feed lists

in Site Feedback & Ideas

155 posts


cuty • 13 June 2023 at 7:24 PM

i don't know if anyone has suggested this already or if it can be done at all.
since i play eggcave on my phone a lot, feeding people's feed lists when they have a lot of creatures, in general, is impossible because i have to go back and forth a lot. playing on my pc is easier, but it's not great either.
my suggestion is that when a particular person has a 'quick feed' feed list, by clicking on that title (or whatever the action is) you are able to feed only the creatures in that feed list by clicking the arrow for the next creature, instead of the site taking you to the next creature in the whole cove (for example, a person has creatures number 5 and 81 in the feed list. you click the creature number 5, feed it and click the arrow which will then take you to the said creature 81 which is next in the feed list, and not creature 6 which is next in the person's cove).
i'm not sure i explained this very well since english isn't my native language, so if anyone has any suggestions and fixes, please let me know.
thank you!

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 14 June 2023 at 10:59 PM

I really wish this were the case.
I forget the last time it was mentioned in the forums.
But I definitely agree it is so much easier feeding Feed Tabs from the computer because we can't just click next. : /

The only alternative I ran across is in a long-time player's cove (I guess this just used to be the standard)
is they'd link to the next creature they'd want fed in the creature's profile. (That's really time-consuming in my opinion though. Kudos to the people who took the time to do this!)

1,572 posts


isis • 15 June 2023 at 12:10 PM

@cuty Great suggestion!! I've wanted this to be a thing for the longest time. I feel like it's pretty much the point of a cove list to easily be able to go through those creatures specifically? It's a hassle to do that as it is now, with the amount of tabs you have to open separately. It's especially impossible on phone, as you mentioned. Hopefully this change is possible some day!

Until then, I'm probably gonna do the linking thing that you mentioned @snowywinter, I had totally forgotten about that but it used to be so common

155 posts


cuty • 15 June 2023 at 5:33 PM

@isis thanks for your feedback! if you have friends to ping who don't mind it, please do, so we can spread the word. ❤️

@snowywinter thanks for your feedback! i've been playing for a long time, but i have never stumbled apon that alternative or maybe i just wasn't paying attention, which is another problem because not a lot people will look at the links (in my opinion). i agree with you that it's a hassle. it's a good idea though, better than going back and forth, right? 😊

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 15 June 2023 at 6:08 PM

@isis Glad it could help someone. ^^ I just wish I could remember who is using it again/still so I could give them credit.
(1st time I ran across it was about three months ago and they had used it as a really neat gallery feature. I only vaguely thought about it being a possibility as an alternative to the Next Feed buttons. Then I ran across someone actually using it for that about two weeks ago and it was GREAT! Still a bit tedious having to scroll down, but only compared to having the Next buttons. It was still a LOT better than having to open individual tabs. Especially considering my main mobile browser for feeding takes me to the opened tab. Great for web browsing, annoying when trying to get through feeds quickly.)

Best wishes in constructing (and maintaining) your new/alternative Feed List / Loop
(sort of reminds me of web links back in the day. lol
O.O ...omg... You just gave me a new idea. Profile linkies here... could incorporate it for people with the Linkie Feed Lists! A link for their own creature that begins the feed list, then below that a link to someone else's profile that is participating too! ...since we don't have the ecode here for a link randomizer.

Just went down about an hour long rabbit hole just searching for what the group of linkies were called. >.< *facepalm* So many distractions. Webrings.
Heee... Eggrings. Should totally be a thing. : P)

and therein lies the problem (why I wish we could just have the automatic next buttons), is that one does either have to stumble upon the linked creatures' profiles, or see that a user has it posted in their profile.
Who knows... maybe if the idea catches on/ is revived it will become common place or maybe someone will even make a forum thread for people that have this style of feed list ^^
Right now I don't think most people would even know to keep an eye out for that sort of thing.
(As it is right now it would be a giant Easter Egg Hunt... or finding a needle in a hay field.)

1,416 posts


provo7demons • 15 August 2023 at 6:58 PM

I really wish this was a feature! It's super hard to do feed lists on mobile, and it would be a lot less time consuming on PC as well to be able to click through rather than having to open each link in a separate tab.

1,127 posts


musical_slytherclaw • 16 August 2023 at 12:49 PM

I love this suggestion! I've ran into this a lot while feeding on mobile, to the point where if someone has a feed list I often will just skip feeding altogether until I get back to my laptop, can't be bothered to press the back button every time lol

2,718 posts


jlya • 25 August 2023 at 1:18 PM

I would so, so appreciate this option ❤️ If I'm on mobile it's such a pain, so I usually skip feeding if a user is specific about feed lists.
