🎉Okami’s 10th Anniversary Extravaganza -🔴CLOSED🔴

in User Contests & Giveaways

2,002 posts


opalquinze • 26 July 2023 at 1:12 PM

i’ll admit i don’t listen to jazz stuff much in my free time, but i’m gonna try to give you some suggestions despite me having more of a hardcore rave/techno/EDM taste in music!

these are gonna come from BEMANI’s franchise of rhythm games (so don’t mind the weirdly named subgenres):

[ZEN-JAZZ] TOMOSUKE feat. あさき(roughly translates to crude wood?) - 明鏡止水 (Meikyoushisui): https://youtu.be/yZ0Rtk9iH0M

[CAT JAZZ] Dormir (TOMOSUKE (ft. lyrics/vocals from crimm)) - にゃんだふる(Nyanderful) 55 marble version: https://youtu.be/usZKxtb3gl0

(mostly anything under TOMOSUKE (and his many aliases) can be considered jazz, bossa lounge, and/or house if you wanna check him out)

[CLUB JAZZ] SENAX - Betty Boo: https://youtu.be/nwPKvFty_CM

no full version exists, but a longer remix (done by SLAKE) does (it sounds less like jazz and more on the club/techno side, so idk if you want that (url goes to the original, not the remix just to clarify))

[JAZZ HOUSE] youhei shimizu - mnemoniq: https://youtu.be/TfntG2VS8FQ

another very short one that sadly doesn’t have a full version either as this artist left pretty early on the beatmania series (there’s a slightly extended edit, but that one’s fanmade)

i have a couple more to suggest that aren’t jazz, but most of ‘em might not suit your taste (since, y’know, it’s subjective):

[EURODANCE] Joga - Dam Dariram: https://youtu.be/ktti56_UfdY
[EUROBEAT] Judy Crystal - Tokyo All Ready: https://youtu.be/x1_PoISN1Ac
[ROCK’N TECHNO] COZY KUBO - CLUB 115: https://youtu.be/3xIEuf5TSeY

this is already a lot i’m suggesting, so here you go! again, i don’t really listen to jazz much cuz i’m picky, so yeah

1,357 posts


sartre • 26 July 2023 at 3:02 PM


Entering Booth #5 Day 3

This is instrumental music, from ElevenWav





This is good background music to listen to while you’re playing video games.

2,990 posts


heatherm19 • 26 July 2023 at 11:17 PM

@okami Oh man, music recommendations!

I don't listen to much jazzy stuff, but I feel like some of Alexz Johnson's older stuff has a pretty good jazz-vibe to it.
Pleased To Meet You- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMiJrIbIGeo
Walking- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSUjtCnhXyU

And I can't *not* recommend Within Temptation, though they may not be what you usually like (same here, actually).

760 posts


okami • 27 July 2023 at 1:33 AM

Booth #5: Day 3 Winners

1st place gets their choice of the 3 creatures, 2nd gets to pick between the other 2, and 3rd gets the remaining creature. I will be in contact 😊
1st: @opalquinze - I've never heard of BEMANI before, and I can already tell I'll be listening to those songs on a loop while I do mindless work. o-o Especially the cat jazz song, it reminds me somewhat of Katmari Damacy music, which I love listening to. x3

2nd: @sartre -The ElevenWav music is right up my alley, I'm surprised I haven't come across them myself! It scratches that adhd-itch in my brain lol.

3rd: @heatherm19 , :0 I love that slight raspiness (for lack of better term) in her voice, it's beautiful ❤️

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Booth #5 has been updated for day 4!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

65 posts


pinkhanni • 27 July 2023 at 1:57 AM

Booth #5:
(first of all, i have to say, "whut" LMAO regardless of which ones are true, HOW have you been bitten by such animals?! im wondering now what kind of wild life you live! haha)

my guess is...that the sloth is a lie! 😊

2,990 posts


heatherm19 • 27 July 2023 at 2:08 AM

@okami Okay, you *are* going to give us the stories about these bites, right? Because I'm very curious! A giraffe I can kinda get, as I grew up going to the zoo a lot and they can be very 'playfully-nippy'. But a porcupine? I'd have to guess that's the lie.

And yay! I'm glad you liked my recommendation, her voice is so soothing to me.

1,357 posts


sartre • 27 July 2023 at 2:41 AM


Entering Booth #5 Day 4

This was a hard one because I’ve seen all these animals bite or nip at people. But I picked Giraffe.🦒

122 posts


mr-blue-bones • 27 July 2023 at 2:49 AM

@okami Booth #5 Day 4

I think you haven't been bitten by a porcupine! 😃

2,002 posts


opalquinze • 27 July 2023 at 7:22 AM

@okami gonna assume that getting bit by a sloth is the lie, but who knows?

glad you really enjoy the “cat jazz” song (cuz seeing “nyanderful” in a title got a chuckle out of me)!

