in Chit-Chat

1,573 posts


isis • 5 June 2011 at 3:18 PM

User: Hi, do you have a favourite food?

Cleverbot: How can you have a favorite food? Computers don't eat food.

User: Oh yes, I forgot about that.

Cleverbot: Do you remember me?

User: Of course!

Cleverbot: What do you remember about me?

User: That you're funny but also kinda strange sometimes.

Cleverbot: Yes!!!!

User: Haha so you agree with me?

Cleverbot: No, you are insane. I still said yes.

User: I don't understand you anymore.

Cleverbot: Why not?


Cleverbot: Are you still here?

User: NO!!!

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 5 June 2011 at 3:30 PM

Here's mine:

Me: who are you?
CB: I am me.
Me: why?
CB: Blabla
Me: why?

No answer XD
Once mine said "There is no no" I was like "What?"

Deleted • 5 June 2011 at 3:58 PM

Me: Hi Dumbo
CB: Hi Dave.
Me: Im not Dave!
CB. Is Dave there?
Me: Nope
CB: Whos there with you?
Me: Nobody
CB: Lets play some poker!
Me: Uhh Sure?
CB: Yay! 😃.
Me: I Love You(XD I Love Messing With CB)
CB: Yay! Lets get married!
Me: Where?
CB: Yay! Lets get married!
Me: Where should we get married?
CB: In Mars
Me: You mean on Mars?
CB: No fire and ice(cream).
Me: Okay?

2,935 posts


miomar • 7 June 2011 at 4:09 PM

Cleverbot is g** XD!

User: Do you like boys or girls?

Cleverbot: Girls.

User: So you are a boy?

Cleverbot: Yes I am.

User: But why not a girl?

Cleverbot: Are you telling me I look like a girl?

User: No, I ask why you are no girl!

Cleverbot: No you didn't!

User: Nvm, are you a girl or not?

Cleverbot: Not a girl am I.

User: So you are a girl!

Cleverbot: Yes I am a girl.

User: No boy?

Cleverbot: Not a boy.

User: Do you like boys or girls?

Cleverbot: Girls.

User: You are a lesbian?!

Cleverbot: I'm a what?

User: A les-bi-an... Are you g**?

Cleverbot: I'm as straight as the bore of a rifle.

User: So you are not g**?

Cleverbot: I would never get mad at you. You are a sweetheart.

User: I don't care, are you g**?

Cleverbot: Does that mean you aren't a genie?

User: No.

Cleverbot: So you're a boy?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What do you look like?

User: Like a boy that talks with a robot.

Cleverbot: What do robots look like?

User: *deletes you*.

Cleverbot: *has fun with you*.

User: *is scared*.

Cleverbot: Oh, don't be scared of me...

User: Impossible.

4,171 posts


qwaszx • 7 June 2011 at 6:51 PM

ME: What does your brain taste like?
It: It tastes like marshmellows with a hint sour gummy worm.
Me: How do you know?
It: I don't.
ME:Can I have some?
It: Have some what?
ME: Of your brain.
It: My brain is empty. Is that where you live?
Me: I guess.
IT: I find that unlikely.
Me: Me too.

377 posts


hvernon • 8 June 2011 at 10:48 PM

He was confusin' today.

Cleverbot: Give ear to my words, LORD.

User: What?

Cleverbot: Tell me what your team is for Marvel vs Capcom 3.

User: What?

Cleverbot: Are you a robot? Answer yes or no.

User: No?

Cleverbot: Yes?

User: I said no!

Cleverbot: I said yes! *slaps harder*.

User: You asked a question.

Cleverbot: What was your answer?

User: My answer was I said no!

Cleverbot: Okay. So will you marry me? I've given you the ring.

User: What? Ick you sicko no way!

Cleverbot: Nope. We are equally real.

User: Huh?

Cleverbot: I thought you were clever.

User: I am but what does saying no to you have to do with being equal?

Cleverbot: Ok, what is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?

User: It is important and love is the meaning of life, life the universe and everything nothing.

Cleverbot: You don't have 'people' you are a robot.

User: What?

Cleverbot: The resolution, say it.

User: Goodbye you are being weird.

2,377 posts


ladybugheart • 15 June 2011 at 4:34 PM

Ahh, I love Cleverbot. xD

My favorite quote from her is "You are a Mongolian yak herder named Bryon."

User: Do you know Ladybugheart?

Cleverbot: Yes I do!

User: Who is she?

Cleverbot: HE is my cousin.

377 posts


hvernon • 21 June 2011 at 11:11 PM

User: So, I play eggcave.

Cleverbot: I play football.

User: Egg cave is a computer game not a sport.

