Be Were

in Roleplaying

5,902 posts


seaangel • 30 October 2012 at 10:48 AM

@kurochi-akuma Don't worry I'll make a male too. How about Sun's older brother?

Name: Ray
Age: 17
Gender: M
Animal: Black maned lion
Appearance: Tall 6'5, with shaggy black hair. His eyes are a dark brown most people call black. He has tanned skin, and a very muscular body. Usually wears jeans or shorts(depending on the season) a collared shirt or tank and jacket.
Were appearance: He's covered in fur that is tannish, much like a lion's. He grows a mane that is black, and he has a tail tipped with a tuft of black fur.
Personality(optional): Protective over people he loves, in this case Sun. He is often cheerful and looks on the bright side. He loves a good party.
Other: Sun's older brother.
@cqpkytty I don't think I'm ever going to misspell your username. Ping button XD.

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kurochi-akuma • 31 October 2012 at 12:12 AM


Yay~ Thank you~ 😸

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 3 November 2012 at 12:06 AM

Accepted 😊

5,902 posts


seaangel • 3 November 2012 at 10:37 AM

@kurochi-akuma @cqpkytty

"Get off!" Sun yelled and a growl was heard from the distance. A large were came out knocking the werewolf off and making sure Sun was okay.

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kurochi-akuma • 3 November 2012 at 11:10 AM


The unknown werewolf slid on his feet across the ground when he got hit from the other were. He eyed the werefox that was recently changed and then the dead body of another. He walked in between the two groups of weres, "What happened here?" He said in a deep voice as he looked towards Aiya for an answer.

5,902 posts


seaangel • 3 November 2012 at 11:42 AM


The other were who had checked on Sun had a black mane and now, a slightly mad face pointed at Sun. The girl looked down her ears were flattened against her head, a look of guilt plastered on her face as she turned back to her human form.

"Sun? What did happen here?" The other were's voice was strong and yet kind.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 3 November 2012 at 1:53 PM

Aiya spoke nervously, feeling guilty. "We were at the party, and then I - I smelled - and then Sun said - and then I - and then Lena was - and then Sun -" she stammered.


5,902 posts


seaangel • 3 November 2012 at 2:14 PM

@seaangel @cqpkytty

"Sun did you bite someone?" Ray said sternly and Sun nodded. "What about you Aiya?" He asked turning back into a human and hopefully was recognized as Sun's older brother. The face shape was practically the same.

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kurochi-akuma • 3 November 2012 at 11:31 PM


Ace turned back as well. He felt he didn't need to be in his werewolf form anymore and his red eyes softened. "It's alright. Take a deep breath." He said calmly to Aiya.

5,902 posts


seaangel • 4 November 2012 at 12:44 PM


Ray turned to Ace and smiled. "Sorry for any trouble my little sis has caused. We're leaving now, good night Aiya." He said as gave a look to Sun making her stand to her feet and walking behind and disappearing into the darkness.

"I'm sorry Ray, it's uncontrollable sometimes. You should know that! Don't tell Dad, please." Sun didn't mention the mother, who was oblivious to any of it, thinking that werewolves, were anything, was all just a tale.

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kurochi-akuma • 4 November 2012 at 5:40 PM


Ace looked at the two before they were about to leave. "It's fine." He said as they faded into the darkness of the wilderness. Now he had to figure out what he was going to do with the task at hand.

He walked over to Jayson to see if he was still alive, but found no signs of life in the body. Frowning, he looked at the two female weres behind him. "Transform back. I'll take you both home." He informed them with a stern look.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 5 November 2012 at 9:09 PM

So she thinks that the things in the news and the biting reports are nationwide pranks? 😋

Aiya nodded guiltily. "Yeah...Lena..." She changed back.

5,902 posts


seaangel • 5 November 2012 at 9:14 PM


Sun went into the house with Ray, silently. They both went up to bed, Ray first putting his little sister to bed.

"You shouldn't go to were parties without Dad knowing. Do you know what he would say about this? What would have happen if you didn't come home? How would he explain it to Mom?" Ray said making Sun feel even guiltier.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think we would see humans. Don't tell Dad, please. I'll be grounded from everything, considering I led another were who new to this controlling blood lust thing into it." Sun pleaded.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 5 November 2012 at 9:30 PM

Just a question. Is their dad were? 😋
Also, what would happen if their mom was with them during the full moon? 😋

5,902 posts


seaangel • 5 November 2012 at 9:36 PM

Their dad bit Ray on accident. On the other subject...well they'll cross that path when they get there.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 5 November 2012 at 9:39 PM

What is he? Just out of curiosity.
And I hope she doesn't have a reaction like Jayson's...