(slightly unrelated to day 4 of booth 5, the art contest section hasn’t been updated with my entry url i posted a few days ago, so sorry if this comes off as rude)

918 posts


mythisea • 27 July 2023 at 7:31 AM

@okami I love today's theme LOL I have no idea which one's a lie. I'll guess it's the porcupine!

Congrats to the winners yesterday ❤️

2,770 posts


jlya • 27 July 2023 at 12:49 PM

You are skilled at being bitten by bizarre animals xD That's tough but I'm going to guess Porcupine!

1,509 posts


wonder404exe • 27 July 2023 at 12:57 PM

i forgot it starts on 24th @@
I can still join right?

im gonna guess porcupine. >w>

1,153 posts


valorieviolet • 27 July 2023 at 1:23 PM


💖Booth #5: Day 4💖
I can see getting bit by a giraffe! I can imagine someone (perhaps you) being on a safari, where you get to feed the animals as you go (while staying safe in the car). Those giraffes want their food so bad when you're holding it out in front of them and a finger does have the same shape as a baby carrot... So truth for giraffe.

I also can see getting bit by a porcupine! You really have to be careful with those smaller animals, you pet them the wrong way and they start munchin' on the first thing they see... So truth for porcupine.

I've heard that sloths don't like to be touched, so I don't think that you'd be in a position to hold one of them. But then again, are there places that let people hold a sloth? Not too sure, but something has to be the lie... So lie for sloth!

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 27 July 2023 at 1:44 PM

Guessing for Booth #5 - Day 4

@okami So fun trying to imagine all these scenarios! Each certainly hold their own for possibilities for and against...

but I'm going to go with Giraffe (as the lie). ^^

I'm going through my head of all the neat creatures I've had the privilege of being around and I'm having a hard time coming up with any of them that have actually bit me. ...It's the darn domestic critters ya gotta watch out for. >.< (So much for putting my own 2T&aL out there for the fun of it. Who knows, maybe it'll come to me later. Would be a fun thread to try resurrecting in the Games Section. ^^)

760 posts


okami • 27 July 2023 at 11:43 PM

Booth #5: Day 4 Results

5 users guessed correctly, but the randomizer chose @jlya as the winner! Congrats!

LOL, so for context my previous lines of work were in zookeeping and wildlife rehabilitation. I’ve worked with 200+ different species, so I came out of there with many interesting stories, several odd injuries, and great 2 truths 1 lie statements. xD

•Statement 1: I’ve been bitten by a porcupine……LIE. I never got bitten by the two porcupine species I used to work with, although I did pierce my skin many times with their quills. ;-;
•Statement 2: I’ve been bitten by a sloth…….TRUTH. Sloths are lazy and like to be hand fed in bed. I was feeding one once and a piece of carrot dropped onto her stomach. I reached to pick it up (she was extremely friendly and was fine being touched), but she mistook my hand for food and gave my thumb a good nip.
•Statement 3: I’ve been bitten by a giraffe….. TRUTH. Same kind of story, I was feeding one of my giraffes a small branch, she took a bigger bite than I expected, and got my hand. She noticed almost immediately though and thankfully let go before she had bitten down too hard.

@snowywinter It would be really fun to see that game resurrected in the future on the boards. I’d definitely be able to pop in occasionally with the most unhinged off-the-cuff statements relating to my past careers xD

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Booth #5 has been updated for day 5!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

2,990 posts


heatherm19 • 28 July 2023 at 1:30 AM

@okami Being paid to be around animals, lucky you!

Booth #5 Day 5
You have no idea how long it took me to put this together, don't think I've ever actually written a recipe before. This is one of the only 'from scratch' type of things I make.

Mom's Meatloaf
Ingredients: lean ground beef (we use 3 pounds for plenty of leftovers), saltine crackers (1 package), 2 cans Diced Tomatoes with Jalapenos, 1 celery stick diced, 1 green bell pepper diced , 2 green onion sticks diced, a few splashes of worcestershire sauce, 2 tablespoons yellow mustard, 2 large eggs, garlic powder (amount depends on preferences)
1. Prep the celery, bell pepper, and onion. Chunks are okay but finely diced is better.
2. Crunch up the saltine crackers until there are no large pieces
3. Put beef in large bowl and add 1 can diced tomatoes, then eggs, then the crackers, then the prepped veggies.
4. Add worcestershire sauce, yellow mustard, and garlic power, then mix everything well (we just do it by hand with gloves on)
5. (optional) Add 2nd can of tomatoes if the mixture looks dry or too lumpy.
6. Scoop into a grill pan or aluminum baking pan (make sure it has raised sides so grease/juice doesn't drip out during cooking)
7. Cook in oven for 1 hour at 350 degrees, then check by separating a bit in the middle with a utensil. If not done to your liking, put back in for 15 minutes at a time until ready.

