dappne6 • 11 July 2017 at 1:25 AM
So remember when I asked for donations last time? Well we had lots of amazing people donate! So thank you guys soooooo much!!!!!!! With all that ec/cc I just did a giveaway that a newbie and a oldie got lots of cc out of so congrats everyone who won on that one.Anyway so we need more because as you know I am doing COTY with my own CC so we need some for POTY (lol) Which is Person of the year, It was going to be UOTY but that doesnt sound right so POTY (lol) it is. Anyway evryone vote by PMing me or pinging me here and dont forget to donate!HALL OF FAME (Donations)~ @lightningpaws - 200cc@me - 200kec@ammolite - 50kec@monsterprincess33 - 200kec@mccherry - 500kec@sybil_howlett - 200kec315ccNominees and their speeches ~ @monsterprincess33 (1) - Thank you so much for being kind and voting for me. I love to help others and feel it is important to help new players to get a leg up. I dont expect thanks but it is pretty nice to know that people appreciate my help and that it made a difference for them". Happy Trading! @carnesiel (1) - @abubblegum (3) - For those who do not know me, my name is Audrey, I am eleven, and I am utterly addicted to the marvellous multiplayer game known as Eggcave. As you can tell from my profile, I joined the world of Eggcave on March 14. I had stumbled upon the site utterly by chance, and had never really expected to play for long. However, after just ten minutes of playing, I fell under the powerful spell of Eggcave. Yes, there was no action in this game, and there were not much graphics. One would not expect an eleven year old to enjoy playing a game like this, but for me, it was perfect. I enjoyed collecting creatures, and virtual worlds, so this game was suited flawlessly with me. I was addicted to this game. Introducing some of my friends to Eggcave, I would play every day for about half an hour. Being a “newbie”, I did not have much creatures. All my creature consisted mainly of cave commons, until @ajzephyros came along. Generously donating a whole bunch of creatures to me, she explained it was because someone who had started earlier than her had done the same for her when she herself was new. Immensely grateful, I promised myself once I had more creatures, I would start to help newbies out. Now, I have been playing for more than two months. Every day, I strive to achieve some Wish List creatures, and also try to help others if possible. Seeing that I am still at the stage when every creature is cherished, I have not started newbies yet, but I have given some creatures to my friends (in real life) who want them. Additionally, I try to donate to the Donations center as much as possible, and try to (and hopefully succeed) in spreading kindness amongst the site. Gradually, the same kindness was returned to me. When I needed advice, countless people gave it to me. People were all friendly, helping me achieve some Wish List creatures. I had never seen so many people that were willing to donate to others than on Eggcave. I must not pretend that I have only been trying to do good. I have also been selfish sometimes, and I have to admit that. For example, on one occasion, I donated to the donations center to clear space in my inventory. On bad days, I have sometimes been rude and impatient, and I am sorry if I have ever offended you. I would like to thank all that have nominated me for POTY. I would have never realised that I was a great friend and kind person. (Being eleven, I am flattered.) Although I have only been playing for two months and others for years, to have the title: POTY of 2017 would be magnificent. I may not have been the perfect person, but I hope you will give me your vote. (Does not want this to sound self centered, but cannot put it in any other way) I do not have an amazing cove. I do not donate huge bunches of creatures. I have not played for a long time. Therefore, if I do not win the title, I understand. But I am extremely happy to be nominated. To those who have read up till here, this is the end of my (slightly long) speech, and I am really, really sorry if I bored you half to death. I tend to ramble. @leafmelody (2) - #lastminuteseriously o.oOkay I'm sorry this is long but I would prefer if you people read it I would like you to as I wrote a few notes that I think are important lessons Also I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm some old weird man XDBonjour! Hola! Ni hao! Konnichiwa! Ciao! Okay I'll stap...I'm Leafy and I've been a long time user (kinda ) and I'm um cra cra sometimes....(PS Peeps thanks for nominating me! Didn't need ta dou XD)I like doing giveaways and stuff but recently that has died down My sister created #GIFTIE and I kinda run it now but I'm kinda inactive I'm someone who likes to help out and stuff I'll be honest though: I've been greedy sometimes Everyone has...We've all been guilty of it so many times ^^;But hey people dats life I know EC has had a lotta drama recently (haha that's a understatement XD)But everyone is like that and ya shouldn't judge people for their opinions (Cause ya probably have ya own too XD)Yea I've done some stupid things and stuff, but I couldn't help it I was a girl who was just addicted to this game called EC o.oIf you feel bad about how much time you spend on this site...I spent hours a day o.o I mean it was fun but...I regret it. So so bad... People go crazy over virtual creatures (I did for a few years too) For what?Would it help you in the future? No. Maybe just admire the creatures and forgot about owning them...Okay I'll be honest: I'm not that person who likes getting recognised.I just don't know how to act and I feel bad for those who didn't get one.I don't wanna be someonne who has high self esteem. I like to just be me For example, today I got a award. My English teacher went and asked "Who got a award today?"I always feel uncomfortable