Players: Deletion VS Renaming?

in Help & Questions

Should I...

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 12 July 2021 at 4:11 AM

Planning on making up a 100% feed friendly cove (today.) This would use up my 4th slot. I had planned on using that for a project years from now when I have the rest of my cove just the way I want it. (Already have a name picked out for that theme.)

If I plan on getting rid of/migrating all the creatures from the 4th cove when that time comes, would there be any difference between Renaming or Deleting and starting over? Benefits/Disadvantages?

I don't know if I'd want to spend the CC just for a name change, but waiting 14 days on this site seems like a lifetime when a certain project is underway. lol.
(As it stands it seems that choosing the name wisely now, sticking with it later, or the other two above are my only options.) Anything else I might not be considering?

(And no... I don't want to make up yet another email later on. Because that would be the simplest solution wouldn't it. lol.)

Something else to consider when advising me on my case... I'd have no plans to change the name on that 4th account ever again. It would be a showcase account with a very specific theme. I've had the idea for it since before I even made an account.

@frankenstein @murmurw @aquaticfalconess @tetromino @minnie298a

Thank you for any help/advice/encouragement!

What I learned from the Resetting/Deleting Account? thread:
via Orderedchaos - When deleting accounts you have to wait 14 days to be able to use the same email again.

What I've leaned/points made in this thread:

- Whether the cost is worth using a Name Change is dependent on how much currency the player has/wants to spend and how long can they wait.
(many would prefer to spend the CC buying creatures, travels, leaf of Vaka, etc.)
- How many creatures and items one has. (Is there enough room in other coves, do they want to spend the time doing all the transfers back and forth between accounts? Only 20 at a time can be moved.)
- Any creatures and items in the account will be lost forever if the account is Deleted.
- Will lose Friend list if Deleted (and have to send out new requests. Losing names to inactive accounts - which is important if feeding to keep creatures alive for them.)

See, i had a feeling this wouldn't be a redundant thread. Thank you everyone who has contacted me about this in and out of the forum. You all have had such great insight! (Feel free to keep the opinions coming. Everyone has different nuances to their trains of thought even when we think alike in some areas.) I've made my decision, but if anyone can think of something we missed, I'd love to add it to the list so it can help others.

Gender Nonconforming
1,249 posts


frankenstein • 12 July 2021 at 12:19 PM

@snowywinter Ah, that's a difficult one. I've renamed twice, and yes, it gets expensive. I don't plan on changing any names now that I've settled on names I like.

If you're set on doing it sooner rather than later, you could start using the 4th cove for storage now, and wait until you feel ready to spend the 200cc on renaming. But if you can convince yourself to be patient for 2 weeks, it'd be a better/cheaper idea to delete and start over.

If you want to save any cc you might have right now, I would recommend deleting and starting over. I can defo send 200cc if you really, really don't want to wait, lol.

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 12 July 2021 at 1:00 PM

@frankenstein I don't expect the name/cove change to happen for at least another 7 years.

You gave me a lot to mull over. I am a cheapskate... and with enough planning and patience, I could probably save myself the ec/CC and just buy a few more cove spaces to house any strays that I may keep from the old one. (When the time's up I'd be getting rid of almost everything from the one I'm going to be opening soon. Selling/giving away. cove space wouldn't be much of an issue... I hope.)

I appreciate the offer though 😊 (But it's not necessary. Besides, I rather save my Phone a Friend for something more dire like being able to get a travel in time πŸ˜‰ )

Deleted • 12 July 2021 at 1:39 PM

@snowywinter I, personally, would choose the delete-and-remake strategy over renaming, to save CC for 'more important things', which for me would be creatures, rebirths, and freezes (if I had CC, XP). Better put, an account name is purely cosmetic and I do not see the purpose in paying to change it. I also can't and won't spend real money on simple online games like this. So, if it were me, I'd delete, wait the time, and make the new account.

Honestly, what frankenstein said, haha. Unless it's an urgent matter, I find it best to take the route of patience 😸

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 12 July 2021 at 1:56 PM

You share most of my usual way of thinking about things.
It sounds like the voice of reason. Or an echo chamber πŸ˜‰ ❀️
(Still, Sometimes there's unforeseen wisdom in other views, so it never hurts to seek outside input. Never know what one will find. *shrug*)

Indeed, usually.

