Be Were

in Roleplaying

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 10 November 2012 at 4:41 PM

No, I don't think we should change that 😋
I think it would be better if we left it the way it about Lena is going to move to another state tomorrow? 😋

Aiya pulled away. "Seriously. I think I can get home from here by myself." She turned and stared pointedly at her back fence, which was just about ten feet away.

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kurochi-akuma • 11 November 2012 at 12:45 PM

Okay. ^-^

He let her go, not wanting to fight anymore. "Fine. Go." He sighed. This was not going as well as he would've liked and he slightly felt guilty for yelling at her now.

Ace turned away and started to walk back to his own home, not saying anything else to her.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 11 November 2012 at 1:38 PM

Aiya shook her head after he had already turned and was leaving. She walked to the fence and climbed over it easily, then let herself in with the key she always had.

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kurochi-akuma • 11 November 2012 at 1:50 PM

The night grew darker and the party of all weres was now over and everyone had left to go back to their homes.

(I'm...gunna keep Ace's life/house/family a mystery for now. XD)

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 11 November 2012 at 1:54 PM

Sure 😋

Aiya yawned and crawled into bed. Oh yeah. She changed back and fell asleep.

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kurochi-akuma • 11 November 2012 at 2:12 PM

Morning? I guess? XD

A new day dawns. The sun shines bright with everlasting rays of light, warming up the Earth and it's inhabitants.

5,902 posts


seaangel • 11 November 2012 at 2:19 PM


Sun was wearing her usual outfit, tying her hair so only a pieces framed her face. Her brother of course was in a partially buttoned long sleeved collared shirt, a pair of jeans, and his shaggy hair falling in front of his eyes.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 11 November 2012 at 2:49 PM

Aiya yawned and fell out of bed. Great. Right when she was going to get up...and start she...fell into...this big...patch....of.....waaaaarm......sunliiiiii...*snore*

Haha 😋

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kurochi-akuma • 11 November 2012 at 3:18 PM

@cqpkytty - LOL

Ace was out with friends, shooting hoops in the park's basketball court. The competition of a game got rid of his worries and set his mind in gear for winning, which he wanted to have instead of thoughts of last night.

Panting and hearts racing, the group called for a break after about 40 minutes of playing. Ace wiped sweat off his face, while one of his close friends walked up to him. "You seem off today." The boy said to Ace, handing him some water.

"Off? How so?" Ace asked, trying to be vague.

"Well, you're quiet and you missed a little too much with putting the ball in the hoop."

"Injured my shoulder slightly last night when I fell in the woods." Ace admitted, lying about what really happened, "I'll be fine."

5,902 posts


seaangel • 11 November 2012 at 3:23 PM


Ray was in the kitchen slicing up a banana, eating the pieces as he went. He offered a piece to Sun as the sunny girl walked in, smiling as always.

"Let's go to the park today, like old times." Ray said catching his sister by surprise as she nodded her head yes. They soon walked out of the door and went to the park. It didn't take long to point of the were they saw last night.

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kurochi-akuma • 11 November 2012 at 3:31 PM


"What? Why were you in the woods?" His friend asked, completely confused. Then his tone changed as he almost whispered to Ace, "I thought the full moon was two days ago."

Ace eyed him, "It was. Look it's a long story. I'll explain it later." He got up, setting down the water and heading back to finish the rest of the game with the team.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Sun and Ray walking in the park and staring at him. He stared for awhile, until a shout of his name snapped him back to the game and he caught the ball, shooting it in the hoop.

Eventually, the game ended and the group of friends left to their respective activities for the day. Ace and his close friend staying behind.

5,902 posts


seaangel • 11 November 2012 at 3:35 PM


Sun bravely walked over to Ace. "Aiya, she seemed to know you." She said, but didn't say anything else about who Aiya was or how she knew Ace. The girl didn't want to risk telling his friend, who didn't appear to be a were.

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kurochi-akuma • 11 November 2012 at 3:43 PM


He smiled at her, "Yea. I met her at her house when I gave back something she had lost in the woods." He said to her, not wanting her to know that his friend knew about weres.

"Hey, I'll catch ya later Ace. Still have that game on Saturday, right?" His friend said as he was half walking away.

Ace nodded.

"Great. Talk to ya later then." And with that his friend ran off across the feild.

The black haired guy looked back at Sun. "Be were. Nice to see you again."

5,902 posts


seaangel • 11 November 2012 at 4:15 PM


Ray watched partially smiling, but didn't walk over. "Whatever, just answer my question. She was talking about a were/wolf/ biting her. When I saw you last night appeared to be one." Sun stated her eyes clearly not hiding that she was annoyed.

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kurochi-akuma • 11 November 2012 at 6:08 PM


He frowned from her apparent annoyedness with him. "Yes, I know this "Aiya" girl. If that's even her name. She never told me it afterall." He paused, looking up at the clear sky, "Yes...I was the one who bit her a month ago in the woods. If that's what you're asking." Sounding a little guilty.

5,902 posts


seaangel • 11 November 2012 at 6:18 PM


"Yes, her name is Aiya, take it from her best friend." She said a bit more calm, but then explode. "Look, I've been pulling off this were thing since I moved here knowing that I would never have to tell her. Yes I was eventually going to tell her, but not after she got bit!"

