πŸ’΅ Do you think it's time to increase the monthly cc reward from dailies? πŸ’΅

in Site Feedback & Ideas

Should the devs increase the monthly cc reward?

84 posts


quinoafuntime • 10 August 2023 at 9:20 AM

First of all, I really appreciate the dailies. I find them enjoyable for the most part, and I really think that getting a bit of cc every month is helping players get the csps and freezes that they want, as well as entice players to purchase cc. More players are interacting on the forums, stocking user shops, using the click exchange, and spending more time on the site overall, which improves the site for everyone.

That being said, any glance at the trade and auction centers will show you that the price and availability of cc is still out of whack, and the value of ec is deflated. I think it's because very old csps are being rereleased recently, which is awesome, but the frenzy to acquire cc and the lack of willingness to accept ec for trades is jeopardizing the site experience in my opinion. I made a post last year about the site being too pay to win, and even though dailies have improved the situation, it still seems too pay to win for me.

So my opinion is that it's time to increase the monthly cc reward to at least 200 cc. It's been half a year since the dailies were introduced, so I think the devs have had time to iron out the bugs and fight against abuse.

I want to hear what other players think about this. Thank you for reading 😊 and if you agree, please ping other players to spread the word.

Current tally:

Yes: 29
Yes but not now: 3
No: 4

89 posts


dougprishpreed • 10 August 2023 at 9:54 AM

Yesssss I agree 😸

118 posts


osean • 10 August 2023 at 10:08 AM


730 posts


lothar • 10 August 2023 at 10:11 AM

I agree with you!
I have some creatures which need to be frozen, 200cc every month is a good idea

118 posts


lobstertheremin • 10 August 2023 at 10:34 AM

Most definitely. Considering how much CC content is released every month - 2 new CSPs, 2 rereleases, Cash Shop Travels, and many stages that people want to freeze - even 500 CC isn't a stretch in my opinion. I voted for 400 CC, but I would pick 500 as well. The Daily quests are still a big improvement to Eggcave, but they can be even better.

@snowywinter @bribri1114845 @murfijs @wonder404exe @cubexline

2,934 posts


heatherm19 • 10 August 2023 at 11:39 AM

I know I'll be in the minority here, but I think it needs a bit more time. The reason I say that is because I *do* think it would be awesome to get more free CC each month, but I try to think long-term. And looking at this long-term, the site is 14 years old and this feature has only been around for 6 months. If we push for an increase now, and get it, it's very possible that in another 6 months there will be another push for another increase. I can't peak for the devs of course, but I kind of feel like they *could* be open to raising the amount, and maybe even make it an 'every so often' thing so we slowly get more increases, but that has to be balanced with the cost of running the site and making sure the economy here doesn't collapse from a sharp devaluing of CC.

2,718 posts


jlya • 10 August 2023 at 12:04 PM

I actually agree with @heatherm19. While it would be nice to get a little more CC every month, it's still a new feature that I think should be fleshed out for a bit longer. I think there's a danger EC would become even more deflated if we jump too quickly on the CC train.

I'm sure the staff would be open to raising the CC amount eventually, but it's only been six months. That means only six times the dailies could be fully completed. I think caution is best since the huge rerelease feature is enough of a juggling act for them. ^^

376 posts


megamisama90 • 10 August 2023 at 2:07 PM

I agree with @heatherm19 and @jlya even though "free" CC is always great! Since we do work for it. We should give it another six months to go and see then again.

122 posts


mr-blue-bones • 10 August 2023 at 2:32 PM

I agree with @lobstertheremin, but I can understand the concern of tanking the CC value and the cost of running the site. But considering just how many CC things are available every month, even 500 CC a month is barely a dent in the total cost for people who want most of the CSP and rerelease creatures, especially if they like freezing certain stages and getting CC travels. I think a bump of the CC rewards would be okay.

1,144 posts


valorieviolet • 10 August 2023 at 3:03 PM

While I personally feel that an increase of CC would be amazing, I don't mind waiting a couple months (6 months, sure) for Ian and the staff to gather more feedback/data about the dailies - whatever they need! Maybe we can see if we can get that re-roll daily task implementation first, before we bump up the overall reward. But again, I would love to see an increase in the CC prize and possibly a little increase in the EC prizes πŸ˜‹

258 posts


juniperrains • 10 August 2023 at 3:52 PM

I think the dailies have been a great idea. Despite that, I think we need to raise the amount of CC given to the 200-300 threshold. Instead of a month, we should give out a reward every week or every two weeks.

