Spring Cleaning! (Creatures, Names & More!) [Selling Tines & Name Crier and Freed]

in Trading & Auctions

1,621 posts


solaris • 12 February 2021 at 7:44 PM


Ooo! I like the mystery box idea!

Could I get a 100k silver box, please? I’m interested in items since I’m collecting them for my Diablos. Not interested in names.

Thanks! 😃

852 posts


athanasia • 12 February 2021 at 8:37 PM

Hi! Offered!

2,892 posts


skymoare • 12 February 2021 at 9:31 PM

hmm, I'm actually more interested in your Volpe and Knitten and Gummibar though. Would you take a biwo + 1.5 million ec for them? I can add a bit more ec if you want

1,478 posts


arcana • 12 February 2021 at 9:38 PM

I would be interested in both, but I'm more focused on the Biwo right now! However, I don't particularly care if its a rerelease or not, so I would be more inclined to find one that's cheaper. I'm not sure if I have enough to make up the value of a Biwo, so I'm more inclined to ask for currency, particularly CC. I might have some release date monthlies, but could you be a little more specific on which ones that you want or if you want to see all of them. The Corunis is stolen on Feb 8, and the Tific is frozen in the egg stage, stolen Jan 19.

Here you go!

I'm very, very hesitant to trade my Volpe, and a little bit hesitant on the Knitten. Not really too interested in EC right now. Would you still be interested in creatures from before? We can work out a combination of Gummibar and things from before and maybe Knitten?

2,239 posts


beta • 12 February 2021 at 9:41 PM

@arcana thank you so very much for the krusdots 😃. Sorry that I didn't have cc to spare, I mean with valentine's coming up and everything 😋.

1,478 posts


arcana • 12 February 2021 at 9:43 PM

It's alright! I understand that CC's been tight for everyone since rereleases!

2,892 posts


skymoare • 12 February 2021 at 10:13 PM


hmm, oh btw, what stage is your Zomini in?

1,478 posts


arcana • 12 February 2021 at 10:22 PM

2nd stage!

2,892 posts


skymoare • 13 February 2021 at 12:14 AM


would a gummibar, zomini, Beaguile be reasonable for my biwo?

1,478 posts


arcana • 13 February 2021 at 5:22 PM

Here's the lot!

244 posts


lilacblack • 13 February 2021 at 7:16 PM


Hi I would like a golosina, qamarat, impkin, grimalkin, vitta wregeon, yverosa, asteran, coinster and gansorko if possible. I'll offer you EC and/ or creatures in my UFT tab. The less evolved the creature the better 😸

1,478 posts


arcana • 13 February 2021 at 7:25 PM

Those would be 1.5k CC, 150k EC, 50k EC, 65k EC, 100k EC, 100k EC, 100k EC, 200k EC, 200k EC and 150k EC respectively! Altogether that would be 1.5k CC(1,500,000 EC) + 1,115,00 EC adding up to 2,615,000 EC. I'm not interested in anything you have in your UFT tab, and if this is a bit too much, you can choose to mix and match! I'll also give you a bit of discount when you've made your final choices! Thank you!

244 posts


lilacblack • 13 February 2021 at 7:31 PM

Forget about the golosina xD I didn't see the "k" I was wondering why price it in CC if it wasn't that much.

1,478 posts


arcana • 13 February 2021 at 7:35 PM

I believe that Budgies has a typo, but I certainly won't be selling my Golosina for 1.5 CC! Would you like me to round up all the other creatures?

244 posts


lilacblack • 13 February 2021 at 7:37 PM

I totally understand, I have no idea what they are worth but I trust you, everything seems fair.
Yes please! ^w^

1,478 posts


arcana • 13 February 2021 at 7:57 PM

These were the least evolved ones I could find! Sorry for splitting it into two trades, had a bit of a miscalculation! Your total is 1,115,000 EC! (or CC equivalent)

244 posts


lilacblack • 13 February 2021 at 7:58 PM

No problem, thanks a lot! 😸

2,892 posts


skymoare • 14 February 2021 at 12:03 AM

oh wait, didn't you say the zomini was in stage 2?

1,478 posts


arcana • 14 February 2021 at 12:12 AM

Ah! It seems we've fallen into the problem where some people count the egg as a stage or not a stage. Is this arrangement still fine or would you like to switch it out for something of similar value?

266 posts


miraeggs • 16 February 2021 at 11:41 AM

@arcana First of all I apologise for being picky about the gender 😉 I'd be interested in kasaii(male) ; mournstrom (male); nulli (fem), venafera; (fem), zyphoone(male) if they are all eggs/1st stage. Let me know how much would you like for them, thanks ❤️

Gender Questioning
289 posts


shine • 17 February 2021 at 1:16 PM

@arcana Sorry for the delay in replying! I’ll pass on the Corunis and Tific. For the monthlies, I’m interested in RD Asteran, Lasornic, Meysko, Pumkit, Sammied and Swanice, if you have any of these. Also, I completely missed Leyma and Terrard on your list. What are the steal dates + stages for these two? Sorry I’m so picky with dates by the way.

