CrystalClan {RP Sign-Ups and Discussion}

in Roleplaying

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thebrokenvibe • 27 February 2017 at 5:18 PM



~~~CrystalClan resides in a forest with a small stream running in at a curve from the northwest and ending in a massive pond marking the end of the territory a tree length inside the water. The path to the camp is surrounded by boulders that prevent anything larger than two foxes side by side to enter the camp. CrystalClan makes their home in an abandoned twolegs construct carved into a massive cave, an open roof allows for light to enter and small sheltered alcoves allow for sheltered sleeping in the wetter weather. For the most part though CrystalClan sleeps in the open part of their cave in a mass pile with elders, queens and their kits at the center and the rest of the warriors and apprentices expanding outwards, in a fashion similar to penguins. A natural shelf serves as the leaders calling point for meetings, known as the Tall Ledge. The deputy also organizes patrols from there.
~~~CrystalClan faces threats in the forest from bears, snakes, coyotes, wolves, badgers and foxes. With the most dangerous being the bears and wolves, badgers and coyote following and snakes and foxes as low toer threats.
~~~On full moons the leader brings a few warriors and apprentices to the edge of the pond to share greetings with the loners around the territory, forming a kind of treaty in the event of anything harmful coming to either group. This is a time of peace and should be treated as such. At this time the deputy is left in the camp to act as provisional leader.
~~~From the main stream branches off a small creek which ends up amongst a white rock basin and reflects the stars, the Healers know this as the Star Pond and use it to speak to the spirits of the passed. It is here that leaders receive their nine lives as well.

{Important Things to Note}

~~~Unlike how the books showed it, Queens will only be pregnant for two moons as is the average gestation time for a cat.
~~~Names beginning or ending with Star*, Moon, Sun, Lion, Tiger, and Leopard will not be accepted as these correlate to the Clans beliefs, something considered sacred to the Clan. The only exception are leaders who earn the -star suffix.
~~~Medicine Cat has been replaced with Healer which has the same roles except more restrictions upon relationships. Meaning Healers cannot be tempted by anything, especially by gossip, personal desires, or even close friendships-family included.
~~~Apprentices can have their ceremony withheld upwards of four moons if caught breaking the Clan rules. Meaning they might not earn their name until as late as 16 moons. Warriors may also be returned to apprentice duties and name if caught breaking a rule. And will stay that way anywhere from three days to an entire moon. When a warrior is punished this way they earn a new mentor and are referred to with the -paw suffix instead of their warrior suffix.
~~~Unlike other warriors RP's this one takes a different turn on what age represents what. That will be listed below.
- Kit ages are between 0-4 moons
- Apprentice ages are usually between 4-12 moons
- Healer apprentice ages are between 4-16 moons
- Warrior ages are usually between 12-72 moons
- Healer ages are between 16-72 moons
- Elder ages are between 72+ moons with exceptions of cats who are physically unable to perform duties before reaching 72 moons


1. No Mary Sues, Marty Sues, Godmodding or Powerplaying
2. Do not have unnatural coat colors, meaning no pinks or greens. I don't care about eye color so long at they aren't rainbow/more than two colors
3. Only one HP per person
4. Don't duplicate prefixes please(no two cats named Blazeheart and Blazepaw). I get confused and it's all bad for me.
5. I judge your literacy from your forms so please make them good
6. No unapproved major plots or storylines without confirming it with me prior to starting it
7. Post at least 3 sentences every post with each character used. So if you use two characters have 6 sentences and so forth.
8. High ranks are NOT first come first serve, I can say whether a charter can have that rank or if they cannot based upon the character themself. Regardless you will be informed.
9. No unnecessary drama or yelling/excessive and unnecessary use of caps and punctuation.
10. If you agree to these rules put a short sample rp of your characters past in code. This is only necessary in the first form per each post you make not every form.
11. Your cats can die, they can get in fights but you cannot directly kill another cat without their consent. The cat can end up dying as an after result without permission needed as the owner makes the choice to kill them.
12. Don't get so far between two people that you ignore others. Include everyone and don't go more than 12 posts between two people without another joining in for a short while.
13. I will try my best to put up a summary on the front page of what has been occuring, this might be moved to a creature profile as I will not delete any information given prior.
14. Follow the forum/site rules
15. Break any of these rules more than three times and you're gone. You will receive three strikes/warnings before you're done.
16. A single cat has trouble fighting off a fox alone, and stands no chance against the higher tier creatures alone. Don't have your characters doing something unreasonable like fighting a fox alone and leaving without a scratch or killing a bear on their own. Cannot happen. Your cat would most likely be that bears dinner.
17. If you have and questions feel free to PM me about anything. I would be glad to help

{Avaliable Ranks}

Apprentices [Dependant on Warriors, currently 3]
Kits [Dependant on Queens]



{My Forms}

Name: Graypelt
Age: 156 moons (13 years)
Gender: Tom
Rank: Elder formerly Leader
Looks: A gray tabby tom with a white muzzle and underbelly. He has milky green eyes.
Personality: He's calm and understanding, and probably a bit too relaxed about things that pose a threat. Although he still knows how to act when it comes down to the brass tacks of fighting. But he prefers to relax and sleep his days away.