112 posts


autumnal • 10 August 2023 at 4:06 PM

It's nice to hear everyone's thoughts 😊 the main counter points I'm hearing are the concern that people won't spend enough money on CC to support the site and that 6 months isn't enough time. Personally, I think 6 months is enough time. And I don't think that CC has any danger of being devalued given the amount of CC people want to use for Cash Shop stuff and freezing stages. Currently it's overvalued. Just ask anyone who wants to exchange EC for CC right now. So yeah, I think it's a good time for Ian and friends to consider making this change!

@jlya I'm curious about your point that "there's a danger EC would become even more deflated if we jump too quickly on the CC train." Can you talk a little more about that? Not saying I disagree, I just don't understand.

150 posts


greengrassoftunnel • 10 August 2023 at 4:40 PM

I was just thinking about this a few days ago πŸ˜ƒ

Yes, I definitely agree, the site would benefit from an increase. Dailies just keep getting better, and this would be another huge improvement!

909 posts


icecream • 10 August 2023 at 4:50 PM

I think it's been enough time and raising the cc reward to 200 CC would be good!

139 posts


viltuvitrast • 10 August 2023 at 5:04 PM

yeah 200cc at least! i think it'll help the site in the long run. and make us all happy hahaha

1,742 posts


minnie298a • 10 August 2023 at 8:41 PM

I'm going to go totally against the grain and say I'm happy with how it is. While more CC would be lovely, and I'd never say no, I don't think it's necessary. I'm not in a financial position to buy CC, so the fact I'm currently getting some free on the regular is great. The other incidentals from the dailies are also a bonus.

I also feel an increase in the CC reward should result in an increase in the daily requirements. The whole Monthly Challenge thing is optional. The free CC is a perk. I suspect it's still a challenge to many (particularly when the random Gods forsake us and give us another quest heavy month), and from what I've seen, some have difficulty even accessing it. An increase would further alienate and annoy those people.

As a side note:
For the 6 completed months (minus the 3 days I don't have notes) I've been awarded -
600CC - More than enough for a monthly. Enough for a rerelease come December at the current rate.

I've also gotten:
1,018,020 ec from task rewards.
283 items from task rewards.
Approx 3,480,000 ec from performing feed tasks.*1
458 Quest tokens.*2
6 extra monthlies from the Wheel Spin.
384 - The number of travels I've finally been motivated to put on my Creatures that I am keeping. I still have over 100 to go, I was that behind.
Motivation to become slightly more social.
Plus more.

*Actually it would be more, I've taken random other notes and worked out you get an average of about 99 ec per feed. It's about 195 dfd and I didn't take into account the extra. Although I probably would have gotten this anyway, it is nice to see a figure representing my efforts.

*2 I also found myself doing extra quests on quest task days because I'm already there. This means I haven't had to panic and scramble to get the retiring creatures. In fact I've gotten a spare to trade for many of them. I probably wouldn't have without the extra motivation.

2,553 posts


dragrawr • 10 August 2023 at 9:46 PM

I talked about this in the Nest discord a bit. 100 cc isn’t enough, but i doubt we could get anything above 200 cc. I think 200 cc is fair. If you only get cc through the monthly challenge you could barely buy anything from the cash shop, so 2-3 months work for one cash shop monthly is alright I suppose.

I think there is a lot of cool perks to the monthly challenge, but just 100 cc isn’t feeling like enough especially since so many re-releases are coming out and they are all popular. The cc will still be bought from this site, trust me. There will never be a significant amount of decrease to have Ian and the team not able to manage the site.

16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 10 August 2023 at 10:23 PM

I think a potentially good idea would be that you can get 100 CC extra per month [200 CC total] if you do the dailies for every single day of the month while only completing the regular 25 gives you the normal 100 CC.

2,934 posts


heatherm19 • 11 August 2023 at 1:08 AM

@bunnyshadow I've seen people suggest a 'bonus' amount if you do more or whatever, but I think that's way too easy. It just doesn't make much sense, you have to complete 25 days just to get 100CC, but do an extra 5 and you get *double*? Imo if there were to be any sort of bonus-CC the requirements would need to be a lot more significant than that. I haven't missed a single day of dailies since the start (except that one day it just didn't reset), so that would totally benefit me, I just don't think the balance is right.

112 posts


autumnal • 11 August 2023 at 8:50 AM

There was a point earlier that increasing the CC reward every month would further alienate people who can't access the dailies feature. I have two responses to that:

1. I assume that the majority of players who want to access the dailies feature can do so, so I think the right thing for the site to do is cater to what the majority want.

2. The increase in availability of CC on the site will benefit everyone, even those who aren't earning it from dailies. The more CC people have, the more likely they'll sell it to other players for creatures/EC.

