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Yes or No? (out of curiosity)

1,178 posts


cynt5100 • 4 July 2017 at 12:35 AM

Wotcher. Before you comment, chill for a sec, sit back, relax, deep breath, and here's a story time for you.

I've been here since 2011, and I LOVED the Roo (still do), and I was having trouble getting one, so one day, 25 of November, 2011 (This date is important tho), I made an eggcave topic called "who wants the roo to come back". The results were.... intense. So intense, in fact, that the topic was almost immediately locked by a moderator. This is the unfortunate reason why I cannot post this whole thing on there because otherwise, I would have the receipts for y'all (timing wise).

Because what happened that Christmas? The Roo came back. That's what. So I am here to bring back my mystic powers, and rerelease the Onny for y'all. Because apparently I'm psychic/ secretly Ian/ secretly controlling Ian through my unknown secret brain powers.

(I'm obviously joking, but still, that was wild, and I want everyone to know that)

Out of curiosity I have a poll, but yeah, considering the backlash I doubt rereleasing creatures will EVER happen again, but I thought I would let you guys know that apparently, I am actually magic? (and maybe get an Onny for cheap like I got a roo but idk)

Also out of curiosity, has anyone else predicted something like this? If so, tell me about it below, cheers.


2,849 posts


luv • 4 July 2017 at 12:47 AM

I can't believe you actually made a topic about this :'D

Actual opinion I don't think creatures will be re-released again, especially not ones like the Onny (I can't even imagine the backlash), but if it pops up in a month we'll know who to thank. 😉

1,178 posts


cynt5100 • 4 July 2017 at 1:09 AM

@luv could you even imagine though? If this happened again I would just make 80+ topics about different creatures getting re-released and subsequently cause 1930's style destruction to eggcave's economy.

1,318 posts


raccoon • 4 July 2017 at 1:46 AM


I've always been in support of re-releases as long as they were controlled in a way that wouldn't upset long-time players and wouldn't flood the trading market. (Maybe an event/plot/raffle for one creature per account? or a think like the gobbler hunt but the winners get a retired creature)

I know neopets does a christmas raffle where a certain number of people who put in their wishlist paints will have it granted on christmas day, maybe Eggcave could do something similar?

676 posts


chiroptera • 4 July 2017 at 1:50 AM

I don't think it will be fair for those who already own one to have their creature's price drop drastically because EC decided to bring it back.

In fact, I'm positive it won't be fair. They said it retired, and that should be final. If I owned an Onny, and it suddenly became available again and the price drops hundreds of CC, I would be livid.

2,849 posts


luv • 4 July 2017 at 2:39 AM

EC did re-release creatures for Christmas once, which drummed up mixed feelings. I'd just traded a lot for a Foo, but I also got a lot of creatures out of it so really, I can't complain. I know it caused some controversy though. I really like your idea though (the Christmas one)-- you should suggest that officially.

Yeah, after the last re-release they said they'd never do it again, but I do imagine someday they'll have to do something whether older users think it's fair or not, because things will eventually become impossible to achieve.

1,178 posts


cynt5100 • 4 July 2017 at 7:56 PM

That is actually a really neat idea

Don't take the topic too seriously, I know I don't. I was there the time Ian re-released all of the 2009-10 Christmas cave creatures. People rioted. I don't think Ian wants a repeat, and I DEFINITELY don't.

1,689 posts


cloudslay3r • 4 July 2017 at 8:48 PM


Hope your mystical powers work again! I also agree if EC does another re-release it should be controlled and people should have to earn it! Maybe they could do a similar thing like the Easter Hunt with the Spoto?😊

Deleted • 4 July 2017 at 10:32 PM


I actually really want this to happen!
Maybe the old ones would be worth more than new.
That would keep it fair.

Or it comes back for a large amount of cc.

2,849 posts


luv • 4 July 2017 at 10:53 PM

I actually don't think it's a good idea, at least not mainstream. Older users would riot. But maybe one or two released to winners of a special contest would work!

Deleted • 4 July 2017 at 11:04 PM


That's a good idea! But I'll never be the one to get it DX

1,178 posts


cynt5100 • 4 July 2017 at 11:39 PM

I wish! And I agree EC should re-release some creatures, but they would have to be earned. The Onny / the other really rare creatures shouldn't be put on such an unobtainable level mere mortals can only dream of.

Have a little faith! I'm sure if it did come back we'd all have an equal chance at getting it 😊

452 posts


karakia • 5 July 2017 at 12:09 AM


Personally I support re-release but I also know how lots of people with really rare creatures and such would be mad if they were to be obtainable again.

But as I said above I would support it. I just think it should be done in a way where it wouldn't be an easy task to obtain them. Like some other users suggested maybe a plot or something along those lines. They could make it one creature per user, so people couldn't just get bunches of them at a time.

