EggCavity is Still Here!

in General

140 posts


eggcavity • 5 April 2019 at 9:06 PM

Hello EggCavity fans!

I just wanted to let you all know that EggCavity is still here!

We wanted to let you in on a few things. First is a reminder! Make sure to look through our creature value guide! The champion of creature value knowledge, @immortalraven, has officially been given permissions to post infinite amounts of values! But you should help too! Any time you make a trade with someone, pop on over to to check creature values, and then once you finish a trade go to to submit what you believe those creatures to be worth! There is a limit of 1 value per species per day per user. I am planning some give aways for users that are submitting their values -- so don't forget!

Next I'd like you to know that we are still up-to-date! We are only missing information on the new pinatas, and some of the newer travels! So don't forget to use either our creature viewer ( or easy viewer ( to find travels for your favorite creatures!

Do you want to help EggCavity? We are looking for people to write guides for:
-mysterious Asteroid
-ALL the events
-Anything else helpful to new/curious users
Or we always take donations to help us with cool giveaways and prizes for events!


1,243 posts


senkou • 5 April 2019 at 9:11 PM

you guys are still my preferred guide site!! i use it daily, in fact i used it just yesterday to calculate the total value of my cove 😊 so glad that its still up-to-date! also would love to learn how to win that pupkin.. 😋 also I'd be happy to donate some pets to you guys when I get back onto my laptop. I love what you guys have done and are continuing to do!

140 posts


eggcavity • 5 April 2019 at 9:14 PM

@wild_wonders Well you'll have to stay tuned for our Halloween event! We didn't get to do in in 2018, but we want to plan something really fun for 2019!!! We LOVE donations because they make us able to give away cool prizes!!! So thank you!!!

2,160 posts


prairie • 5 April 2019 at 9:17 PM

I'm still entering the new creatures everytime they come out! 😊
And I love the value guide, everytime I do trades, I refer it and put in my trade value. 😃

And of course, let's not forget the creature viewer, I use it almost every day.

1,243 posts


senkou • 5 April 2019 at 9:18 PM

Thank you! Was he a donation as well? Not sure if I can live up to that but I will try by best 😊

140 posts


eggcavity • 5 April 2019 at 9:21 PM

@prairie Yay great! Thank you for helping!!! ❤️

@wild_wonders @lbowe_elbow donated him for the event! Donations can be of any size (:

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 5 April 2019 at 10:06 PM

/wipes forehead/
Finished A - C with trades I've seen/done. And added critters that weren't on there yet, like Aries.
This is gonna take awhile x'D