(Using 3 pounds of beef gives enough leftovers for 4-5 meals *and* a good amount to freeze for later.)

918 posts


mythisea • 28 July 2023 at 7:27 AM

@okami Those sound like adventures!! and clearly you got great stories out of it haha

Congrats @jlya!!

For today, I'm not much of a cook to be honest. There is one recipe I love though - crockpot turkey and dressing. You throw in turkey, dressing crumbles, a few other things including a TON of butter, and it comes out delicious with minimal work. My partner and I go all in and do an easy green bean casserole + storebought mashed potatoes + canned cranberry sauce (for him) when we do it. We had an easy-to-make American Thanksgiving in June last month and it was delicious ❤️

1,509 posts


wonder404exe • 28 July 2023 at 1:19 PM

I have gotten ALOT of baking recipes from my cooking class
which one...
Smoothie? Pizzadilla? Pizza begel? pancake?
(it wont be perfect because im trying to reword it from "teacher directions" to recipe)

yield: 1 dozen (you'll be the judge of that)


Mixing bowl (not small not plastic not glass METAL-)
Electric mixer
rubber scraper (optional if you dont mind having mixed cream over the walls of your bowl wasted)
wooden spoon for mixing
measuring spoons
( 3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon
16 tablespoons = 1 cup)
Plastic food wrap (if you use anything else to cover the bowl while it sets that fine too i think)

Parchment paper
cookie sheet
scoops (cookie or ice cream scoops)
oven mitts (or towel, i use towel. well i use a small oven too so-)
turner (or wait for the cookie sheet to cool off)


1/4 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of packed brown sugar
1/4 cup of softened butter (not liquid butter dont heat it in microwave)
1 Table spoon of milk
2 table spoon of liquid egg (or two egg whites)
1/2 tea spoon of vanilla

1/2 Cup of flour
1/4 tea spoon of baking soda
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 cup of oats
1/2 cup of chocolate chips


1 (messy part): Put the Wet Ingredients in a large mixing bowl (preferred LARGE bowl and not plastic [learnt from experience... got myself covered in it]) Beat it with an electic mixer on speed three (about medium speed) for 1 minute (use a rubber scraper to wipe the sides)
2: in a medium mixing bowl stir (using a spoon) the Dry ingredients and dump it in the Large bowl with the "wet" Ingredients
3 (fun part): add the others (oats and chocolate) into the large bowl then stir until well mixed (using a spoon)
4: put plastic food wrap over the top of the BOWL and leave it out for a few hours (or over night)

5 (OVEN TIME): preheat the oven to 350F
6 (not exactly fun but kinda messy): scoop the dough on to the parchment paper (one inch apart)
7: 12 minutes (for smaller oven its about 18 minutes just to be sure)
8 (optional if you dont mind your mouth burning): set the cookies to cool for 4 minutes
and your done
and your welcome for making the recipe not too borning to read idk

2,770 posts


jlya • 28 July 2023 at 2:38 PM

Yay!! I can't believe I won! Thank you so much ❤️
Zookeeping and wildlife rehabilitation both sound like wonderful jobs ^^ How cool you get to work with so many different animals!

That garlic chicken sounds delightful!
I took 2 years of culinary classes so I've got recipes 😉 I've got a massive sweet tooth so my favorite is creme brulee with real vanilla beans~❤️ HIGHLY recommend.
But since the instructions are long I'll share the BEST ever recipe for biscuits, because everyone needs a good comfort carb ^^

-360 grams all purpose flour
-1 1/2 tsp salt
-1 tbsp baking powder
-1 tbsp sugar
-85-126 grams butter, cold
-225-250 grams milk

-Preheat oven to 425F.
-Measure the dry ingredients into a medium-sized bowl. Whisk them thoroughly to evenly disperse the ingredients.
-Cut in chunks of the butter. Use your fingers to blend the two, pressing the butter chunks and flour together until the butter chunks are about the size of a pea.
-Pour in the milk and blend together with a fork until just together but still a little scraggly. Remove the dough to a counter lightly dusted with flour and knead until the dough is together. Do not over-knead
-Roll dough to thickness of 3/4 inch and cut into circles
-Place the biscuits on parchment and bake at 425F until the biscuits begin to get golden brown on the top (here's an example of what they should look like: https://www.agefotostock.com/age/en/details-photo/rustic-handmade-biscuits-sit-on-a-metal-pan-after-coming-out-of-the-oven/ESY-033800450)

