Animal Heroes (RP)

in Roleplaying

1,088 posts


stagfire • 2 August 2017 at 3:17 PM

@iris1929578 @neko-sama


Shanime surveyed the surroundings for a moment, seeing black fog accumulating. She wondered if the villain was on her side. She shrugged her palm still on the hero's face.
"Hello, all so mighty hero," she turned to him and tied a rope around him."I must move on, it's nice meeting you-" she was cut off by a tsunami of water bowling into her


Saila knew she had to do something, the hero was tied up and now there was something else in the room. Water would get rid of the fog. A tsunami would get rid of Shanime. She had water powers. It was easy enough to put two and two together, although, she knew it would be uncontrollable. In impeccable timing, her phone buzzed and a text from Dunlan appeared on her screen.
USE YOUR POWER it read and Saila took a deep breath, summoning her power from beneath her. Within moments, a huge Tsunami had been formed.

266 posts


starlight123 • 2 August 2017 at 4:57 PM

@neko-sama @iris1929578 (@stagfire They don't know each other's hero identities. I'm still confused as to why Twilight revealed she was a villain.)
Adelaine transformed when she was out of sight and joined in to help Cat Niro. She was now Night Flash. She was still confused as to why Twilight had revealed her own secret identify, but she'd wouldn't reveal hers. She had to keep it private.
She turned to Niro,"Keep her distracted. I'll teleport and attack from behind. Got it? We need to find a point of weakness..."
Suddenly a huge burst of water hit Shanime.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 2 August 2017 at 5:09 PM

@starlight123 @neko-sama


She opened her eyes, looking at the water rising to the roof. She shook herself, knowing it was just instinct, she couldn't get wet. She looked around for a moment, trying to fight back her power. Her mind was filled with water. She crouched down in the water, filling her mind with heat and sunshine. Soon enough, the water level started to fall and Undenla straightened herself, flicking her ears back. Uneasily, she looked around her, hoping she hadn't drowned all her new classmates. She drew her hands out, knowing she should help them. The few remaining droplets scurried around, she concentrated for a moment, noticing Shanime had disappeared, the witch wasn't as powerful as everyone thought she was, and she settled down, exhaling.


She vomited. She faintly remembered transforming and 'saving' everyone. Immediately everyone else started to cough, she noticed he heroes were gone. Her phone started to buzz and she glanced over at it, texts from Dunlan bombarding her lock screen. She dragged herself to her seat, still coughing. Her parent's voices echoed in her ears.
"Natural disaster in this school? We're moving schools again!" they would sigh and Saila shook the memory away, feeling guilty for almost drowning her classmates. Her power. Was serious, uncontrollable.

Deleted • 2 August 2017 at 5:17 PM


Cat Niro coughed out water. Was that a fish? He transformed back in the restroom, and tried to make them not notice he was soaking wet and freezing cold. He sneezed and went to his seat.

266 posts


starlight123 • 2 August 2017 at 5:19 PM

Night Flash groaned. Water... All she needed. She used her secret power, Alcelon wings sprouted out of her back. She grabbed Cat Niro's shoulders and lifted him off the ground.
"Do you have a plan?" she asked.
Suddenly, the water level stopped raising and started to fall. She placed Niro on the ground.
"You think she's gone?"
Adelaine teleported to somewhere where she could untransform.

Deleted • 2 August 2017 at 5:36 PM

(uh... check above posts, he already changed back.)

Kuro sneezed. "so wet," he sighed. He might be getting sick.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 2 August 2017 at 7:06 PM

@neko-sama @starlight123

Saila looked around the room, trying to pretend she didn't know Shanime, she was good at that.
"Who-" she coughed, the water trying to bother her."Was that?" she asked, knowing no one would know, well, maybe. Her phone buzzed again and she silenced it, quickly type a text to Dunlan.
I'm OK, I'm going to figure some stuff out, don't stop me

Deleted • 2 August 2017 at 9:37 PM


Kuro sneezed again. He looked over at Saila. She was texting. "Hello. What are you doing?" he peeked over at her phone. Some okay, figuring stuff out. Yawn.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 3 August 2017 at 12:05 PM


Saila quickly withdrew her phone, trying to sound normal."Texting my parents, they already know," she smiled, trying to hide her nervousness. She looked down sadly, she had a chance at this school! Her phone buzzed again and she resisted the urge to check it. "Also, who are you?" she asked as he turned away, running her fingers through her wet hair. Might as well be a little social.

Deleted • 3 August 2017 at 9:19 PM


Kuro smirked. Even through the wetness. "I'm Kuro!" he introduced. "Who are you? That was strange that a random Tsunami came in. Hopefully your parents aren't like 'Ah, natual disaster in school so we need to leave this planet altogether!' " he looked at her phone. So many notifications. "Your parents must be so worried if your getting that many notifications."

