The Mysterious Asteroid Game.

in Forum Games

785 posts


rustiscool • 5 December 2014 at 6:44 PM

The asteroid and eggs are having a party, and you're not invited! Come back next month.

49 posts


ddgirl22 • 12 December 2014 at 4:20 PM

A huge gust of wind picked you off the ground and threw you away from the asteroid. Guess it doesn't want you to come any closer. Try again tomorrow.

115 posts


midinite • 12 December 2014 at 10:42 PM

The Asteroid decided to fly back to space. Get a rocket then come back.

108 posts


wolffey • 26 December 2014 at 12:58 PM

The asteroid eat all of the eggs I guess there's no point of ever going back.

18 posts


mnbvcxz27 • 30 December 2014 at 8:42 PM

The wind grabbed you and throws you to the other side of the island. You end up in the hospital for the day. What did you do to the wind?!?!!! >☹️

0 posts


gozgoz99 • 24 January 2015 at 11:21 AM

the pope dosnt like you

9 posts


phoenix107 • 27 January 2015 at 8:50 AM

A giant waffle flattened you and you have to go to the hospital. Try again once your broken spine heals!

24 posts


ulquigrimmy • 30 January 2015 at 4:42 PM

A second asteriod comes out of the sky and crushes you! Come back you're not dead.

Deleted • 7 February 2015 at 12:08 AM

The asteroid has split into a little spore cell in the deep ocean. I guess that would be considered getting an alien creature, right?

4,488 posts


sheepfox • 10 February 2015 at 9:50 AM

you walk up to the asteroid carefully....then the asteroid says STAY BACK OR YOU SHALL RECEIVE REVENGE!!! your like ok, come at me bro. then you pull out an axe, and try to slice the asteroid. your axe breaks. then the asteroid pulls out an iphone 6, and plays a creepy laughing noise. you run away never to come back again.

You walk up to the asteroid and say "yo wussup homie?" the asteroid turns around and says "here you go homie" as he hands you an egg. ITS A NEEBU!! omg so fluffy, you say as you walk away.

you come up and ask the asteroid for an egg. it kicks you in the butt and says "get a life kid, i aint giving u stuff no more"

you walk up and run into the asteroid. it explodes.

an egg falls out of the sky. it explodes to.

55 posts


mrcaudle • 16 February 2015 at 9:51 AM

you walk up to the asteroid there is a sign on it no creatures
today i am leaving tomorrow to find sponge bob square pants so i have to rest

Deleted • 12 March 2015 at 10:20 PM

"Hooray! The aliens of the asteroid threw an egg out of the astroid and you caught it! It was a alkub egg. But as you walked home, the egg exploded and turned into an alien! It chased you all the way home. Maybe it wasn't an egg after all..... Guess you'll have to come back tomorrow."

As you touched the egg, you were transported to Leila. A circle of bandits and thieves awaits you, ready to take your cove, EC, and CC. You ran away, far away to northern ark, luckily. The bad guys must have put a spell on that egg. Guess you have to come back tomorrow.

Uh oh. Some citizens of Ark started chasing you with signs that said, "Leave The Astroid Alone" as you reached out to get an egg.Must be astroid protectors or something. Guess you have to come back tomorrow.

17 posts


jalisa53 • 8 July 2015 at 6:27 AM

@mastermepp the last one was the best

1,075 posts


possiegal • 10 July 2015 at 6:01 PM

all the eggs grew legs and walked away!!!! :0

2,802 posts


elf • 10 July 2015 at 6:13 PM

You were successful with finding a creature at the Mysterious Asteroid, so successful that the creature hatched just moments after you got it. It decided that it didn't like you and ran away... oh well. Try again tomorrow.

4,488 posts


sheepfox • 10 July 2015 at 6:34 PM

Some mysterious/peaceful music played as u came closer to the asteroid. You said to the asteroid "hi i want a listrick egg" Silence. more silence. til' finally, you have waited about 5 minutes with no reply. You start to walk of when u hear a "dun dun" the "asteroid" was really an electrode. It smirked at u and exploded u. Might as well never come back.

You are running to the asteroid and it explodes.

You go to the asteroid. you said "hai du-" and u started drowning in poison liquid, no asteroid to be found...

You go up to the asteroid. behind it was a Jolteon with ash's cap. could ash have transformed? Or did this Jolteon kill Ash? You didn't know. You came up and said "oh, hi, jolteon..." The jolteon looks at u and then turns away. u say "whats wrong?" The Jolteon didn't respond. His ears twiched. He became wide eyed and ran off. You feel vibrations in the ground and-and...everything went black. Game over. lol.

1,924 posts


reality • 10 July 2015 at 8:16 PM

The asteroid say you need a combation lock,guess you need to find the answer and go back tomorrow.

4,488 posts


sheepfox • 10 July 2015 at 8:28 PM

You fell in the void. Hopefully your siblings/children will try it out. But for now,


916 posts


darcy_vasquez • 10 July 2015 at 9:27 PM

You come close to the asteroid. It suddenly starts to shake. You stare at it, and then it TURNS TO NYAN CAT!!! It flies away in a colorful cloud, and takes away all eggs with it.

Come back tomorrow to try your luck!


4,488 posts


sheepfox • 10 July 2015 at 9:34 PM

You came up to the asteroid. You tapped it and then it started making really loud and annoying sounds endlessly, so you ran off so u wouldn't become deaf. Come back in a couple of days to see if it stops...

47 posts


femme • 16 July 2015 at 2:31 AM

The asteroid recently broke up with its significant other. When you go to visit it, it cries on your shoulder and you decide to comfort it. Happy and relieved, it asks you on a date and you accept. You two begin a relationship, but neither are in love, so you both decide that it is best to just be friends. Nevertheless, lonely and growing resentful as the months pass without being noticed by any other potential partners, the asteroid acts colder and colder towards you. And this is why it never allows you eggs.

1,924 posts


reality • 21 July 2015 at 9:53 PM

You went into a mist where the asteroid was and it flew to space for a vacation, guess you have to try your luck when the asteriod comes back.

370 posts


pupicorn • 13 August 2015 at 2:24 PM

A flying sponge bob yelling: "I am the king of the pineapple!" Hit you on the head and you got an awful headache... Guess you will have to come back later when sponge bob is gone..

127 posts


chocolatechip • 18 August 2015 at 1:22 AM

You distract the asteroid with chocolate and attempt to take an egg. The asteroid is allergic to chocolate and dies, killing all the eggs before you could take one. Guess you'll have to come back tomorrow.

1,318 posts


raccoon • 18 August 2015 at 3:36 AM

You attempt to trade with the asteroid. Chocolate milk for an egg. Sadly the asteroid is lactose intolerant and cannot accept your offer. Guess you'll have to try again tomorrow.

1,568 posts


firedawn • 25 August 2015 at 9:25 AM

The asteroid saw you coming up to it with a chicken. It went over hyperactive and crushed you on sight. Better come in your second generation.
