[Hatched! Main Prizes and Participation Prizes Given :) tysm everyone!] Feed the Omepails - CC, EC and Creature Prizes

in User Contests & Giveaways

Extra Point ok?

521 posts


sapphire12 • 27 December 2022 at 5:52 AM

It's actually my first time doing one of these, but it seems fun and I would love for my Omepails to hatch!

They all need about 500 - 600 feeds each - ideally I'd like to get them to the second stage but even getting them to hatch is quite a bit ._. Maybe I'll do a second contest if it goes well 😊


♤ Feed the Omepails for 3 points:

♤ Feeding my cove (~80 creatures) for 2 points


♤ Contest ends when Biela the Omepail hatches

♤ 1 Main and 2 Sides allowed. Points will be counted towards your main however. Please specify though in one post every day on this topic e.g:
- Fed Omepails from my main and my sides (@/side1 @/side2) [9 points]

♤ I'm on this site everyday just to do my caves but don't have much time otherwise so totalling would be once a week minimum - don't freak out if I haven't counted a couple consecutive days ❤️

◇ I'll add some extra rules for bonus points some days - so keep an eye out on my posts when I update the standings! Bonus points are on until the next one is announced 😊


♡ 1st Place:
50 CC Voucher
♡ 2nd Place - 5th Place:
Raffle for 200k EC
♡ 2nd Place - 10th Place:
Raffles for
1. Kisagi
2. Glaciskal
3. RD Zuid
4. 100k EC
♡ 2nd Place - 15th Place:
Raffles for:
1. Parfridge
2. Frosabit

(If considerably more people join the contest, I will add to the prize pool)

♡ All participants will be sent a set of items for appreciation

◇ Note if you've won a raffle, your name will be taken out of the next raffle

Final Standings
1. cranberrycat1 - 572 pt
2. heatherm19 - 528 pt
3. snowywinter - 257 pt
4. alraune3 -106pt
5. taiyeun9 - 73pt
6. daisycat - 41pt
7. awesomesaucethegreat - 25pt
8. kataclysm - 18pt
9. charchill - 15pt
10. kymeria - 9 pt
11. lothar – 5 pt
11. skymoare - 5 pt
13. shadowfaxe - 4pt
14. mindassala - 3pt
14. asbe - 3pt

Congrats to our winners! I picked by a random name generator and have the screenshots to prove it if need be 😊

Main Prizes

♡ 1st Place:
50 CC Voucher - @cranberrycat1
Trade #1020727

♡ 2nd Place - 5th Place:
Raffle for 200k EC @heatherm19
Please set up an item lot and I'll offer the money 😊

♡ 2nd Place - 10th Place:
Raffles for

1. Kisagi - @alraune3
Trade #1020728

2. Glaciskal - @daisycat
Trade #1020729

3. RD Zuid - @snowywinter
Trade #1020731

4. 100k EC - @charchill
Please set up an item lot and I'll offer the money 😊

♡ 2nd Place - 15th Place:
Raffles for:
1. Parfridge - @taiyeun9
Trade #1020732

2. Frosabit - @awesomesaucethegreat
Trade #1020733

Participation Prizes
Thanks again for the participation everyone!

Given out!!


730 posts


lothar • 27 December 2022 at 7:15 AM

Fed your Omepails and your cove from my main!

521 posts


sapphire12 • 27 December 2022 at 7:18 AM

@lothar added and thanks for posting - I can't double post and I'm pretty sure this post in the wrong forum section lol

@orderedchaos please would you mind moving this to the correct section? thank you 😊

87 posts


charchill • 27 December 2022 at 10:19 AM

Fed! 😊

2,116 posts


cranberrycat1 • 27 December 2022 at 11:57 AM

Fed cove and Omepails from main and 2 sides

Sides are
Nightandday & music4life

@sapphire12 thank you for the ping

108 posts


taiyeun9 • 27 December 2022 at 12:18 PM

thanks for hosting! Fed entire cove^^

1,640 posts


alraune3 • 27 December 2022 at 9:38 PM

Fed your Omepails today, 27th December.

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 27 December 2022 at 10:30 PM

Thank you for the ping ^^

fed the 3 Omepails
(no sides at the moment)
27th Dec 10:29 PM

Edit 1: Just to clarify, I'll only be feeding from this account.

Edit 2: fed the rest of your cove - 11:19 PM

521 posts


sapphire12 • 28 December 2022 at 12:40 AM


@cranberrycat1 - 15pt
@/lothar - 5pt
@taiyeun9 - 5pt
@snowywinter - 5pt
@alraune3 - 3pt
@charchill - 3pt

Note: I'll ping people once when they enter then not again bc I dont want to overwhelm y'all with pings

Thanks a lot for joining ❤️

Ssh: ping one person in your next post and I'll add an extra point 😊

1,640 posts


alraune3 • 28 December 2022 at 8:10 AM

Fed your Omepails today, 28th December.