1,088 posts


stagfire • 3 August 2017 at 9:23 PM


Saila smirked back at him, he was actually accurate even though he was joking. She smiled.
"That's actually pretty accurate, I've moved 5 times these few months," she confessed and looked down."I hope I don't have to move...again," she muttered.

Deleted • 3 August 2017 at 9:27 PM


Kuro patted her on her wet head. Brr. "5 times? That's a lot." he wrang his clothes in order to stop them from dripping everywhere.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 3 August 2017 at 9:32 PM


Saila froze, her cheeks flushing. She hoped the chilly water would stop the heat from rising. She glanced at him.
"How long have you gone to this crazy school so far?" she asked, laughing.

Deleted • 3 August 2017 at 9:54 PM


Kuro smirked. "Like, maybe forever." he fell off his seat. Again. Then he got up and pulled out his phone. On it Kafry had typed. "hEy, KIttY BoY. whAT ArE YoU DoINg?" he quickly typed back. "Just talking with a girl named Saila."

1,088 posts


stagfire • 3 August 2017 at 9:57 PM


"How are you not insane by now?" she asked, chuckling. She looked at his phone. "How are our phones still working!" she exclaimed

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 3 August 2017 at 10:18 PM

@neko-sama @stagfire

Sorry for the.. umm... "inactiveness."

"Some kind of magic," Twilight replied after she shock of the tsunami changed her back. "I think it's kind of obvious."

1,088 posts


stagfire • 3 August 2017 at 10:21 PM

@iris1929578 @neko-sama

Saila felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. She knew her water was magic, maybe she wasn't so good at pretending, she kept feeling heat rise inside of her every time she lied.

(Good night!)

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 3 August 2017 at 10:24 PM

@stagfire @neko-sama.
Good night!

"Ooh, look, a crystal!" She picked it up. "It looks like quartz or something that grows inside geodes." Lucky that the geode was already split in half, or she wouldn't have noticed.

Deleted • 3 August 2017 at 10:25 PM

It's okay, I have school, so I'm not so active either.
Kuro stared at Twilight. "Are you sure?" he leaned over at the lockers. Then he fell.

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 3 August 2017 at 10:27 PM


"What was that?" She looked down at her feet. "And what are those? They must have made you fall down."

Deleted • 3 August 2017 at 10:31 PM


"What?" he said, "I'm just naturally clumsy." he blushed at the thought. Then he looked at Twilight's feet.

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 3 August 2017 at 10:33 PM


"Woah, they look weird." She bent down to see the, more closely. "Ow! I think one bit me!" They looked like moving rocks.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 4 August 2017 at 11:34 AM

@iris1929578 @neko-sama

Saila leaned over to look at them, cautiously bringing her feet from the floor.
"Why are they biting you? Who is they?" she asked, alarmed.

467 posts


wolfkit • 4 August 2017 at 3:10 PM

@neko-sama I dont think this roleplay is for me sorry...

Deleted • 4 August 2017 at 8:28 PM

It's okay ☚ī¸

Kuro climbed the lockers somehow. He sat on top and pointed at the rocks. "What are those things?!" he curled up in a ball.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 4 August 2017 at 8:34 PM

@neko-sama (Poke-Iris subscribed, she doesn't want to be pinged 😊)

Saila moved to look closer to them, then shuddered. She clutched her head.
"They're like.." she gritted her teeth, her mind shuttering."Broadcasting some sort of signal THAT REALLY HURTS!" she yelled, clenching her fists and releasing them.

Deleted • 4 August 2017 at 8:38 PM

(He climbed the lockers and nobody noticed :0)

Kuro leaned down and grabbed one. It didn't look like a rock from this view... The rock bit him and he slipped off the lockers and hit his head on the floor.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 4 August 2017 at 8:40 PM

@neko-sama (Yup, just normal, completely normal XD)

Saila yelped in surprise as he fell to the floor from the lockers. Almost immediately, the rocks started to jab his head and she leaped from her seat, clutching her head before dragging him to his desk. It was harder than it looked.

Deleted • 4 August 2017 at 8:47 PM

(completely normal 😈 )

Kuro woke up and swatted at the "rocks". These things were very weird.

1,088 posts


stagfire • 4 August 2017 at 8:51 PM

@neko-sama ("Hello sir, explain your hobbies for us please," "Well, I climb lockers, it's pretty easy, you just have to haul yourself up to the unstable things and not fall. I also fight aliens, just as a side thing," "Wow, that sounds pretty normal, Chuck, nice meeting you!")

Saila sighed begrudgingly and collapsed into her chair.
"They don't seem to be doing anything now," she remarked."Can we open them up?" she inquired after a couple of moments, frowning.