968 posts


murmurw • 17 February 2021 at 1:48 PM

@arcana Hey! I’m sorry for not replying after asking about the Tawny but I managed to get one ^^ Sorry for bothering! But how much CC would you be looking for it:

(And what gender are they each in 😱)

1,136 posts


musical_slytherclaw • 17 February 2021 at 6:08 PM

pings, don't read the mass of text:

Hi! I saw a lot of creatures on here that I've been looking for, but I'm pretty short on EC. here's what I need to complete my collection:
- 14 Innus
- 9 Succutelents
- 7 Bushys
- 4 Nyankas
- 11 Ruums
- 8 Snainles
- 3 Goldshards

I'm not sure what creatures I can offer, but I have 4 Mattas, 4 Mulls, 1 Holoton, and 15 Nubbes that I'm willing to part with. You can also take a look around my cove and see if there's anything else that you'd be interested in? I don't think I can afford all of it in pure EC but I can try? Or I can take a look and see where I can cut down. 😋 Just wondering if you can get a rough estimate of how much it would cost? 😊 Thank you!

143 posts


scout • 17 February 2021 at 6:10 PM

hi can i buy a Bronze mystery box for 15k?
also can i trade some of my creatures for all the Felinchines? (not sure if spelled correctly)

584 posts


xxcouchxx • 17 February 2021 at 6:32 PM


I would like to buy a silver mystery box at 200k ec 😊

1,796 posts


lexicon • 17 February 2021 at 8:21 PM

@arcana Oh I never got your ping! o: how much are you willing to sell the Innus for?

1,478 posts


arcana • 18 February 2021 at 3:15 AM

Apologies to you all for this wall of text! It probably isn’t quite as daunting if you only look at the bit with your name, but apologies nonetheless. If you would rather PM me, you are entirely open to do so!

Don’t worry about being picky! And I apologize for the late response. And just to make sure, stage 1 is the stage after the egg? I have the Kasaii, Venafera, and Zyphoone in the stage and gender you’ve specified, but the others don’t quite fit.(Venafera & Zyphoone are eggs, Kasaii is not, so if Stage 1 is not the stage after the egg, then yeah.) I have a female Nulli in the second stage, a male Mournstrom in the second stage and a female egg. Costs are: Kasaii(350k), Mournstrom(250k), Nulli(50-100 CC), Venafera(265k) and Zyphoone(40k). Please let me know which ones you want!

No worries about the delay or being picky! I apologize for the late response here as well. I only have a release date Meysko out of all the monthlies you’ve listed. The Leyma is in the egg stage, and born April 22, 2020. The Terrard is also in the egg stage and born Jun 12, 2020.

Don’t worry about the Tawny! Once again, sorry for a late response! They are all male, except the Fetti. According to Budgies, the Beweg(frozen in the egg stage by the way) is 850-1.2k CC, Catsmos and Fetti are both 450 CC, Manekii(frozen in first stage) is 750 CC(without the freeze). I’m hesitant on the Catsmos and Fetti, and since the others are frozen, that might mess a lot with values. Let me know which ones you’re still interested in and we can go from there!

Not super interested in anything from your cove, but if you want to pay in a creature(s), you have a bit of a hefty total. I would actually prefer CC if you have that, but I understand if don’t have any to spare. Prices would be, (280k x 14)= 3.92m, (220k x 9)= 1.98m, (70k x 7)= 490k, (330-430k x 4)= 1.32m-1.72m, (270k x 11)= 2.97m, (250k x 8)= 2m, (55 x 3)=165k. Total would be 12,845,000 - 13,245,000 EC, at least according to Budgies. I’m definitely willing to lower the price on the Succutelents and Snainles, plus give you a discount if you buy in bulk or with CC. Let me know if you want to alter your choices or talk about paying with creatures!

Yep! Here’s a lot: https://eggcave.com/trades/977599/show
As for your other question, I’m not interested in any of your creatures(that are UFT at least.)

Here’s your lot! https://eggcave.com/trades/977600/show

I’d be looking to ideally sell the Innus at 2 for 50 CC, but a couple for EC at 280k or lower would be fine by me! I actually miscalculated my number of Innus, so I’m currently debating whether to sell or try to collect.

Gender Questioning
289 posts


shine • 18 February 2021 at 8:02 AM

@arcana Thank you, and no need to apologise 😊 Just the Meysko is great, I know how hard RD is to get. I’m happy you have one of them at all haha. The dates and dates for the other two are great as well. How much would you like for the Meysko, Leyma and Terrard?

1,796 posts


lexicon • 18 February 2021 at 8:40 AM

@arcana No worries! I'm mostly interested in the 2 adult ones (so 500k?) if you're willing to sell. If not that's fine 😊

968 posts


murmurw • 18 February 2021 at 9:24 AM

@arcana That is totally fine😊
I’m mainly interested in the Fetti and Catsmos... But since they’re both tent, I could just buy one of them and offer more that one. So I could do 450cc + maybe something from one of my sides?