Past: Graystar was born to the Clan, and has been raised within all his life, he took his first mate when he was 20 moons and believed everything to be prosperous. When he turned 40 moons though a disease ran through the Clan turning those infected rabid among the infected were Graystar's mate and kits as well as the Clans former leader and deputy. Graystar escaped and was the oldest of the fifteen or so survivors, not counting the two healers. He was named leader by the Healer after she received a message from StarClan. After that Graystar began to recruit new cats into his Clan hoping to get the Clan up to strength. He believes that if it weren't for his nine lives he should have been allowed a peaceful life and a peaceful death moons ago. Now on his last life he has chosen to retire and spends his days in the elders den earning the peace he so desperately craved in his long leadership.
Mate/Crush: Long since dead.
Kin: Dead
Other: None
Code: He paused watching as Goldenheart picked at the mouse before finally pushing it away. "I'm not hungry." she meowed, her voice dry and empty before curling up to sleep.
Graypelt sighed, "Please eat. I'm worried about you." he urged. "You haven't been the same since that fox bit you last moon."
Receiving no response he sighed and stood up. "Alright, I'm going out with the night hunting patrol. Please eat something when I get back." he murmured before heading out.

Name: Blazestar
Age: 34 moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Leader
Looks: A ginger tom with white socks and underbelly. He has golden-green eyes
Personality: He's very ambitious and powerhungry. Often doing what is necessary to earn his keep. Despite this he is infinitely loyal to the warriors code, at least publically.
Past: Blazestar was born to the Clan and his mother initially adored him, reminding him of how much he looked like his father, the former deputy Dewclaw who passed shortly before being Blazestars birth.
Upon becoming an apprentice he craved to be praised by his mentor and to earn the respect of the Clan, and occasionally he slipped up causing him to be forced into tick duty for the entire Clan. Despite this he wanted more respect, and even after he became a warrior he formulated a way to get that respect and soon started a plot to become leader. Starting with taking over after the former deputy was banished from the Clan for treason against the Clan. He sat there until Graystar finally retired after a bit of prodding from concerned warriors, and now Blazestar sits as leader.
Mate/Crush: None
Kin: Viperfang(Half-sister), Quicksilver(Mother), Dewclaw(Father, deceased)
Other: None
Code: None

I will make forms for the rest of my cats including Viperfang, Quicksilver, Cavepath, Silentfall, Hazel, and Wolfwind in my next few posts.

1,589 posts


flowerlynx • 27 February 2017 at 5:44 PM

Name: Mousefur
Age: 28 moons
Gender: She-Cat
Rank: Deputy
Looks: Light brown fur, soft green eyes
Personality: Stern, gentle, curious, thoughtful
Mate/Crush: None, yet
Past: Her mother and father were killed during a patrol. They walked around, and they along with one other cat were killed by a small group of about 3-4 badgers. She has no siblings- that she knows of.
Kin: None
Other: none
Code: Mousekit scurried over to the big warriors. "Mother? Where's mother?" A big giant warrior walked over to her. "Mother is... gone, for a while," he said. "She won't be back." Mousekit was confused. Where did mother go? And father? "What about father?" She chirped. "He's.... also gone. With mother," he added. Mousekit was more confused now than ever. Where did they go? Why we're the other big warriors digging holes? Mousekit didn't understand.

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 27 February 2017 at 11:08 PM

@flowerlynx You still need to fill out a past section the form, so please edit that in. Also please ping me so I know you're posting.

Name: Viperfang
Age: 24 Moons
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Warrior
Looks: A silver she-cat with brown paws, muzzle and tail. Across her left eye and eye lid is a scar of three parallel lines, and stretching up from the corner of her right lip up towards the edge of her cheek sits another scar. Her left eye is ice-blue and her right is dark brown.
Personality: Viperfang is fairly blunt, harsh, and sharp-tongued. She tends not to trust others unless she is fairly close to them. She tends to be very sarcastic and snippy constantly and can come off as rude as a result of this. She doesn't get nearly as sentimental about death as she should, unless the death was of someone close to her.
She has a bit of a temper, and can be impatient at the best of times. Although she does try to be good.
Past: Viperfang was born and raised in CrystalClan, although no one among the Clan knew who her father could be. Shortly after she became an apprentice though Viperfang was introduced to Pinecone, a loner who her mother claimed to be her father.
Viperfang was eager to get to know her father and as a result she often snuck out of camp at night to speak with him once a moon. After a while Graystar heard about this and forced Viperfang under a watch for two full moons until they were sure she wouldn't leave camp anymore.
At one point during a particularly disasterous training session Viperfang was sparring with her brother, and landed a blow too hard, causing him to collapse in the training clearing, and leading to his eventual death. Something that Viperfang has never quite managed to forgive herself for.
During this though she watched as her half brother managed to worm his way up to a higher spot, until he finally stood as deputy. Concerned, for her brother was always a bit too ambitious for his own good, Viperfang began confiding in one of her friends Scarleap, the only other cat who knew truly how scared for the fate of the Clan she was.
Kin: Blazeheart(Half-brother), Canarypaw(Brother Deceased), Quicksilver(Mother), Pinecone(Father)
Other: Prop
"So mother, where are you taking me?" she asked, her mind still buzzing from her naming ceremony two days prior.
"To meet someone." was all Quicksilver answered, as vague as the first time, but with an edge in her voice that showed the conversation to be over.
Viperpaw huffed, irritated but at the same time overly excited, as she shared a grin with her brother Canarypaw.
