~Creature Suggestion: Lupacay. Earth Day Preferably or just April.

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

What's your opinion?

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 24 June 2014 at 7:33 PM

Thanks 😊
@tamora @tiger

Sorry for late replies. My notifications are being all screwy again >.<


2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 24 June 2014 at 7:34 PM

k thanks for pinging me i suppose. LULZ

9,263 posts

10 posts


birchflame_is_dippy • 25 June 2014 at 2:07 PM

Hehe, Nice!

33 posts


aerionen • 25 June 2014 at 3:16 PM

It looks amazing! ^^

375 posts


chocovampire • 26 June 2014 at 7:46 AM

I especially like stage 2 and the leaves are cool too!
Hope the moderator will take your suggestion!😃

123 posts


zaina2202770 • 26 June 2014 at 6:18 PM

@immortalraven oh god its amazing

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 26 June 2014 at 6:31 PM

@birchflame_is_dippy @aerionen @chocovampire
Thanks c:

xD You've already commented a few days ago but thanks 😊

24 posts


in_pen_and_ink • 16 July 2014 at 12:28 AM

Sorry if ya don't like pings and/or I already pinged you. Been awhile but wanna try and not let this topic die like most my topics xD

1,122 posts


iceiceice • 16 July 2014 at 1:01 AM

To the artist: Really nice work c:



I really love the idea of the critter, especially the progression from egg to adult based on the description (growing from faded to healthy). It's quite interesting, actually, compared to most of the other critter here.

Actually, growth-wise, it's something I would like to see in more of EC's evolutions, whose evolution are mostly just big to small with a change in their position. Growing this critter would certainly be interesting and fun.

Choosing a wolf as representation actually fits this creature, for wolves were once common, but their population is quickly declining due to human disturbance. Usually I find wolves (as much as I like them) a bit repetitive concerning creature suggestion, but I actually like this one. Good choice.

The description for the egg kind of tragic o_o, but it is fitting, I suppose. However, I really like the description for the adult.

Overall, I would really like to see this critter published; great idea for Earth Day.

Edit: Sorry for long post o_O

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 16 July 2014 at 1:07 AM

Thanks c:

Yeah, some of the evolutions are kinda disappointing since it's not really growing for some o3o

Yeah, I picked a wolf because of that and I love wolves *.* And yeah, they're quite popular animals on here, that and cats lol. Thanks c:

Yeah, I feel bad for it xD
I worked hard on the descriptions but I've heard they don't even use our descriptions so they'll probably change it if it were to be made :c Though it being made I wouldn't care they changed it xD

Thanks c:

It's fine. I like seeing people's views on things long or short ❤ī¸

248 posts


howrsetoo • 16 July 2014 at 2:55 PM

@immortalraven Looks cool! I hope it gets made.

1,166 posts


eggs • 17 July 2014 at 7:28 AM


I really like how it evolves from a sickly egg to a magnificent wolf. It's like the opposite of some other creatures here in Eggcave that starts out adorable and grows into something not too desirable. (Like the recent chocolate bunny creature xD)

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 17 July 2014 at 10:44 AM

Thanks c:

Lol, yeah, some I'm like nnnooooo, now I need a freeze cause last stage is not as great xD That bunny I feel bad for lol xD

Sorry if ya don't like pings and/or I pinged you before. I lost track since it's been a little while but don't want this topic ta die like most my others o3o

1,422 posts


rashka • 17 July 2014 at 11:00 AM


hum! how do i say that.....

oh, yeah!!


it's so beautiful!!! wow!!!!

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 17 July 2014 at 2:36 PM

Thanks ❤ī¸ c:

Sorry if ya don't like pings and/or I pinged you before. I lost track since it's been a little while but don't want this topic ta die like most my others o3o

116 posts


comet132 • 17 July 2014 at 2:45 PM


I think this is a fantastic idea, I don't think most people care about Earth Day enough to do this. It's a good thing you came up with this, I hope that your creature is featured on eggcave.

4,315 posts


syndrome • 17 July 2014 at 4:43 PM


I love it! It would fit perfectly with a greem at last stage ❤ī¸

116 posts


nap • 18 July 2014 at 6:20 AM


It's really good,I love it! *-* ❤ī¸

409 posts


savannahall • 4 November 2014 at 4:24 PM

@immortalraven Cool! i LOVE wolves! (almost as much as i love birds) and i also really like earth day because me and my sisters go around our neighbourhood a lot and clean up trash so this is a pretty cool pet plus it informs younger children about how important it is to clean up our environment because they're are thousands of animals going extinct and dying because of trash (sea turtles for example) so i really like this idea! 😃

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 4 November 2014 at 4:32 PM

Thanks, and yup, I'm hoping more people will get into Earth day more since we keep on messing up the planet o3o

409 posts


savannahall • 4 November 2014 at 4:48 PM

I know right?! some people are just ignorant idiots who don't realise the fact that what they throw on the ground might very well end up in or around the throat of an animal ☚ī¸

1,314 posts


tamomo • 4 November 2014 at 4:52 PM

@immortalraven i really like that wolf creature *^*

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 4 November 2014 at 4:53 PM

Yeah :c

Thanks 😊

409 posts


savannahall • 4 November 2014 at 5:14 PM

@immortalraven I know. it's sad. ☚ī¸

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 16 February 2015 at 2:47 PM


Sorry if ya don't like pings. Just trying to bring my topic back to life cause I forgot about it and got lazy o3o

2,214 posts


thedarkarcher • 16 February 2015 at 2:56 PM

Great idea I truly hope that it goes well

2,557 posts


ida92 • 16 February 2015 at 3:03 PM

@immortalraven Wow, it's a really beatiful creature! I love the idea. 😊 I think it's very original.

61 posts


karly37 • 16 February 2015 at 3:50 PM

@immortalraven I love the idea too c:

9,263 posts


immortalraven • 16 February 2015 at 4:31 PM

@cloud-n-bolts @ida92 @karly37
Thanks ❤ī¸


Sorry if ya don't like pings. Just trying to bring my topic back to life cause I forgot about it and got lazy o3o
