cat shirt, scorched jeans, and used to be white sneakers with rainbows on them.
Personality: Very silly and derpy, but also very smart. She may act dumb, but can solve a very hard puzzle in less than 10 minutes. usually is happy and smiling, and LOVES cats.
Crush: none yet...
Other: Flames

936 posts


marinalily • 5 May 2013 at 9:10 PM

@twilight_ @ems @echosong2995 @glados @ummidkanymoreimprobablybeingannoyingxD

Name: Clive Heraldi
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Has deep expressive blue eyes flecked with gold. Lean and only slightly muscled, he's more angular and chiseled than anything. His hair is dirty blonde and slightly curled, he keeps it medium-longish but not shoulder length. He wears black jeans, laced-up manly combat boots, and a gray shirt that sets off his eyes. He's at 6'2 exactly, so he's not short nor tall.
Personality: Despite being a charmer and knowing it, he's really sweet and his friendliness is almost always genuine. Can be terrible if anyone messes with his twin sister. He is always trying to help and make your day. Gentlemanly, can have a dark side. What a sweetie pie. xD
Crush: None yet. o3o
Twin sister is Mariel Heraldi

Name: Mariel Heraldi
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Has the same eyes as her twin brother, except hers hold more depth and emotion. She is a petite 5'3 and often has to gaze upwards to those she is talking to. She has a halo of brown curls the same as her brother's, although hers reach her mid-back, and are slightly more golden-colored. Not plump but not skinny, she's very pretty. Beauty runs in the genes. xD She wears cardigans and tank tops with ripped jeans and combat boots, so nothing drab but nothing special. She likes it that way, not standing out.
Personality: She has a carefree act, all happy and laughing at everything, brining joy into the universe. Kind and good, it's hard NOT to trust or like her. She can see through many acts after years of watching Clive's girlfriends, and her flaw is that she believes she will always be second-rate to her brother, not that anyone knows that. Her cheery facade has become so much of her that it IS her now. She's really sweet and barely starts fights, and if she ever gets into one she'll always apologize first.
Crush: None yet. o3
Twin brother is Clive Heraldi

274 posts


blackfawn • 5 May 2013 at 9:12 PM

Name: Eva E. Emrys
Age(11-19) : 18
Gender: female
Appearance(no pictures please) : medium wavy red hair, green/blue eyes, tanned skin, short (mistakes as a 14 year old). wears black gloves, cargo pants, warm short sleeved shirt with a fluffy hoodie/jacket.
Personality:loyal, friendly, open minded, helpful/smart, loves animals and children, adventurus and random
Crush: avalible
Other: Flames

@dramatic (im liking this rp =3 )

Deleted • 5 May 2013 at 9:15 PM

@blueclaw accepted! can you ping some people?

Name: Hannah
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Black waist length hair and ice blue eyes. She has a scar on her left arm from her wrist to her elbow. She wears a pink headband, light blue glasses, a golden heart locket necklace, a pink tank top underneath a greeen aeropostale sweater, skinny jeans and knee high tan boots.
Personality: Kind and sweet. Sometimes her anger is boiling over the top and other she's very emotional, but once you get to know her and learn how to handle her, she's a great friend.
Crush: None yet
Other: Flames

Name: Violet
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has shoulder length hair with layers that is dyed completly bright purple. She wears a purple halter top, pink shorts and white sneakers.
Personality: She doesn't talk much and is very shy. She has very few friends. If you're her friend you feel proud because you're one of the few people she talks to.
Crush: Clive
Other: Flames.

7,220 posts


whispers • 5 May 2013 at 9:45 PM


Name: Dmitri Vincenatti
Age: 17
Gender: M
Appearance: Dmitri is an average height, lean and toned young man. He has pale skin (due to his trace of Irish) with many, many freckles. His hair used to be a bright orange, but now, he died it pitch black. He wears a pair of nerdy glass, and has recently gotten snakebites (piercings).
Personality: Dmitri used to a cheery lad, but after a year of harsh bullying, he shyed away from social interactions, and became introverted. And he has gone "emo", and spends days in his room listening to violent music.
Crush: N/A
Other: FLAMES.

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 5 May 2013 at 10:13 PM


Conner Jenkins
Male XD
He is 6'1 with Short chocolate brown hair, he has little speckles of a failed try to highlight his hair, his bright green eyes contrast with his healthy tan, He is never seen without jeans, and a black or white T-shirt.
Conner tends to take everything literally, he thinks different than other people and his mind tends to make weird things up,He is a terrible flirt and will try to impress others, he is more of a layed back person and hates working at any cost, he loves to play pranks and blame it on the closest person to him.

