Dangerous RP

in Roleplaying

6,875 posts


ems • 16 October 2012 at 7:24 PM

@iceyfira WHEEEE~! 😸


Storm angrily waited for the boy to reply.

3,758 posts


iceyfira • 16 October 2012 at 7:25 PM

@ems Its against the rules to spam like that. >.<
You forgot the spaces btw. o3o
Laura jumped down from the building she was on, 3 stories up.

6,875 posts


ems • 16 October 2012 at 7:26 PM

@iceyfira Whoops... -edits-

3,758 posts


iceyfira • 16 October 2012 at 7:32 PM

@ems o3o
Jordan was really upset. He had to tell Laura what he knew, like, NOW. He frowned, and yelled again. "LAURA!!"
Laura heard the yelling again. She sighed, and started walking in that direction.

Deleted • 16 October 2012 at 9:36 PM

Okay, I'll replyyyy.... xDDD

Aspitis held his sister tightly as he turned around. They reached the park a few minutes later. He let May down, watching as she ran off towards the park with a protective gleam in his golden-flecked eye.

3,758 posts


iceyfira • 16 October 2012 at 9:38 PM

@keenfoot Yay~
"LAURA! LAURA!? LAURAAA!!" Jordan screamed as loud as it was possible for him. He coughed, his throat sore. He glanced around, worried.
Laura shook her head, hearing the noise get louder and louder. She started a fast job towards the noise, willing and wishing him to just shut up.

6,875 posts


ems • 16 October 2012 at 9:40 PM


"Well?" Storm glared, this kid was wasting her time. 'Stupid boy.' She thought, rather irritated.

Deleted • 16 October 2012 at 9:41 PM

Hai. o3o

Aspitis perked up when he heard the yelling. A dark scowl crossed his face. "May," he called. "May, are you alright here for a little while?"
May stopped her climbing and looked back at her brother.
He continued. "I need to go check something out." He moved toward the sound of the noise, watching his sister closely.

3,758 posts


iceyfira • 16 October 2012 at 9:41 PM

@ems O.o You talking to Jordan?
XD ~Memory loss~

6,875 posts


ems • 16 October 2012 at 9:44 PM

@iceyfira LOL no. I'm talking to Ryan. 😋

3,758 posts


iceyfira • 16 October 2012 at 9:46 PM

@ems XD Oy, @cynder5 GET BACK ONLINE! >:U XD I thought it was Jordan for a sec...
"Laura?!" Jordan said, lower this time. Laura said she would always come to help if he yelled her name, but she didnt this time.
laura sighed, quickening her pace. Jordan was a bit impactient.

Deleted • 16 October 2012 at 9:48 PM

Aspitis was near the yelling when May caught up with him, clinging to his waist. He smiled down at her, reaching down and holding her to his side as they walked. He turned the corner, spotted a figure, and stopped.

6,875 posts


ems • 16 October 2012 at 9:48 PM

@iceyfira XD All I can do is stand there and be angry. O.-

3,758 posts


iceyfira • 16 October 2012 at 9:51 PM

@ems XD Poor you. 😋
@keenfoot o3o
Jordan sighed, and leaned back onto a brick wall. "Laura?" He called, hearing movement. His tongue flicked, and he sensed heat. To much. He sighed. "Not Laura." He breathed, looking around to see if Laura was almost back.
Laura turned a corner, and saw Jordan. "Jordan!" She called, running over and tackling him. "Dont ever scream my name like that again. You can get me caught!"

Deleted • 16 October 2012 at 9:53 PM

@iceyfira OMG I almost pinged myself. xD

Aspitis moved back, tugging his sister with him. He leaned back against the wall, tilting his head curiously and looking down at May, whom was watching with wide-eyed curiosity.

3,758 posts


iceyfira • 16 October 2012 at 9:56 PM

@keenfoot I do that a LOT. @iceyfira @iceyfira @iceyfira
@ems Hai. XD
"Sorry Laura. Its just that I needed to find you, like, know." He shifted uncomfortably. "Can you.... get off me?" He said, chuckling nerveously.
"Oh, sorry." Laura said, jumping up. "Well? Why were you screaming my name like a spoiled little two year old girl who wanted a pony?"

Deleted • 16 October 2012 at 10:00 PM


Aspitis patted May warningly, moving her out of sight. He himself followed her, stopping just beyond the edge of the wall so that he was hidden from the two. Curiosity forced him to stay - that, and May, of course, who would not budge.

