Megamisama90 -Contest January 2023- [CLOSED]

in User Contests & Giveaways

Are you having fun? (Multiple answers allowed.)

376 posts


megamisama90 • 3 January 2023 at 9:56 AM

Welcome to a new year! Happy to see you ^^

There's a lot of feeding contests going around and it just feels too much. I did want to do one too but as said. So I'll do something else instead.

End date: Friday 13th of January 2023. That is the last day to participate. Haha what a day xD

Main accounts only!

What you need to do to participate is to answer this question:
What is the weather right now outside where ever you are? And the answer has to be more than just "nice" or "rainy". Tell in detail so I can imagine being there ^^ (Halfway a writing contest? o.O)

Also you have to:
I've lots open in TC and you're free to offer one item on which one you like or on all if you like them all.

I'll be raffling inside of the lot and if it lands on you, you're out on the other lots to give others a chance too. You're free to do whatever you want with the prize when you get it. Just saying ^^

And the prizes are listed here:
Vello Trade #1017049
Tortell Trade #1017050
Tullum Trade #1017051
re-release Revii Trade #1017057
Pixiee Trade #1017052
VEND Plore Trade #1017053
Nunny Trade #1017054
Meriton Trade #1017055
Krah Trade #1017056
Gamaeso Trade #1017058

If you have questions, ping me 😊

Good luck to everyone and be nice to each other! ❤️

297 posts


dragiigy • 3 January 2023 at 10:41 AM

Iz is...night. Rainy night. Full of shadows in the dark. Some are ghosts, some are demons.... just kidddddinnngggg. ALL BEST IN 2023

2,951 posts


heatherm19 • 3 January 2023 at 10:43 AM

Thanks for hosting another awesome contest!

The weather right now is cold, though I guess that's debatable. Where I live it's too-hot the majority of the year, so when it gets down to 50 degrees (F) that's *cold* for us! I just woke up so I haven't been outside yet today, but looking out the window it looks fairly cloudy and overcast. We've had small bits of rain the past week and the clouds look like we might have some more today. Thankfully it doesn't look windy out, the palm trees outside are fairly still.

1,310 posts


daisycat • 3 January 2023 at 11:03 AM

Thank you for creating this, Misa! Fun. 😸

As I look out my window, it is dreary and drizzling. Not too wet now, as the rain was more plentiful overnight. It's 10 AM and overcast, 41 degrees F. Finally starting to get lighter out; should be raining again this afternoon. I'm in in northern Illinois, US, just outside of Chicago. :-}

376 posts


megamisama90 • 3 January 2023 at 11:05 AM

@dragiigy hahah xD

@heatherm19 ooh palm trees o: How hot is it most of the year?

@daisycat I'm curious. Do the trees have leafs? If they do, what color?

2,951 posts


heatherm19 • 3 January 2023 at 11:12 AM

@megamisama90 Usually over 90, in the summer 115+ is normal. The kind of heat where we have constant warnings about heat stroke, stay hydrated, etc. When I step out the front door it literally feels like opening the oven door when it's on. (And yet I love it here and can't imagine living elsewhere.)

376 posts


megamisama90 • 3 January 2023 at 11:26 AM

@heatherm19 uugh. I'd die there. +25 celcius is getting already too hot for me. (77 degrees Fahrenheit). Last few years it's been over +30 celcius here during the summer and it's terrible. I've always loved winter and snow. This week we're finally getting to cold tempatures in the south were I live, like -10 to -15celcius and it feels like -20 😃 Not that it hasn't been cold before but it's finally dropping more. It's gonna be sunny and beautiful ❤️

