Animal Heroes (RP)

in Roleplaying

Deleted • 1 August 2017 at 2:37 PM



Anti-Kitty and Cat Niro both use their special. Suddenly a giant explosion happened. They all fainted....

(dramatic 5 seconds later, they all awaken in normal form)

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 1 August 2017 at 2:40 PM


Woo! She won't remember anything until someone tells her and it comes back to her.

Fog was thrown backwards and she fell on the floor. Five seconds later she woke up again in human form. Why did she have new scars? Why did she feel exhausted? Why was there this eerie black fog around the place?

Deleted • 1 August 2017 at 2:55 PM


Kuro woke up. Kafry was sitting on his head. He was very worn out. Kuro grabbed Kafry and hid in a burnt bush. "What happened?" he asked Kafry. "Well," Kafry began," you just survived a big war and now everything's normal and school starts in 1 hour!" Kafry smirked. "Ha! late again."

I'm going to go afk for Dusk.

Riko woke up. "What happened?" he asked. He got up. School starts in a hour! "Oh no!" he worried. He slapped Twilight and left to school.

Mimi scared Twilight. "Hellooooo!" she said. "Do you what happened? Cat Niro shooed me away from the field." she ranted on and on. "School starts in an hour." she finally ended after 10 minutes.

266 posts


starlight123 • 1 August 2017 at 4:51 PM

(After Battle)
"Well Star, school's about to start," Adelaine muttered, pulling her white hood slightly over her face. She walked through the school door, Starstruck darting inside her backpack.

"Here goes another long day..."

Deleted • 1 August 2017 at 5:31 PM

(Iris1929578, do you want Fog back as the next possessed person again?)

Kuro walked into class. Late again. Whoops. When you're a secret superhero you can't help but miss days of school every so often. He sat in his seat and relaxed. He knew what was going to happen next.

"The teacher asks what happened to him, he gets sent to the nurse, he catches up on work after school. *Sigh*"

Kuro looked in his pocket. Good. Kafry was still inside. He pulled out some leftovers from breakfast and fed Kafry a little. "Now time for the everyday get sent away because of a big battle then do homework afterschool!" sneered Kafry, "after all, you wouldn't want the teachers suspicious."

266 posts


starlight123 • 1 August 2017 at 6:06 PM

(@neko-sama The heros don't know who is who at school, right? )

Adelaine was sitting next to a guy who keep talking to himself. She turned and realized he was talking to something in his pocket.

"Who are you speaking to? Are you using your phone in class?" she asked.

She reached into her backpack and felt Star gently nip her hand. Maybe she wasn't the only hero in the school...

Deleted • 1 August 2017 at 6:13 PM

(they don't know... yet)

Kuro turned around. He covered his pocket to prevent Adelaine from seeing Kafry's ears sticking out. He was pretty embarrassed. "uh... no." he stammered as he panicked inside his head. "Oh no! What if she finds out?!" he thought. He turned back to his work.

266 posts


starlight123 • 1 August 2017 at 8:27 PM

(@neko-sama Yet.. *raises eyebrows*)
Adelaine chuckled. She wasn't sure if he was a hero or not, but that reaction sure was funny. She took a notebook from her backpack and used it as a cover when she pulled Starstuck out. She acted like she was fixing the hair inside her hood when really, she was allowing her Spirit Pixie to hop behind her hair. It was nice to talk to someone when you were kinda a loner.
"You know you have a quiz next period, right?" Starstruck asked.
"Ugh, I know, and I don't care. Tell me something I don't know," she whispered as quietly as possible.
"Well... I heard that Brice broke up with Amiee or something," Starstruck said.
Adelaine rolled her eyes, she couldn't care less about that couple. They were always getting back together and breaking up.
"Tell me something I actually care about," she scowled.
"You're doing that question on your homework wrong," Starstruck said, giggling a little.
Adelaine tried not to laugh.
"And you scored 5th place in the 50 yard dash. I overheard your gym teacher talking to the assistant-gym-teacher-person about the scores. Still, if you want to score top 3 out of 10 next race, you better start training. The peeps in your heat are lightning fast."
Adelaine sighed and continue to work on her homework. Starstruck was right about the problem she has done wrong, even though she had no idea how Star even learned Algebra. She listened as Star continued to ramble on about random stuff. She gave her alcelon short and quiet replies, glancing at Kurt once in a while to make sure he didn't catch her. She'd already embarrassed him for catching him on his phone or something, she didn't need him to embarrass her.
She glanced at the clock.
"Star," she said, interrupting her alcelon, "when do you think some villain will decide to attack and save me from my death by boredom?