Don't think it will happen again though, because of the arguments last time and the backlash at Ian ;;

But I got to thinking. Maybe we could have a raffle a couple times a year. People could purchase "tickets" with some amount of ec to enter. The more amount of tickets you buy, the more likely you are to win. They could let people know about the raffle a few days in advance to give people the time to buy some. Oh and only a couple would win, so the rarity wouldn't change that much and you would have a shot at an older rare creature. (I have absolutely no idea if this "ticket" thing has been suggested before since I don't read older posts but if it has please excuse me)

2,849 posts


luv • 5 July 2017 at 1:28 AM

I like that idea and I am willing to support some change when it comes to this issue, I'm just not sure how likely it is to happen. Unfortunately, no matter what happens, older users will be angered by it. I confess I'd be a little saddened if they were just generally re-released, but I also don't think it's fair that newer users feel they'll never see their dreamies because of how impossible they are to achieve. Heck, I've been here six years and I'm not sure my dreamies are achievable.

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 5 July 2017 at 4:22 AM

I support re-releases.

Personally don't care if the Onny was but I know a lot that would be.

It should not be easy to get re-releases by any means.

Things on here are way over priced. Just ONE critter on here should NOT cost the same or MORE than what you could get a REAL pet + food and such for.

Also it has gotten EXTRA ridiculous on prices on here. Just last year a critter that went like 6oooCC I have seen go like 16,oooCC. People are so desperate for em now or just don't know values that they are willing to offer a lot especially if they are going up against other people's offers. I have seen multiple critters like this.

I feel terrible for new players. It is NOT as easy as when I started and then wasn't even easy then. It's gotten worse and people's attitudes on here get worse each year also. I have have about want to quit multiple times and I may very well now that I am on good meds that let me enjoy going out instead of having debilitating social anxiety. Here used to be my safe place. Now it's more of a headache. I've seen people tell new players they will never get their wish list critters. Heck I was told that when I first started. That's why I quit for like 2 months and then I decided to come back in October. I get telling someone sorry but that is worth more if they offered on a critter that's worth a lot but saying you'll never get those period? Why?

I give out free CC and CC critters but that will hardly help them trying to get older critters like say a Flar. Heck I still get called greedy by people that dislike me on here. Even though a lot of people ask me for value help, I try to be as fair as possible and would never ask for like 1o,oooCC for an Eyleymo, and I give away free stuff to try and help. I used to not care as I didn't really give all that much away but more recently this year I have been doing it more because I've seen JUST how BAD it is now. Now I care cause I do try and help and I think I get called greedy just because I have so many nice critters. But I have worked very very hard on them and that is not fair at all to say that.

I've been seeking 4 critters for like a couple years now and still can't find someone to trade. Even when I over offer. I've about given up and said forget the over offer. Just put this in the TC and whatever maybe someone will bite since obviously the other wasn't gonna get me anywhere either so why bother to over offer so much when ya can't even find someone to take it.

I've spent probably over $1,5oo on here buying CC JUST this year and like none of that was ever really useful in trying to get the critters I seek. I can't even really get critters that would help me get those critters either without over offering. So it basically gets used on recent CCs, freezes, travels, sometimes names but not as into that anymore or lesser/easier to get older critters. It's frustrating.

And I know other people probably feel the same way trying to get critters they really want whether they buy CC or not. People who don't buy CC I bet feel it even worse.

A lot of the older players I've seen say no have been here a very long time and probably didn't pay ANYWHERE near as much as someone would need to now. Heck most probably got them when they were first released all on their own. Them saying oh no our precious critters will drop so much in value. Really? If done correct they should drop terribly. And if they do well it'd probably at this point drop to still more than they got them for whether they had to trade or not. Yeah I get when you really did pay a lot. But I am probably one of the players that have bought the most CC on here and I support it. I don't see how people can just discount it altogether even if they have spent money on this site.

452 posts


karakia • 5 July 2017 at 8:29 AM


Agreed, older users would be angry. But we also have to think of all the other users too though. (I've actually been here for 3 years, not like 7, this used to be my friend's account so I don't think I'm counted as an older user?) I am honestly tired of not being able to obtain anything over 3+ years because of how much people want for them. I mean 9k cc for Biwo is just...well to me it's simply outrageous.

I think that someday something will have to be done if any user wants to get any of their dreamies. The way the economy on here is going, the prices will only keep going up and up. I don't know about anyone else on here but I don't want to pay 60+ dollars for a creature when I could be using that money for a better cause.

I agree about the dreamies. I feel like I've just been here for 3 years and accomplished nothing in that time. Even if I find something old that is actually uft, I don't want to pay that much for it. I guess in a way they are achievable but not in an easy way.

I've almost quit several times since I joined because of how impossible things seem to be to obtain. I remember when I was a new user. It made me sad going around and looking at people's coves and realizing I wouldn't be able to get most of those creatures.