She stopped, almost bumping into her mother as the two reached a small clearing well past Clan scent markings.
"Pinecone?" her mother called, her tail tip twitching nervously. "Pinecone are you there?"
On the other side of the clearing a bush rustled and a sleek dusty brown tom slid out of the bushes. "Of course, I'm always here." he stated, his voice scratchy. "But why are you here?"
"To have your kits meet you of course. I always thought they should know both parents." Quicksilver explained.

Name: Quicksilver
Age: 73 Moons
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Elder
Looks: A silver and ginger she-cat with amber eyes.
Personality: She's very nurturing and motherly, she's kind and helpful often lending her wisdom to those who request it.
Past: Quicksilver was born as a loner, and after she was old enough to leave her parents wandered her way into Clan territory where she chose to stay granted she kept her name. From there she was trained and welcomed into the Clan, where she soon fell for the warrior known as Dewclaw. The two became mates shortly after he became deputy. He was killed shortly after she turned to the nursery, and so Quicksilver had to raise Blazestar without a father.
After Blazestar was an apprentice, Quicksilver started to wander more and more beyond the borders when she did solo patrols and soon met the loner Pinecone. As a result she soon fell in love with him and shortly after bore him two kits.
She loved those two, and when they became apprentices she took them to meet Pinecone, before less than a moon later Canarypaw was killed in a training session.
Despite this Quicksilver remained optimistic and she was ever so prideful as Blazestar became deputy and later leader. Shortly after she retired due to her age.
Mate/Crush: Dewclaw(Deceased), Pinecone
Kin: Blazestar(Son), Viperfang(Daughter), Canarypaw(Son Deceased)
Other: None
Code: N/A

1,589 posts


flowerlynx • 27 February 2017 at 11:11 PM

Sorry about that. I edited the previous post, that should be good.

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 28 February 2017 at 3:12 PM

@flowerlynx Accepted

1,047 posts


leafstarofskyclan • 28 February 2017 at 3:40 PM

@thebrokenvibe I'll take the healer. Hold on, let me grab my cats...

@lucie1677 Ill put an edit here in a moment, i have to copy/paste my usual cats here


Name: Frostfur
Age: 28 moons
Gender: She Cat
Rank: Healer
Looks: White fur tipped with silver, blue eyes
Past: Got separated from her other littermates. Leafshade was taken by rogues, and Hawkstorm did too. They were rescued later on.
Personality: Calm and collective
Crush/Mate: None
Kin: Leafshade and Hawkstorm
Kits: None

Name: Hawkstorm
Age: 28 moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Warrior
Looks: Dark brown tabby, blue eyes
Past: His sister got separated from him and Leafshade. They were both taken by rogues, but soon reunited.
Personality: Wise in decision making, but a little rash.
Crush/Mate: None yet
Kin: Frostfur and Leafshade
Kits: None

Name: Leafshade
Age: 28 moons
Gender: She cat
Rank: Warrior
Looks: Tortoiseshell tabby, white tail tip and paws, green eyes
Past: Got separated from her sister. Her and Hawkstorm were taken by rogues. You know the rest...
Personality: Sly and up for anything.
Crush/Mate: None yet
Kin: Frostfur and Hawkstorm
Kits: None

Name: Shadowcreek
Age: 29 moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Warrior
Looks: Dappled brown and white fur, green eyes
Past: Used to be a stuck up apprentice, but a rough battle when he became a warrior quickly changed that.
Personality: Assertive, bold, proven, strong warrior
Crush/Mate: Not yet
Kin: None
Kits: None

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 28 February 2017 at 7:01 PM

@leafstarofskyclan Your forms are missing something in the code section and they are missing the code section entirely, also can you please put the personality for Leafshade instead of just saying "like me"

Name: Pinecone
Age: 76 Moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Loner
Looks: A sleek furred dusty brown tom with green eyes. He is missing a large chunk on both his ears and he has a heavily torn pelt.
Personality: He's very relaxed and calm, he's observant and can be considered cunning when it comes to defending his land.
Past: Pinecone was born to a vicious pack of rogues alongside his brother Fir. The two were shortly kicked as a result of Pinecone growing too ill to help. With the support of his brother Pinecone was able to get well enough to wander around until they came to a small area by the Clan. Once the two settled down Fir decided to leave his brother, as he hated living in one location. And for moons Pinecone didn't hear from him.
Around that time Pinecone met Quicksilver and the two had a litter of two kits. He would spend nights sharing his past with Viperfang when she visited. And it was when Viperfang stopped showing up that Fir returned to Pinecone to introduce him to his new family.
Fir had found a mate as nomadic as himself and the two had two sons and one daughter, each named Hazel, Silence and Wolf accordingly. Although they knew they wouldn't be able to keep adventuring with them so Pinecone suggested taking them to the Clan.
Hazel refused to join the Clan but Wolf and Silence leapt at the opportunity and so the family went their separate ways and Pinecone was able to live peacefully.
Mate/Crush: Quicksilver
Kin: Fir(Brother, status unknown), Viperfang(Daughter), Canarypaw(Son, deceased), Wolfwind(Neice), Hazel(Nephew), Silentfall(Nephew)
Other: He never told his brothers kits that Pinecone had children, and didn't tell Viperfang that she had more kin in the Clan either.
