Evolving, immortality, and level increase issues

in Problems & Bugs

25 posts


bunnywabbit • 30 October 2022 at 10:52 AM

Pets get immortal, but they are stuck on their level before (like 15 or 16) and then suddenly jump to 20 and are immortal. Odd.

2,938 posts


heatherm19 • 30 October 2022 at 1:08 PM

@bunnywabbit I've had that happen too, I'll get the immortal notification and go to the creature to see it says level 18 or something. It's usually just cache/browser issues though, and if I hard-refresh a few times it shows the updated image.

For anyone whose non-immortal creatures don't seem to be advancing in levels, are you positive they *should* be at a higher level? To my knowledge us users don't actually know the specific ratio/numbers/etc that determines different levels, and I know I haven't been around long but I've experienced it myself that I'd expected a creature to be at level 2-3 but turns out it didn't actually meet the secret requirements yet.

3,806 posts


sparklefox • 30 October 2022 at 2:27 PM

@heatherm19 - If you add up the creature's stats then divide by three, you'll get its level. So creatures basically need about 6,000 total stats in order to be immortal. (It's explained in the player guide, but this blog post goes into more detail. Scroll to the bottom.)
(EDIT: Whoops, forgot about that extra divide. Too used to simply just adding the stats up.)

I've also had this "sudden jump to immortality" problem too - noticed that a creature with ~700 views was still stuck at level 1. When it eventually reached the required stats for level 20, it didn't actually become level 20 until sometime the next day. (And it's not just a cache issue with its picture, the creature still said "Level 1" on my cove's page.)

2,938 posts


heatherm19 • 30 October 2022 at 3:44 PM

Okay, I changed the thread title a bit to be more accurate to the issues being seen now. Personally I've never noticed my creature's levels actually abiding by the calculations posted in that blog post, and I *think* I remember asking a mod at some point and them saying there was more to it then that but I can't be sure.

So. @Ian @Orderedchaos Is the equation in the blog post actually accurate for calculating what our creature's levels should be?
ceil((Views + Clicks + Feeds) / 3) / 100)
where ceil means round up

Because if that's supposed to be right, without anything else added into the calculation, it definitely isn't showing that way.
Examples: Creature 'All-SeeingSnek''s current stats add up to 1753, which divided by 3 is 584.33.. Divide that by 100 is 5.843, rounding up is 6. So, level 6, right? But that creature is currently showing level 4. (Yes, I hard-refreshed, cleared cache, etc)

Another one: 'BrightestStar's stats equal 2776, divided by 3 is 925.33, divided by 100 is 9.25. Rounding up would make it level 10, while rounding down would make it level 9... But the creature is showing level 8.

760 posts


okami • 3 November 2022 at 8:49 PM

Yeah, there is definitely something wrong with the creature levels. I just paid cc to get 500 feeds and 750 clicks, yet the majority of my creatures stayed the exact same level. The evolved images updated quickly at least though.

Edit: Immortal notifications are slowly trickling in now, but other creatures who didn't reach immortality are still at the same level they were prior to the feeds/clicks

584 posts


xxcouchxx • 4 November 2022 at 9:15 AM

This is getting a bit ridiculous. My Eurog Emyla has been my featured creature for over 2 weeks now and has not gained 1 level. Based on the math mentioned above, she should be level 18. Several of my creatures should be immortal who are not, making it even tougher to downsize. I'm sure a lot of the players would appreciate it if the mods would prioritize this issue since it's been happening for weeks if not months and not getting any better. It's not a cache issue when many, many players are experiencing it. It's an issue with the site.

4,623 posts


mastergemma • 4 November 2022 at 10:42 AM

So far I have been unable to replicate this bug. A creature of mine just became immortal and with a shift+f5 the creature image refreshed to lv20 but on the creatures mentioned above the wrong levels are being displayed.

My creature also had the immortal date featured despite the wrong level being displayed.

760 posts


okami • 4 November 2022 at 11:50 AM


I'm just curious what level @xxcouchxx 's Eurog appears to you? For me it says level 11, but according to the level math it should be 18.

I also mentioned this yesterday, but I paid cc to get my creatures feeds and clicks bumped up, and while the ones who reached immortality did eventually change level, none of my other creatures got a level bump. I still have level one creatures that have over 3000 total stats, so with the math they should not be level 1 still.

Edit 11/6/22: Looks like the Eurog suddenly jumped to level 20. That seems to be the norm, creatures don't change level until they are suddenly immortal. My creatures still haven't received level bumps.

2,938 posts


heatherm19 • 4 November 2022 at 2:00 PM

@mastergemma It seems that immortal levels do display correctly (eventually), but non-immortal levels are often off and don't seem to change.

More examples: PricklyMewMew the Catcus has total stats of 4913, if the level-math is accurate it should be at level 16 or 17. Instead it's sitting at level 9.
Pasrike the Tawny should be at level 6 according to the level-math, but he's still showing level 2.

760 posts


okami • 6 November 2022 at 1:34 PM

I'm really surprised that this problem hasn't been addressed. It's been almost a month that we've had level-related issues now.

2,938 posts


heatherm19 • 6 November 2022 at 1:41 PM

@bluewolf Yeah, I can only figure they can't pinpoint what's going on or how to fix it, staff here is usually so quick with fixes!

One of my Kisagis (https://eggcave.com/egg/2670259) is now fully grown, with stats indicating it should be level 8 (9 if rounding up), but despite refresh/cache/etc it's still stuck showing level 1. Level 1!