I think something should be done, but the likeliness of something happening is very low, maybe impossible. Older users and newer users will always disagree no matter what. Saying that, I don't think they should just go and put the Onny in the cave - I believe that something should be done so it is actually a little bit possible to get something off your wish list.

Creatures shouldn't be impossible to obtain.

33 posts


rainha • 5 July 2017 at 8:56 AM


Sorry for butting in ehe but I just have strong feelings about this topic.

Personally, I feel like Eggcave SHOULD do some sort of re-release, maybe not for all the oldies but at least for the most coveted ones. I started playing waaay back in the day (Dec 2010 to be exact) and even then I couldn't get creatures like the Onny or Tine or any other creature along those lines. I really do understand that a lot of older users would be upset but to be fair, a lot of older users have quit and because they quit, a lot of their creatures are now longer in the "Eggcave economy" so to say. Also, because Eggcave was so much smaller with a fraction of the users it has today, there are just less of those creatures in the economy.

And like other users above me have said, a lot of the older users who have those creatures probably didn't have to get their creatures with insanely inflated prices that a lot of users are facing today. Eggcave shouldn't be about people having to use insane amounts of money just to get ONE creature that they absolutely love. It should so much more than that and people should have at least a shot at getting their dream creatures. Now I'm not saying that Ian should just re-release all the old creatures but I definitely do think there should be some sort of re-release.

I understand that a lot of users are going to disagree with what I said and I respect your decision. I would be upset if one of my creatures suddenly dropped in CC value or if a creature that I just bought with thousands of CC suddenly became available for a fraction of the price. But personally, I think that seeing people be able to achieve creatures they didn't even dream they could would make up for it but that's just how I see it.

1,002 posts


shirona • 5 July 2017 at 10:46 AM

Immortalraven brought up a good point about values, and that is why I primarily support re-releases as well. Supply and demand should not be like this and the current market will be detrimental to the future of Eggcave if this is allowed to continue.

I joined almost 4 years ago, but in my 1st year alone I spent over $1000 USD just trading for wishlist creatures. While I have no problem supporting eggcave, there is a limit on how much I personally am willing to spend on any given object, tangible or intangible, before I consider myself...crazy or just plain stupid.

The trade center is virtually stagnant compared to how it once was - brimming with 2011 (and older) creatures that were being sold for "5 of this month's CSPs" on the release day of new creatures :/ Values are absurd, the economy is being flooded with CC that hardly anyone wants to accept because there's so much of it. The creatures everyone is looking for are non-existent or stashed away on some ancient inactive/hiatus/quit account and therefore only UFT for said creatures because there is no other way to obtain them otherwise. As a result, Eggcave is no longer the friendly, busy, welcoming site I fell in love with when I first joined and I, too, am beginning to have no desire to be apart of it anymore.

For me, this isn't about obtaining the creatures themselves (since I completed my wishlist years ago), it's about the future of a site I enjoy to be on and the other players who aren't as fortunate as some of us are to be able to buy hundreds and thousands of dollars worth of cave cash or are constantly missing opportunities to obtain some elusive creature that keeps skyrocketing in value because their offers just aren't good enough.

Ian is planning on doing some form of re-release and is currently "testing the waters". To what extent, I don't know, but the topics are there if you check his profile.

Deleted • 5 July 2017 at 11:53 AM

I agree with what Element said. I mean, for those people who really want a creature, it's always stashed away and you can't get it. I mean, I've never bought cc, so I have no cahnce of completing my wishlist. Only few player can complete their wishlist, and I'm not one of them. Rereleasing creatures every-so-often lets everyone have a chance at completeing it.

660 posts


brad • 5 July 2017 at 12:46 PM

This comes up all the time. No.

There are creatures from before I joined that are nearly impossible for me to get now.
But there are people that are joining today that it will be nearly impossible for them to get creatures from when I joined.
Those same people can get creatures now that in a few years will be nearly impossible for that generation to get.

It keeps going. It's fine how it is.

The only way there should EVER be a re-release, ESPECIALLY for a CSP, is have a disclaimer when it comes out, that it will possibly be re-release in the future. Right now. we've been told that when we buy a creature from the CSP, that it will be retired forever.
It would not be right for them to go back on that and re-release those creatures they've said that about.

2,849 posts


luv • 5 July 2017 at 12:46 PM

What I do find interesting is that we've brought up how old users would be angered by re-release, but there's not a single old user in here fighting against it. Maybe we over estimate people's anger, or at least, I hope we do. Perhaps everyone is starting to realize that things need to change somehow?

3,806 posts


sparklefox • 5 July 2017 at 2:27 PM

"Maybe we over estimate people's anger, or at least, I hope we do."