"Pinecone, I know it's a lot to ask. But can you please watch after my kits for me. Or at least make sure they get a stable life?" Fir pleaded, "Maya and I can't keep them safe on the move all the time."
"Fine, but know that what they do is up to them. I can't control them if they want to wander off and live as rogues." Pinecone conceded. "I can just make sure they don't die."

Name: Hazel
Age: 23 moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Rogue
Looks: A silver sokoke tabby tom with hazel eyes. His face is scar crossed and his pelt is patchy.
Personality: Hazel is vicious and cruel, and he tends to just do what he desires to do at that particular moment. He doesn't have a lot of friends but he has accomplices and tends to work to harass and attack the nearby Clan and loners.
Past: Hazel was raised by two nomadic loners who eventually dumped him and his siblings onto a loner known as Pinecone. When given an ultimatum to join the nearby Clan or live alone Hazel decided to move on his own and now fiercely defends his own clearing, often attacking cats.
He has staged single ambushes on the Clan and prides himself on his work in shaking the patrols down for their prey.
Mate/Crush: None
Kin: Pinecone(Uncle), Fir(Father status unknown), Maya(Mother status unknown), Wolfwind(Sister), Silentfall(Brother)
Other: None
Code: None

Name: Scarleap
Age: 25 Moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Warrior
Looks: A black tom with a white stripe like patch running from the back of his left ear to his right shoulder, it is jokingly called the scar he was born with. Scarleap was warm amber eyes, and a white chin and chest.
Personality: He's very understanding and bubbly. He gets excited very easily. He knows his friends like the back of his paws, and is always eager to help them.
Past: Scarleap was born into CrystalClan but watched as both of his parents fell to Greencough shortly after he became an apprentice. He soon found solace with Viperfang, and the two became close friends after Viperfang's brother passed away after a training accident.
Mate/Crush: Viperfang(Crush)
Kin: Hollynose(Mother, deceased), Hawkwing(Father, Deceased)
Other: He is fated to die soon in the RP progression. He is doomed. But his death works to advance plot.
Code: None

Deleted • 18 March 2017 at 9:09 PM


Name: Eaglepaw

Age: 7 Moons

Gender: She-cat

Rank: New Apprentice

Looks: Eaglepaw is a tortoiseshell cat, with a long furred pelt. The color of her eyes is dark green.

Personality: She is normally best if left alone. She is prickly, and says things without thinking.

Past: She was born in CrystalClan, and got lost while wandering. She was punished, and had her apprentice ceremony three moons late.

Mate/Crush: N/A

Kin: Flowervine (Mother) Leafsky (Father) (both deceased)

Other: (please have his warrior name to be Eagleclaw)

Code: Eaglekit wandered through the area. What was this place? She had never been outside of camp before! She heard a distant bubbling noise, and followed it to a stream. Eaglekit dipped her head into the water. "It's so cold!"

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 18 March 2017 at 9:25 PM

@doyoueverwonder Accepted. Although you did accidentally call her a male in the other.

Deleted • 18 March 2017 at 9:26 PM


Woopsh, I'm sorry. :|

569 posts


wolfplay245 • 14 April 2017 at 11:15 PM


Name: AmberShade
Age: 26 Moons
Gender: She-Cat
Rank: Warrior

Looks: silky amber pelt speckled with white dots, dark brown limbs and left ear, white muzzle and toes, cream underbelly, chest, tail tip, tail is a silky soft fluffy fluffness, has a white streak on chest, shapped like a wide "V"

Personality: Shes very loyal and true to her clan, harsh at times yet protective and determined.

Past: (Shes a character i have roleplaying in an app/google docs/ shes deputy of ImperialClan) Her past in this Clan shall be different. She was born in the clan like normal future promises, she was like normal apprentices until one of her mess ups almost killed her friend ,SilentPaw, to a rushing river, for this she was punished greatly but earned trust back by saving kits and stopping a battle between two clans.

Mate/Crush: None ATM

Kin: N/A

Other: left eye is green, right eye is blue

Code: AmberPaw slammed to a halt at the edge of the cliff, looking across the water surface, desprate to see her friends pale head before it reached the waterfall, a burst of water erupted from the rushing flow of the river, "SilentPaw!" She yowled, hardly hearing her self she thrust her head towards the dead forest behind her, frantically she ran forward towards the closest tree, heart pounding she rammed into the tree, once, twice, again and again until a snap sounded above the crashing splashes, the rotted tree slowly creaked down until it slapped in the water where SilentPaw thankfully grasped onto, AmberPaw almost collasped with relief as she ran forward to get him safely to shore.

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 15 April 2017 at 12:44 AM

Name : Cloudpaw
Age : 8 moons
Gender : She-Cat
Rank : Healer apprentice
Looks : Pure white with gray spot on an eye. Green eyes. She has soft, short fur and sometimes, it looks like as if her eyes can burn right through you. Tortoiseshell cat.
Personality : very smart and quiet. She can be very talkative at times, though. She always says, "only time will tell."
Past : born in CrystalClan. She had dreams that predicted the future, so the clan made her healer apprentice. She has saved many lives in her clan once she learned how to find out when and where it will happen, and what to do. Her mother died of a badger attack, and her father drowned.
Mate/Crush : none
Kin : none, she does not remember any kin. She only remembers loud roars and bubbling water. She has no littermates.