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 1 August 2017 at 9:37 PM


What do you mean?


Twilight rolled her eyes. "I don't think you want that to happen," she said. "That won't be good." She pinched her arm. "Ha, now do you want it?"

157 posts


avsilly • 1 August 2017 at 10:19 PM

((Tapping out of the RP sorry))

266 posts


starlight123 • 1 August 2017 at 11:26 PM

Adelaine turned to the voice who had spoken. She could feel Star backing up, hiding in her hood and hair. She blushed. Had Twilight heard her talking to Star?
She turned to Twilight and forced a laugh. Luckily, she was a fairly decent actress.
"I can't believe you heard me talking to myself," she said, laughing again,"I do that when I get bored sometimes."

Deleted • 2 August 2017 at 11:20 AM


Kuro leaned over to the two girls. "Admit it Adelaine, you're worse than me." Kafry flew out. Kuro shoved him back in his pocket and gave him more fries. Kafry started talking, even with his mouth full. "You do know that somebody here can be another hero/villain?" Kuro checked the clock. "I really wish that there was some monster to free us of boredom before we all die of it." Kuro thought as he saw there was more than an hour until lunch.

266 posts


starlight123 • 2 August 2017 at 12:40 PM

Adelaine laughed half-heartedly. She could feel Star's feathers brush her neck.
"Ha, yeah, I guess I am," she said to Kuro. "I guess I've been reading to many fairytales too." She reached out and grabbed her book off her desk, making sure both Kuro and Twilight saw the title. "Inkheart." If they ever read the book, they'd know it was a full fledge fantasy.

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 2 August 2017 at 12:56 PM


Twilight gasped. "I. Love. That. Book!"

Deleted • 2 August 2017 at 1:52 PM


Kuro looked at the title. Inkheart. "Oh wow. Cool." he said as he leaned back to fall on the floor headfirst. He got back on his chair. "What's it about?"

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 2 August 2017 at 2:25 PM

@neko-sama @starlight123

"It's a book all about fairy tales and fantasy! OMG, have you read it? Wait, you haven't, because you asked. You should read it! I read it at least five times already! I have my own copy," said Twilight, pulling it out of her backpack. It looked brand new, as always. "Here is my copy."

1,088 posts


stagfire • 2 August 2017 at 2:29 PM

@neko-sama @iris1929578 @starlight123


She peered over at a couple of kids chatting by a girls desk. Inkheart? she thought, peering closer.That's an awesome book! So much...fantasy, she mused, then stopped. Fantasy. Her life had been a mess for awhile. Ever since she drowned, she was sure she drowned on that dreadful school trip, her life was just chaos. Figuring out you have magical water powers and a literal talking dog takes things to a whole new level. She knew she wasn't the only one with these powers, Noran..well, Dunlan had told her there were more people with powers like hers. She was eccentric, well, until he said she couldn't use them yet. What was the point of her powers if she couldn't use them! Well, she wasn't exactly great at them either. It was hard to believe him though, after all, he used to just be her Doberman! Not this all magical being or whatever. She'd actually gone to great lengths to find kids or people like her and occasionally, she felt like they were right in front of her....

Deleted • 2 August 2017 at 2:32 PM

Start your villains attack any time.

Kuro opened the book. "Thanks Twilight!" he started reading. "Wow" he thought. "Have you heard the news?" he began talking too them, "There was a gigantic war yesterday! It was a tie, sadly. Who was your favorite hero?"

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 2 August 2017 at 2:37 PM


"Oh yeah, the big explosion. That was scary." Twilight sank in her chair.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 2 August 2017 at 2:42 PM

(Wait, I'm slightly confused, so, the characters don't know each other's real names yet? So, why are they at school if they're heroes and they don't know each other or...what?)