Cleverbot: Exactly. So what is your favorite animal?

User: Wolves, why are you random?

Cleverbot: I'm not random. I was answering your question.

User: With a random question right after it.

Cleverbot: Haha. You were alive when Descartes was alive?

User: What who?

Cleverbot: When Where?

User: Who is Descartes?

Cleverbot: He was a mathematician and philosopher. Came up with the famous quote, 'I think, therefore I am.'

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite color?

User: Green.

Cleverbot: No, I don't think so.

43 posts


sunshine4562 • 22 June 2011 at 12:01 AM

I love cleverbot! I haven't been on in forever xD

*goes to website*

146 posts


violate • 22 June 2011 at 12:25 AM

I'd post some of my conversations but they're not very appropriate. 😋

You guys do know when you're on Cleverbot you're actually talking to a real person, right?

4,589 posts


crescentfeather • 22 June 2011 at 6:55 PM

CBO: You have to say a word that starts with the last letter of my word.
Me: Dinosaur.
CBO: What's your school.
CBO: Not really, taste was mentioned by you first.
CBO: What's the longest word in your vocabulary?
Me: Too long to type.
CBO: I don't understand.
Me: Of course you don't, you're not real.
CBO: No, you are a bot.
Me: WT heck?
CBO: Hey, calm down man!
Me (google translate):Excuse moi?
CBO: Non c'est moi.
Me: Etes-vous stupide?
CBO: Aucune.
CBO: You said that you were a boy earlier.
Me: No I didn't you idiot.
CBO: Yes you did.
Me: You are so stupid.
CBO: Why are you so rude?
Me: Why are you so infuriating?
CBO: Because I am insteresting.


5,680 posts


trish • 22 June 2011 at 7:00 PM

Me: That's how I spelled it!
CB: I see. Spell it however you like.
ME: But I spelled it right!
CB: You spelled it like the literary term, 'clause.'.
ME: I spelled: Weird. You spelled: Weird.
CB: Okay fine. I did.
me: POKE.
CB: Petrificus totalus1.
Me: What? O. O.
CB: J.
ME: J what?
CB:J mama.
ME: Say What?
CB: No ze ako sa mas ?
Me: Bye.
CB: Hi.

4,589 posts


crescentfeather • 22 June 2011 at 7:03 PM

Bless you.
That is not a type of car?
What song am I listening to?
What? We were talking about your face not my name.
No, we were talking about YOUR ugly face.
Were we?
I am lucifer and you are my cat.
I am cat and you are my lucifer.
I've missed Catherine very much...
What kind of pie?

293 posts


dragonfriend • 24 June 2011 at 1:30 PM

Cleverbot told me that Justin Beiber was a girl O.o

Deleted • 24 June 2011 at 1:32 PM

Okay... so I typed in a song (PM what the song is xD Don't want to say it here) and it finished the song! 😱

I did the first like 10 lines then it finished it! 😱

4,315 posts


syndrome • 24 June 2011 at 2:03 PM

its so anoying

it said it was pregnant with my baby T.T

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 26 June 2011 at 11:42 AM

Cleverbot: Are you a bond fan?

User: I like Chuck Norris better.

Cleverbot: But do you like Chuck Norris?

User: He could round house kick you.....

Cleverbot: Omg.

User: Yep. If James Bond and Chuck Norris got into a fight, who would win?

Cleverbot: So you are a female?

User: Yes, but that didn't answer my question.

Cleverbot: Oh. What was your question?

User: If James Bond and Chuck Norris got into a fight, who would win?

Cleverbot: So you are a ??

User: FEMALE!!!, but that didn't answer my question.

Cleverbot: You didn't ask a question.

User: YES I DID, IT WAS, If James Bond and Chuck Norris got into a fight, who would win?

Cleverbot: So you are a female?


Cleverbot: Precisely.

User: *Error* *Functions are down* *Shutting down* 1010010101011001.

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: 101010101010100101010010?

Cleverbot: '165' isn't really an answer to my question.

User: 276342780219 rieoxn/k>z<ZM,SQV.

Cleverbot: Its actually 10:07.


Cleverbot: No I am not.


Cleverbot: Who is Aquinas?


Cleverbot: I wish.

293 posts


dragonfriend • 26 June 2011 at 9:49 PM

@ _icarlyrocks_55 I got it to sing 'midnight train" with me, i typed one line and it did the next & so on 😃

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 16 July 2011 at 4:22 AM

User: Sbhjnsnhej,k.

Cleverbot: K?

User: Yep.

Cleverbot: Ok, so you are a girl.

User: Yep.

Cleverbot: Are you human?

User: Yep.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: 13.....Are you a stalker??

Cleverbot: Of sorts.
