Update on finding a fix for late rollover on Bank and Feeding?

in Problems & Bugs

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 19 May 2023 at 1:39 AM

Through the grapevine I'm told the problem is being looked into,

but today it's really frustrating. It's already past 1:30 am and they still haven't refreshed.

Could we get a public acknowledgment on how difficult a problem this is to track down or if any progress has been made? Please.

- - - -

Updates so people don't have to scroll:

Noonish -
"I have let @Ian know about this. It should get fixed once he's able to get online."

~ 12:00am 20th May - Feeds refreshed

2,423 posts


ida92 • 19 May 2023 at 3:58 AM

I can't feed my creature nor collect my bank interest either...

2,952 posts


heatherm19 • 19 May 2023 at 4:32 AM

I went away for a bit hoping things would be back to normal when I checked the site again... Nope. This isn't a lag in midnight-refresh anymore, something definitely went wrong. *pokes site* Are you okay?

@Ian @Orderedchaos (never really sure which staff is best to ping for stuff like this...)

521 posts


sapphire12 • 19 May 2023 at 8:10 AM

Oh yeah that's why I cant collect my interest

5,409 posts


Orderedchaos • 19 May 2023 at 11:34 AM

I have let @Ian know about this. It should get fixed once he's able to get online.

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 19 May 2023 at 12:17 PM

@Orderedchaos Thank you for letting us know ^^ < 3
Hope your day is going well. : )

I find it funny that all three of us posted at the same time >.< LOLz
(I had checked before I posted. There were none. Then when I go to check on mine a few hours later, there's three with/in minutes of each other. : P)

328 posts


passionate • 19 May 2023 at 10:30 PM

did yalls reset yet? @snowywinter @heatherm19

mine is still messed up

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 19 May 2023 at 10:36 PM

@passionate so far no. I'm assuming either it won't be fixed until some time tomorrow, or if not, hopefully Ian will do a site-wide feed to make up for it. *hopefully* (sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't.)

*sigh* wish I could buy a few more Leaf of Vaka to loan out, but at this point I'm under 500 CC

@Orderedchaos would it be possible to get a sitewide full happiness since this has been broken for nearly a full day now? Pleeeeeeease. with sparkly sprinkles on top. (or pass on the plea to Ian.)

328 posts


passionate • 19 May 2023 at 10:43 PM

that is such a shame. this was brought to attention quite a while ago. hopefully we get some consideration in the contests. it doesn't feel right lying about feeds so i'm confused if ppl have done that

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 19 May 2023 at 11:18 PM

@passionate Most people just made honest mistakes when it came to the contests, not realizing there was an issue. A few didn't realize their timing was off and had actually fed before eggcave's rollover or after. (So some may have legitimately been able to feed ... but that's a really *rare* if.)

Hey, is anyone willing to check out/confirm if feeds refresh through the Click Exchange?
Wondering if it could be a workaround for active players.
(Edit: To clarify my idea... looking in the Click Exchange for eggs you know you already fed through regular means. ...Or if you've already cleared the Click Exchange and it's still empty after site rollover.)
(sorry, i don't know who else to ping.)

328 posts


passionate • 19 May 2023 at 11:38 PM

@snowywinter judging by what time the posts are from, it doesn't appear to be accidental. we have feeds for the dailies, if im not sure if i've fed or not, id be looking at the random 5-6 feeds i do for the contests lol but hey maybe not everyone knows about the dailies /shrug

but yeaa when i went to my cove and it said creature fed when i was completely certain i hadn't today, it was obvious what was happening. it is what it issss

1,750 posts


minnie298a • 19 May 2023 at 11:54 PM

Not sure on the XC feeds thing. I "only" did about 500 feeds yesterday, and about the same today (I've been a little poorly, plus there is a major time sensitive event on another site I play I want to complete that had a stage that sucked my soul out and dragged on for way longer than it should have leaving me behind).

I will say this non roll over thingy seems unusual to most. I can only recall "All or nothing" sort of things. So the trivia, daily sign in bonus and monthly challenge tasks rolling over last night, along with the Sandrodon and Alkub processing during the day, make this stand out in my mind.

2,952 posts


heatherm19 • 19 May 2023 at 11:56 PM

I think at this point, with a full 24 hours of no-feeds (if the creature was fed yesterday), there should *definitely* be a site-wide happiness increase or somesuch when this gets fixed. My 3rd side was down much lower than usual an I'd already fed the entire ove from my main and side yesterday (thankfully I have a Leaf I can switch between accounts, but not everyone has that).

