
in Roleplaying

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 8:33 PM

Pretty much safe to assume that she does still have some as she gives out money in large amounts rather too frequently

Either way, they probably wouldn't hurt her for lying, they probably would threatedn her to pay up some money or they'll tell her family her new identity

Deleted • 23 June 2011 at 8:34 PM

@icymuffin they stole her from her house, she had just woken up. Its not like she has a sack of coins in her PJ's

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 8:36 PM

*pokes post* It says their money o_O

Deleted • 23 June 2011 at 8:38 PM

@icymuffin I know, I meant that she was a rich person pretending to be poor....

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 8:43 PM

Whut? I know that... o_O
Ah well... nevermind then

Jacqueline peeked out the door, but noticed that no one was following. She tossed the pouch over her shoulder and it landed with a pathetic 'thump.' What fun was it when they didn't chase you?, she thought to herself.
She wondered for a moment what they were possibly doing to the girl they took away but shrugged. Whatever it was, Jacqueline had more higher up things on her list to worry about...

Deleted • 23 June 2011 at 8:47 PM

@randomkitty17 Hello? Can Mau save her?
Tess ran even though she was hurt. She climbed into a hotel and knocked on a random door (Mau's door) and hoped someone was home.

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 23 June 2011 at 8:47 PM

Mau saw the girl from earlier, the one who had told her to hand out fliers. "Hey." she leaped down from her balcony with grace and smiled. "Hello. I'm sorry for being so rude earlier, I'm Mau, Six of Clubs." she took her hood off and her long black hair flowed down to her back. She didn't even hear the knock on her door.

@bluegirl80 she might 😉 but she doesn't hear the knock.

Deleted • 23 June 2011 at 8:51 PM

Tess tryed to turn the knob. Unlocked, "Yes!" she whispered to herself. She slipped inside and hid in the bathroom. Her wound burned like crazy and she tried to hold the tears back. Blood trickled down her leg. She grabbed some toilet paper and tried to make it stop bleeding. It made it worse. She screamed in pain.
@randomkitty17 can she hear the scream coming from her bathroom.

5,680 posts


trish • 23 June 2011 at 8:59 PM

Gracie overlooked the poster of the Masquerade. She took the flyer home. She could never play at their party. So she was gonna go for the fun of it. 'Oufit.' she thought. She was gonna rack up enough to buy something pretty. Or learn from thieves on how to steal one.

Deleted • 23 June 2011 at 9:05 PM

Tess had to flee. She jumped down out the window and tryed to blend in. She saw a brand new piccolo. "Great a chance to go see someone I know!" she gasped under her breath. She bought the piccolo and headed to Gracie.

5,680 posts


trish • 23 June 2011 at 9:09 PM

Gracie pondered with the flyer. "I wonder if I should go." she asked herself. She made a mental note to ask around town. She walked straight to the plaza.

Deleted • 23 June 2011 at 9:10 PM

Tess knocked on the door. "Please! Please!" she muttered under her breath.

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 9:20 PM

Jacqueline walked down the alleyway searching for the street musicians. There were plenty of them playing in the streets. many of them weren't half bad and The Queen did need a few for entertainment...
And not to mention a few waiters. Children were the best, Jackie was told, the high-class like them because some are more than willing to serve for the money.
She looked around for that street musician she noticed the other day...

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 23 June 2011 at 9:26 PM

Sarah woke up, and saw that Edgar had left. She shrugged, and started to go to the Hearst Villa.
Then, she saw the posters for the party EVERYWHERE. "This seems fun." Sarah laughed.
"Miss Hearst will make me baby-sit though." she grumbled.

5,680 posts


trish • 23 June 2011 at 9:31 PM

Gracie was sitting on a bench in the plaza, not one bit busy, and was just resting on a almost-full belly. 'Should I go to the party?' Gracie thought.

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 23 June 2011 at 9:37 PM

Mau walked away. "People. They just ignora ya...." she grumbled. She went to go sit in the plaza and eat the bread she had stolen earlier.

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 23 June 2011 at 9:40 PM

As Sarah walked though out the Plaza, sha saw that thief that she followed earlier. She snuck up behind her, and poked her in the back of the head.

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 9:41 PM

Jacqueline wandered about the plaza, weaving left and right through the plaza
"Oh! There you are... you're a musician aren't you?"

{I just noticed that that comment was directed at mah charrie ><" Sorry randomkitty17}

5,680 posts


trish • 23 June 2011 at 9:45 PM

Gracie looked up. "Yes I am. How may I help you?"

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 23 June 2011 at 9:49 PM

@icymuffin is okay *pat pat*

Mau turned around. "Huh? Who are you....?" she asked.

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 9:54 PM

Jacqueline pointed at the signs scattered everywhere around the city.
"The Queen would like to have you and a few other street musicians perform during the Masquerade. She would like for you to gather a group of other street performers and work together in such a way that the guess will like. The better reaction they give, the higher pay you will earn from this chance. Deal?"

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 23 June 2011 at 9:55 PM

" I was the one you held at knife piont yesterday. Well, with you being a thief, that might not narrow it down,so, i'm the one who offered you better thiefing advice yesterday." Sarah told the thief, poking her again.

5,680 posts


trish • 23 June 2011 at 9:56 PM

"So I have to gather them?" Gracie asked cautiously.

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 23 June 2011 at 10:01 PM

"Hah. Well, I certainly get held at knife point often." Mau joked. "I'm Mau. A Six of Clubs. Please stop poking me." she shoved Sarah's hand away.

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 10:06 PM

"Easier for you than me. You know how musicians think don't you?" she asked mockingly before tossing to Gracie an oblong box
"Be careful with it, it's brand new and one of a kind. You going to take the deal or not? 'The Queen' needs musicians." she asked once more, now with a sharper edge to her voice

5,680 posts


trish • 23 June 2011 at 10:10 PM

What's in the box? O. o

Gracie accepted the box. "I got it." Gracie said.

9,371 posts


taffy789 • 23 June 2011 at 10:13 PM

- I have to go 😋 -

"Okay, i'll back off." Sarah laughed. "I'm Sarah, 5 of hearts."

4,672 posts


icymuffin • 23 June 2011 at 10:14 PM

What is long(er than it is wide) & makes pretty noises & fits your charries situation at the moment? XD

She nodded and bowed slightly. "The Queen will be pleased to hear."
Jacqueline backed away to leave the plaza...

5,680 posts


trish • 23 June 2011 at 10:19 PM

A pickle? 😃

2,270 posts


randomkitty17 • 23 June 2011 at 10:25 PM

@trish pickles make pretty noises and you will give it to the Queen? XD