Thank you for the feedback 😊

852 posts


athanasia • 13 July 2021 at 7:16 PM

Hmm. This would have to depend on how much CC you have. If you had 100000000000000000k CC I would say go for the name change, but if you only have the bare minimum of 200CC for a name change, I would say to delete and start over. But, there are a few things to keep in mind if you choose the delete and start over route:
1. All creatures that are on that account will disappear if you leave them there. This means, if you have a lot of creatures on that account that you want for when you create a new account, you need to move them to a side, which gets super annoying as you can only transfer 20 critters at a time.
2. The same above applies to items, if you have 150+ items, that you would need for questing, trading, selling, etc, would disappear or you send them over to other accounts 1 by 1 or 20 each time you do a trade lot.

Other than that, the choice is yours to make! I’ll support you either way, be it sending some CC to help with a name change if need be, or sending some EC/items over if you don’t want to move 150+ items over to sides then back to your main account😊

Wishing you luck,

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 13 July 2021 at 10:49 PM

@athanasia Thank you! You included some very useful points to consider. (More in preparation for that change than deciding on which to go with. I think the consensus is pretty clear. But all of it helps make a better informed decision. Not just for me, but hopefully anyone else deciding which to do.)
1) (Good to know. Most people would definitely find this useful. Doesn't apply to my situation though as either way I wasn't going to leave any of the soon to be creatures in it. Still, noted for future reference.)
😈 lol. Wish I had known this *before* deciding to snag almost 50 creatures in anticipation of the new account. (Though I don't find transfers to be too much of a pain in the butt. Other than worry about it giving views to creatures I don't want evolved yet.)
2) I DIDN'T EVEN THINK OF ITEMS! THANK YOU! (Items weren't even really on my mind since I only plan on putting travels on maybe a handful. - unless someone puts in a specific request.) I could see where that could be a pain in the butt if someone had a lot of items in their storeroom. (In that case I could see why someone would want to do a name change.)
lol... so far Deleting: 5768903421 reasons why, Renaming: 1. (Okay, so it's like two, but that is a very strong 1.)

Aww, thank you ❀️
Gosh, you all are so nice. But really, I expect the account transition to be rather painless. (Only trouble I can anticipate is possibly not having enough cove spaces to house the few creatures I may keep from it. 😈 I may seek a trustworthy friend then to hold onto a few for a couple weeks. ...If I haven't talked s.o. into joining by then. Whispers: Which he may be doing soon! *excited*)

Much appreciated, 😊
~ Winter ~

Edit 12:05am I just thought of another reason why someone may want to use a Name Change instead of Delete. An extensive friends list. (Personally I'd just make a record of it, but with the future cove I'd want to start with a clean slate for the most part anyhow.) It could be a pain sending out all those friend requests again.

I need to collect all these wonderful tips and add them to my first post.

183 posts


singasong99 • 14 July 2021 at 2:41 AM

@snowywinter I'd also personally choose the delete-and-start-over option. Transferring is...easy? And trades are pretty much good to go if you'd like items transferred. About the friends part...if you have about 600+ friends, guaranteed it'll be difficult to seek out all 600 of 'em. So that's one reason why you might not want to delete. Also, it's pretty final if you choose the rename with CC path. You could probably only change it once, and even if you could change it multiple times, I'm pretty sure no one would want to. Using the delete option, that would be another benefit.

Also, I don't think 14 days is worth 200 CC, so that's my opinion 😊

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 14 July 2021 at 3:15 AM

(I agree, to me transfers seem so much easier than trades.)
Just so you know, buying the Username Change Terminal, you can change your username every 30 days. (o.O Not my idea of a good time, but to each their own. The site lets people get their money's worth out of it at least. I've seen some sites charge more each time.)

(Not saying for or against, just food for thought.) People pay for fast passes at Amusement Parks. I think it's kind of similar. As they say, 'time is money'.

Thank you for the feedback ^ _ ^

183 posts


singasong99 • 14 July 2021 at 3:20 AM

@snowywinter Thank you! I learnt something new from you 😊