Other : prop, maybe. I can make a prop. She loves to swim.
Code : Cloudpaw sighed as she padded through the forest. "What will I do?" The wind seemed to speak, "paws of the clouds, just trust your instincts." She sighed again as rain started to fall. She curled up in her nest, hoping that sleep will come. She dreamed that foxes attacked, killing lots of warriors. The river was empty, and cats were dying of thirst.
Sorry it is so short. ☹️ Does CrystalClan have a StarClan? Hopefully😸

3,331 posts


carter • 15 April 2017 at 2:19 AM

My little Rat King ❤️

Name: Khan (Pronounced like Con and named after Shere Khan the Tiger from the Jungle Book)

Age: 24 moons

Gender: Male

Rank: Rogue/Kittypet

Looks: A chocolate Siamese cat with pale blue eyes -

Personality: Egotistical and stubborn, Khan trusts himself and his mischief. After so long at the top of his city, Khan has gotten good at looking down on others. Occasionally he's blunt and rude and half the time there's no actual heat behind it. Normally, angering him isn't always an easy feat. Insults of the clans like Kittypet don't bother him, because he does have an owner and eats pet food more often than not so the term isn't inaccurate. Most of his affections though are saved only for his rats. You know Khan trusts you if he tells you the mischief's drama and current goings on. He's often refused to work with other cats in the past and isn't used to not being the biggest thing around.

Past: Khan grew up in a ruthless city. He was one of the lucky ones, an indoor-outdoor cat that could come as he pleased and would always have food. Outside though, some cats weren't so lucky. Some cats would fight tooth and claw for the smallest of scraps. Some would ambush the weaker ones in hopes of scoring dinner and the most desperate of them all went feral. He learned fast that if he wanted to survive, he couldn't do it alone.
Khan didn't seek out the rats, he met them by happenstance. Oddly enough, they viewed him as a protector when he viewed them as the very same. Khan showed them his owner's attic. He taught them how to be his eyes and ears through the city. They taught him that there was always safety in numbers and that a rat never gives up.
Though, once Khan had tasted survival, he thrived for living. He didn't want to just slip by under the radar. He wanted to be known. Admired. Feared.
Soon enough. He was.
Khan established his own territory. Laid claim to several blocks and struck down those who opposed him, leaving their bodies on the streets as warnings to the living. His name had become something said in hushed whispers in back alleyways, his boarders committed to memory, the silhouette of a Siamese cat able to strike fear into the hearts of street cats.

Mate/Crush: None

Kin: None

Other: prop (Could be interesting?) + some interesting rat facts I looked up on the internet.

A group of rats is called a mischief.
A pair of brown rats can produce as many as 2,000 descendants in a year if left to breed unchecked.
A rat can fall as far as 50 feet and land uninjured.
Rats do not sweat. They regulate their temperature by constricting or expanding blood vessels in their tails.
Rats don't have gallbladders or tonsils, but they do have belly buttons.
A rat can tread water for three days and survive being flushed down the toilet.
There is approximately one rat per person in the United States.


Khan yawns, hopping up from his main owner's sofa. He trots to the door and bounds out of the cat door. Sweetly as he can, he meows at the neighbors. To them, he's called Socks. The man doesn't like him much but the girl does and occasionally she sneaks him food so Khan does his best to act nice to her. Humans like it when he purrs and meows towards them for some reason.

The Siamese cat walks his way around the home and up. An old out door tool box makes the perfect stepping stool for him to jump up on the lowest part of the roof, making his way up it with half extended claws just in case. Once at the point where the lower roofing meets the upper, he shimmies through the gap. Inside is mostly dark except for an old bulb that's string practically reaches the flooring Khan makes sure to pull each time his owner cuts it out. His rats like the lighting and when they don't, they've made enough burrows in the insulation and surrounding wood to escape it.

"Khan!" A sweet white rat with a cream hood-like marking calls out to him. The light brown covers all of the rat's upper half and tapers off into a thick line down his back.

"Bell." Khan greats the rat. Dumbbell, often Bell for short, crawls his way out of a wedge of insulation and on to one of the few floorboards. Khan jumps off of the support beams and onto and next to the pale colored rat. "Everything going well, I assume?"

Dumbbell's large ears, some of the biggest in the mischief, perk up. "Opal's had her litter." He announces.

Khan lets out a quiet purr. "Let me know what she names them and do congratulate her for me." The cat says.

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 15 April 2017 at 1:50 PM


Name: Skygazer

Age: 26 moons

Gender: She-cat

Rank: Warrior

Looks: Her eyes are a light blue. The color of her pelt is a mix of russet and brown. A spray of black spreads on Skygazer's back and black markings are on her face and muzzle. Her face has a light grey tint and her fur length is semi short. The she-cat's tail and ears are slightly rounded instead of pointed.

Personality: Skygazer has a serious aura around her. Focused and agile, she will always put her clan and the saftey of other before herself. She carries a healthy amount of confidence and has an extreme respect for authority. The warrior does tend to get flustered easily and can lean toward the judgmental side, but she try to have an open mind. Her initial reaction toward strangers is to immediately not trust them and it will take a while for her to warm up toward them.

Past: Her past is rather plain and simple. She was born into CrystalClan and trained hard to become a warrior.

Mate/Crush: None at the moment.