Nile Ire
Age :
Female Duh XD
Is a looming 6'1 and has long super curly blonde hair, that stops short of her back, she has a lightly tanned skin making her look related to her adopted brother conner, her cold unforgiving blue eyes ,make people feel weak in their knees when she stares them down, she is always wearing some kind of jeans whether there shorts or overly long pants, with low cut v -neck tank tops, she is also very beautiful and pretends she doesn't know.
She has a need to be in charge, she loves being the boss and tends to order people that she sense's have a less strong personality, she hates to show her emotions to others, so she trys her best to keep them locked away, she is also a terrible flirt and tries to make people flirt with her.
Crush:I don't know XD

5,630 posts


leafpelt • 6 May 2013 at 12:36 AM


Good luck!


10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 6 May 2013 at 8:26 AM

@leafpelt Thanks for the ping! ❤️

@dramatic I know I'm literally VERY late, but considering that more than three people have more than one character... Maybe if the spots were for 8 RPers and not 8 characters... ^^

Name: Jim Morrison "Reid"
Age: 19
Appearance: Tall (6'3) and muscular, therefore quite noticeable, but only because of his superior height. Lean body and well-built chest, but otherwise slim, with a healthy tan. The most odd feature in him is the hair - dyed bright red in a neat buzz cut. This enables him to keep it neat and conveniently away from falling in front of his face or obscuring his vision. Original hair color - dark brown. Light brown eyes with an even lighter rimmed pupil, resembling caramel. Very gloomy looking and punk-ish. Dislikes all light colors and wears mostly black.
Personality: Causes trouble by just /breathing/! Major troublemaker, rebel and total anarchist. Refuses solely to follow the issued rules, goes by his own standarts and therefore often resorts to violence when defending his opinion. Touchy about his pride, quick to get insulted by the smallest of jokes. Good natured by heart, however, though he does seem rather selfish. Justice-seeker, despite everything. Best labeled a rogue hero...? He likes to think of himself as one, at least. Quiet and introverted as well. His personality seemed ever-wavering.
Crush: Pffff, hardly ever going to happen.
Other: FLAMES Carries a lighter at all times (it's old-looking and chipped, but he's grown fond of it), because he smokes. Now, about the name Reid - it's supposed to be pronounced Reed, but my Reid is pronounced like raid. Mkay, also it means red-heaired. xD So if you catch my drift...

5,630 posts


leafpelt • 6 May 2013 at 9:34 AM


No problem.

Deleted • 6 May 2013 at 9:47 AM

@juipiter_hollow @rojoqueen @whispers

I know I ut only spots for only 8 charries, but You guys all just so good at RPing that I can't say no to you.

Jupe you forgot something in other XD

Both accepted Rojo

Accepted Whispers.

936 posts


marinalily • 6 May 2013 at 9:50 AM

Excited for this, I haven't played with Clive for such a long time. xD When do we start?

Deleted • 6 May 2013 at 9:51 AM

@marinalily very soon. After I get home from school.

936 posts


marinalily • 6 May 2013 at 9:54 AM

That time works for me too. XD
I have a good feeling about this one. HEY ALL GIRL CHARRIES YOU SHOULD HAVE A CRUSH ON CLIVE.
Clive: -punches @marinalily -
Mariel: -laughs-

Deleted • 6 May 2013 at 9:56 AM

@marinaily I think i'll take idea... *goes to edit violet's form* JK XD



We Will be starting today after I get home from school!

936 posts


marinalily • 6 May 2013 at 9:59 AM

Clive: -facepalms-

Also a spacer for whenever @dramatic needs to do. Cause I know you'll need it. xDD

Deleted • 6 May 2013 at 10:00 AM

@marinalily Read Violet's form now! XD

936 posts


marinalily • 6 May 2013 at 10:05 AM

Clive: -puts head in hands- Ugh. @marinalily why do you love to torment me so? I refuse to take over the world.
Mariel: -pats- There there. At least you can still manage to get another girlfriend while we all get burned or whatever.

Deleted • 6 May 2013 at 10:15 AM

@mrinalily We shall move this to the discussion topic.

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 6 May 2013 at 10:18 AM

@dramatic @marinalily Gah, when I edited FLAMES in the other section next to the information that he has a lighter, I realized that I can make Reid and his smoking be the reason of the fire 😱

Reid: *raises eyebrow at Clive* You one of those directioners or whatever? o.e

Deleted • 6 May 2013 at 10:23 AM

@jupiter_hollow *smacks self* Accepted.