There's also the idea that "i doubt we could get anything above 200 cc." I don't think that cynicism is a good reason for us to settle for something less than what is optimal. The current state of the site is that everyone is scrambling to get CC and many won't accept EC. Having the focus be so much on the premium currency isn't a good vibe on this site and it makes me less likely to spend money here.

Lastly someone suggested giving half the CC for some days completed and the other half for all the days. How about 150 CC after completing 12 days of quests and 150 CC after completing 25? πŸ™‚

97 posts


riceboysleeps • 11 August 2023 at 9:08 AM

yeah let's increase it. worst case they can change it back to 100 if they aren't making enough money. eggcave could be better if we arent focusing on spending real money here as much :]

87 posts


structuresfromsilence • 11 August 2023 at 9:51 AM

I also think we should increase the amount. Dailies are great but it's still so hard to find cc and it's pretty demoralizing. For the most part I ignore all the premium content and its sad because the premium content is so good.

84 posts


quinoafuntime • 11 August 2023 at 6:16 PM

Thanks for responding everyone 😊 if you agree with this please ping your friends.

@autumnal I definitely agree with everything you said. I can't imagine the value of cc ever being devalued because there are so many cc creatures and travels as well as freezes.

Also I will tally the number of people saying yes, yes but not now, and no in my original post.

16,162 posts


bunnyshadow • 11 August 2023 at 7:39 PM

@heatherm19 On the contrary, I think the bonus amount for completing 100% of the days actually makes more sense to me. The reason I feel this way is because it's astronomically more difficult [IMO] to do the dailies for 31 days straight rather than being able to skip 5-6 days to make the 100 CC. And it adds the possibility of accidentally missing a day on accident, or having to do all quest days regardless of difficulty.

1,742 posts


minnie298a • 11 August 2023 at 8:27 PM

Not everyone who can access the dailies has the time, or resources to do them. I'm thinking many new users would fall into this category. There are several times when I would have fallen into this category, when even 25 days would be impossible.

I'll also point out that while I have been around forever, my personal circumstances has meant my primary way of obtaining CC is to trade for it. I get the desire for CC for the extras it provides. I also understand the struggle to obtain them, and have missed several things I would have liked and are now playing catch up myself. I've always just worked out what was really important and buckled down when needed. For example, I traded for my Wicculin when it was in the shop. Cost me like 15,000 seeds and 1mil ec. My LoV was purchased with a Gobbler win (back when that was only 500 CC for the top 50), I'm still very glad I has home alone when I won that as I'd been trying to trade for the CC.

My experiences in hussling to get things and also seeing how things have grown and changed may cloud my view slightly as to why I'm happy with the current system. Yes it takes time, but due to the constant small rewards, a lot of CC goals will be reached quicker. You just still have to put in effort to achieve something.

From what I observed, the current inflation in CC pricing occurred with 2 close events. One being the announcement of and the rerelease of the Nym. Fair enough, it was always going to be a highly desired event. The other was with the Birthday Giveaway. From my observation, those wanting to buy where willing to over offer, and sellers willing to take them up on it because, "hey I don't need this bonus CC I did nothing to earn, but the extra ec will be nice" flooded the market. Many traded fast then, and it was spent, meaning not so much is available now. This seems to be a natural sort of cycle. Particularly around this time of year. The Nym just seemed to escalate and highlight things a little more. Many would be holding onto their CC as their dream pet may be coming soon.

In saying all that, I do like the above tiered idea. I've always supported the concept of a more fluid way to win the CC. Primarily the concept of CC after X tasks regardless of the time it took, or having a points system with hard challenges being worth more. My idea for the tiers would be something like 100 for the first 20 days (so yes that is easier to achieve for those who struggle), with an extra 100 if you complete the rest of the month. So this month it would be 200 in total for all 31 days. While technically it's less for the second lot, there is the extra pressure to not miss a day.

1,416 posts


provo7demons • 11 August 2023 at 10:30 PM

(Edit: Completely forgot that CC monthies are 500 CC for a moment! My bad)

I think it should be raised to 200; 200 is enough to purchase a lot of items in the Cash Shop, and I think getting the money to purchase one of those is a great end-of-month reward! I know I personally have a lot of dead creatures to resurrect after not playing for several years, and while it's very, VERY nice to have an option to get CC for free, it still takes a long time to save up. I think 200 CC is a reasonable reward option.

Gender Nonconforming
227 posts


dibabeebees • 12 August 2023 at 3:35 AM

I am so thankful to be able to get 100 cc a month even as is it, but i feel like increasing it to 200, mabye 250 might bring insentive? Also means a freeze every month, instead of two, a monthly every 2/3 instead of FIVE. I think incrasing cc rewards would be a great idae!
