Random Creature Suggestion - The Centerm

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

Deleted • 3 January 2014 at 10:30 AM

. Okay, so I decided to start again to suggest ... I don't care anymore, I discovered I like to create, to draw. So I'll continue to do it *forever hopeless* xD
This one should be ... an albino fluffy centipede. xD



. Picture >>> http://i.imgur.com/DYFoDhx.jpg

. Info written by @borgore ❤️

About Centerm Eggs;

Centerm eggs are soft and plush, almost like a child's toy and are too irresistible to fondle. The light seems to reflect off of the fur-like-substance on the egg, similar to that of the colours from oil over water. The small, ruby like stone in the centre glows endlessly and, when looked at, the person looking at the egg feels strangely warm and content.

More about the Centerm;

Centerms are very curious creatures, they spend their whole lives fascinated by the glowing ball on the end of their tail.

They are soft to touch and enjoy being stroked by any citizens of Ark, however, if their fur is tugged or pulled by anybody, especially children, the Centerm will tend to avoid this person or child for the remains of their lifetime.

The insect like legs of the Centerm are somehow blacker than black, they are ghostlike and seem to almost not be physical. Legend says that once a human touches a Centerm's ghost like legs, the Centerm will not stop following the human around and will 'offer' their glowing tail to them frequently as a sign of affection.


. Please, check the first hash, and find out my other suggestons too, If you have some time!

#ragesuggestion --- #creaturesuggestion


. Let's ping some people now. Please, If you like these, ping you friends here if you want: your help would be really appreciated.

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1,124 posts


bookw0rm • 3 January 2014 at 10:35 AM

Pings! Yay! Don't like centipedes......
I WANT THIS CENTIPEDE!!!!!!!!! It's fluffy! I now like centipedes >.< It looks amazing!

Deleted • 3 January 2014 at 10:37 AM

Ahah not many like them but ... I'm glad you like this one! ❤️
There are actually fluffy centipedes in real life ... their images inspired me a lot while drawing this one. Thank you very much for the comment. ❤️

720 posts


kelch1000 • 3 January 2014 at 10:39 AM


Awww, it's so awkward looking idk wat to think of it, but I know I love it!!!! ❤️ great drawings too 😊

Deleted • 3 January 2014 at 10:41 AM

Ahaha yeah, expecially in the first stage, huh? xD
Thank you very much ... i'm very glad you like it as well. ❤️

We need more bugs and centipedes on EggCave! They can be not loved, but we can make the creature to be loved by using some work ... I'm sure of that! ❤️

720 posts


kelch1000 • 3 January 2014 at 10:48 AM


Yeah it's just like ," wat is this glowy red ball on my tail?!" lol

n yes, I don't like bugs, but there aren't that many on EggCave atm, it'd be kewl to have some moar!!!! 😊

Deleted • 3 January 2014 at 10:51 AM

Lol ahah "Oh no! My tail is on fire, aaaaaaargh!". xD

I totally agree with you, woof. ❤️
I think the reason there aren't so many bugs creature is the fact that not many like them ... but I also think that EggCave's creatures, also when resemble a bug, can be loved as well. Not from all, but from bug lovers too. ❤️

720 posts


kelch1000 • 3 January 2014 at 10:55 AM


Lol xD yeah ppl don't like them, but ppl loves dogs, n there r tons of canines. There was a new one just this month. Dogs r great, but variety is good also 😸

Deleted • 3 January 2014 at 10:58 AM

Lol I love dogs ... liking a creature or not ... it's all a matter of tastes after all, but the art still is amazing (at least for me). For example, I don't particulary like the canic (also If I love dogs), because I don't particulary like how it looks, but I think the art it's really nice. All creatures relased are precious .... If not for one person, for another one yes. 😋

720 posts


kelch1000 • 3 January 2014 at 11:02 AM


I love dem too, n yes, having different tastes is good. If everyone liked ONLY dogs, this site would be really boring. But again with the variety, it makes everyone happy. Not enough variety can cause some ppl to leave, maybe some ppl left here cuz they thought the same thing, who knows?? So to make the site moar interesting, yes there must be moar bugs!!!! 😃