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 3 January 2023 at 11:44 AM

Thanks for holding something a little different ^^

It's hard for me to imagine these things anymore. As someone whose very center and core of who I am, the very essence of my being is being outside, active, and connected to nature it breaks my heart that I can't go enjoy it anymore. I've formed a disconnect to numb the emotional pain.
I look outside, when I go to let the dog out, just enough to inform me what to expect and what i need to prepare her for, then i sort of tune the rest of it out.
My literal response in my head before i read the part about details is... ' It's raining. (drissly, miserably, damp) '
It felt a few degrees cooler than it was earlier this morning. There was a briskness to the air about an hour ago. Google says it's 35F degrees out. For this time of year 37-38 feels quite balmy. (I was griping in my head because upper 30s were almost unheard of in January when I was a kid. 20's were considered warm. Even as a snowbunny who loved hitting the hills, January was 'hunker down and cuddle up with a pooch and a mug of hot-cocoa' time.)
I think it's rain trying to be snow, or snow turning to rain. i think i seen a few floaty splatters.
The air smells, dank; of dog poo, rotting leaves, and earth worm vomit. I usually trying not to inhale too deep because the direction the wind usually comes from the neighbor has five dogs and a painting business.
I can hear the vehicles pass by, the rain being thrown by the tires. (it'll probably keep waking me up as I try to sleep.)
The rain - drip, drip, drip. Landing on who knows what. Dripping off tree branches onto the earth. Off the eaves onto metal gutters below. splashing on plastic sheets designed to protect the walls. drip dRip THunK, the rain continues its journey from sky to estuaries. (or here... it's not that far from the bay.)
Some nights when it's quiet enough I can hear it flowing through the stormwater sewers out front.
Today if the wind shifts, the thunks may land on the gutters out front. Or the window next to the bad with its antique metal screen and single pane glass. tap, tap, patter. like the birds that peck for bugs. Not the hammering of a woodpecker, but of the sparrows and phoebes checking the crevices for spiders and other squishy prizes. thunk, thunk, skitter as the wind shakes it from the tree branches and eves.

And that is the verbose rather unfiltered reflection of someone who should have gone to bed five hours ago. *takes a theatrical bow* *stands up and gives the peace symbol*
Going to put in an offer on something and promptly do the thing that needs to be done zZzzz

Edited for spelling error.

Edit two
I forgot to include visuals because i'm not in a habit of *looking* anymore. I need to avoid UV rays as much as possible, so daytime I retreat into the darkness of a sheltered room and that is my whole world most of the time. At night I can't see anything... but I did make a brief mental note that it was darker than usual for the time of day at which I looked, with an extra dim gray pall. Not the usual dim of winter, more oppressive like a coming tornado... just without the edge to the air.
It's just past noon now, yet it feels/looks more like 8am.
In summer, this depth of darkness usually comes along with thunderstorms. (But there's no feel of a pending one, nor is the rain heavy.)
It's one of the most unusual greys of a day I've ever seen. Like a thundery dim, with an overlay of winter coloring. Bright, dull, and dark all at the same time. So strange how the light is being filtered.
(My observations from about 20 seconds here or there, totaling maybe 3 minutes max of looking.)

1,310 posts


daisycat • 3 January 2023 at 12:02 PM

Yes, they do! Which is odd because usually by now they have all fallen off (other than the evergreens, of course). The leaves are brown, amber, mustard in color. They look pretty crinkled up, but still clinging to the branches.

1,508 posts


wonder404exe • 3 January 2023 at 12:17 PM

@megamisama90 :[ I only offered on Two ><
Eh, the trees are still visible but the sky is just pure fog. ALL WHITE, no blu. Its not just cloudy, its fogy and cloudy; Minimal sunlight.

376 posts


megamisama90 • 3 January 2023 at 12:26 PM

@snowywinter, not the point of this but there were few new words for me! I can imagine what you're describing, like I'm there. The smell and all. Sleep well!

@daisycat, It's strange there's still leaves. I mean in the winter all leaves have fallen here. Do you think it has something to do with climate change?

Gender Fluid
37 posts


faerienova • 3 January 2023 at 12:36 PM

Last week's snow has melted away. It is sunny today. Some trees still hold their golden leaves, so it feels like an autumn day instead of winter. I'm sure it will be cold again soon, so it is a perfect day to open up windows and enjoy fresh air and sunshine.

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 3 January 2023 at 12:40 PM

Yay! new words! i love learning new words (One of the reasons i used to enjoy reading works by Christopher Paolini. (I'd so love to read his new sci-fi series if i could.))
Yay! Glad I could help give you a sense of what the conditions may be like ^^
I've had a few things to attend to and i realized I forgot visuals... and it was going to keep me up if I didn't type them out. - I included them in my first entry as the 2nd edit. - even if it doesn't count now. (I left it separate just in case)
Thank you for the well wishes! < 3

I know the ping probably won't work as this is an edit, but what @faerienova said is so perfectly succinct.
Minus the leaves (and sun - that was a few days ago), it captures the vibe here so quickly ^^

1,310 posts


daisycat • 3 January 2023 at 1:59 PM

I do think it has to do with climate change. And I would say it's because it hasn't gotten too cold or snowy here, but... it kind of did? It was super snowy and windy a week ago, below zero windchill, and yet... leaves? 😱

376 posts


megamisama90 • 3 January 2023 at 2:08 PM

@snowywinter, your 2nd edit made me think that I was watching a movie. A really good one! And that writer! My friend used to read his stuff but that sci-fi would be something for me to read o: ^^ And I barely read. Movies are more of my thing. Everything counts ^^

@wonder404exe, I wonder (xD) what time of the day it is as it's so foggy?