3,758 posts


iceyfira • 16 October 2012 at 10:03 PM

@keenfoot I always think that when someone screams high pitched, whiny, and girly. XD
"Well, the police found your jacket." Jordan said, and braced himself for a stream of cursing. But it never came.
Laura just stared, baffled. "They FOUND my jacket? That has my DNA all over it..." She said, a shocked expression was the only thing that registered. "If they found my jacket, they found me. TEL ME they didnt get my picture Jordan."
Jordan gulped, barely daring to breathe. "They... they got a picture. Someone in the store across the street had a camera... and they got a clear shot of your face."

Deleted • 16 October 2012 at 10:09 PM

Hmmm. Kinda. xDD

A frown flitted across Apitis' face. He picked May up, hugging her tightly and listening closely, as if his sister could make what he was listening to any less surprising. Not that it mattered so much to him.

3,758 posts


iceyfira • 16 October 2012 at 10:13 PM

@keenfoot X3
"You... were supposta... have my back!" Laura hissed through a clenched jaw. She grabbed the neck of Jordans collar, pulling his face close to her. "If the police found me again, you know what they would do." She had a glint of fear in her eyes, as of she was remembering something horrible that had happened to her.
"I-I-I know..." Jordan said, his face painted with a scared expression. "I was dismantaling the security cameras, remember?" He said. "I work for the police and everything just to try and keep you out of trouble. I try my best."

Deleted • 16 October 2012 at 10:31 PM

Aspitis locked eyes with May. He moved back from the corner of the wall, quite aware that he didn't want to run into either of them again. Or at least, if he was able.

3,758 posts


iceyfira • 16 October 2012 at 10:35 PM

@keenfoot >w< Laura ish EBIL. XD Jordan isnt, he just has a mini-crush on Laura. X3
"I know, I know..." Laura sighed, and dropped Jordan. "Now everyones gonna think that guy wasnt trying to shoot me, but vice versa." Laura pulled out a pistol from her pocket. "He almost hit me..." She murmerred.
Jordan sat up, holding his head. "Gosh, dont yell like that. Your as bd as me." He glanced at her hands, seeing the pistol.

Deleted • 16 October 2012 at 10:46 PM


Aspitis set May down, taking her hand tightly and leading her back toward the park. "Come on," he whispered loudly when she glanced back and slowed down. She resisted for a moment before stumbling after him.

3,758 posts


iceyfira • 16 October 2012 at 10:48 PM

@keenfoot =w= b
Lauras ear twitched, and she turned slightly. "Crap. Somone heard y-- I mean us." She scanned the area, and saw some leaves moving. "Hey! Whos there?" She called out.

Deleted • 16 October 2012 at 10:51 PM

Now it was Aspitis' turn to glance back as the walked, albeit nervously.
"Do you know them?"
He shook his head. "No, not really. I met one once, but they aren't my friends."
May held her brother's hand tightly. "Okay."

3,758 posts


iceyfira • 16 October 2012 at 10:55 PM


"Hey, hey!" Laura called out again, turning away from Jordan.
Jordan stood up, rather unsteadily. "Cant you scent them...?" He asked Laura, holding his head. He had hit it when Laura tackled him.
Jordan: >\\\\<
Laura: o3o Hullo~

Deleted • 16 October 2012 at 10:58 PM

May; o_o this is not my brother.

They finally reached the park. Aspitis was still on edge, shifting his weight from foot to foot as May ran off to play in the sandpit. He trudged around the box, keeping close proximity to his only family.

3,758 posts


iceyfira • 16 October 2012 at 11:03 PM

Laura: XD Aspitis is running away from danger, like a girl~
Jordan: Dont be mean. >.<
"Oh yeah." She said, feeling stupid. She walked over to the area were she heard the rustling. She sniffed, catching the scent of a bird, human, and fish. "Aspitis. I found you...." She said, a small smile forming on her lips. "C'Mon Jordan. Lemme introduce you to a friend of mine."

2,353 posts


cynder5 • 17 October 2012 at 12:03 AM

@ems @iceyfira
"Oh sssorry I did'nt mean to disssturb you two." I say then turn to the bat girl "You sssmell familar." I say "Were you by and chance related to the Sssmith family?"

The boy's words send shivers up my spine. "Yes I was their only daughter my brother 'died' with them or I think he did. How do you know about the Smith family anyways?" I ask the boy.

6,875 posts


ems • 17 October 2012 at 12:06 AM


Storm watched the bat girl curiously, her anger replaced by exhaustion. "It's fine." She muttered.