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kurochi-akuma • 11 November 2012 at 6:29 PM


He looked down at the 13-year-old, "I know. I feel bad, trust me. She wasn't supposed to be in the woods that night. I was hunting for someone else when I came upon her and accidently attacked."

5,902 posts


seaangel • 11 November 2012 at 6:37 PM


Sun put her hands on her hips. "There are no accidents. Besides, it's not like I'm the one who dared her be in the wo-" She stopped mid sentence. "Who were you looking for?"

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 11 November 2012 at 6:46 PM

Aiya blinked her eyes open and groaned. She didn't wanna get up...She yawned and rolled over, accidentally speed-dialing Sun's cell phone. She had accidentally left it on the floor yesterday. Not even noticing the phone, she yawned again, fell back to sleep and started snoring in the warm sun.

Ring ring ring! Haha 😃, Sun DID dare her? 😋

...Sun and Ace are talking about serious stuff and Aiya is just snoozing 😋

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! 😃

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kurochi-akuma • 11 November 2012 at 6:47 PM

@cqpkytty - LOL

He leaned in close, looking serious, "There's a were, not necessarily a werewolf, but a were who is murdering innocent humans in coldblood." He paused, his eyes looking around slightly, then back at Sun, "The night that Aiya was bit was the night I found a half eaten body in the woods. Something in the bushes move away and their deed smelled recent. I chased after it as a were, but instead of catching it...I caught Aiya instead. I thought it turned human. So I bit. Then I realized she was human..." He exhaled, a little happy to get that off his chest. "That's why there's all these reports of "werewolf" killing on the news. Someone is hurting humans and eating them. I haven't seen him, or her, that night since then." He informed her, looking to Ray.

He heard the sound of a phone ringing and looked to the source. Well that had just great timing, he thought.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 11 November 2012 at 6:51 PM

Pick up the phone! 😃

Aiya snored, unaware that she had called Sun.

5,902 posts


seaangel • 11 November 2012 at 8:36 PM

@kurochi-akuma @cqpkytty

Sun eyes suddenly wide like she knew something blinked when the phone nearly made her jump out of her skin. "It's a him." The red head said plainly and walked away picking up the phone.

"Aiya? Aiya? AIYA!" Sun said after a few times of talking in a normal voice. Collar ID was wonderful.

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kurochi-akuma • 11 November 2012 at 8:49 PM


Ace watched her walk away, then grabbed his equipment- which consisted of a basketball, a towel, and a water bottle- off the bench and into a tan and brown backpack. He flung the backpack over his shoulder and walked off the basketball court and across the feild where his friend had gone as well.

7,368 posts


cqpkytty • 12 November 2012 at 11:22 AM

A loud snoring could be heard over the phone.

@seaangel 😸

2,056 posts


purrclan • 8 December 2012 at 11:04 AM

NUUUU let's get this started again!
(this is @cqpkytty)

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kurochi-akuma • 8 December 2012 at 1:12 PM


(I knoooow D: *pokes seaangel*)

2,056 posts


purrclan • 8 December 2012 at 2:36 PM



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kurochi-akuma • 21 December 2012 at 2:33 PM


8D 8D 8D

When Ace went around the corner of the building, he was met with his friend leaning against the wall. He continued to walk. His friend looked up, yelling a 'hey' before jogging up to him and following, "Dude, what's going on? I thought you had this whole...werewolf thing handled."

"I do," Ace replyed, "I just..." He paused for a moment, stopping in midwalk. His friend waited for a response, giving him a raised eye to continue his sentence. "I accidently turned someone were, so I've been trying to make it right." He finished. His friend was a little shocked, forced to follow again when Ace decided to walk once more, "Wait? You can actually become a were? I thought you said you had to be born with it!"

Ace smirked, "I lied." The two headed to his friend's house for lunch, leaving the park grounds completely and their conversation fading.

(Ummm...Should I make a charrie sheet for his friend, since he kinda plays a major part in Ace's life, but isn't were? o.O @cqpkytty ^^)

2,056 posts


purrclan • 21 December 2012 at 2:46 PM


Sure 😊

@seeeeaaaangeeeel >.<
Aiya is snoring on the phooooone

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kurochi-akuma • 21 December 2012 at 3:09 PM

@purrclan - Okay~! ^-^

Name: Zack Chaplin
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short brown hair and brown eyes. He has very tanned skin and not much muscle to him. In fact, he's sort of skinny/lean looking to most. He sometimes wears glasses, but not around his friends because he feels uncool wearing them and prefers contacts.
Personality(optional): He is kind of a secret geek, but doesn't show it often. He enjoys learning about science and supernatural things that can't be explained. Since he learned about Ace's secret, he feels that he has a front row seat to all the secrets of the supernatural. As far as emotions, he is curious and asks questions often to things he wants to know more about.
Other: Friends with Ace (The Werewolf) and doesn't have 'were' abilities, but he could very well get them.

Quick Fact: He didn't get too involved with Ace being a werewolf at first, but slowly he's gotten more curious about the idea and goes along with Ace in the woods to find clues to the mysterious murders.