She glanced through the school window and smiled to herself. A few kids and Saila were there. Perfect, she thought in her head, closing her eyes. She settled herself and began to think of a name, Shanime. She chanted it over and over in her head and a few clouds dispersed atop her and a ghostly mist floated down. Nora opened her arms slightly, falling.


Saila, Saila, Saila, UDENLA her mind roared and her eyes flipped open, and she glanced at her cloak for a moment before turning back to the window. She had some time before school started, and didn't children like school days off? She thought, cackling to herself. She floated over to the entrance and the doors flipped open, falling off of their hinges. She could sense the children. They know I'm here, she thought, smiling,Good.

@neko-sama @iris1929578 @starlight123

Deleted • 2 August 2017 at 2:46 PM


"Oh, yeah." he remembered, "you were the Foggy villain person, right?" he looked over. Was that person spying on them? "Who are you?" he asked the stranger student. "Are you spying on us?" Kafry stuck his head out of his pocket. "Pst!" Kafry whispered, "We're in school!"

1,088 posts


stagfire • 2 August 2017 at 2:49 PM



Saila pointed to herself.
"M-Me??" she spluttered, her social skills were not up to date.

Deleted • 2 August 2017 at 2:53 PM

"Yes you." he replied before looking out to the entarance of school. "There's a monster in the school!" he screamed.

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 2 August 2017 at 2:55 PM

@stagfire @neko-sama

"Wait what the heck?" She jumped up, facing the entrance. "Seriously, a monster! Take cover!" But Twilight had already started turning into Fog. Push it back, she yelled in her mind. Don't!

Deleted • 2 August 2017 at 2:58 PM

"No really, I'm serious!" he panicked. "I'm going to the restroom to hide." he ran to the restroom and shut the door. He transformed and then came out as Cat Niro. "Uh, who are you?" he asked Shanime as he saw her flying in.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 2 August 2017 at 2:58 PM

@neko-sama @iris1929578

Saila registered that for a second, trying to reply before his scream cut her thoughts off. She jumped in surprise as the fog started to entangle itself around the doors. Saila screamed in response covering her head. She had no idea what to do in this situation.


She cackled loudly, ignoring the fact her voice was raspy as she shoved open the doors to the classroom.
"Hello, children," she hissed."School's out,"

Deleted • 2 August 2017 at 3:02 PM


Cat Niro burst in. "I said, 'Who are you?" he grabbed his stick and catapulted over Shanime and into the room. "Go hide students, I got this." he bragged as he is slammed into the wall. "Uh, maybe somewhere far, very far away."

Mimi stuck her head out behind a bookshelf. "Yes! This will be epic news for the blog!"

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 2 August 2017 at 3:03 PM

@stagfire @neko-sama

Twlilight did everything she could to avaoid completely turning into Fog. But at this point it was too late. "Make me faint!" She yelled just before the transformation was complete. "It will make me turn back!" And that was the last thing she said before she emerged from the fog in her villain form.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 2 August 2017 at 3:08 PM

@neko-sama @iris1929578
EDIT: Sorry, iris, didn't see that, I'll stop pinging you


That was quick, she mused, watching the hero, trying to keep her mind off Shanime, they'd met before. She sighed, looking down and she yelped in surprise. Water was starting to gather in her seat. She groaned. She was transforming, Again. It always looked like she was peeing which for the record, is really embarrassing, better than known though as Dunlan used to say. She remembered Shanime from their first fight. Dunlan had protected her the first time, but they both knew she'd be back, of course, her parents were clueless. And here was a hero, protecting her, IT WAS HER FAUlT.


Shanime laughed, looking at the hero. He had bared his teeth. She put her palm on his face.
"I'm Shanime, now BOW," she laughed, trying to bend his will with her magic dust. She sprayed her magical dust on him, aggravated it was almost out.

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 2 August 2017 at 3:11 PM

@stagfire @neko-sama

I said that I have subscribed before. Oh well, keep pinging me.

Fog simply made that black, eerie looking fog everywhere. She bet she was the only on that can see through that fog.