760 posts


okami • 29 July 2023 at 12:15 AM

Booth #5: Day 5 Results

It was SO hard to choose the recipe I’m looking forward to trying the most because they all sound scrumptious (I also did not consider the fact that I’d be reading these late at night when I’m in bed… I’m starving now lol). But I think I’ll have to go with @heatherm19 ‘s meatloaf recipe as the one I want to try making asap. o-o I’ve never had meatloaf with any other vegetable aside from onions, and the saltine cracker addition has thoroughly piqued my interest.
Thank you everyone for sharing your recipes, I’m adding all of them to my recipe list 😊

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Booth #5 has been updated for day 6!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

2,990 posts


heatherm19 • 29 July 2023 at 12:25 AM

@okami Eeeeeekk I won?! Yaaaayyy!! I just told my mom her meatloaf recipe won and she's excited, lol.

Booth #5, Day 6
This is going to be a totally random and clueless guess because I don't know much about the differences in the Hogwarts houses... Ravenclaw?

1,357 posts


sartre • 29 July 2023 at 2:31 AM

Entering Booth #5, Day 6

Hufflepuff 🦡

2,002 posts


opalquinze • 29 July 2023 at 7:05 AM

@okami gonna guess Hufflepuff as well!

918 posts


mythisea • 29 July 2023 at 8:48 AM

Congrats Heather!!

@okami I'm going to go different from the above people and guess Slytherin. Represent!

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 29 July 2023 at 12:42 PM

Booth #5, Day 6

My initial reaction was Gryffindor - Just a gut thing, and I could see it, you have your moments of boldness, and isn't bravery more about overcoming our fears than the lack there of? lol. But all in all it's sort of a catch all when my brain can't immediately pinpoint someone's house with certainty. >.<

Then I figured you remind me of myself with the warm Hufflepuff fuzzies - shy & nice.

But that felt too easy, so then I was like 'perhaps Ravenclaw? She is intelligent after all' ^^

I almost dismissed Slytherin altogether, but cleverness goes hand in hand with intelligence, and most of my friends identify as Slytherin (despite me raising an eyebrow at about 50% of them, I just don't see it for many of the qualities, even the extended lists. Not you, my other peeps.)

In the end (and I'm sort of tossing a dart at the wall here,) but I'm going to go with Ravenclaw as my final answer. Y'know, since Blue is in the house colors 😉
(Oh c'mon, even if I'm wrong, you have to admit it's funny : P)

- - - - - - - - - - -

Fun fact: This Booth-day is just two days off from Harry Potter's Birthday ^^

2,770 posts


jlya • 29 July 2023 at 4:43 PM

I bet the others are right with Ravenclaw, but I'm going to take a risk and guess Gryffindor. Just a gut guess 😊

1,509 posts


wonder404exe • 29 July 2023 at 6:16 PM

i know nothing about Harry Potter and Hogwarts that much (i have played 2 games about the Harry Potter universe but still no clue of the houses)...

second thought could be Ravenclaw
no maybe Hufflepuff??
UGH Slytherin

still going with Gryffindor because i have no idea

760 posts


okami • 30 July 2023 at 12:21 AM

Booth #5: Day 6 Results

It was very interesting to read everyone’s guesses, but Ravenclaw is my house! 😸 I assumed for the longest time that I’d be in Hufflepuff, but when I got around to taking the official quiz (and other misc. quizzes) I kept getting Ravenclaw lol.
2 users guessed correctly, but the randomizer chose @snowywinter as the winner!

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Booth #5 has been updated for day 7!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 30 July 2023 at 12:57 AM

Woot! i won one! : D Thank you @okami 😊
(and it was fun reading all the different guesses ^^ )

Well, i think i'll sit the last day of Booth 5 out. Good luck everyone who enters! ❤️

2,990 posts


heatherm19 • 30 July 2023 at 2:02 AM

Booth #5, Day 7
Wait what? How on earth am I suppose to pick a favorite memory? There are so many. So so many. I love this place so much. ❤️ I feel like my favorite memories are probably some of my 'firsts', the first wishlist creature I got (Laika), the first CC travel I bought (St. Patrick's Day Hat), etc.... Hmm.
Actually, I think I'll say last year's Halloween Fair. It was the first Eggcave event I was *really* around for (I was here for Ark Victory last year but wasn't totally invested in it...) and I was just so excited and so impressed with all the different things to do. And how much work obviously goes on behind the scenes for something like that. (I also think it was that event/time that really cemented the fact that Eggcave was my 'new home' in terms of online games, and that I had fallen out of love with the game that'd previously had my loyalty.)