Kin: She does not have any siblings and her parents are both elders by now. (However, I won't be playing them)

Other: Prop if you still need one. If not, it's fine.


The she-cat looked up at the sky, getting lost in its vastness. StarClan was just becoming visible and the clouds parted at its presence. Skypaw stood up, trotting up to the fresh kill pile and picking up a mouse, then found a vacant area to enjoy her meal. She looked across the camp from her corner and a warm, welcoming feeling tickled her stomach as she did.

Her sleepy looking clan mates prepared for the night; the queens were gathering the kits into the middle and the elders made their way to the center as well. A tired smile appeared across Skypaw's muzzle as she took her place among the other apprentices, some what near the outside of the circle. The warm pelts that surrounded her gently guided the half wake kitten to sleep, dreams of her next day of training happily floating in her mind.

2,892 posts


skymoare • 15 April 2017 at 2:15 PM


Name: Nightshade
Age: 27
Gender: male
Rank: rouge
Looks: fur black as the night sky, amber eyes
Personality: attack first ask questions later, strong warrior
Past: Nightshade's father was a clan cat and mother was a rouge. he was named Nightshade after his father Nighthawk and mother, Shade. His father blamed him for his mother death (which was half true). They got into a fight near a river, Nightshade "accidently" pushed his father into the river. and acted like he was trying to save him. in the end Nighthawk drowned. Now Nightshade lives like a rouge
Mate/Crush: Leafshade (crush) (if @leafstarofskyclan agrees)
Kin: Nighthawk (father; drowned), Shade (mother)
Other: none
Code: Nightshade yelled at his father"I was NOT my fault!" his teeth baring. "Say that again, I will show you how to kill!" Nighthawk hissed. Nightshade crashed into Nighthawk, tumbling him into the river. "Help!" Nighthawk yelled. "I was always stronger than you! You will never win!" Nightshade growled

Name: Blood
Age: 18
Gender: male
Rank: rouge
Looks: golden tabby with black stripes, amber eyes
Personality: Power thirsty
Past: born in Crystalclan, warrior name was Bloodfang. Since he was bloodthirsty, Blood was chased out.
Mate/Crush: none
Kin: Chaos (brother)
Other: none
Code: Blood looked down at his opponent, who was dying. "That is what you get for attacking me." he snarled

Name: Chaos
Age: 14
Gender: male
Rank: rouge
Looks: black/gray fur, green eyes
Personality: power thirsty, unlike his brother, Chaos is not a killer
Past: Born in Crystalclan. left the clan with his brother, when he was a apprentice, to search for power
Mate/Crush: none
Kin: Blood (brother)
Other: famous saying "Chaos will rule the world!"
Code: He saw his brother kill the cat, fear ran up his back. "Blood you didn't-" he stopped the sentence because of his brother's stare.

Name: Moonlight
Age: 31
Gender: she-cat
Rank: warrior
Looks: blue fur, and blue eyes
Personality: caring, kind, loyal
Past: born in Crystalclan raised in Crystalclan
Mate/Crush: Blazestar (crush)
Kin: none
Other: none
Code: none

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 15 April 2017 at 3:11 PM

@wolfplay245 Your form is missing something, please reread the rules and edit accordingly.

@carter Accepted.

@pitch1226 Accepted.

@valleries1 Power thirsty isn't exactly a personality, can you maybe elaborate a bit more?

@iris1929578 Your form is missing something, can you reread the rules and edit accordingly?

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 15 April 2017 at 3:36 PM

Hopefully it's okay now?
Cloud paw can die when she is 35 moons old from protecting the elder and queens from a badger attack.

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 15 April 2017 at 3:52 PM

@iris1929578 Accepted.

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 15 April 2017 at 3:53 PM

Thanks so much, @thebrokenvibe

2,892 posts


skymoare • 15 April 2017 at 3:56 PM


er....... how about evil?

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 15 April 2017 at 5:30 PM

@valleries1 Try to go beyond a one or two word personality. Give them depth.

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 15 April 2017 at 7:52 PM


Name: Mudsplash
Age: 22 moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Warrior
Looks: He has dark brown eyes and varying heights of dark brown on his legs. The base color of his pelt is white while his back and face has a mix of tan and brown markings.
Personality: Mostly to himself, Mudsplash doesn't mind working in larger groups, but prefers to go in smaller groups or solo. Although he is a bit shy, he is friendly to those who approach him. The tom is rather adventurous and curious. Despite not talking much around others, Mudsplash is very open and optimistically talkative around others that he considers a close friend and trusts.
Past: Mudsplash was born in CrystalClan. It took a longer time for him to become a warrior because of his introvert like behavior.
Mate/Crush: None yet.
Kin: Spidercharm is his brother, but he doesn't like to talk about it.
Other: Prop

Name: Badgerpool
Age: 27 moons
Gender: Female
Rank: Healer
Looks: Her stomach is a mix of yellows/ambers, tans, and browns. Badgerpool's paws are black, as well as a bit of her legs. The rest of her back legs and her back is grey/dark grey. A white stripe runs from her nose to the base of her tail. Her face is black with two large white stripes that travel from under her chin up to her ears. The length of Badgerpool's fur is a bit shaggy and is extra longer on her tail which is grey and fades to black. Here is a reference:
Her eyes are amber.
