Event ideas, and CC ideas :) what do you think?

in Site Feedback & Ideas

696 posts


lillia • 15 August 2011 at 9:40 AM

Hi everyone, I had this idea, since the time I joined egg cave.
My suggestion is,
* coin exchange machine: to be able to exchange 100k EC for 1-10CC,depend on the luck. Just like vending machine.
* random events: sometime, you can be able to find travels and potions on the floor, which is also totally random, and depend on the cost of the stuff, it's rarer to find

I suggested this because I wAnted children*mostly* to have more fun clicking the sites, to feed, and to play more, and to give chance who cannot get CC easily IRL.
Of cause, price of certain items and eggs might inflate, but I think if they control the number of the events that happens, I don't think the prices will change much.

More you play and enjoy here,the more you get good stuff, no matter how rich you are, that's what I thought it's ideal to be.

Please leave some comments for my suggestion, any suggestion is okay to me,along as it's nit rude or hush. Thanks 😊

2,578 posts


sotheavey • 15 August 2011 at 9:41 AM

Lol your ideas remind me of neopets XD

696 posts


lillia • 15 August 2011 at 9:44 AM

XD yes i agree!
Probably it's because I played neopets aswell :9

Many of them plays neopet,and they continues for long time, I think there's reason for it.
NC in neopets are real cash too, but there's a luck games that you have a chance to receive150NC too, which gives us hope to get NC item,wout spending money

Deleted • 15 August 2011 at 9:53 AM

I like the exchange thing!

4,171 posts


qwaszx • 15 August 2011 at 9:54 AM

I won the NC from that game once... Good idea!

1,247 posts


Meteoroid • 15 August 2011 at 9:59 AM

The EC to CC suggestion has been brought before in the past, but there unfortunately is no real solid way to determine a fair conversion rate.

As stated by Ian in a previous thread, "The obvious counterpoint would be: just pick an arbitrary ratio and stick with it. But I can't do that. Therein lies my next point: the current supporters of the CSP. As of right now, CSP items/creatures have both their literal and implicit values. Depending on what the conversion ratio is set to, it could potentially devalue CSP items/creatures. What would happen? CSP supporters would become very unhappy because they see less value in what they have already paid for. So... then the conversion ratio would have to be adjusted to keep CSP supporters happy. What happens then? Normal users would freak out ["OMG YOU KILLED THE RATIO!!"]. And if the ratio is so extreme (like 1m EC -> 100 CC), what's the point then?"

With regards to alternative ways to obtain CC, I am not entirely sure on Ian's stance on that. But I do understand how you wish to make things more accessible to users.

It's always an iffy subject.

696 posts


lillia • 15 August 2011 at 10:24 AM

@meteoroid, thank you for the very nice and helpful comment you gave me,

And *whispers* happy 25th anniversary ^-^

I agree with the ratio problem, and I never wanted to make it unfair, that's why I suggested for the minimal ratio suggestion.
*like 100k EC- 1-10CC*it's something like 1m EC-100CC

Although Ian has a point of being no point,
I want to re- suggest again to think again, maybe it's good for the sake of the players to have more fun and hope, for the Eggie cAve to be more popular.
Because I've seen neopets. They succeeded.
The supporter here seems they don't mind with this extreme deal either.

Yep,it's iffy subject tho. xD

1,553 posts


rabbitwanter • 15 August 2011 at 10:27 AM

@lillia ~ I liek these 😃 cuz i cant get cc ^^""

696 posts


lillia • 15 August 2011 at 10:35 AM


Thanks for the support!

I feel you rabbitwanter ^-^ I had this problem before, too, my parents never gave me a credit cArd so yahaha :9

I had to drool over the things I couldn't get, so that made me quit some games, sometime, especially when there was noway for me to get better
But certain games that have chance to get good things, it made me play more, so that with big effort, I can be fairy nicer too

1,553 posts


rabbitwanter • 15 August 2011 at 10:41 AM

@lillia ~ same! 😋'

yeah i drool over nyms a lot these days x3
i agree oDo if there was a way 2 get good stuff 4 free, i wuld play these type of games moar ^^

696 posts


lillia • 15 August 2011 at 11:05 AM

Yes yes ^-^ true true
Lillia is one of the addicted online gamer >.> <.< so I had experience with that

Lillias theory:
Cash holders with good items vs non cash holders
CH: wee we gotz good items from the cash woot!
NCH:amg cool! Ur stuffs and looks are amazing! Is there anyway i can look like you?