87 posts


charchill • 28 December 2022 at 9:58 AM


108 posts


taiyeun9 • 28 December 2022 at 2:22 PM

fed entire cove^^ 12.28

2,116 posts


cranberrycat1 • 28 December 2022 at 4:05 PM

Fed cove and Omepails from main and 2 sides

Sides are
Nightandday & music4life


2,798 posts


snowywinter • 28 December 2022 at 11:36 PM

11:32 PM 28th Dec fed all (3 space dragons + rest of cove) (just from main)

wanted to ping heather since she does a lot of feeding from her sides - figure she'd have a good chance of winning this one ^^, but she keeps getting all the pings >.<

@daisycat ? It's another feeding contest : )

1,285 posts


daisycat • 28 December 2022 at 11:46 PM

I'll join. 😸

12/28: Fed your Omepails + cove from my main and my side @greeneyes. 10 pts

@snowywinter Thank you for the ping! ❤️

1,640 posts


alraune3 • 29 December 2022 at 3:36 AM

Fed today, 29th December.

1,285 posts


daisycat • 29 December 2022 at 3:10 PM

12/29: Fed your Omepails + cove from my main and my side @greeneyes. 10 pts (20 pts total)

521 posts


sapphire12 • 29 December 2022 at 7:16 PM

Points Increase:

@/alraune3 +4 +3
@/charchill +3
@/taiyeun9 +5
@/cranberrycat1 +16
@/snowywinter +6
@/daisycat +10 +10

1. cranberrycat1 - 31pt
2. daisycat - 20pt
3. snowywinter - 11pt
4. taiyeun9 - 10pt
5. alraune3 - 10pt
6. charchill - 6pt
7. lothar - 5pt

Thanks for feeding all 😊

sssh: feed taiyeun's Hibisvul for an extra point

108 posts


taiyeun9 • 29 December 2022 at 8:58 PM

fed all! 12.29

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 29 December 2022 at 11:08 PM

29 Dec
~ 11:05 PM fed 3 opies + hib (from main)

(might not have time to do whole cove today : / )

2,116 posts


cranberrycat1 • 29 December 2022 at 11:35 PM

Fed cove and Omepails from main and 2 sides

Sides are
Nightandday & music4life

1,285 posts


daisycat • 30 December 2022 at 1:33 AM

12/30: Fed your Omepails + cove from my main and my side @greeneyes. 10 pts (30 pts total)
(I also fed taiyeun9's Hibisvul, not sure if that counts for 12/30.)

87 posts


charchill • 30 December 2022 at 1:35 AM

Fwed, December 3, The whole trio.

@daisycat@sapphire12, If it counts, then isn't breaking a rule? Or is it just a bribe against? I'm confused.

521 posts


sapphire12 • 30 December 2022 at 6:23 AM

@charchill @daisycat I'm not quite sure what you mean by bribe? I just thought to spread the feeds around with people in the feeding contest or newbies outside in the future. If it's confusing I can stop doing it 😊

1,285 posts


daisycat • 30 December 2022 at 10:31 AM

I didn't say anything about a bribe, that was just charchill's comment lol. Idk what they mean by that either.
I was just wondering by your comment date if the Hibisvul feed counted for me or not because I fed the Hibisvul on 12/30, not 12/29 when you posted that comment. 😊

87 posts


charchill • 30 December 2022 at 11:19 AM

@daisycat @sapphire12 I looked into one of the forum rules, and it said something about "no extra point adding like if you said 'Give me a [travel] and earn a extra 50 points' or something..."
I'll copy and paste.
Saying something such as "giving me an Aurora Borealis travel will earn you an extra 50 points!" is not permitted.
-Ian, first post on this forum...

1,285 posts


daisycat • 30 December 2022 at 11:33 AM

Right, but that's not what was going on. 😊 Anyone is able to feed the Hibisvul if they want. It's a simple and free thing to do. It's not like giving an expensive item to the contest hoster, it's not a bribe. It's just a way to get one extra point that's available to everyone if they'd like.

87 posts


charchill • 30 December 2022 at 12:04 PM

Oh. Well, then, I fed it! 😊

2,116 posts


cranberrycat1 • 30 December 2022 at 9:55 PM

Fed cove and Omepails from main and 2 sides

Sides are
Nightandday & music4life

edit: fed hibisvul does it count for the 30th or just the 29th

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 30 December 2022 at 10:18 PM

fed the 3 Oms + 75 remaining in main cove ^^ (from main only)

plus HibiscusVulpes in case it's still being counted

Edit: Oops ... 30th Dec, about 10:15 PM