^ This. ^

I support re-releases. I always do. I couldn't care less about my pixels getting any less rare (I didn't work as hard as people claim I should've anyway, so why should I care?). But every time someone brings this up, the argument of "older users will be angered" is quickly brought up. I always feel like I'm being dragged into that because I'm an older user. But, no. I won't be angered. FAR from it. I'll be pleased! Others can get those creatures without paying outrageous prices for a cluster of pixels in the shape of a rabbit / robot / whatever. And maybe people will stop asking me for my stuff. ...That's a joke. I'm sorry.

I could go into more detail, but my post will be filled with Yeep censors and I will be banned in a millisecond. So, straight to the point. I support them. Go ahead and release the Onny again if you want (even if that was a joke, I want to go along with the joke, okay).

2,849 posts


luv • 5 July 2017 at 2:57 PM

On a totally unrelated note, is your Tine uft? 😉

Joking aside (and that was a joke, I promise!), my opinions on re-releases have drastically changed in the last little while. I have a 2009 Foo that I traded about 75% of my cove away for in September/October of 2011. That December they were re-released. I remember at the time being frustrated, but ultimately, I wouldn't have my Florn or Roo without the re-release, and now I think of it with fond memories because it was such an enjoyable day all around and such a cool surprise. Do I care now that the Foo was re-released? Not at all! In the end, mine will always have the same meaning to me.

That's not to say that I think the Doovoo and Macbot should be tossed into the cave again as a monthly, but I imagine a few contests/events/wishlist giveaways wouldn't hurt in the long run.

3,806 posts


sparklefox • 5 July 2017 at 3:29 PM

@luv - yes she is uft just give me 200 onnies and 150000000 macbots and 20000000 cc and we have a deal ok

Being put into the Cave as a monthly probably won't be a good idea, yes. I'd imagine that such a thing would get a little too many people riled up. Giveaways and contests would be a good idea, though.

2,849 posts


luv • 5 July 2017 at 3:52 PM

oh excellent. I'll just go get my 150000000 Macbots, one moment!

There was an idea that @raccoon posed above that apparently neopets does that sounds pretty cool, and I don't think it'd upset really anybody.

1,146 posts


valorieviolet • 5 July 2017 at 4:06 PM


I'm an old users who has close to zero of the old and rare creatures. Never had an Onny, probably never will. All I want to say, is that I would not be mad if the Onny came back for a special event... like as an Easter prize or something ;D (maybe one per person, then if users want to trade them, then they can)

1,689 posts


cloudslay3r • 5 July 2017 at 4:37 PM

I just like to say that I agree with everyone's opinions~!

1,736 posts


jello • 5 July 2017 at 4:59 PM

@cynt5100 honestly, I'd prefer the Squinton, but... I approve.

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 5 July 2017 at 7:56 PM

I consider myself just plain stupid at this point. Tis why I'm about ta throw my hands up and say forget this. Get just enough for the CCs. Don't get any CC to trade away. Don't do trades at all for a matter. Probably save me the pain of how much I spend. I get like nowhere these days even with how much I spend. I'd like to get my wish list over with and just relax and buy CC for freezes and new CCs, some to give away and some for trading for stuff I like that isn't super expansive. Most my CC I buy goes to waste pretty much. I don't spend it on what I really bought the CC for. Which is kinda my fault. But it's boring not doing anything on here and I end up trading away CC for stuff I didn't really like or since my wish list isn't going anywhere so then I say what the heck and just spend it on more of the current CCs when I don't need like 8 of those skull birds x'D

People go back on their word all the time. And I don't think eggcave meant or thought it would get this ugly. Government officials go back on their words and that can have a more negative effect than it would be for an online game. It can also have a positive effect. I can see some negative in re-releases but I see by far way more good than bad.

And more recent CCs/LEs are probably not gonna be that hard for the next generation to get I don't think. There are more people and a lot more being bought it looks like to me. I could be wrong though. Some that weren't as popular may be harder for the next generation but I feel not many will be that hard.

Though everyone can have their opinions and I do kinda see where you come from on this. I just think this site is messed up on how it is now.

A lot of the older players that I saw say negative things on re-releases have quit/hiatus. When that was something they said they'd do if things were re-released and such. So yeah kinda useless in that 'threat' of quitting if it happened since a lot aren't really ever on anymore anyways.

1,002 posts


shirona • 5 July 2017 at 8:49 PM

I have felt the same way a few times and sometimes regret spending so much xP Nowadays, being frugal, setting limits and refraining from impulse spending ( whether $ or 💵 ) can really help. I try not to freeze as much as I once did, no longer bother with travels, downsized to my absolute favorite creatures, and try to only buy 2-5 max of each CSP every month so I can have something to earn me more CC again later on.

You'll get those creatures eventually, don't worry. Just be patient - the right person will come along xP Never know when someone will return from hiatus and want to trade their older creatures for a good chunk of the new ones.