@faerienova, sounds somehow very magical 😊

845 posts


sulvas • 3 January 2023 at 2:10 PM

@megamisama90 The weather here is very inconsistent Yesterday it both rained freezing rain and snowed the kind that makes people sleepy in a good way. Today it is almost 70 F out and the wind is roaring and shaking my walls like it does in the fall. I wonder how the plants and bushes survive this; the trash cans certainly don't handle it as well. The wind picks up the dust to the point the mountains are obscured completely.
If you have allergies and/or asthma don't go out in this weather.

376 posts


megamisama90 • 3 January 2023 at 2:23 PM

@daisycat, back in November we got a lot of snow, like a lot and normally we get snow in late December or in January in the south. So us getting snow and for it to last, is something so strange that it has never happened. First time ever my birhtday was white. It was such a strange feeling.
I don't get how there's still leaves left, especially after that kinda weather. Usually trees drop them on their own as they've drank all their life out of the leaves.

@sulvas, what a strange weather you have there! Hmm interesting! I think that warning goes well for me. Dust uhh.

1,310 posts


daisycat • 3 January 2023 at 2:30 PM

That's wild! There seems to have been a lot of that going on, like weather flip-flopping itself. 😱

Fun fact: While extremely harsh winds can of course knock trees down, wind in general is healthy for plants! It's like exercise for them, keeps them moving and helps them grow strong. 😊 Trees grown indoors without wind are weaker and may be prone to falling over from their own weight.

376 posts


megamisama90 • 3 January 2023 at 2:34 PM

@daisycat, I just hope summer will be normal or normalish rather than extreme. And that fun fact you just told, wow! Like I knew that but that inside thing, I never had thought about it. Now it makes so much sense for my inside bush trees to die on their own. It wasn't my fault xD ❤️ Such a relief ^^

1,508 posts


wonder404exe • 3 January 2023 at 3:00 PM

@megamisama90 my time is Eggcave time ^^ Soo, before-noon? xD now its after-noon

2,145 posts


cranberrycat1 • 3 January 2023 at 3:25 PM

Thank you for hosting this contest Misa

We were hit by the Arctic Blast recently so it is pretty cold here but it is starting to warm up though. When I thought about typing this it was rainy, but now it's just cloudy. It's supposed to rain again later today so I don't have anything planned to do in the afternoon. I haven't done much these few days since it was cold and the weather just made everything feel boring. All I wanted to do was stay on the couch and watch TV 😋

586 posts


nanami • 3 January 2023 at 3:44 PM


I live in germany and right now we have 21:41 pm
It's a cold windy night today, my cellphone says its 7C. right now.
For this time of the year we could call this even good weather because normaly it would be below 0C
at this time of the year.

1,319 posts


twinkle • 3 January 2023 at 6:28 PM


Oh man that’s a very timely question for the kind of weather I woke up to an hour ago! ^^ I was gonna do some studying waking up at 6AM but the cold relaxing rain is making me so lazy to get up ;u; It’s like the kind of calm rainfall they place in meditation tracks. Right now I’m sipping jasmine tea, just so perfect for the weather :’) I was very worried about my incoming exams but this calmed me down so much, it’s becoming a new form of meditation for me. Currently living in the present and appreciating the little things in life. ❤️

Edit: Btw I’m from the Philippines and we only have two seasons here: wet and dry. This is because we’re in the equatorial belt of the tropical zone with a limited temperature range. Dry season begins in March ^^ The hottest recorded temperature in 2022 was at 37 °C and the coldest at 11 °C 😊

3,806 posts


sparklefox • 3 January 2023 at 7:10 PM

@megamisama90 - Thank you for hosting this!

The weather all day can be simply summed up as "miserable". All morning it was raining pretty heavily, but it started gradually slowing down until late afternoon when it stopped. ...Only for it to start downpouring again right as I had to leave home. (What fun!) Luckily it wasn't nearly as heavy as during the morning hours.

A mist started creeping up sometime around the beginning of nighttime. After taking a peak outside, I can tell you that right now it's eerily foggy outside, but also finally no longer raining. I kinda like the spooky look of a foggy night, so I suppose it's not all doom and gloom.
(EDIT: What a surprise. Guess what just started again shortly after me posting this?)