Personality: Badgerpool is sweet and caring. Although she is social, the healer does not contribute to gossip and does her best to shut any down. Very optimistic, any personal problems she has is kept to herself and approaches all difficulties with peacefulness.
Past: After her friend who was also a crush died of whitecough, she decided to train as a healer. After her training, she eventually became one.
Mate/Crush: Fallenpaw (deceased)
Kin: Badgepool doesn't have any siblings. One of her parents is an elder and the other passed from old age.
Other: Prop

Name: Spidercharm
Age: 22 moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Warrior
Looks: His fur is a light grey and is long in length. Spidercharm's ears, stomach, and muzzle are dark grey. Black marking and speckles are on his back, as well as his legs. There a black speckles on his cheeks, too. His eyes are a mix of blue and green.
Personality: Spidercharm is full of himself and over confident. He likes to playfully tease others, but not in a harsh way. The tom is very adventurous and can be a bit rash in decision making. He often speaks before thinking. Not only reckless, but also adventurous and can be perceived as arrogant.
Past: Same as Mudspalsh, except without the lateness of being a warrior.
Mate/Crush: None yet.
Kin: His brother is Mudsplash.
Other: Prop

569 posts


wolfplay245 • 15 April 2017 at 8:27 PM


Added a code, and edited the persona, anything else i need to edit???

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 15 April 2017 at 8:41 PM

@wolfplay245 Accepted.

@pitch1226 accepted.

569 posts


wolfplay245 • 15 April 2017 at 8:43 PM


Woo! ):U

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2,221 posts


pitch1226 • 16 April 2017 at 11:04 AM

@thebrokenvibe Ok, I think I'm done. 😋

Name: Fawnpaw
Age: 10 moons
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Apprentice
Looks: Slick and short furred, Fawnpaw has light green eyes with gold flecks. Her paws are black and fade to a light tan which is her pelt's base color. On her back are small leopard like spots and her stomach is white as well. She was born with a nub for a tail, giving her a deer like appearance.
Personality: All around energetic, Fawnpaw never seems to run out of energy. She is a spazz at heart and is easily impressed. Despite getting distracted by the slightest thing, Fawnpaw loves to help. She is playful and rarely sad.
Past: She has lived a simple clan cat life.
Mate/Crush: None at the moment
Kin: None.
Other: Prop. When a warrior, her name will be Fawnwing. Also, Fawnpaw is very close friends with Inkpaw, but not in a romantic way.

Name: Inkpaw
Age: 11 moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Apprentice
Looks: With a base color of white, his paws are black and has one blue eye and one brown eye. A black splotch surrounds his blue eye and black speckles spread across his cheeks. His legs have speckles and Inkpaw's back has black splotches.
Personality: Opposite of Fawnpaw, Inkpaw is pessimistic and can be classified as a downer. He never seems to smile and usually looks tired. Inkpaw doesn't have a sense of humor nor does he understand it. His temper is often short tempered and follows orders with a blank mind.
Past: Same as Fawnpaw's past.
Mate/Crush: None at the moment
Kin: None at the moment.
Other: Prop. When a warrior, his name will be Inkspot. Also, Fawnpaw is his very close friend, not romantically, and only friend as far as he knows.

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1,075 posts


thebrokenvibe • 16 April 2017 at 8:06 PM

@pitch1226 Accepted

@flowerlynx @doyoueverwonder @wolfplay245 @carter @iris1929578
The RP thread is up. Here is the Link

{The last of my forms, because I realized I left them out.}
Name: Cavepath
Age: 26 Moons
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Warrior
Looks: A fairly tall blueish beige, she-cat with brown points, she has bright pink, paw pads and nose, her eyes are yellowish pink with a bright red pupil. (A cat with pink-eye dilution)
Personality: Cavepath is very friendly, and open towards others. She helps others to work through their own issues, and is there for advice, while often avoiding her own issues.
Past: Cavepath was once part of a group of cats who called themselves the Luminant, a few moons after she achieved her Guard status, a savage disease tore through the Luminant, killing off most of their members, including Cavepath's own sister. Cavepath was able to escape, without falling ill, and fled to the east, where after a moon of travel she stumbled upon CrystalClan, quickly joining them. She believes herself to be the last living member of the Luminant.
Mate/Crush: None
Kin: Deceased.
Other: None
Code: Cavern, stumbled as the scent of illness began to slam into her senses. She had watched as Stonespeaker fell ill first, infecting his family before the disease started rapidly spreading. No cat was safe form the foaming disease, and Cavern's own sister had fallen ill shortly after as well. At that point Cavern turned tail and ran, she knew it was the cowardly option, but she didn't see any other way to stay safe. Now, she was lost, only a day out from the camp of the Luminant, and she feared she was being followed. It wouldn't be long before someone caught her. For now though, all she could do was run.

Name: Wolfwind
Age: 24 Moons
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Warrior
Looks: A very large and scruffy, dark gray, masked silver(silver body, with gray face, legs and tail), she-cat with light orange eyes.
Personality: Wolfwind is very kind, and caring, she forges friendships she believes will last for a very long time. Despite being very caring, she finds it hard to trust others after that trust has been broken, although she tends to forgive and forget quickly.