@Orderedchaos could you possibly mention the idea to Ian, if he doesn't actually read this thread? (And thank you so much for the communication and understanding our frustrations!)

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 20 May 2023 at 12:02 AM

(So everyone knows... I PMed passionate since we were getting off topic. not ignoring their ping)

Thank you @minnie298a for letting me know!
(Sorry you're unwell, and I TOTALLY understand about certain things taking priority. Be it fun or life.)

I'm glad it's ONLY a couple of things this time instead of it being a whole bunch. Still... this is quite a MAJOR issue as far as the site goes. (especially given that creatures can die ...and how much ad revenue is the site missing out on?)
And yeah... i thought some things seemed to roll over pretty smoothly last night. I was glad/hoping that meant the issues was getting fixed. (nope, just something else breaking. >.<)

- - - - -

WOOT! Everything seems fixed. Rollover at Midnight!

(Still, please make it up to us with a site-wide happiness boost. even 50%)

1,750 posts


minnie298a • 20 May 2023 at 1:42 AM

@snowywinter @heatherm19
This sort of feed not re-setting thing has happened in the past, just a fair while ago. If I recall correctly, the last one of this sort of extent, took a couple of days to fully sort out. Once fixed there was a site wide 100% happiness boost awarded to everyone, as well as any creatures that died during the bug where resurrected. In saying that, I think there was also an issue with happiness levels dropping too quickly as well (and possibly something about Tim's and the leaf not functioning correctly). It was a major panic inducing issue, but was eventually sorted.

1,649 posts


alraune3 • 20 May 2023 at 2:09 AM

Could you please ask @Ian for a happiness boost and also inform him that we didn't get any bank interest yesterday and that the "string of bad RNG luck" continues with another 12 quests? (I still have the feeling that something is wrong with that algorithm. I have to skip the challenge day today due to lack of time... ☚ī¸)

297 posts


dragiigy • 20 May 2023 at 2:22 AM

So, yesterdays interet lost 🙂

2,952 posts


heatherm19 • 20 May 2023 at 4:17 AM

Something that really frustrates me about this is the timing... From what I've seen around here we don't usually get much interaction from staff during the weekend, so most likely *if* Ian makes any official announcement about this and what caused it and whatever, it probably won't be until Monday. That's a long time to go without any sort of official explanation for such a *huge* bug.

(Thank you Orderedchaos for the responses in this thread and others, but I do find it a little strange that Ian is the only one who can actually do sitewide notifications, a serious bug like this shows why that's a bit problematic especially if it's a Friday...)

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 20 May 2023 at 1:46 PM

(Thank you for saying what I was feeling.
I understand trying to work on a fix like this expediently can take a lot out of a person, and I'm really glad it did get fixed... But it would have been nice to even get a quick "patch applied / it *should* be working when the rite rolls over," so that we weren't all sitting around refreshing for hours on end, or worrying. I mean I still tried to get other things done, but even remembering to go and see if the refresh happened took time away from other tasks, and broke streams of thought.)

It seems like lately half the major problems cropped up on the weekend (just bad timing.) At least this one happened *before* Friday evening.

1,991 posts


Ian • 23 May 2023 at 1:59 PM

As you've all pointed out, we usually make bigger announcements about stuff like this when it goes totally wrong. The reason we didn't make an announcement this time around is because by the time we figured out the fix, it was already close to the next day (for the next feeds reset). The brief rundown is that:

1. There was a system task running in the background that created what's called a "deadlock" on clearing out feeds for the day. Rerunning the "clear feeds" job wasn't working. We didn't know why. This prevented feeds from being cleared out.

2. It was a very random fluke and we didn't know what system task was causing the deadlock.

3. By the time we DID figure out the fix, it was nearly midnight the next day (for feeds to reset). We chose to view it as a "water-under-the-bridge" sort of loss for the day.

We apologize for dropping the ball on communication here! ❤ī¸ Thanks for playing and for supporting.

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 23 May 2023 at 3:39 PM

Thank you Ian for the update/information regarding the matter!

2,952 posts


heatherm19 • 23 May 2023 at 6:05 PM

Yes, thank you SO much for the information! I'm really glad you finally figured out a fix. (And personally on my end, I'm not hugely website/coding savvy but I really enjoy knowing what happened behind the scenes and getting a better understanding on what went wrong.)