Though I'll have to admit that 6°C (42°C °F) is fairly abnormal temperature for a winter night here (or at least that's apparently the temperature according to the weather site I use, and it certainly doesn't feel as cold as usual). Normally it's quite a bit lower.

108 posts


taiyeun9 • 3 January 2023 at 8:06 PM

Thanks for hosting! Hope the new year has been treating u well do far~

It is cold af here— its not below zero (celsius) but because i live by the coast the air is dry and when u breathe the air in it literally goes to ur bones. its only 5pm and its already dark out with cloudy/overcast sky no rain today and all the snow has melted by now but im speculating that it will comeback in a few weeks,,,

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 3 January 2023 at 10:27 PM

just a quick update as I'm way behind on feeding.
quarter after 9 PM we had a thunderstorm roll in. about 9:30 it was downpouring so loud it was almost deafening.
Almost unheard of around the Great Lakes in January. Probably the third in my life (40+ years.) 1 when i was a teen, the 2nd only a few years ago. And the one when I was a teen happened during a snowstorm... it was BEAUTIFUL! I rank it right up there with the Aurora Borelais(sp?) in terms of natural splendor.
(I agree with others that it's effects of climate change.)

And yeah... CP isn't for everyone... but we did finally convinced one of our friends who liked the movie Eragon, to finally get the book on tape (he did NOT read - just hated it,) after almost a decade and he then concurred that the movie was absolute trash >.< ...and we got him hooked on books on tape. (ehem- audiobooks. jeeze I'm dating myself here. lol.)
I myself have been doing a LOT more watching TV/Movies since my neuro condition robbed me of the ability to understand written fiction. (most of the time. a few weeks of the year I'm blessed with some clarity.) Electric Dreams (on Prime) is one of my more recent favorite sci-fi series ^^ (really wish it had continued.)
Now that is a series that paints a very vivid picture. Like the words are a paintbrush to the imagination. And the imagery is so beautiful and stunning... but it doesn't make an absolute... instead inspiring one to continue to expand upon where it started. "thought-provoking" ...which the best sci-fi usually is.
But if you're interested in checking out that new CP sci-fi series, the first book is 'To Sleep in a Sea of Stars' ^^

(gah, this was supposed to be quick!)

@daisycat I concur about the wind being good exercise for plants ^^
and can attest to the indoor ones falling over under their own weight. (When I'd take them for trips outside I had to tie them to the fence to secure them.) They were certainly top heavy.

1,952 posts


chaotictreat • 3 January 2023 at 11:08 PM

@megamisama90 ty for hosting!
Right now it's cloudy outside, the sort of cloudy where the entire sky is a very light gray colour. It seems like it might be about to rain since it's a bit dark, but then again that could just be that it's early evening. Despite the appearance of rain, it has been very hot all day. Not sticky hot but like.. stand-in-the-fridge hot. It's apparently 25 degrees (celsius) which is really hot for here! Our temperature variation tends to be very mild, so this is like... "ahh it's so hot I'm dying" lmao

Deleted • 4 January 2023 at 12:22 AM

The weather here in Texas is like a girl on her Period, It can not make its own mind.
In the morning its freezing by Noon its Very hot, By nighttime it's raining.
Or it can be 70 degrees during the day and at night it can be below 32 and snowing.
I hate texas weather! i am getting sick because of the weather changing every second

thank you for hosting this contest

2,423 posts


ida92 • 4 January 2023 at 6:25 AM

@megamisama90 Thank you for hosting this again. ^^ The weather here is sunny, but a bit chilly (it's 3*C today). It's also a bit cloudy, but not gray, you can see the sun all the time. No snow unfortunatelly, it all melted away because it was 15*C two days ago... It's cooling down again thankfully, so I hope to see more snow this winter.

376 posts


megamisama90 • 4 January 2023 at 6:27 AM

@wonder404exe, oh. I guess it can be foggy if it's right amount of everything.

@cranberrycat1, wait do you live in that area that has been in the news for the enormous amount of snow?

@nanami, do you like the weather warmer? For me winter should be cold.

@twinkle, I'm glad the rain made you calm 😊 That's the way to live! Even the cold isn't cold o: I need winter to "survive" so having only two seasons is very strange for me.

@sparklefox, hopefully you had an umbrella or raincoat to use. They say in UK it's more rain than anything else. Answer to your edit: Rain!! xD