CH:no.you don't have cash.
NCH: aww. No chances to be like you then ☹️
*moves to other game*

CH: yea but u really have to work hard on it,because it's fair I'd have this with real cash, but ul have it if you play a lot a lot more.
NCH: cool! Il try my best to be like you!

Good stuffs, is to show that ur in good standard aswell.
But if old hard working user has no chance getting a good stuff that new user has, what's the point of gaming 😋

Good addictive games, also sometime attracts NCH to change into CH, by being so interested in games to make more effort.

I learned that mostly from runescape.*blushes*

Don't misunderstand me. Il never quit egg cave. It's just a suggestion for our game to be MORE interesting.

1,573 posts


isis • 15 August 2011 at 11:29 AM

I love the random event idea 😃 (although it might be a little too neo-like 😱)
But idk if the vending machine would be a good idea, because you can't buy anything for 1-10 CC and it's also a little unfair for the people who actually pay for CC 😱 Maybe there could be other prizes to win, like a star cave creature 😃

696 posts


lillia • 15 August 2011 at 11:38 AM

*hugs Isis*
thanks for the post and ur opinion @Isis ^-^
yea, star creature is beautiful idea too 😸
They are also worth 1$ ish
My main idea was to make everyone fair, by giving the opportunity to have a people who can't pay CC, to have much much more effort to get nearer to people who actually pay for CC
Because you can't buy anything for 1-10 cc, I think it saves the inflation and unfairness, a little bit.

4,377 posts


carnatate • 15 August 2011 at 11:45 AM

i lieks 😸

444 posts


lilliana • 15 August 2011 at 12:02 PM

Thanks @carnatate!!
XD oh. I'm Lillia btw

2,115 posts


dionaea • 15 August 2011 at 12:08 PM

I like it too, it makes the game a lot fairer and less hopeless for some people, not only oldies without CC, but also newbies without CC and rares, because it will allow them to save up for the pets/freezes they can't get by trading. 😊

A long, long time ago Ian did say there might at some point be an EC to CC convertor, but it never happened. And what Ian said about there being no point if the rates are extreme, that's just not true. Ofcourse there's a point, because then it will still be attractive to trade for CC stuff, while you are also able to get that OMG-my-creature-is-about-to-evolve emergency freeze (just an example) if you save up for it. Even if the conversion rate were 1 mil EC to 100 CC, if a convertor had been around when Onnies were released there would have been twice as many now...

So I definitely support this idea, it doesn't have to be easy, but it should at least be possible for people to get CC if they can't pay cash 😊

696 posts


lillia • 15 August 2011 at 12:21 PM

Ovo ❤️ I love you @dionaea, thanks for the support OvO

Thanks for the good points and words, and good example I was trying to put for 1hour and more xD

2,307 posts


lizardfeather • 15 August 2011 at 12:23 PM

What about just 10m EC to 100CC ? aka 100k per 1 CC 😸 That's my idea 😋 Ridiculously hard to obtain and far easier to just buy 8D

@dionaea And as far as newbies without CC and rares go... I've started from the beginning with nothing to trade, and since then have gotten a Valgrun, Arnmnae, Raicorn, Bragon, Nym, Rhine, Balrog, and Blu 😃 And you could use those probably to trade for like a Foo. So yes newbies can get super-rares and CC if they work at it 😈

2,115 posts


dionaea • 15 August 2011 at 12:37 PM

@lillia Of course I'm supporting you, you're right after all 😋

I think 1 mil to 100 CC is fairer, there are people with less favorable internet connections out there. And feeding for 1 mil EC takes plenty of time anyway, believe me (donated several millions to the Calla fund).

And about newbies and CC, you're an oldie with lots of friends, you're online quite a lot so people trust you and are much more likely to give/trade you a pet than a newbie without rares in their cove. Even I have had plenty of trouble getting the pets I have now and I had to give up some really nice pets to get them.

May I add to this that I am no longer in the no-CC-so-I-want-a-convertor group, I have CC now and I still think it's fairer to have a convertor.