@mastergemma @Ian Any word on this issue?

760 posts


okami • 6 November 2022 at 1:49 PM

I’ve compiled some examples of my creatures and their stats and what level they are as of 1:45 on 11/6/22, vs what level they should be according to the level math:

•Trilly my autuwl has 2136 views, 858 clicks, and 593 feeds. He is level 1, but should be 11
•Bivi my Maskey has 192 views, 826 clicks, and 573 feeds. He is level 1, but should be 5
•Aquacorde my Pabassa has 839 views, 1057 clicks, and 801 feeds. She is level 3, but should be 8
•Edrik my Klee has 1482 views, 1161 clicks, and 838 feeds. He is level 6, but should be 11
•Laverre my Rejwa has 2208 views, 1541 clicks, and 1270 feeds. She is level 11, but should be 16

4,623 posts


mastergemma • 6 November 2022 at 7:30 PM

It's now appearing as lv 20 and has an immortal date but it took a hard refresh (shift f5) to do this. This hard refresh method did not work previously.

No word for now but as soon as something is done, I'll ensure a post here has been made.

1,134 posts


hikanu • 6 November 2022 at 8:31 PM

Looking at my creatures I had 2 that hatched at around 6PM, so roughly 2½ hours ago egg cave time.

It has not hatched on my Chrome browser, the egg stages are still displayed.
However on Microsoft Edge where I am currently logged into my side account, they are displayed as stage 2.
On my side account I had a few eggs hatch a little less than an hour ago, they are hatched on Microsoft edge but are likewise not showing up as hatched on Chrome.

This makes me think it might be a browser issue on Chrome specifically and it makes me want to see what Firefox has to say (they show as hatched there too for me, but that may or may not be because nothing was saved to the cache, as I hadn't used that browser before to log in).

I haven't cross checked the levels of my creatures since none of them are going to be immortal any time soon, so whether they are accurate or not, I can't say. 😊

A little edit: Tried login in in incognito mode on Chrome (just for the fun of it) and they appeared hatched a.

Another little edit: As incognito worked I figured I'd clear my cache and it seems to have worked. ^^'

2,938 posts


heatherm19 • 6 November 2022 at 9:08 PM

@hikanu Yeah, usually if some image hasn't updated a hard-refresh or clearing the browser's cache will fix it. That's still true for me for immortals, but not lower-level creatures, and that's the main issue. When it *can't* be fixed with cache-clearing and/or hard-refresh. (I automatically do those two things before I ever think it's a site issue because it's so common especially with Chrome.)

1,134 posts


hikanu • 6 November 2022 at 9:19 PM

@heatherm19 Hard refresh didn't work in this case, so I had to force the cache to clear.

In my old line of work browser specific issues weren't really that rare, though, so while I may have been jumping to conclusions this time, I thought it could still be a valuable thought to leave here, just in case no one else had thought of it or if someone was looking for a pattern. 😊

Which browser the issue was experienced on were one of the main questions we always asked the players when anything happened. Especially with the visuals.

584 posts


xxcouchxx • 7 November 2022 at 12:19 PM

Emyla has finally become immortal! I agree with the other users, it appears that although levels are displayed wrong, when a creature becomes immortal, it does in fact update (not right away, it took a day for Emyla's correct level to be displayed even though the immortalization notification came a day before).

1,134 posts


hikanu • 7 November 2022 at 3:54 PM

Got around to checking some of my levels today and for all those I checked it seemed that most of them were off by around 2 levels. So I actually do have one that is closer to being immortal than I expected.

https://eggcave.com/egg/2546333 with the stats 3,440, 1,097, and 1,067 would be valued at 18.68 , so it should be level 19 after rounding up. - It's currently displayed at 17.

My profile creature at the moment (https://eggcave.com/egg/2296338) should be level 9 but is still displayed at level 4. 1,842, 354, 306 would add up to a value of 8.34.

The same is the case for the creatures on my side account.

1,744 posts


minnie298a • 9 November 2022 at 7:09 AM

I just got 3 immortal notifications (and may get more as someone is obviously feeding my cove right now). None showing level 20.

The first was https://eggcave.com/egg/2500307
Shows level 17 and Immortal date as the 9 Nov 2022
Stats - 3,467 + 1,155 + 1,106 = which work out at level 19

The others are roughly the same.

2,938 posts


heatherm19 • 9 November 2022 at 2:20 PM

@minnie298a Are you seeing it correctly now? I just looked at that link and it shows level 20 to me, if you still see different try a hard-refresh or clearing cache?

1,134 posts


hikanu • 9 November 2022 at 3:42 PM

Just noticed a lot of level jumps on my creatures. 😊

My profile creature for instance jumped from level 4 to 10.

1,744 posts


minnie298a • 9 November 2022 at 5:56 PM

They have all fixed them selves now. It was just odd that there were the 3 all showing level 17, with level 19 stats within minutes.

2,938 posts


heatherm19 • 9 November 2022 at 9:09 PM

@hikanu Your post prompted me to check some of the creatures I've mentioned in this topic, I'm seeing correct levels! Whatever they've been up to behind the scenes seems to be working.

1,134 posts


hikanu • 9 November 2022 at 10:58 PM

@heatherm19 Yes. It seems to be working for now. We'll have to keep an eye on them and see if they keep updating as they're supposed to. 😊