1,326 posts


blueclaw • 6 May 2013 at 4:47 PM


Can we start nows?

7,220 posts


whispers • 6 May 2013 at 4:58 PM


Can we start?

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 6 May 2013 at 5:04 PM

@blueclaw @whispers Hey you awesome people ^^ There's a discussion topic where you can discuss and post OOCness! It's a few topics down from this topic. Anybody else eager to discuss this and possible ideas for events for this RP? XD

Deleted • 6 May 2013 at 6:01 PM



ok Hannah is going to pick up violet, Clive and Mariel can Pick up Connor and Nile, Jim can pick up Dmitri, And Eva can pick up Esytha! Is everyone clear on this? XD

Hannah Ran downstairs and grabbeed her suitcase and duffle bag. She put them in the trunk and hopped into her pink convertible. 'I'm so exicted!' She thought. She turned the igition and went to pick up her friend Violet.

Violet Waited on the sidewalk with her suitcase and duffle bag. She pumped music through her headphones. She tapped her foot to the beat. 'So excited yet so nervous...' She thought as she waited.

936 posts


marinalily • 6 May 2013 at 6:21 PM

@dramatic Okay, I gotcha! @rojoqueen

"Mariel!" Clive hollered up the stairs, "What's taking you so long?" The sound of something falling oomphed in response. "You know what-" Mariel muttered, appearing at the top of the stairs carrying a medium-sized duffel bag, then paused, unzipping the bag and throwing something back into her room. She smiled at her brother. "Someone's excited," Clive observed. She'd done really well today, with modest ripped shorty shorts and a loose low-high tank top that was patterned with 'paint' splatters. Her hair was down in the perfect dirty blond spirals that she always had. Clive gave her the once-over of approval. "You are now deemed worthy of being my sister." Mariel snorted, descending down the stairs and put on her purple flats. Getting into Clive's car, she sat in the passenger seat with her bag in the trunk. Clive glanced at her from the rearview mirror, starting up the engine. "We'll be picking up Conner and Nile," he said, and thought of the two almost-siblings. They were somewhat like them, he supposed, being the same age and all. Mariel nodded to show her understanding, and they drove away from home.

Deleted • 6 May 2013 at 6:27 PM


Hannah Turned into a nice neighbourhood and parked in front of the blue house. She smiled at Violet who was waiting on the sidewalk. "Just put your stuff in the trunk." She said smiling.

Violet samiled at Hannah and nodded. She put her stuff in the trunk and jumped into the passenger seat. She smiled at Hannah.

The two drove off for the 20 minute drive out of the city to Park Lake campground.

Violet read the description outloud. "Park Lake campground. there's a lake, picnic tables and picnis shelters, a beach and boats." She read excitedly.

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 6 May 2013 at 7:29 PM

Your ping didn't work XD

Nile slung her backpack over her shoulder, and picked up two of the many suitcases sitting around her front door, "Conner I am going out to site at the end of the driveway!" she yelled up the staircase, she sighed hearing him shuffling around in the bathroom, he probably hadn't heard her. She walked out her front door slamming it extra hard, to notify Conner she had left the house.

Conner shuffled around in the bathroom, searching for his comb and gel to make himself look "beautiful" as his sister would mutter many times, he sighed as he had to resort to his faded blue hair brush, he reached for it as Nile slammed the door, "why can't she be more careful?"he muttered to himself, as the faded blue hairbrush fell off the counter landing on his foot, he jumped around one foot managing to turn off the lights leaving himself in the dark..

936 posts


marinalily • 6 May 2013 at 7:33 PM

@rojoqueen o.O Wut.

Clive pulled up at Conner and Nile's driveway. Honking the horn twice, he sat in the car and saw Nile waiting at the driveway. Mariel rolled down the window, and a blast of fresh air hit her face. "Helloooo!" she called, "We're here! Where's Conner?"

2,031 posts


rojoqueen • 6 May 2013 at 8:27 PM


Nile watched the car pull up, as mariel rolled downed the window to talk. "Conner is making himself beautiful"she chuckled watching Clive, "Clive nice hair today"she said as she opened the back and threw her stuff in, "So I get to sit shotgun right?'she asked watching the twins.

Conner trudged down the stairs with his amazingly messy hair, he dragged his suitcases down the drive way to the car, "she said I was making myself beautiful didn't she?'he asked blushing a bit nile, just loved to tease him.