Deleted • 3 January 2014 at 11:04 AM

Totally agree with you, woof. ❤️
Yay for variety, EggCave! 😃

720 posts


kelch1000 • 3 January 2014 at 11:07 AM


We ❤️ EggCave indeed, I'm gonna upload my own creature suggestion now, I have many, but never show them on here O___o lol

Deleted • 3 January 2014 at 11:08 AM

Whoa, why not? Post it, I wanna see it too! èwè

720 posts


kelch1000 • 3 January 2014 at 11:11 AM


I srsly don't know. . . . making a topic now xD

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 3 January 2014 at 11:31 AM

Oh my gawjussness, it's so adorable and fluffy! And pink, let's not forget pink. xD

The egg is absolutely adorable and the second stage is honestly the cutest thing ever. It just discovered it's little glowy tail oh my goodness... *makes grabby hands* *cuddles*

I'm gonna die of cuteness. ❤️

Deleted • 3 January 2014 at 11:33 AM

Nooo it's not pink, but white (it's an albino specie). The pink marks are supposed to be just some marks and shadows. 😋

Ahaha despite that, thank you very much. I'm expecially happy you like so much the 2nd stage, 'cause it's my favourite stage as well. ❤️ *makes grabby hands too* Hope it will be made one day! x3

1,218 posts


disneyland • 3 January 2014 at 11:37 AM


I really love this one 😊 I adore the cuteness and all the cute little centipede legs 😊

Fingers are definitely crossed for you!

Deleted • 3 January 2014 at 11:38 AM

Thank you very much for the comment and for the luck! ❤️
*gives you a fluffy centerm* 😸

287 posts


katrabit • 3 January 2014 at 7:38 PM


If this gets made into a CC Creature, I will buy 5. o_o Hands down, no doubt.~

More Bugs need to be made.. If they were, I'd find myself buying more CC. /CoughCoughHintHint.

Deleted • 4 January 2014 at 4:47 AM

Ahah I knew you would liked it. ❤️
I would to the same ... I mean, I can't buy CC but I will spend all my ECs for buying two or three ...

Thank you very much for posting! 😸

RandomPings (sorry):

7 posts


pheonix99 • 4 January 2014 at 4:51 AM

@wererage It's all good. I don't mind my name being passed around at all! 😊

Deleted • 4 January 2014 at 4:51 AM

Oh well, thank you very much. ❤️

7 posts


pheonix99 • 4 January 2014 at 4:54 AM

No problem!! Thank you too!

567 posts


iv24 • 4 January 2014 at 5:06 AM

@wererage The idea of it is great, but I think the colors should be darker...

Deleted • 4 January 2014 at 5:09 AM

Thank you very much for posting & commenting! ❤️
Btw It's supposed to be an albino centipede, I can't make darker colours. 😋

4,807 posts


karamel • 4 January 2014 at 5:35 AM

@wererage This is definitely cuter than any other fluffy centipede I've seen. 😋 Very original, unique and creative!

I love the last two stages--it's almost like they're going "zomg shiny red thing *o*". xD

Deleted • 4 January 2014 at 5:39 AM

Thank you very much, your comment makes me really happy! ❤️ Ahaha that was the impression I wanted do do with its red glowing tail and its surprised, naive expression. 😋

Random pings (sorry):

1,179 posts


ahgirltc • 4 January 2014 at 6:35 AM

the second stage kinda looks like a Greem curled up.. its just me x3 but its kewl. I'll get it and freeze it in the second stage. nice work! @wererage

Deleted • 4 January 2014 at 6:36 AM

Lol and the greem seems like a suggestion I made in april some time ago before their relase too. 😋
Btw, thank you very much for your comment. ❤️

266 posts


miraeggs • 4 January 2014 at 6:42 AM

@wererage Aww, It's awesome!! Good luck! 😊