696 posts


lillia • 15 August 2011 at 12:42 PM

Thanks for the suggestion, lol that would be really hard but I still don't mind.
If you read up my first post,* I wanted to make it as a luck game too so it's fun for everybody* so I thought the vending machine should give you 1 cc if ur not lucky, but will be able to give you 10cc aswell, if ur lucky.
Jst like how ur lucky in cave stealing

Not everybody is kind like you, lizardfeather, though I understand and agrees to some of your point :/
we also do have contest for a free giveaway so that newbies can have a chance to get good Eggie too,so I agrees to your point.

But I'm not only talking about newbies, but Also for the oldies who dosnt have a chance to get CC's at all, and to make the game here more fun and popular,
I don't think it's a bad idea to have some event and vending machine to have some hope in it 😊 not just making it incredibly super too hard that no one can even feel like they won't dare to try, but think in a way that cash user also can save actual money, by playing it more 😊

I'm not stating that suggestion because i want a CC creature,
I'm suggesting that so that people can enjoy playing more, with some hope, while they play egg cave longer and more.

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 15 August 2011 at 12:43 PM

I don't like the random event idea too much.... Mabey because I don't like Neopets, and doesn't want Eggcave to be like Neopets? 😋

2,307 posts


lizardfeather • 15 August 2011 at 12:49 PM

@lillia Yea idk it was just an idea 😸 I guess that makes more sense (your idea) 😸

@dionaea I'm just saying a newbie can TRADE for rares if they time it right. I mean anyone can get like anything if you find the right person. Example: The Flaren craze 0.0 People were giving like Foos away for Flarens xD And the asteroid is a really great way to get rares xD

2,115 posts


dionaea • 15 August 2011 at 12:58 PM

That's true, but the same is happening for Nyms now and almost everyone with CC is now either out of CC or not willing to spend more, it was that way with the Onny too, it was really hard to trade for one, since there were so many people who wanted one, there simply wasn't enough CC to go around, even if people spent all their CC on them.

And the Flaren was a cave creature, there are always plenty of those to go around, but if everyones CC is spent it can be pretty darn hard to get a CC creature (even if it's still available).

696 posts


lillia • 15 August 2011 at 12:59 PM

@taffy789 hehe xD how come you don't like neopets?
Yah random events actually do sound like neopet :/ only if someone have idea to make the events more like non neopet ish, it might be better xD

Onny? Foo?
*hids under the eggshell*

2,115 posts


dionaea • 15 August 2011 at 1:02 PM

We could do it more pokemon-ish and draw creature numbers every day and the more numbers you match the better the prize you get o.o With the maximum prize being something like an amount of CC (like 500/750) or a CC creature of your choice 😃

EDIT: I think the prizes should be awarded automatically, this is why I kept them relatively modest.

EDIT2: Only a CC creature which is available at the time ofcourse, though you should also be able to save your prize for later in case you don't like what's available.

2,307 posts


lizardfeather • 15 August 2011 at 1:04 PM

@dionaea Well I was never really interested in the Onny, so I didn't notice how the trading went 😋 But there were less people with CC too 😋 I don't think the Nym will be like the Onny, the ridiculous requests are already dying down. But yea it does seem like people starting to stop supplying Nyms 😱

But there were a few people going crazy for the Flarens and offering a lot after the initial release. That's just timing and luck (as far as the LEs are) that can get decent eggs.

696 posts


lillia • 15 August 2011 at 1:08 PM

That's very interesting! Yea ^-^ good idea @dionaea
One thing I noticed was also a lack of mini game in egg cave so I think it's awesome to have more games!

...come to think of it,
Alkub race actually reminds me of neopets too D: !!

2,115 posts


dionaea • 15 August 2011 at 1:10 PM


Teehee, Poogle racing anyone? 😋

985 posts


vampire666 • 15 August 2011 at 1:15 PM

I totally agree w/ all those ideas! (Mostly because my mom gives me THAT look whenever I ask for CC. She thinks in a waste of money, so I don't ask anymore. XD )

696 posts


lillia • 15 August 2011 at 1:18 PM

I HAZ THAT AVVIE POOGLE AVVIE! XD hahaha, explore button! OxO

thanks for the support, @vampire666 ^-^