Past: Wolfwind was born outside the Clan to two loner parents, after a particurlary harsh moon Wolfwind and her two brothers were given to their uncle who sent them to live in CrystalClan. Wolfwind's brother Silentfall joined them, but Hazel preferred to live on his own. After that Wolfwind started working hard to earn the trust of her Clan. After her brother's mate passed away during birth, Wolfwind has taken a closer wing over her kin, watching her brother drift further from Clan ties.
Mate/Crush: None
Kin: Silentfall(Brother), Hazel(Brother), Pinecone(Uncle), Viperfang(Cousin)
Other: She is based off a mane coon, and is roughly 17 pounds. Despite this, she has a very high pitched kit-like voice.
Code: N/A

Name: Silentfall
Age: 24 Moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Warrior
Looks: An average sized chocolate clouded tabby with turquoise eyes.
Personality: Silentfall is very withdrawn, rarely interacting with others even his own kin and kits. He tends to only do patrols, and often heads out alone into the forest to continue hunting or training for the Clan.
Past: Silentfall
Mate/Crush: Pondflower(Deceased)
Kin: Wolfwind(Sister), Hazel(Brother), Ravenpaw(Daughter), Smokepaw(Son), Pinecone(Uncle)
Other: Silentfall is almost mute, his voice is painfully quiet and so he prefers not to speak, and when he does speak he often can only be heard by those very close to him.
Code: None

Name: Ravenpaw(Ravenfield)
Age: 9 Moons
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Apprentice
Looks: A very small, pure black cat with dark blue-almost black eyes.
Personality: Ravenpaw is very caring, she is eager to prove herself to the Clan and often stretches herself thin trying to help everyone.
Past: Ravenpaw was born to a litter of 5, her and Smokepaw being the only two to survive. After watching her mother pass away two moons after Ravenpaw was born, she decided she wanted to help others.
Mate/Crush: None
Kin: Smokepaw(Brother). Silentfall(Father), Wolfwind(Aunt), Hazel(Uncle)
Other: None
Code: None

Name: Smokepaw(Smokesong)
Age: 9 Moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Apprentice
Looks: A black smoke tom, with golden eyes.
Personality: Smokepaw is very excitable, friendly and caring. He strives to keep his friends happy, and is very full of energy, and often times is busy playing some game or another when not training or on patrol.
Past: Smokepaw was born in a litter or 5 with only him and Ravenpaw surviving. He watched his mother pass away when he was 2 moons, and from that moment on he knew how loss and pain felt. At that point he made it his goal to do all he could to keep others spirits up, even when things went bad.
Mate/Crush: None
Kin: Ravenpaw(Sister), Silentfall(Father), Wolfwind(Aunt), Hazel(Uncle)
Other: None
Code: None

Name: Pathwalker
Age: 20 Moons
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Loner
Looks: A chocolate brindled red she-cat with aqua eyes.
Personality: Pathwalker is very understanding and noble, she carries with her an inborn leader like quality, and is very respectful towards others. She believes she brings bad luck with her everywhere she goes.
Past: Pathwalker was born to the Luminant, the only kit of Stonespeaker, and thus set to become the next leader. She watched as her family fell ill with the foaming disease, and after the last of her group fell ill she ran, untouched by the disease from hiding away as it got worse. After a moon of travel she stumbled upon CrystalClan, but fearing another disaster she stayed away from them.
Mate/Crush: None
Kin: Dead
Other: She believes she is the last living remnant of the Luminant.
Code: N/A

1 post


artemisxx • 16 April 2017 at 9:42 PM

Name: ShiftingIce
Age: 23 Moons
Gender: Female
Rank: Warrior
Looks: Lean light grey she-cat with darker and lighter tabby markings, ice-blue eyes.
Personality: ShiftingIce is easygoing and laid-back, yet bold and firm within dire situations. She tends to have mood-swings that can result with her being unfriendly, but despite this trait, she is normally formal, determined, and respectful.
Past: Born as a loner in TwoLegPlace, her mother Kenna decided to abandon her and her siblings(Moss, Rune, Nyx) in the grasps of TwoLegs, classifying them as kittypet. Kenna did so believing she could not take care of her kits anymore, encouraging her motive even more after her mate Flame left her for another she-cat. Known as Cinder at the time, feeling dismayed, always sat on the lookout for Kenna, believing she would one day return. But unfortunately, a day with scintillating heat, Cinder roamed out of the TwoLeg Den, curious of the outside world. As she strays to far, she runs into a group of rogues who claim they own that section of the land. They chase Cinder off, driving her even farther out of TwoLegPlace and into the forest. Wandering around and feeling lost, Cinder by mistake slips and falls into a rushing river. She is rescued by Amberpaw(Ambershade) and Polarpaw(PolarDrift) who introduces her to the life of a Clan.
Kin: Moss, Rune, Nyx, Kenna, Flame.
Other: In Google Docs she is the leader of ImperialClan.

Cinder shuddered, laying on the terrain as she gasped for breath. She averted her gaze weakly to the two she-cats who looked down at her, appalled.
''Are you alright?'' The slender black and white she-cat's eyes were wide with dismay.
''I..'' Cinder began hesitantly, breaking off as a spasm of coughing struck her again. ''I-I'll be fine..'' She forced herself onto her paws, shaking as she began to pad away, trembling with every step.

569 posts


wolfplay245 • 16 April 2017 at 9:46 PM


Deleted • 16 April 2017 at 10:29 PM

Never mind, i'm busy, don't ping me.