being applauded so I kept my hand down (sadly my 'friend' realised and pointed me out)I feel like there are so so many other people that deserve this not meh These few months have been hard for me...Me and my friends all separated and I'v'e known them for like 6 years.Also, my new friends are pretty horrible.They are the ones who talk crap about others and act 'popular'It bugs the heck outta me.I've cried.I've even like drawn pictures of my old friends during class.It's still hard though. But life is hard...So I'm half deciding to go on hiatus Sometimes, there are more important things in life....I want to just stay happy and optimistic and playing EC is probably not one of em....I'm hoping that you all will have heaps of fun like I did a few years ago.But here's some advice:1. Don't let people bring ya down. Seriously it's gonna happen. And things escalate quick...2. Don't spend too much time on EC Have fun and enjoy life XD Sure, if EC is wut you enjoy then it's up to you, but my advice is to find new hobbies 3. Be kind to one another! Be social often! Being social is a important part of being healthy 4. Thank people Do random acts of ukindness everyday For example, you could thank @Ian today or else this site wouldn't be here! Thank the mods! A small guesture can turn someones day around Sometimes people find it hard to admit things.I do all the time.I'm way too nervous to apologise to my friends.So oh well...I'm sorry to anyone that I've hurt or something.I know I haveThere's no one who is perfect and that's just something that we can't helpWe don't know how people feelThey could say they're fine but inside they are weeping or something I dunno So another piece of advice: Be careful with what you say.It's a lot more serious than it sounds. Words can hurt people more than you think they would.We don't know how people feel. We've all done it before though but we learn from mistakesSorry for this really really long speech All you need to know is:It's not about winning the race. If you've tried your best then you're a winner no matter what. Learn from your mistakes. Don't butcher yourself about it, think about other ways to improve your mistake. Always ry your hardest. Nothing is impossible. Turn the impossible to possible. Don't let people bring you down. Stay strong and stand up for yourself. Also, be careful with wut you say. Words hurt people and you don't know how people feel.Thank you for voting for me but honestly, it wasn't neccessary ^^; People do kind geustures just cause they want to and they don't expect anything back Another thing: You shouldn't expect something back if you do a kind guesture. It's about being kind and making yourself and someone else feel nice I have a challenge for ya people: Do one kind guesture to someone today It could be online or in reality. A compliment or some form of encouragement @aventurine (1) - @lightningpaws (1) - You guys won't believe how long it took me to begin this first sentence. Anyway let's give this a go, right?To be honest, I was surprised I was nominated by someone when they could have chosen anyone else. Although, I've been here and there throughout the few years on Eggcave, I've never stopped loving it and the people around me. You guys are amazing! Having such great friends here helps in more ways than y'all will ever know. Now before I get all sappy and lovey (If that's a word) I want to thank all of you again for the support ever since I joined. I believe that all the nominees are wonderful people that deserve to get chosen. So, go out and vote for POTY!! *cough* ... *cough* ..hint.. *cough*@ajzephyros (1) - @oscoa (1) - @novrain62 (1) - @ammolite (1) - Hello there fellow players, my name is Ammo. I'm pretty sure i won't win this contest because of all the other amazing players, but here goes nothing!I'm not that amazing, but I strive to be better. I always try to help people achieve some creatures on their WL and surprise gift tons of peeps. I'm always up for a conversation! If you don't get my point, i'm friendly.Yes, I have flaws, everyone has them. EVERYONE. I can confirm one thing, I'm not perfect, but I try to be better (ha ha 2nd time I said that). I'm a friendly, humorous and calm person, so...Idk how to end this... uhh... have a great day? Vote for me? Cheese? Oh, well!@icecream (1) - Thank you for nominating me for POTY. I'm happy others appreciate my help. Thank you, everyone, for your kindness. Vote for me, please. Have fun on Egg Cave! And thanks dappne6 for hosting this!@dappne6 (1) - I am so honered to be nominated in my own compition. I know sometimes I have been rude to people so I am very happy to know that you just remember my good times and not my bad times. I love this game and all my friends so even if I odnt win I will be very happy for the winner and all the other nominees. Really sorry for the tiny speech but I have NO IDEA what to say, I am just so thankfull so thank you! ❤️Notes - Monster princess wanted me to ping @evilwolf and @smileykebabVotes (30) - @abubblegum - 2@lightningpaws - 5@monsterprincess33 - 4@dappne6 - 1@leafmelody - 1@icecream - 20If you are a nominee put on your profile ' 2017 POTY nominee 'If you win put ' POTY of 2017' on your profile@icecream - WINNER!
kudo • 11 July 2017 at 3:31 AM
@dapne6 I'm thinking that maybe 'person of the year' is a little too much 😋 why not try 'person of the month'? (I can't think of anyone for POTY)
dappne6 • 11 July 2017 at 3:43 AM
@silvershadow but then either I would ahve to put in lots of cc a month or I would have to ask for donations every month and neither would work.
dappne6 • 11 July 2017 at 4:07 AM
@6287bp I will add her to the list^^
sybil_howlett • 11 July 2017 at 12:04 PM
@dappne6 I nominate icecream and neo428984, both are kind and sweet and help out their friends 😊
jello • 11 July 2017 at 12:08 PM
@dappne6 i would like to nominate skyfall4.