...You know, I really thought he was going to become a were 😋 But instead he died >.<

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kurochi-akuma • 8 November 2012 at 10:55 PM


Me too~ D: But I only assume he died from the bite. o-o'

Ace waited for Lena to turn back, walking up to Aiya. "I'm Ace. We didn't exactly get to meet properly on the full moon before." He told her, "You okay?"

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 8 November 2012 at 10:57 PM

😋 Oh well then 😋

Aiya grinned. "Hi, dreamwolf."

1,261 posts


candyluver6789 • 8 November 2012 at 10:59 PM

@cqpkytty @kurochi-akuma @seaangel
I think I might quit this roleplay. It's not that I don't like it, but I'm kind of busy with other roleplays and such, and I've kind of lost interest in it.. Sorry. ☚ī¸

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kurochi-akuma • 8 November 2012 at 11:01 PM

@candyluver6789 - That's okay! ^-^ Er...what should we do about your chara? o.O

He frowned. Not this again, he thought. "You STILL think this is a dream? If it is one, it must be pretty long, don't you think? Besides, you can't feel anything in dreams." He said, playing along with her tease.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 9 November 2012 at 9:44 AM

OK :/

Aiya grinned at him. "Don't you remember, dreamwolf? You pinched me. I know this isn't a dream. But do you remember something else from last night? I'm gonna ALWAYS call you that." She laughed.

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kurochi-akuma • 9 November 2012 at 8:05 PM

@cqpkytty - You keep forgetting to ping me. XD

"Great." He groaned, not too pleased with the new nicknamed she pinned on him. He turns his head slightly to the sound of sirens approaching, looking back at Aiya. "Let's get going." He walked towards the thick brush, disappearing behind a group of bushes and heading through the woods towards Aiya's house.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 9 November 2012 at 8:25 PM

Well, you subscribed to this, didn't you? 😋

Aiya ran to catch up with him, then walked next to him. "Why are you going to MY house?"

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1,376 posts


kurochi-akuma • 9 November 2012 at 8:31 PM

@cqpkytty - Now I did. XDD

He pushed through some branches, little burrs catching on to his hoodie. "To make sure you get from point A to point B, without getting caught by the cops."

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 9 November 2012 at 8:35 PM


Aiya laughed. "I think I know how to get to my own house. And why would the cops be after me? I mean, I'm not a criminal or something. If they saw me, they would just be like, "It's late, you should be in bed right now. Go home, young lady." Or something."

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1,376 posts


kurochi-akuma • 9 November 2012 at 8:42 PM


He stopped, turning to her. "And are you going to say it's an early Halloween to them too?" He pointed to her chest where her shirt was dyed with blood, along with the tips of her hair. "I realize you know how to get to your house, but better safe than sorry. You already tried to kill someone today, let's not add going to jail too."

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 9 November 2012 at 9:58 PM


"I did not try to kill someone!"

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1,376 posts


kurochi-akuma • 9 November 2012 at 10:04 PM


"Alright, alright. Accident or not, the guy is dead and you and your friend did it." He said rather harshly. He moved forward again, eventually getting out of the woods and into the streets. Cars whooshed past on a highway with their headlights shining bright, causing Ace to shield his eyes a little.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 9 November 2012 at 11:20 PM


"What?! I didn't even touch him!"

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1,376 posts


kurochi-akuma • 10 November 2012 at 4:27 AM

@cqpkytty - Wooooow. I don't even think the birds are up at this time. x.x *pokes time on post*

Also, I'm just having that the couple both died, instead of one of them turning into a were, that good?

P.S. Sorry if you can't understand it...It's 4 am after all. Don't ask why I'm up. XDDD LOL

Ace looked back at her, walking back into the woods, "Why don't you tell me what happened then?" He asked, "You attacked one of them, didn't you? It was the woman who was with the guy. Am I right?" He got spooked by a few sirens, his red eyes looking into her green-blue ones. Without another moment, he grabbed her arm, pulling her out of the woods and into the streets. "Start talking. I'm still listening." To keep things moving, he forced her to follow him across the street and down the sidewalk towards her home.