Deleted • 11 July 2017 at 4:42 PM
@dapne6 I can donate 200k-300k EC and I nominate leafmelody. She has helped me from the beginning and I respect that and I really respect her. She is a sweetheart. 😃
iris1929578 • 11 July 2017 at 4:54 PM
@dappne6I nominate @aventurine.She was the first person to help me out when I was new, and was really nice and helpful. I really appreciated it.
Deleted • 11 July 2017 at 6:27 PM
@dappne6Can we nominate someone who has already been nominated, or has to be a different player?(PS: POTY sound like, well, you know what.)
dappne6 • 11 July 2017 at 7:45 PM
@togepi360 I know lol but mi, I dont think uoty would have worked and their was nothing else I could think of.Yes you can nominate someone who has already been nominated - 1 person has already been nominated 3 times!@sybil_howlettyou can only choose one sorry☹️@jellifysh you have to give a reasen why@me I will add her and set up a lot, Thnaks ❤️@iris1929578 adding
Deleted • 11 July 2017 at 8:15 PM
@Dappne6∆ I nominate @lightningpaws ! Lightningpaws was the first player to be really nice to me when I came back from my year long hiatus. ∆
dappne6 • 11 July 2017 at 8:21 PM
@togepi360 Added ^^@me Thanks
purgatory • 11 July 2017 at 8:41 PM
@dappne6Dang, there are so many awesome peeps out there @-@UHH[Ammo.exe has stopped working]_____I'll just donate 50k ec for now ;w; @dappne6
Deleted • 11 July 2017 at 8:43 PM
@dappne6 I would like to nominate @ajzephyros. She was the first ever person to help me out on Eggcave, donating a large bunch of creatures that are not worthless, and not trying to take advantage of me. (Of course, there are a lot more people who i would like to nominate, but since you cannot nominate more than one person, I put a shoutout on my profile to all those people.)
dappne6 • 11 July 2017 at 8:44 PM
@ammolite lol Thanks so much! ❤️ Trade #865882@abubblegum Adding ^^
cherrycheshire • 11 July 2017 at 9:05 PM
I did this on the CC Giveaway, but I'm doing it again...I nominate @abubblegum, because she is kind and generous, she is a great friend online and offline. She lets me cut corners on trades with her, and she gave me 2 hatched creatures for 1 cheap thing of mine!! She is amazing. Period(s).......
dappne6 • 11 July 2017 at 9:37 PM
@cherrycheshire I added her ^^
cherrycheshire • 11 July 2017 at 9:38 PM
@dappne6 tks
cupcakegirl • 11 July 2017 at 10:32 PM
I nominate @littlepotato711 and @iris1929578 cuz they are really nice to me and they answer my mails
dappne6 • 11 July 2017 at 10:52 PM
@cupcakegirl you can only choose 1
Deleted • 11 July 2017 at 11:32 PM
@dappne6Oh goodness >.< I love so many peeps out there ❤️ ...imma just donate 200cc...because picking one person is challenging 030Just like someone said above...SHOUTOUT TO ALL DA' LOVELY PEEPS OUT THERE ❤️So...yep...just gonna donate for now XD
dappne6 • 11 July 2017 at 11:44 PM
@lightningpaws Thanks so Much! I will add you to the wall of fame when I recieve it. Is it in a lot or r u gonna send it?BTW all the donations will go to the POTY, I will round up all the ec into cc and pay the difference.
Deleted • 12 July 2017 at 12:45 AM
@dappne6Just tried to send it over but it says you need to get some space in order for it to be sent.
dappne6 • 12 July 2017 at 1:00 AM
@lightningpaws It should be fixed now ^^
Deleted • 12 July 2017 at 1:06 AM
@dappne6 I nominate abubblegum for the POTY.Why?Because I believe she is a smart, kind and generous person that deserves to be acknowledged. She even helped me get some of my wishlist creatures for a little thing I had offered her! She is a great friend to have and I hope she wins this 'award'. 😊
@dappne6Sent CC ^^
dappne6 • 12 July 2017 at 1:09 AM
@hxhx2006 Adding ^^ @lightningpaws Thanks so much ❤️
namyna • 12 July 2017 at 2:52 AM
@dappne6I would like to nominate @oscoa because she's special, not just my little sister in real life but she have had helped me a lot in Egg Cave with my wishlist creatures and CC while I don't really have anything special to return the favor. So, she deserve to be nominated. 😊Thank you. ❤️
dappne6 • 12 July 2017 at 2:58 AM
@namyna adding ^^only 2 more nominations avalible
namyna • 12 July 2017 at 5:13 AM
Thank you so much, @dappne6 😊